How To Make Him Miss You
Want to make a man to really miss you? The best way is to make him crazy about you in the first place. Of course there is then some actual tactics for making him miss you. So let’s have a look at what you can do to create excitement when dating or in a relationship and how to actually make him miss you.
1) Never Be Too Accessible
Women have a funny tendency to reschedule their whole life to fit into their guy’s schedule. If a girl likes someone she wants to be with him. And especially in the beginning of a relationship it’s only too easy too reschedule everything you’ve got going on to make sure you get to see him, because you want to, right? Well, to make him want you, you might have to ensure you live your life.
Having your own life makes you attractive. First of all, because it makes you happy. You have time to further your friendships, career, do exercising and spend time doing what you love. It shows you have character and won’t bend to his every wish as well. Secondly, it gives him time to miss you. And even if he misses you every day, giving him a little extra time to do so just increases his wish to see you.
2) Don’t Text Every Second
Yes, sometimes it’s nice to get caught up in a deep, raunchy or flirtatious conversation with your guy over text, but again, it’s important not to loose track of everything else. Make sure you show him you have a life by sometimes being too busy to reply. Because let’s face it – you are. If you are at work, hanging with your friends, or at the gym, you don’t have time to text him every second. Whilst it’s nice to sometimes reply promptly and most certainly you shouldn’t wait an hour to reply to a simple question that needs answering, you have to focus on your life and what’s happening around you and then reply when you have a moment. Not constantly taking a moment to reply.
3) Let Him Know You Have Friends
A guy will feel more special when you have time for him if he sees how many friends you have. Make sure to include him in a few outings with friends so he knows you have an awesome social life. And if you don’t have one – get one. Plenty of things to do to introduce you to new people, from dance classes to meet up groups and everything in between.
4) Make Him Know Other Guys Want You
If he knows other guys are interested in you, he will be sure to miss you even more. Why? Because you could be with all those other guys who have the hots for you and then he will be missing out and fearing they might win you over.
5) Wear Your Awesome Wardrobe
OK, so maybe he won’t miss you because of your wardrobe, but if you looked awesome last time he saw you, then he will seriously miss you when you leave. It’s just a thing guys have – look hot and they will miss you!
6) Have a Scent
This may sound a little weird but scent is a really powerful memory trigger. Ever dated someone who wore a specific perfume and then when you met someone else with that perfume you had a sudden flashback? Or a certain scent you’ve come across has suddenly pulled you back in time to a specific place you associate with that scent? Well, if you wear a certain scent, like a certain body lotion, an essential oil, or perfume, then he will remember you when he smells that. And if you stayed the night he will miss you when he smells the scent on your pillow.
7) Take a Vacation
If you’ve dated someone for a while, especially if you are living together, make sure to spend some time apart. Even if you both have busy schedules and need to take time off to spend time together, also do go away for a weekend on your own. It will give you perspective and a chance to truly miss each other, not just because of hectic schedules.
If you’ve broken up with someone who you’d like to get back, going away for a while can help you get perspective on your life and come back as a new, happier and more attractive person. The happier you become, the more someone will miss you as they think they are missing out on this new happy you.
8) Be Happy
As just mentioned – if you show you are happy, people will long to be with you. It’s natural. Whilst we can’t always be happy and we all go through challenging periods (and that’s absolutely OK), always focus on creating a life you are happy with, as well as building your inner confidence. If you are joyous then people will gravitate towards you and miss your company when you are not there.
9) Make Good Memories Together
Remember that guy who used to make you laugh? The perfect fling you had one summer that was such an adventure? Or the guy who it was just fun being around? The more incredible experiences someone associate you with, the more they will miss you because they do, indeed, associate you with happiness.
10) Spice It Up
All relationships get dull at times – work and life in general tend to throw in challenges and we lose focus on other things. Like just taking time off to have a good time. We are too caught up in the challenges. So set time aside to work on your relationship. Ensure you do go on those date nights, take a vacation together or simply get out to do fun things together.
If your relationship is spicy enough, or your date nights are, then there is excitement. There is a thrill. And men will come back for more of that sort.
11) Do Something New
When you do things that release adrenaline, like going paintballing, zip lining or surfing, you automatically fall in love easier (it’s scientifically proven – potentially something to do with rescuing princesses out of towers and slaying dragons could be related to this). Likewise, exploring new fields together, whether adrenaline kicks or not, make people bond. So ensure that you explore novelty with your guy. Habits are good, but don’t get stuck in a rut!
