How To Lose Arm Fat Fast

By on March 13, 2014

We all have a problem area on our bodies. For some of us it’s our unladylike thighs, for others it’s our unsightly muffin top and for far too many of us it’s our jiggly arms. Yes, excess arm fat is a problem far too many of us suffer from, even the slimmest of us too I’m afraid to say. When it’s all covered up by our sleeves it’s not too much of an issue but what happens when summer comes and we want to wear that gorgeous sleeveless dress or a bikini? We don’t want our ‘bingo wings’ spoiling our look! No way, we want lovely, slim arms that we can be proud of. Don’t panic though, ladies, just because you’ve got a bit of excess arm fat just now doesn’t mean things have to stay that way. There are things you can do to help you slim down your arms and tone them up. Follow this list of twenty tips on how to lose arm fat fast and in no time at all you’ll be dying to show off your lovely arms…


1. Workout With Resistance Bands


When I was trying to tone my arms, I found the absolute best exercises were the ones done with a resistance band. You can pick up a resistance band from your local sports shop and it will either come with a list of suggested exercises or you can find more online. Working out with a resistance band is great as you can just stand in front of the TV while strengthening and toning your arms – I found it was great fun! My only tip is don’t overdo it, if you’re just a beginner that’s okay, it takes time to build up your strength and endurance.


2. Stretch Regularly


If, like me, you don’t have a very active job and are sitting behind a desk all day or something similar, it’s likely you don’t get much exercise during working hours. This can cause your arms to become lazy and store fat, possibly causing your problem area. To combat this, try getting up every hour and stretching your muscles, giving particular focus to your arms. This will help your blood to circulate through your veins better too.


3. Walk


Despite all the recommended exercise you get for blasting arm fat, I’m afraid you can’t spot reduce a certain area of your body, that’s why it’s important you workout all your body. Set aside a bit of time each day to go for a walk and you’ll find your burring more calories than you would otherwise. Walking’s great because it’s so leisurely and helps you to lose weight without even realising it.


4. Jumping Jacks


Jumping jacks are fantastic – fact! I love them and aim to do them daily. Every time I get up from my desk I force myself to do fifty, that way throughout the day I’m getting a workout without really taking up any time at all. As you jump, you work your abs, your arms, your inner thighs and your calfs, meaning you get a full body workout. Start off just doing a few at a time and increase the number as you build up your endurance. As well as being great for your arms, jumping jacks are a great form of cardio too so they keep your heart and lungs healthy as well.


5. Push Ups


I know, I know, I can hear you all groaning at just the thought of doing push ups. They’re awful, right? Well, while they may seem a pain to do, they’re amazing at toning your arms while giving you a defined and flat stomach. If you find doing real pushups hard, start off by resting on your knees. If you can’t do too many at once, don’t worry. Start off small and work your way up. Perhaps add a rep each day or go that bit lower. Your arms will be toned in no time!


6. Invest In A Medicine Ball


Medicine balls, they’re those overweight basketball things? Right? Right! You may never have used one before and I’m betting some of you weren’t even sure what they were but trust me when I say they’re amazing. They make your workout so much fun so you hardly notice you’re exercising. There are loads of exercises you can do with a medicine ball to tone up your arms so, instead of rambling on, I’ll simply direct you to the world wide web (more specifically, YouTube) and insist you have a browse.


7. Yoga


Yoga is great for so many reasons I can’t count them all. It’s great for helping you de-stress and relax, for helping you to strengthen your core, for increasing flexibility and not to mention toning up – mainly those pesky arms. You may think it’s not for you but I recommend giving it a chance. Don’t knock it until you try it, you might find yourself pleasantly surprised. And don’t worry if you don’t want to join a class, there are plenty of DVDs you can follow in the comfort of your own home.


8. Exercise DVDs


Speaking of exercise DVDs, there are plenty of them you can buy that will help you to tone up your arms. A lot of them will focus solely on your arms too. They range in time from anything from ten minutes to an hour so anyone can fit them into their busy daily routines. Simply set aside a space of time each morning and press play. Starting your day by exercising is also a great way to get you motivated for the day ahead too.


9. Go Swimming


Swimming is a great way to tone your body, especially your arms. All the different strokes include your arms and the subtle yet forceful resistance of the water adds to your workout. Within a few weeks of regular swimming you’ll find yourself toning up all over and your arm fat will be vanishing.


