20 Ways to Look Good in Photos

By on March 21, 2015

In an age where people are overwhelmed with social media such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, there is no escaping the importance of taking the perfect snap. Whether you admit it or not, you will never love the idea of your friend posting an ugly picture of you online. That is exactly what happens most of the time. You spend a good amount of time trying to perfect your pose, and just when you think your picture will look as fabulous as Lady Di, you end up looking like a monster from the Hell Raiser series.

There really isn’t a lot you can do to change your face (unless you are into plastic surgery and all that). However, the pictures of your face can turn out to be much better than they do. All you have to do is stick to some basic tips on how to look spectacular in photos. These are elementary tricks and photo hacks that will make you look charming even when you are having a bad hair day. Before you know it, you’ll become the most photogenic person in your bunch, and those Facebook likes and Instagram followers will be rising faster than you could ever keep count.

The days on envying people on social media are gone. It’s time to become a beautiful, remarkable and outrageously photogenic entity on your social media. That’s why we prepared for you a list of 20 easy ways to look good in photos. Enjoy and promise to learn these simple tricks.

  1. No more blinking.
Emma Watson

Emma Watson

If you are the kind of person who tends to blink a lot during taking pictures, and ends up with half-closed eyes in the photos, then you should try blinking just before the picture is taken. Blink before the camera clicks, so that at the time when the snap is complete, your eyes will remain wide open.

  1. Avoid the double chin.


Pictures of you with double chins can really make you hate yourself. The simplest way to avoid that is by simply stretching out your neck and pushing your face forward to a certain extent. (don’t force it out like a tortoise coming out of a shell). Doing this may cause some awkwardness, but it’ll be worth the effort once the picture has been taken.

  1. Nail the makeup.
Kristen Stewart

Kristen Stewart

If you opt to put makeup on, then it has to be a seamless match. The slightest of errors in makeup are very easily highlighted in pictures. When the foundation is too heavy on your skin, the flash from the camera makes it very obvious that you have overdone your makeup. The makeup on your face has to be matched to the one on your skin in order for your photo to turn out good.

  1. Find a pattern.


Even if your pictures turn out bad generally, you will still have some photos that are good enough to blow your crush’s mind away. Take a look at those photos and try to figure out a pattern. The pattern could be in your facial expression, in the way your positioned, or the pose you are trying to pull off. Once you taken note of the pattern, try to replicate that in your next picture.

  1. Use the red carpet trick.
Angelina Jolie

Angelina Jolie

This is something that a lot of celebrities probably use to look stunning in their pictures. All you have to do is place your tongue at the back of your teeth and then smile. This prevents you from grinning too wide and looking freaky like the Joker from Batman.

  1. Pay attention to your eyebrows.
 Cara Delevigne

Cara Delevigne

Believe it or not, but the eyebrows can make or break your picture. Depending on how you fill them in, they can make you look stressed out or energetic. The last thing you want is a picture of you where you look like an exhausted 40 year old person who is going through a mid-life crisis.

  1. Get that shine on your hair.
Blake Lively

Blake Lively

Shiny hair makes your photos far more appealing. You could use hairsprays to bring out the glow in your flocks. The more you flaunt your hair, the more eye-catching your picture will turn out to be.

  1. Eliminate red eyes.
Megan Fox

Megan Fox

Look at a light source before taking a picture. This will constrict your pupils and lower the chances of a red eye when taking the picture.

  1. Be a little shy.
Selena Gomez

Selena Gomez

If you are taking a picture with your significant other, you shouldn’t put on a mundane and blunt expression. A cute little blush reflects your shyness, which many people find very cute online. Think of it in this way, one quick blush equates to one hundred quick Facebook likes.

  1. Keep your eyes sparkly.
Ashwaria Rai

Ashwaria Rai

The sparkle in your eyes is very important to being photogenic. To get your eyes shining, you could use drops of Visine that will make your eyes look brighter and make you look wide awake. Just make sure not to pour too much on the eyes, or else you’ll end up looking like a cry baby.

  1. Get your angles correct.
Monica Bellucci

Monica Bellucci

This should be an easy task for those who were good in geometry. Never look at the camera straight up. That looks awkward and robotic. Instead, turn your head at a certain angle. Expose the better half of your face. That makes the picture far more appealing.

  1. Hands on hips.
 Jennifer Lawrence

Jennifer Lawrence

This next posture is specifically for the girls (and the boys who are goofy enough to imitate them). Place the hands on the hips, angle your body to the side, and turn your face towards the camera like a celebrity in the limelight. As a matter of fact, this clichéd pose is called the “Red Carpet Pose”.

  1. Choose the right background.
Nicole Kidman

Nicole Kidman

Standing in front of a black or dark coloured background is never a wise idea. Instead, stand in front of something white. It accentuates the colour of your clothes and makes you look much sharper and brighter.

  1. Photo from above.
Taylor Swift

Taylor Swift

Have you ever noticed how photos taken from below your eye level do not look as attractive as the ones taken from above your eye level. Regardless of your taking a selfie or having someone else take your picture (which has become such a rarity nowadays) make sure that the picture is taken from a certain height above your head. This will give the picture a certain dynamic factor.

  1. The more, the better.
Kendall Jenner and Kylie Jenner

Kendall Jenner and Kylie Jenner

The more pictures you take, the better you will get at it. Photography is a simple game of averages. Just because you are not innately photogenic does not mean that you will never be one. Photo bomb as many pictures as you can and barge into as many group photos as you can. The more acquainted people will be with your face, the better it will appear to them. Besides, it helps you get rid of the awkwardness of taking pictures.

  1. Twilight is perfect light. 19

This has nothing to do with Edward or Bella. Twilight hours are actually the best time to take a photograph. The warm glow of the sun adds a sense of tranquillity to your picture that cannot be attained at any other time of the day. So whenever you witness a beautiful sunrise or sunset, make sure to start clicking away on your camera.

  1. To pout or not to pout. 

    Nicki Minaj

    Nicki Minaj

Pouting is a hit or miss kind of deal when it comes to photos. Some people look absolutely fabulous when pouting, while others look hilarious. You need to experiment with your photos and find out which category you belong to. One pout at times can make you an overnight sensation on social media.

  1. Dress boldly 

    Arlenis Sosa

    Arlenis Sosa

A picture of you in an oversized t-shirt isn’t going to catch too much of attention unless you are Kim Kardashian. Therefore, put on bold and visually striking clothes before clicking that shutter. With that being said, polka dotted clothing is not recommended.

  1. Filtering is ok.
Maggie Q

Maggie Q

If you think adding filters to your images does not make a difference then you are dead wrong. Try out all the filters that are available in your photo app. You never know which one’s going to make your ordinary photo into a million dollar one.

  1. No saying “cheese”.
Katy Perry

Katy Perry

Saying cheese makes you exude a fake smile. When it comes to pictures, fake smiles aren’t the best option. Try to chat with the photographer before taking the photo and come up with a natural, spending and blissful smile.

There you have it, these are the 20 awesome tricks that will make you far more photogenic than you could have ever dreamed of becoming. Just keep these tips in mind before taking photos from now on, and you will soon become a star. Oh, and as a last word of advice, don’t forget to use a catchy caption for your photos.

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