Needless to say the more you go on exciting adventures together, whether intellectual, spiritual, emotional, or physical the more your man will miss you when you’re not there.
12) The Bedroom
If you have a relationship that’s sexually active with someone, then explore that aspect too. Learn about how to increase intimacy. From having a candle lit dinner where you actually look each other in the eye to getting adventurous in the bedroom. There are many ways to be flirtatious as well that aren’t directly sexual. Play. Have fun. And spice it up. One of the reason men are so into getting it on is that it’s a way to bond. Whilst women bond through cuddling more so, men bond through sex. And for them to miss you, they first have to bond with you. Of course, that’s not an excuse to get sexual with someone you are unsure of though. if they aren’t your best friend yet, you probably don’t want them in the bedroom. Most long-lasting relationships start with a longer courtship with no sex.
Image Source: Pinterest
By Maria Montgomery – Maria is a freelance writer, director and social entrepreneur. She’s also the spokesperson for The Little Angels Community Center and an avid blogger. You can find her somewhere between Cape Town, London and L.A., where you will most likely find her in the hills, looking out over the city she loves. @OhMyMontgomery
August 21, 2015 at 8:34 pm
Thanks admin for such a long response. I can’t for any other person except him i mean i dont know how to get out of this situation as well as if i come out i don’t think i can move on. If i don’t ask him for marriage then still whats the need if he saya love me or not? Because he cares for me. He says i am the perfect but the place for marriage is not for any girl not any in this world.
web admin
August 22, 2015 at 5:47 pm
There are many couples who think that marriage is just another piece of paper–and they are right. The important part of a marriage is the love and commitment that both partners have. Are you guys living together? Have you made your relationship exclusive? After three years, some level of commitment like living together, dating exclusively or just being their for each other is fair to expect.
August 21, 2015 at 5:22 pm
I have a boy friend. I am in love with but he says, he doesn’t love me even we are in sex relationship. He can’t live without me nd he wants to meet after every two weeks. He likes nd enjoy my company. He says nothing bad in you but due to he married 6 years back nd he just don’t want to get married again so that’s why he doesn’t love me. Tell me what to do get him fall n we are together for last 3years.
web admin
August 21, 2015 at 7:50 pm
That sounds like a very odd experience. Even if he does not want the risk of getting married again, that does not stop him from falling in love. Perhaps you could just tell him that you understand if he does want to get married, but you would like to move in with him someday or just hear the words I love you. If he cannot take the relationship beyond just the physical level though, you may need to move on. You have waited for three years for him to fall in love or actually treat you like a girlfriend instead of like a friends with benefits. It is understandable that you love him and it makes sense that he is afraid of commitment after his last experience in a relationship. Despite this, you still have a life to live and I doubt that you want to be just a friends with benefits for the rest of your life. Let him know how you feel, don’t pressure him into marriage, and let him know that you want it to be more of a relationship and less of a sexual convenience for him.
August 19, 2015 at 2:47 pm
I’ve been with my bf for about 2 years. We always have ups and downs because he loves me but misses me at times, I don’t know what that means or what I should. However we understand each other so well and have a strong connection however with personalities and way of thinking.
web admin
August 20, 2015 at 10:21 pm
If you have an excellent connection and really love each other, why would you try to make him miss you? If he is already in love with you, then there is really no need to play games in the relationship or try to make him miss. Right now, all you have to do is just focus on being a loving, good girlfriend.
zawadi hussein
August 15, 2015 at 12:51 pm
I have my boyfriend every time tells me he miss me and love me what can i do but we never seen each other but we communicate most of the time
web admin
August 16, 2015 at 7:28 pm
It looks like you may have commented twice on this one, Zawadi! If you leave a comment and it does not appear right away, don’t worry because it will show up. I have to approve of each comment on here individually, so it can sometimes take a bit for me to work through them all. Read my response to your first comment and let me know if you have any other questions!
zawadi hussein
August 15, 2015 at 12:44 pm
I have my boyfriend ever time tells me he miss me and love me what can i do but we never seen each other but we communicate most of the time
web admin
August 15, 2015 at 7:32 pm
Is it possible for you to meet up with him in person? It is much easier to communicate or have a relationship if you are in person. Otherwise, it seems like everything is going fine–you have a boyfriend who loves and misses you, so all you need to do is figure out a way for you guys to be together more often. Good luck, Zawadi!