10. Dancing


Whether you believe it or not, dancing is a great way to help you eliminate that excess arm fat. You don’t have to join a class or anything fancy like that, just stick on your favourite CD and dance around your living room for thirty minutes each day. You’ll be moving your arms without even realising it while giving the rest of your body a workout too. Dancing is great for you all round, not just for your arms.


11. Believe You Can Do It


Seeing as we’re just over half way through this list, I’m going to throw it out there that you need to have confidence in yourself when you’re trying to tone up or lose weight. If you don’t believe you can do it then you never will, fact.  Give yourself rewards when you reach each of your mini goals to keep yourself focussed and spur yourself on each day. You can do this, you’re worth it so don’t give up!


12. Jump Rope


Chances are, a lot of you haven’t jumped rope since you were a child but I highly advise you start. It’s a great form of cardio that works out your arms and your legs, not to mention it’s kind of fun too! You may not be able to do it for long at first but stick at it, it will come with time, as will those beautiful arms.


13. Lift Wights


One of the best ways to change the fat on your arms into muscle is to lift weights. Don’t worry, weight lifting won’t make you look all bulky like you may think, it makes you look toned and slender while building up your strength. If you don’t fancy weight lifting every day, why not invest in a set of weights you can attach to your wrists and wear them while you dance or walk. This may not seem like much bur trust me it makes a massive difference to your workout.


14. Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate!


I’ve said it before and I’ll likely say it many times more – you need to drink plenty of water. I cannot stress how important that fact it! Whether you’re trying to lose that extra fat or not, you need to drink six to eight glasses of water per day to stay in tip top health. It’s great because it flushes the toxins out of your body, keeps your skin looking great and keeps you healthy. When it comes to losing that extra fat, water helps to keep you full so you don’t eat to excess, therefore you’re taking in less calories and burning them off your body instead.


15. Count Those Calories


As with when you’re trying to lose any type of fat, you need to take a look at how many calories you’re eating. It’s recommended that women eat two thousand calories per day to remain the same weight but if you’re trying to lose weight I recommend you cut down (just be sure you don’t eat less than twelve hundred calories to remain healthy). With dieting you can’t pick and choose where you want to lose fat from however but on the plus side this means you’ll be losing pounds and inches all over your body, not just your pesky arms.


16. Eat Healthy


Speaking of calories – just because you’re counting them doesn’t mean you can fill up on chocolate bars and stop eating when you reach your limit. Losing weight and fat is as much about what you eat as how much. You need to have a well rounded balanced diet or else your arm fat is going no where. If you need some tips, try reading one of my other articles 50 Healthy Foods To Lose Weight.


17. Boxing 


As I’m sure you can imagine, boxing is a great way to help you lose arm fat seeing as you’re throwing so many punches and jabs. The great news is, you don’t have to sign up to a class to do it either (unless you want to, of course) or even own a pair of boxing gloves. Simply make a space in your house and start mimicking all the moves. This is where a set of wrist weights would come in handy for even better results too. Just set up in front of your TV and get punching, easy!


18. Herbal Supplements


To give your arm fat a little extra kick out the door, you might want to consider a herbal supplement to speed up the process. You’ll find the internet littered with hundreds of these ‘miracle’ supplements that claim to burn off fat but please, please don’t even consider them. Instead, if you think a herbal supplement may suit you, visit your doctor or chemist to get advice on what you should be taking and what actually works.


19. Don’t Give Up


While these may all be tips to help you lose arm fat fast, keep in mind that there is and never will be an overnight fix to your problem. You have to work hard and eat right, all the while staying patient and pushing yourself to hold on. Keep in mind why you’re working so hard, why you don’t want to eat that bar of chocolate. I always find it helps to have a picture of what I’m aiming up somewhere I’ll see it each day or knowing that I’ll get a reward when I reach my goal. And remember, the bigger the reward (alongside your fab new look, of course) the harder you’ll work for it.


