Comments on: Best Ways to Respond to the Silent Treatment Sun, 11 Jun 2017 22:38:13 +0000 hourly 1 By: web admin Tue, 09 May 2017 20:36:21 +0000 No problem! Let me know if you have more questions. Thanks for commenting!

By: Archana Mon, 08 May 2017 22:39:30 +0000 Thanks a lot for reply …

By: web admin Sun, 07 May 2017 18:07:52 +0000 The only real solution is to get him talking. There is no way to solve your problems or get the changes you need unless he opens himself up to communication. All you can do is keep trying to talk to him and get him to listen to you. Make sure you emphasize how serious you are about this and that you need him to be a partner in this relationship as well. Hopefully, he will listen.

By: Archana Sonawane Sun, 07 May 2017 09:03:00 +0000 Thanks a lot for this information.. i am married since 16 years. My husband gives me silent treatment… I have been saying sorry whether my mistake or not..Many times I feel k just hug him and sort out he problem, and this i do for many times..He never come to me.. after sometime of silence at hone i can not handle the silence and the atmosphere at home… Though my husband doesn’t talk/ discuss otherwise.. It’s really bad that you can’t complaint it.. cause they don’t say any word.. many time I take initiative to sort out things and tell him ti speak out.. but he always blame me that “you don’t listen” that’s it , but in reality i always take him chance ti speak i just put my points but he don’t like that too.. i always say hi you also put your point tl,tell me if I do anything wrong.. but he doesn’t take it sportingly.. and always tell that I am only one who does wrong and have a bad at heart.. though I respect my mother in law.. but if I complain anything about her he just make statement “tou don’t want my mother” it broke my heart because I don’t say anything her directly , i treat her good ,she also love me.. but my husband doesn’t take any single criticism against his family.. i am tired of it. All the judgments are made upon who’s family person is in argument between us…

He never discuss things or his daily routine ,or his stories .. no ph calls during day ,in case I do call the call is for not more than 1 min. But he not even take initiative or discuss when we are at home.. just little conversation that’s it.. but he wants me to good in bed..
I want to break this

So want some suggestions to come out strongly with this silent treatment, what should I do ,cause when such happens i don’t will to cook food or clean home, and if I want to become normal should I speak with him at dinnertime or let him be silent..

Second ,he doesn’t talk or discuss on the issue of fight . Just hug each other and start regular routine

Sorry for poor english.
Thanks a lot for giving your time. God bless you