August 10, 2015 at 6:03 am
I have a boyfriend and we’re going to celebrate our 7th month this August, I met my boyfriend way back 2007 when I was a first year college student he’s the son of my landlady in our apartment. We had a great bonding together but suddenly we got separated because of some reasons. 7 years later he found me using the social media and he started courting me, until I said yes. I am really grateful having him beside me, but there was always a time that I miss someone in my past someone who made me feel special while my boyfriend was not yet in my life. I felt so bad because i know this is a sin and unforgivable for my boyfriend. I can’t stop missing that person in my past. What should I do? Can you help me with this?
web admin
August 10, 2015 at 5:35 pm
The best thing that you can do is just try to forget about your old flame. It is extremely normal to dream about someone from your past or to think about them–most people have an old flame who is “the one that got away”. Worrying or thinking obsessively about that person will only make your life now more difficult. Your thoughts are not a sin or unforgivable–they are perfectly normal. The only real sin would be to act on them or to encourage these thoughts in any way. You are with your boyfriend because you love him and want to be with him; these thoughts could get in the way of that if you let them.
August 9, 2015 at 7:03 pm
I like very much a guy, but we are leaving in different countries. I told him that I like him, but he refused to have a relationship saying that he needs a girl that will always be near him. In the same time he says that I am a wonderful friend of him, and he likes everything at me. We are chatting all the day a lot. In the few days we are together he is very romantic and lovely with me.
Do I have any chances with him, to give up if he only wants me as a friend? What I should do?
web admin
August 9, 2015 at 11:28 pm
Unless you guys end up in the same country, he has made his stance fairly clear. It is perfectly fair (although rather depressing for you), that he would want to have a relationship with someone in the same country. As long as you enjoy being with him, you can keep spending time with him when he is in your country. Otherwise, I would start looking for someone who can have the type of relationship that you want with you.
July 22, 2015 at 2:38 pm
I like this boy since 6 months…at first i had another crush before liking him…but mi crush when i proposed him he told me no..i went into fustration…this boy i like now, was a stranger to me..but a friend to mi first crush..he started tesing me with him…bt the first boy left my school…later i realised that i didnt like him coz i had never even talked to him…then the boy i like now became jst a friend of mine..i started talking to him…n i forgot all about my fustration…he came closer to me..i realised that i like him..then i shared this thing with my friend that was also his friend…later she went and told him that i like him…he anwered that its ok my answer is yes if she comes and tells me that i like him he will say yes….so he is now waiting that i may go and tell him but the problem is that my other friends want that we may not stay in any relationship…so what can i do?..listen to my friends so i go and tell him?
web admin
July 23, 2015 at 6:44 am
Now that he is a friend with you, you have a chance to see just how much he likes you. You have asked him, and he has said that he would ask you out or say yes, so why don’t you ask him out? He likes you, so it isn’t like you have to worry about him turning you down. Don’t worry about what your friends say–if you listen to what everyone else thinks all the time, you will miss out on a lot of things in life. Do what you want to and have some fun!
July 19, 2015 at 8:27 am
I’ve been talking to this guy for about 6 months now. & at first it was great we would talk about anything ( he’s literally the first love I ever had I mean I had other bf’s but him it’s just something different )well the excitement I had to talk to him is slowly fading away . He’s going to collage now & we live pretty far away from each other . We rarely hangout . I really do like him I do I’m not going to lie . & He’ll sometimes ask if I still have feelings for him & Ill obviously tell him yes I still do but when I wanna ask him the same I get scared . Because I feel like he wouldn’t feel the same way . I sometimes feel like crying when I think about him he’s the first guy I ever cried for & we won’t talk for about a pretty decent amount of time & he’ll just randomly message me . I won’t answer until he sends me another message . & when I do he’ll say “I’ve been wanting to talk to you about something ” & I don’t know why but I just get scared .
& he messaged me saying “you’re an awesome girl. You’re a just a great and fun person and I love being around you and talking to you goodbye , Joselyn
” he randomly messaged me when we haven’t talked for about 4-5 days already. Does he mean as in goodbye forever ? & he’ll tell me that we would be something In The future but he just needs time to “heal” because he got in a bad break up with his ex & that kinda makes me loose interest in him because why would he make me fall for him when he still has feelings for his ex. I just don’t get that, is the right guy or is he just playing around with me ?
because I like explaining my feelings towards someone I really care about & i just can’t explain my feeling towards him with all these things happening .
web admin
July 19, 2015 at 9:32 pm
Go ahead and text him back–you will never know the way that he meant it unless you respond. By waiting for him to text you twice, you are sending the message that you are not as interested. Be responsive, message him or call him and get the real story. Even if he wants to end things, it will be much better for you to have the closure so that you can actually move on. It isn’t that he is or is not the right guy. At this point in time, handling a distance relationship could be difficult for the both of you. For a long distance relationship to work well, you need to talk to him more often and text him throughout the day. Right now, your first goal is to see if you guys are still together. If you are, try texting him more frequently and talk to him on the phone at least a couple of times a week.