20. Cosmetic Surgery


First off, let me start by saying that this should only be your absolute last resort. Secondly, you should only really consider it if you’ve already lost an awful lot of weight and have been left with sagging skin on your arms and in other places too. Any reputable doctor/surgeon won’t even consider you for skin removal surgery if you’re overweight or haven’t bothered to exercise as it’s likely you can manage to lose your excess arm fat naturally. That’s why it’s important you follow all the previous tips (possibly several times over!) before you even consider this tip. It’s expensive, it’s painful and it should always be a last resort.


  1. Avatar


    May 2, 2014 at 2:28 am

    Soooo many great tips. I have been noticing that lately my arms are getting flabby and I don’t like it one bit. Now, I will definitely take what you recommended into consideration and try out these tips. I can’t wait to have toned up arms again!

    • web admin

      web admin

      March 27, 2015 at 4:14 pm

      I am really happy to hear that this article has helped you, Mary! HerInterest has a lot of great articles about fitness and dieting. I really love this one because it has so many tips that are completely doable. There is also a great article about 50 Healthy Foods to Lose Weight that is really helpful to read.

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    April 28, 2014 at 7:51 am

    Bye bye bingo wings and underarm cleavage… Stretching, yoga and dancing I like but I’ll skip the jumping rope… And if hydrating, eating well and taking herbal supplements help, I’m all for it!! Love your tips. They don’t make exercise sound all that daunting!

    • web admin

      web admin

      April 1, 2015 at 8:36 pm

      Bingo wings! I had never heard that euphemism before! How funny! I agree with your exercise plan. I am fine with yoga, dancing and eating healthier, but I am really not fond of jumping rope. I hope that these tips worked well for you, Cyndi!

  3. Avatar


    April 24, 2014 at 8:37 pm

    I have a little pouch of arm fat that just doesn’t seem to go away. Thanks so much for these great suggestion, Many of them I actually used to do, back when I didn’t have arm fat, such as swimming, jumping jacks and good old fashioned walking. It makes me think that maybe I should get back to a point where I am walking more.

    • web admin

      web admin

      April 1, 2015 at 8:38 pm

      It is so hard to reverse arm fat once you get it– you are my hero, Sarah! With a bit of extra work and a lot of time, you can get your body to look exactly the way that you want it to. Good luck on your fitness journey!

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    Shelley dudley

    April 24, 2014 at 7:57 pm

    Arm fat could be very awful, negatively affecting your looks. These tips of yours are surely helpful. One thing in common with all recommendations here is that they are easy to perform, not strenuous nor tasking. They can be easily integrated into one’s daily life. In my own opinion, the most important point you have listed here is believe. When we believe we can do it, we have crossed the first and most important hurdle. Thanks for the share.

    • web admin

      web admin

      April 1, 2015 at 8:39 pm

      You are very right, Shelley! I find that the easier workout plans to stick to are the ones that you actually enjoy doing. If you dread going to the gym everyday, you are going to find it really hard to stick to the same plan over the next few weeks and months. Thank you very much for leaving a comment–I hope you take time to enjoy some of the other articles on HerInterest!

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    April 24, 2014 at 4:14 pm

    Great suggestion using wrist weights while walking. If you use transit for work, you could get off a couple stops early with your wrist weights in tow, and walk the rest of the way to work. By the time you’re at your desk, you’ve already worked out!

    • web admin

      web admin

      April 1, 2015 at 8:42 pm

      Wrist weights are a wonderful idea, aren’t they? I sometimes use ankle weights as well–they are such an easy way to boost the amount of exercise you get everyday. Plus, they are a great tool for people who have a busy schedule and cannot make time to actually go to a gym and workout.

  6. Avatar


    April 24, 2014 at 10:18 am

    Thank you very much for sharing these helpful tips. I never thought that walking was a great way to lose arm fat. I should walk more then!

    • web admin

      web admin

      April 1, 2015 at 8:48 pm

      Walking is a really great exercise because you can do it for your entire life. Often, we focus far too much on intense aerobics, stair steppers and weight lifting before getting burned out. Instead of going for extreme intensity and hardcore workouts that we cannot maintain, it would be so much better if everyone switched to healthy, doable exercises that they could do throughout their lives.

  7. Avatar


    April 24, 2014 at 7:29 am

    My “wing bat” arms have always been the butt of my family’s and friends’ jokes and I was actually surprised to read that simple things like hydration, stretching and herbal supplements combined with some exercises and practices that benefit our entire body, like swimming and yoga can help with this problem area. I have a medicine ball somewhere in the house and my sister swears by it! I think we are going to have to share the ball now!

