Comments on: How To Make Him Miss You Mon, 17 Oct 2016 20:03:27 +0000 hourly 1 By: web admin Mon, 22 Aug 2016 23:21:41 +0000 If you want to send him another message in a few days, then be certain to do so. He may be busy or going through something in his personal life. It is great that the two of you are friends, but it is likely that both of you are hesitant to develop a relationship because of the distance between the two of you. Speak with him directly and honestly about your feelings, and if he shares your feelings, then you know that you can develop a relationship with him.

By: Shonna Sun, 21 Aug 2016 08:56:37 +0000 I met a guy through a foreign friends app. We clicked pretty quickly. We are only friends but I have developed strong feelings for him and I don’t know if he feel the same way. He is really sweet and caring. We have the some of the same interest as well. That’s why I fell for him. He would say things like I’m very kind person I’m glad we are friends, he has said I miss you,also that he wants me to be safe. He even told me about a personal matter he was going through. I was sad I couldn’t be there in person for him. Because we are so far apart. I have never developed feelings like this for a guy. I actually confessed to him that I like him and had feelings for him. When he reply back he said he like me too. But I think he means only as friend. It didn’t seem like he mean more then a friend. He didn’t say he had feelings for me. I never asked him either. I only have known him for about a month now. Our communication is only by text. So when we first talk he would text frequently but now he barely texts at all. He said he don’t have time for personal reasons. Also that he doesn’t have internet to text me so I have to wait. So,I don’t know what to do. Im always thinking about him everyday.I have tried talking to other guys and keeping myself busy just to be distracted from him but it’s not working. I don’t want to spam him with text messages. Do I just wait or let him go? I don’t think he has a gf right now but idk. He has only told me about a bad ex he once had. I’m so confused at this moment.

By: web admin Tue, 26 Jul 2016 05:55:26 +0000 It is clear that you are having valid concerns about your relationship. He has told you that he is interested in keeping a relationship with you, but he has also made it clear that he does not choose to act in a relationship style manner. If he has seen your messages but has not replied for a week, then it is clear that he is choosing to not treat you in a respectful manner. Attempt to speak with him directly and honestly once again, but if he chooses to ignore you, then you know that your relationship may have ended without you realizing it. Remain positive and take this time to look inward.

By: Mocha Mon, 25 Jul 2016 08:16:08 +0000 Thanks for your post. I need to let it out my thoughts. I met a guy on my holidays back home and we hit it off. he was a diplomat there and i live and work in another country. He visited me twice (it costed him a lot) and we had great times together although sex was not awesome coz of my first attempts. later sadly he got transferred to another country and he seemed not very attentive to my texts and I confronted him that if he did not have mutual feelings, I respect him. But he said our lives are far apart ( he is white and i am Asian) and he does not want to lead me on. So I said I understand that he could expect me stop contacting him. Then he sounded serious and he wanted to keep communicating with me. I told him not to be nice to me and he said ,he was not being nice that is how he was truly feeling about me. He pushed me to apply scholarship in his country and although 12 hours time difference, he was so helpful in details for my school application during his vacation in his country before he move to the next country as a diplomat. we said we missed each other so much. sometimes he called me. But after he got back to work , he becomes so silent, less respond to my texts (I dont text a lot), if i said i miss him, he would say miss you too. But never initiate conversation again. Less active on FB messenger where we communicate. He does not tell me his life like he used to do. when I asked him about moving to another country, he said he is busy building new relationships. now it has been one week , I dont hear from him. I try to less active on messenger as well and not using it a lot coz it hurts me seeing him active there but never text me again. is he cutting me off slowly? should I ask him straightly? why he did not agree when I tried to end the things with him totally first time and now he is fading away? please I need your help.

By: web admin Thu, 26 May 2016 15:42:04 +0000 It sounds like he likes you and wants you to be entirely his. Either he wants to play the field, or he likes to keep you in a state where you do not know if he is really yours or not. It sounds like he is a very jealous, somewhat controlling guy–are you really sure that you want to be with him? By not officially dating you, he can manipulate your feelings and keep you from ever feeling secure or valued in the relationship. You should really consider if being with him is what you want because his jealous behaviors and manipulations are unlikely to stop any time soon.

By: femi Tue, 24 May 2016 09:06:03 +0000 I am so confuse I don’t knw he actually loves me ,he scolds me a lot and says I am d list of people he trust,he is far from me iam in Nigeria he is in UK.we video call and chat at time bt we end up fighting each other yet he gets jealous whenever he sees a picture I snap with another man,he doesn’t me to date another man yet he calls me names

By: web admin Wed, 11 May 2016 18:56:45 +0000 You guys fell for each other while you were in relationships, which means that jealousy issues are going to become even more likely. The fights and possessiveness probably stem entirely from this fact. While you both like each other, it is unlikely that these feelings will just change. You guys could try to be more open and honest in your communication, but it will be impossible to stop the jealous behavior until both of you can trust each other completely.

By: Chanelle Mon, 09 May 2016 13:27:16 +0000 Hi

There a guy i met in 2007, we been on and off due to one of us having a partner. We stopped talking for quite a long time. Last year he broke up with he ex and made contact with me, we met almost every week after he broke up with he ex, every day we would chat I would tell him I miss him and he would reply and tell me he miss me 2 but would never tell me how he feels about me . I had a boyfriend at the time he made contact with me and this year we broke up and I told him about it ever since then we not the same anymore. Whenever I couldn’t make it to see him, he would get upset. We got into a fight a week ago about me not seeing him and things got ugly that I end up telling him we are wasting one another time and I can’t do this anymore. I felt heart cause I really like this guy and I don’t know if he feels the sameway, we didn’t talk for a week after the fight and I was going crazy not talking to him. So I made the first move and told him I miss him and he said the same. But I feel that he don’t like me the same way cause whenever I asked him how he feels about me he couldn’t give me straight answer. What should I do?

By: web admin Thu, 10 Mar 2016 02:01:38 +0000 First, you should decide if you actually like him. If you like him for sure, then try talking to him again or ask him if he wants to meet up. If you are not sure how you feel, then getting him interested again is rather unfair because it could lead to his feelings being hurt. Once you know if you like him or not, you can make your next move. If he is still interested at all, I am sure that he will jump on the chance to hang out with you in person. Best of luck, Fei!

By: Fei Wed, 09 Mar 2016 14:23:30 +0000 I know a guy from tinder. He lives in between my city and ather city. About 2months he text me everyday and always flirt and said that he likes me. But I don’t have the same feeling before, so i always reply with jokes. He asked me a couple time to meet, but unfortunately our time didn’t match. Right now he is in another city, and not text me so often, but i miss chatting with him. I think i started to like him, but he is starting to get bored with me. What should i do? Can i make him like me again or should i just move on?