June 6, 2015 at 8:49 pm
Iam engaged to him, then he traveled far away for 6 months now, we just talk once per week.he is introvert. Don’t like talking much. I always complain that I dont feel his love for me. He don’t say any love words.Iam bored
What can I do bring excitement to our relationship.
web admin
June 8, 2015 at 10:12 pm
You can try using things like Facetime or Skype to get a more personal touch to your relationship. Some people in long distance relationships also play online video games like League of Legends or World of Warcraft to get closer to their partner. I think that there may be some online games like chess, checkers, or similar things that you could play. It is not the ideal way to spice things up, but you are fairly limited when you are far apart.
If these do not sound as fun, you could always try the story game. You say the first word of the story, he says the second word, you say the third word, and you keep going back and forth. It sounds silly, but it can actually make a pretty amusing story line by the time that you are done.
May 24, 2015 at 8:18 pm
I met this guy, like 2 years ago and we’ve been hanging out with his friends and my friends, sometimes all together and sometimes not. I feel like he doesn’t know he has that charm that make girls attract to him. And so, after a month, I started to have a crush on him bc of how he acts around me. but like 3-5 after, he wont act as much. We’re like on and off. One month we’re close and no one could ever break us apart. The next month I feel like a ghost around him. Then few months later we’ll be both into together again. I’m really confused. if i don’t feel like he’s into me anymore, I still comeback. And everytime he thinks that im not into him anymore.. He’ll come back aswell!
What should I do?
web admin
May 25, 2015 at 5:20 pm
That is a difficult situation. Personally, I had an experience that was like this. I had a best friend who was a guy. Every time that I felt like I was falling for him, I would stop hanging out with him for a while–and he did the same thing. It turns out, we both liked each other, but always wanted to keep our friendship going. Your crush could like you back, and it sounds like he might. Unless you ask him out, you will never be able to know if it could go farther. You guys are friends for a reason, so you would probably be great in a relationship together. Ultimately, I married my best friend, so these situations can definitely work out well if you let them! Good luck!
June 2, 2015 at 1:15 am
Hi is me again, and took ur adivce. I tried talking to him slowly but surely.. Didn’t ask him out though. I feel like it’s not at the right moment. We talk here and there but now that I kinda(not really)moved on bc of how he acts(bc u could tell if he/she is interested by body language etc & he didn’t greet me Happy Bday even tho he knew) I stop and everytime we have like meetings/assemlies I don’t go and look for him. BUT, now that i did stop, it’s happening all over again. He started getting interested again and I;m really confused. I don’t get guys at all xP
web admin
June 2, 2015 at 2:23 am
Well, now that he is interested in again, why don’t you start hanging out with him more? He probably missed being around you, so he is trying to hang out more. It does not necessarily mean that he likes you, but it does mean that he at least misses your friendship. Also, he could have just forgotten to say happy birthday–guys are not always the greatest at actually remembering to buy presents or wish you a happy birthday. Personally, I would still hold off on asking him out, but you could try flirting with him. You could also have one of your friends ask him who he is currently interested in. If you are lucky, he will say that he likes you. If he does not say your name, it does not necessarily mean that you are not his crush, but at least this would be a good starting point.
June 2, 2015 at 11:44 pm
True, you’re right. And yes omg my friends did ask questions like oh do you like her, what do u think of her , fav colour etc etc.. And he replied in a very positive way. I’ll try again, baby steps wooh. Thank you. But im kinda curious on the missing friendship thing. Relationships starts at friends, then bestfriends, close friends and then convertions (guy friends) wether they like u or not right.. Well im kinda wondering, through bad times/goodtimes you were with them, would they miss you or is it a one sided thing? Because often I feel like I’m the only one that’s missing them. Idk when i see them my mind goes crazy and i start talking to myself and think that they’re talking to me, like “oh remember that time when…”
web admin
June 3, 2015 at 7:10 pm
He may miss you, or he may not. Both things are perfectly normal in a friendship. In your message, you said that you are concerned about skipping the fried-best fried-boyfriend transitions? I was not entirely clear about what you were trying to ask. What is sounds like is a worry about not being best friends before you potentially start dating. If this is your concern, I would not worry too much. Even if you skip the best friend step, you can always get closer and learn more about each other later on.