    • web admin

      web admin

      April 1, 2015 at 8:53 pm

      These simple tips can actually help even more than your arms! You would be surprised by how much diet, supplements, stretching and hydration can do to tone your body. Enjoy using the medicine ball–they really are great workout tools. Have fun!

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    Purvi Kantariya

    April 22, 2014 at 1:55 pm

    Few years ago, I had fat arms but not anymore..
    At present I don’t have fat arms. It I possible because of swimming, yoga and stretching..
    I suggest all girls to try any of these if you don’t want fat arms and I also want to say that if possible then don’t do surgery. It may have some side effects…

    • web admin

      web admin

      April 1, 2015 at 8:57 pm

      That is such a great thing to hear, Purvi! Perhaps your story will serve as an inspiration to all of the other women and girls who are currently stuck with fat arms. Through workouts and diet, everyone can ultimately get their arms to be as toned as yours. Thank you for your inspirational advice, Purvi!

  9. Avatar


    April 22, 2014 at 1:12 am

    I like doing arm exercises that also work my shoulders too, since I have broad shoulders and want to minimize that entire area as much as I can by toning it up. Going along with the medicine ball tip, I also use a kettlebell, which is a great workout tool too. I like jumping jacks too because my kids can do them with me and they think we’re playing!

    • web admin

      web admin

      April 1, 2015 at 9:00 pm

      That is a great idea. Getting your kids involved is fun for them, but it also means that you can tire them out really well during the day. At least, you can hope that it tires them out.

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    April 21, 2014 at 3:39 pm

    I think it’s the worst thing ever when you’re waving hello and goodbye and you can feel the skin flapping under your bicep! I only started to notice it once I reached forty so I imagine I need to really focus on that area. I like the resistance bands and swimming. Light weights with many reps will help too…I just hope it’s in time for summer!

    • web admin

      web admin

      April 1, 2015 at 9:08 pm

      I agree; it is a truly terrible feeling. Plus, you always end up with a bit more skin after you have just lost weight. As you tone up your arms and lose weight, you can try staying hydrated and using shea butter to help boost the elasticity in your arms. It will still take time for your skin’s elasticity to bounce back (pardon the pun), but it will speed things up a bit!

  11. Avatar


    April 21, 2014 at 10:57 am

    Struggling with your arm fat is so hard… Great that you put so much diverse tips in here, it is so boring when posts only tell you to do some push ups and that’s it. I hate push ups. They are no fun and sometimes a bit hard for me. I love the jumping rope tip by the way.

    • web admin

      web admin

      April 1, 2015 at 9:13 pm

      What makes arm fat worse is that there are so few workouts that are tailored to it! Every fitness magazine has articles about cardiovascular exercise, fat burning and ab workouts, but I never see articles for women that are targeted on the arms! Push-ups are an obvious, old-school solution, but they are the least enjoyable way to exercise that there is. I am glad this article was able to help you!

  12. Avatar

    Lynn S

    April 21, 2014 at 2:08 am

    This is a great article because so many women are afraid to really work their arms because they think they will get huge muscles like men do. Not true! Arms can look amazing if you work them and I especially love swimming and weights for my arms. Tricep dips are effective too! Great list!

    • web admin

      web admin

      April 1, 2015 at 9:15 pm

      I have heard that myth so many times! It is completely untrue–women lack the testosterone that men have. Unless you spend hours a day doing a body builder workout with a professional trainer, your arms will never bulk up. It just really is not a worry for women. Also, thank you for the advice about tricep dips–those are so fun!

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    Francis Woods

    April 20, 2014 at 2:20 pm

    Arm fat is my enemy! No matter what I do, I still can’t get rid of it; I will try your tips and see if I can finally get rid of that flab once and for all. Thank you!

    • web admin

      web admin

      April 1, 2015 at 9:16 pm

      Keep trying! Also, make sure that you are drinking plenty of water. In addition to helping with your fat burning, hydration will help to make your skin more elastic. Keep trying and don’t give up!

