How to Make Him Want You
If you’ve got someone special in mind, you’ve probably got one thing on your mind: “How do I get him to want me as much as I want him?” Don’t worry- we’ve got you covered. Here are 20 of the best ways to get him to notice you- want you- and then of course, need you. (Let’s just say I see a new, amazing relationship on the horizon….)
1. Get Dolled Up
Nothing says, “Hey, look at me world!” quite like a fresh coat of boldly dark red lipstick on a pair of plump womanly lips. There’s just something about this look that seems to drive the men crazy, and it will definitely get the attention from the guy you’re after. He won’t help but notice those enticing lips enter the room. And if you really want to add some spunk to your style, try to define the hot style with a gorgeous hairstyle and a flirty outfit.
2. …Or Keep it Natural
We should tell you, though: some guys are totally not into the red lipstick thing. And while the percentage of guys who don’t find this attractive IS significantly low, it’s still possible. If he’s got a past history of dating natural-looking women who don’t wear much makeup, or he’s expressed his likes of the ‘no makeup’ style, you might want to tone it down. Add a subtle amount of makeup to enhance your natural features and let your hair go straight. You might grab his attention BETTER this way!
3. Play Hard to Get
This doesn’t mean you have to be totally rude and deny him every chance you get. Some women tend to take the ‘play hard to get’ game a little too far and end up coming across as a disinterested, self absorbed rude female. You want to flirt a little, smile a little, and text/call a little- but not too much. Don’t give everything away at once- make him work for it and always keep something hidden away for next time.
4. Don’t Be Needy
Even if he is the man of your dreams and you know the two of you would be the perfect couple, you can’t let HIM know that! Never appear needy. We can’t express this enough! It’s simply unattractive and nobody wants to be with someone who is desperate in any way, shape, or form. Drop subtle hints that you are interested but don’t go overboard!
5. That Being Said…Let Him Call/Text First
Back in the day, it was the man’s job to call the woman- not the other way around. And while in this day and age men and women will contact each other willy nilly, it tends to work best if the man calls the lady first. Not only is it an old-fashioned form of chivalry, but it will also make him want you more.
6. Don’t Look Like a High-Maintenance Woman
I can’t tell you how many times men have said how a high-maintenance woman is simply a turn off. No man wants to deal with a self absorbed princess who thinks those around her should jump through fiery hoops (while bearing gifts of silver and gold) or please her. You will certainly have him running in the opposite direction with a high-maintenance look and attitude, so try to keep it simple and casual as much as possible.
7. Show Him Your Funny Side
A woman that can make a him laugh, AKA the woman of his dreams. Guys just love it when a woman has a good personality and can make jokes that really have him rolling. If you want to impress him and make him want you, lay down the charm and your best jokes- it’s a surefire way to get him craving more.
8. Confidence is Key
Just like it’s important to have a killer personality, there’s really nothing more attractive on a woman than her confidence. And if you can show him you can work the room with your head held high and a smile on your face, you will UNDOUBTEDLY grab his attention- almost immediately- and you’ll probably have his eyes on you for the next few weeks until he makes his move.
9. What’s That Smell?
I think we all know how much men love it when a women smells good. So before you go anywhere near the man of your dreams, make sure you spray on the most divine scent you own. He will be instantly attracted to the smell and want to be near you.
10. Be Flirty
It might seem like an obvious thing to do, but you would be surprised at how many women forget to do it. They’ll have a basic conversation or simply be too shy to do any type of flirting. But men LOVE to flirt, and they will certainly be interested if you start making flirty remarks that entice him.
11. Touch His Arm
Nothing makes a man happier than a smiling, laughing woman touching his arm playfully. Plus it’s a surefire way to let him know that you’re interested. After you do the ole, ‘touch and smile’ charade, you can expect him paying a lot more attention to you than ever before.
12. Be Down to Earth
A woman who can present herself as a classy and confident woman while also being able to play video games and engage in sports is a down to earth lady that every guy wishes he could have. Don’t be afraid to get down and dirty and-gasp- break a nail. He will love how versatile you are, knowing he can take you to a fancy dinner at the most respectable spot in town while also being able to take you to a sports game.
13. Be Mysterious
The less he knows, the more he craves- and that’s the rule of thumb you need to keep in mind throughout all of your interactions and conversations with him.
14. Compliment Him
This might go under the category of ‘flirting’ for some of you, but others look at flirting and complimenting in totally different ways. While a flirt might be presented as a cute tease or enticing joke, a compliment is more natural and real and focuses on something you genuinely like about the man. Just remember, don’t overdo it with the compliments to the point where you look obsessed. One good, genuine compliment is enough for him,
15. Make Him Jealous
Ever heard the saying, “You don’t know what you have until it’s gone”? That statement kind of applies here. Yeah, he hasn’t lost you- but he could. And that will drive him nuts. Again, it’s important not to go overboard with trying to make him jealous. A simple flirt with another man lets him know that you are on the hunt for a man, but he’s not the only one you’re interested in and he will have to do a little something to win over your affection.
16. ….But Also Don’t Get Jealous
If he tries to pull the same tricks on you, you CAN’T let it bother you. In fact, pretend it didn’t even happen in the first place- even though it may be eating you up inside. This will drive him NUTS, knowing you are too confident in yourself to let a little flirting get you angry.
17. Kindness Goes a Long Way
We all know that every man is seeking the perfect ‘girl next door’. That being said, it’s important to be kind and a bit shy, disclosing that sexy and seductive side until the two of you are alone of course. He will love your kindness and be drawn to your real, genuine attitude.
18. Plenty of Eye Contact
A person’s eyes can say more than words could ever describe- and that’s why eye contact is so incredibly important when you’re interested in a man. Keeping eye contact with him, especially if you add a bit of seductiveness to your looks, will let him know that you are feeling him and definitely want him. He won’t be able to resist your alluring eyes!
19. Smile Often
A man loves it when he can make a woman smile and laugh. There is just something about a lady’s beautiful smile that men can’t get enough of. So make sure you’re smiling and giggling as much as possible. He will love every minute of it and really fall for that dazzling smile you have.
20. Tell Him That You Want Him
Like we said before, there is really nothing more attractive on a woman than her confidence and her smile. And if you are confident enough to tell him that you WANT him, you will not only surprise him, but compliment him so greatly he won’t know what to do. And don’t be surprised if he doesn’t answer right away. He will probably be shocked at your openness and not know how to react right off the bat. But trust us, when all else fails and he still hasn’t taken the hint (sometimes guys just don’t get it) this is the ONLY way to go- and you won’t be disappointed with what happens next.