May 21, 2015 at 12:40 am
I met this guy like 2months back we have been flirting constantly and his been wanting to spend some time with me and finally we got the opportunity we started kissing and one thing lead to another and when things started getting too hot I told him I wasn’t ready he understood but seemed disappointed I had turned him on then left him hanging its been 4days and his being distant and when the l asked him about it he says its in my head…help
web admin
May 21, 2015 at 5:20 pm
It is perfectly understandable that you did not want to keep going. Do not feel pressure to do anything you do not want to–you should never feel pressured to go too far. He may be right and it is all in your head. Wait a bit and see if he still acts the same way toward you. If he really has changed his behavior, he is not someone you want to be with. A guy that would leave or become distant because you were not ready is not boyfriend material. You deserve someone who respects you and listens to what you want, Candice.
May 19, 2015 at 9:26 am
I met this guy around two weeks back. He is my ex-colleague and roommate’s brother. I had gone to stay with her for two days, that’s when he played a really good host. he started sending me cute n lovely messages, on the second day he wanted to make out but i wasn’t ready and i asked him to wait. to which he agreed. After few days we made out and he was still very nice with me. Sending, “i really like u”, “miss you” kind of messages. The first time i didn’t have a good time with him. plus i had come out of a serious relationship and i doubted his intentions, so i pulled back, i went to see him but told him clearly, we couldn’t talk, i wasn’t ready..don’t want anything casual..kind of stuff. To which he replied, he liked me and didn’t want anything casual either..i still was cold to him..but then i realized i wasn’t doing good. So i went to his place gave him a good time, gave him a gift, apologized. but now he isn’t responding, or being like he was before i was cold to him. What do i do. How do i get him to like me back. I even crashed at his place, rather than being happy like before he was shocked. I want him to be like before. Please help!!
web admin
May 19, 2015 at 7:38 pm
It is really impossible to figure out exactly what is going on in his mind. From the sound of it, he might be a player. He liked you, wanted to be with you, and probably enjoyed the fact that you were not in a position to have a relationship. After he got what he wanted, he mentally checked out of the situation. This would explain why he was shocked and not overjoyed when you crashed at his place again. For him, that would be a very weird way for a fling to reappear around him.
In addition to this option, there could be several other less likely possibilities. Once you told him that you were not ready for a relationship, he may have just moved on to other things–hence, his surprise when you reappeared again. There is also the chance that he just realized that you guys were not a good fit. It could be the “cilantro people” concept. Some people love or hate cilantro, and it has nothing to do with what cilantro actually is. You could be this type of person to him. He may like you as a friend an acquaintance, but he could have realized that you just were not the right person for him.
For things to be like they were before, his reasoning would have to be something that did not make the list. This is possible, but you will only be able to find out by talking to him more. For you, this could lead to heartache. If he is not interested and you keep talking to him, it could drive him farther away. Perhaps the best thing would be to be friendly, yet elusive. Don’t push yourself too hard on him, but don’t ignore him either. You could also try asking your friend who lives with him–she may have a better idea of what is going on in his mind.
May 18, 2015 at 4:41 am
there’s this guy who I liked since gr.11, we talk and text all the time, when he found out I liked him he kindly told me he just wants to be friends, so I tried pushing my feelings away for the sake of r friendship. Months later in gr.12 I find out from a close friend that he told her he’s always had a little crush on me since he has a thing for short girls, but gave up on me, thinking it was never gonna happen. So, months later he tells me he likes me and I confess to liking him as well, he asked me to prom, I said yes, then due to all the attention from r friends, he chickened out, told me he cudn’t go to prom, he’s scared of wat ppl think but still told me he loved me. but most of all doesn’t wanna be in a relationship due to his past love who died and he himself doesn’t wanna change to be his sweet inner guy around me. Long story short his past love betrayed him, he no longer cares for her anymore and now always says love is a distraction. He has trust issues due to his family and past love. Yet now we r just close friends and he says I am one of the only one’s he trusts and cares for. Few weeks ago I find out he regrets pushing me away. My close friends all think I shud move on and deserve better. I know I shud, but at the same time, he and I have this connection, a strong bond I’m not ready to let go off. I truly did love him, and know I have to move on and be happy. But I have a strong feeling we met for a reason and not just to be close friends…wat shud I do?
web admin
May 18, 2015 at 2:40 pm
If you have decided that you want to be with him no matter what, you can keep hanging out with him. To build trust with someone who has been hurt so much, you may need to be patient. It will take time for him to be able to get over what has happened in his past with his family and his former girlfriend.