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    Jane White

    April 19, 2014 at 3:58 pm

    It has been a challenge for most women to loose fat in their arm. But this information comes in a timely manner as I have friends who are interested in this. I love your recommended exercise as they are simple and more like every day routine. I sure have found something awesome here worth sharing with friends.

    • web admin

      web admin

      April 1, 2015 at 9:18 pm

      Everyday routines are the best way to stay in shape over a lifetime. If working out is part of your daily life, you will just get used to doing it. Waking up with a yoga session, going for a hike on the weekend or swimming in the afternoons can all be part of a lifetime fitness plan.

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    Jennifer Davis

    April 16, 2014 at 3:18 pm

    This is my weak spot! I’ve tried some of the tips presented in this article and I am very satisfied with the results that yoga sessions bring. I’ve started taking yoga classes three months ago and I there is a huge difference in the way my arms appear. I might try few other techniques from this article too. Thanks!

    • web admin

      web admin

      April 1, 2015 at 9:25 pm

      I am happy to hear that you have already started to get results! Have you tried hot yoga? The results are faster and more intense, but the workout is one of the steamiest, sweatiest, most intense fitness regimens that I have ever done. It works faster, but the effort level is extreme!

  16. Avatar


    April 16, 2014 at 3:17 am

    Nice tips.. Jumping jacks is the best one among all these tips as due to my busy schedule in the office, I hardly get time for a workout. So, this will be the best thing to do for me. Just take a short break and start jumping in a secluded place…lol

    • web admin

      web admin

      April 1, 2015 at 9:26 pm

      Jumping jacks are a great idea because you do not even need a gym to do them! I have been trying to include some of the ideas on this list when I am just at home. If I am waiting for the microwave to cook or the teapot to heat up, I try to do stretches or exercises as a quick, simple way to get a workout in. It seems like you are using the same type of fitness plan!

  17. Avatar


    April 15, 2014 at 10:19 pm

    Hmmm if walking helps my arm fat, then why do I still have some;) ? I would add softball to this list, it always naturally toned my arms.

    • web admin

      web admin

      April 1, 2015 at 9:28 pm

      Softball is a great idea. All of these exercises will help to tone and strengthen your arms. Unfortunately, you may still have to lose some of your body fat if you want to get the toned arms that you want–the fat could be hiding your muscle tone. Good luck!

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    Lisa Felton

    April 15, 2014 at 9:27 pm

    Though these ideas all seem great (I’ve even been trying a few: medicine ball, push ups), I think I may have to go the route of cosmetic surgery. The muscle is pretty toned underneath, its just the skin that is super flabby. I’ve managed to lose 45 pounds (yay!) but my arms are bothering me enough to consider surgery… glad this article mentioned it, makes me not feel so bad for wanting to do it.

    • web admin

      web admin

      April 2, 2015 at 4:40 pm

      It is always hard to get the skin back to normal after a drastic weight loss. Congratulations on losing so much weight! You obviously are doing something right! If you wait for the skin to bounce back, it could take a couple of years, but you would avoid the costs and risks of cosmetic surgery. Really, the decision is up to you. Just be careful!

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    Annie Marie Peters

    April 13, 2014 at 10:03 pm

    Ah! Great article. I’ve lost almost 50 pounds over the past year, but I’m still struggling with fat arms. If I continue to count calories alone, will the fat ever come off? Or is it necessary to work my arms out specifically every day? Thanks for your blog!

    • web admin

      web admin

      April 2, 2015 at 4:44 pm

      Workout out your arms every day will help to build some muscle and make them look toned. If there is too much fat hiding the muscle, your arms will still appear flabby. Unfortunately, the only way to really remove body fat is through diet and exercise. You cannot just spot remove fat, so you cannot just focus on getting rid of the fat on your arms.

  20. Avatar


    April 13, 2014 at 3:16 am

    You have a lot of great suggestions for toning arms, but you forgot a great one! Rock climbing is a fantastic workout and does wonders against arm-fat! The wonderful thing about climbing is that the workout is functional and you work your body in all directions pushing muscles through a complete range of motion in a way that you can’t replicate in the gym.

    • web admin

      web admin

      April 2, 2015 at 4:45 pm

      You are absolutely right! Rock climbing is an amazing exercise for your entire body. Plus, it is a lot more fun than going to a basic aerobics class. Thank you for the great recommendation, Marilee!

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