How to Save a Relationship With Your Boyfriend

By on October 15, 2015

If your relationship boat seems to be filled with holes and gashes, a sunken ship is almost inevitable- unless of course you have the right tools to fix the mess and start sailing once again. These 10 handy tips to save a relationship with your boyfriend will help your seemingly disastrous and failing partnership get back on solid ground where the two of you belong!
1. Assess What Went Wrong
I’m sure the two of you didn’t go to bed on Tuesday night as happy as can be, only to wake up to sadness and misery; it just doesn’t work that way. There had to be a REASON why the relationship started going south. What was it? Take some time to assess why your relationship is failing so you can fix the actual problems without wasting any precious time. You can do this alone, or talk with your partner to get his side of the story too.

2. Decide Whether or Not It is Worth Saving
This will definitely be a tough decision, but you really need to give it some thought. Of course you have deep feelings for your partner, but sometimes relationships just aren’t worth saving. Is yours? Assess the pros and the cons of the overall relationship and whether or not fixing it will benefit the two of you and your futures.

3. Communicate With Your Partner
Communication is undoubtedly one of the most important things that make up a relationship. Without communication, there simply can’t be a solid foundation. If your relationship has been on a downward spiral recently, you’ve probably noticed that the communication has been lacking as well. There’s probably a lot of awkward tension and dinners spent with small talk, rather than a meaningful conversation that keeps the two of you interested. Spark up a convo with your mate- and actually talk about things that matter. Sure it’s okay to talk about your day, but the conversation needs to be more than small talk you’d have with someone on an elevator.

4. Be Open and Honest
This goes hand in hand with communicating with your partner, only taking it a step further. Don’t be afraid to be open and honest with your partner about everything. Voice your feelings and opinions, and accept your partners feelings and thoughts as well. Sharing what’s going on in your mind and being completely honest with each other will help bring the two of you back together on a deeper level. And remember: sometimes you’re not always going to hear what you want to hear, but be accepting of what your mate has to say.

5. Stop Fighting!
If your relationship is in need of saving there’s probably a LOT of fighting going on. It could be something as little as yelling at each other about who left the cap off the toothpaste tube to more serious things like money issues or paying the bills. Come to an agreement that the small, petty fights will come to an end. There’s no need for that kind of struggle and strife in a relationship. And when it comes to bigger issues, agree to talk about it with your boyfriend instead of arguing and heating things up. You’ll notice an overall happier relationship with less fighting and a whole lot more communicating.

6. Spend a Romantic Evening Together
When the flame is dying off, then you need to spark it up! Even if it doesn’t seem like the most ideal date right now, the two of you NEED to do something romantic together. It may be exactly what you need to bring back the love and romance to your relationship. Keep it simple with a fancy dinner and dancing under the moonlight, or make a whole weekend out of it with a special weekend getaway to that special spot the two of you both love. Magic will certainly be in the air and you’ll be able to rekindle that lost love in no time.

7. Try Something New Together
So you go and try something new together, something the two of you have never tried before. You and your boyfriend are not only spending some serious quality time together, but you’re forced to work TOGETHER to learn something new and conquer it. In the process you’ll be sharing tons of giggles, laughs, and smiles, while learning to depend on each other and ask each other for help; not to mention learn a totally awesome new skill you can use for the rest of your life. Seriously, it’s tons of fun and there’s so much you and your boyfriend will benefit from simply trying something new. Go sign up for a class ASAP!
8. Remember the Fun Times the Two of You Had
Looking at pictures of the past, where you’re smiling and having tons of fun, is sure to spark some sentiment and longing for that happiness to continue. Even talking about some amazing memories you have with your boyfriend is an easy and quick way to rekindle the romance. Take a night off to snuggle on the bed with your partner with a photo album handy. Look through the pictures and remember all of the great times the two of you had together. You will quickly notice you won’t be able to stop smiling and the two of you will probably end up saying, “We should do that again!” or “I miss that so much!”- all of which are excellent things to say when you’re relationship seems to be failing.

9. Create a Game Plan for the Future
So you’ve gone through all the steps: you’re communicating more and being open and honest with each other, you’ve sparked up the romance and tried new things together, and it seems like the relationship is almost back to where it was before. GREAT! But don’t just go with the wind when it comes to your relationship. You and your boyfriend need to have a set of rules and a plan for the future so that a potential pitfall doesn’t happen again. Take an afternoon to create a solid game plan the two of you can both abide by.

10. Don’t Let Others Influence You
Outside influences can actually ruin relationships; it’s crazy but true. You know, your best friend won’t stop telling you it’s a bad decision and he’s not right for you or your entire family hates him and says he needs to go. Ladies, if he is treating you right and you just have hit a major snag in the relationship, follow your heart. You know what’s best for you. Yes you should always consider the advice of others- especially those closest to you- but don’t let them make the decision for you. At the end of the day this is YOUR life, and if you’re happy and he’s a good man, keep at it.

Yes, a failing relationship is emotionally overwhelming and may seem too hard to overcome. But trust us- these 10 steps are exactly what you need to get your relationship back to where it needs to be! Have you ever been in a failing relationship? How did you and your boyfriend save it? We’d love to hear your tips and tricks below!


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