Although your friends are probably right about you deserving better, it is up to you who you spend your time with. If you want to be with him, then spend more time with him and be patient. If, however, you get tired of waiting, there are plenty of other guys out there who are emotionally available.
May 11, 2015 at 10:44 pm
I’m in a long distance relationship and we dont talk since a long time. I’m getting bored and every time we talk is routine, also i knew an other guy and we talk but he knows that i have bf, he is always saying “I envy your bf”and stuff like that. Idk if i have to Broke Up With Him because we were just a little time together, would u help me?
web admin
May 12, 2015 at 2:34 am
If you no longer talk very often to your boyfriend or only talk about the same things, do you want to break up with him? Once you have broken up with him, you cannot change your mind. Make sure you know what you want before you make this decision. Since he is so far away and you have another guy that you like closer to home, it might be a good idea to break up with your boyfriend. Unless you are really in love with him, it might not be worth the effort and time it takes to be in a long distance relationship.
May 9, 2015 at 6:52 pm
I have liked this guy for almost 5 months now but just last week i found out that he likes this other girl(my good friend) and they are now together. I am really upset because now he doesnt even talk to me and i cant tell anyone because if i do i feel that they will laugh at me
web admin
May 9, 2015 at 11:53 pm
I do not think that anyone would laugh at you. Most people have experienced this feeling at some point in their lives. Everyone likes someone in a relationship or deals with a rejection at some point–you are in good company. If you tell other your friend and the guy, then it could make them feel awkward or uncomfortable. Your friend may feel jealous without meaning to, and the guy may feel like he needs to be standoff-ish. At this point, I would not recommend telling your friend or the guy. If you need to vent to someone, you should probably find a friend who does not go to your school to talk to–this will help make sure that your crush does not get back to the people at your school. Good luck, Riaa!
jennifer escobar
May 2, 2015 at 2:00 pm
well thanks for the advice Got my Boyfriend back THANKS SO MUCH!!!!!!!!
web admin
May 12, 2015 at 7:24 pm
You are very welcome! I am glad that we could help!
May 2, 2015 at 12:20 pm
well my ex i love him so muchh anddd well we weree goingg out a few monthss ago also i cant literally go onn datess cos of my parents and we had to breakk up and i still do not know whyy but he still wants me to be his friend and he tells me most things and he knows i like buhh he says someone broke his heart and i juss want him to trust me and like me again what should i do?
web admin
May 2, 2015 at 7:27 pm
What happened that caused you to break up, Rose? Was it just the fact that your parents would not let you go on a date or was it something else? What happened previously that caused him to no longer trust the girls that he dates?
There is a tendency to be crazy or jealous after a breakup. Scientists actually put post-breakup people in MRI machines and found that their minds looked like the minds of people suffering from mental illness. Although it makes perfect biological sense to go a little crazy, you will have to make sure to keep things calm now that you are not together. To win back his trust, you need to be a good friend and someone that he can rely on. If he has major trust issues from his family life as well, it could take years for your consistency and reliability to gain his trust. Good luck!
March 28, 2015 at 11:22 pm
Hey just like Sadie said, my lover broke up with me and I tried to get over him by going out with other guys. I’ve tried to make him jealous and miss me but I guess i am not good enough for him.
web admin
April 13, 2015 at 7:38 pm
You are certainly good enough for him, Kayden! Now that the relationship is over, you should forget about him entirely. Obviously, he is no longer interested and managed to move on. You need to take care of yourself and be happy on your own.
Sadie proctor
March 20, 2015 at 12:27 pm
Well my boyfriend broke up with me I waz his first girlfriend and he’s twelve I’m 11 years old and he’s so cute I want to get him back wat do I do ( I don’t want to get in trouble with my parents)
March 21, 2015 at 2:40 am
I would just remind him of memories that you guys have had like maybe the first time you hugged or held hands or maybe even if you were involved in a funny conversation.. Make him smile. Guys like a nice girl that can make them smile, they also like it when you be your self… If I were you I would just tell him how you felt.
web admin
April 13, 2015 at 7:44 pm
I agree with Amber. You should just remind him of what it was like being together. Spend some time together and hang out. If this does not do the trick, then just relax. You have plenty of time to find the right person. Although he may seem like “the one” now, that will most likely change over time.