How To Tell If a Guy Likes You
At one point or another, every woman has asked herself: Does he like me? It’s one of the most confusing, annoying, and nervous questions we can ask ourselves, but it’s something we are constantly trying to figure out. Make this question a bit more easy and get the answer you need with these 25 ways to tell if he really likes you- or sees you just as a friend.
1. He Seems to Smile at You. A Lot.
Don’t get me wrong. There’s always those people out there who smile at everybody and everything. They’ll smile at strangers, they’ll smile at the silliest jokes- they’ll even smile during a physics quiz. If you’re talking to a guy who has one of those never-ending smiles, he might just be doing what’s natural to him by smiling at you often.
But let’s face it: most people aren’t like that. If you catch him smiling at you often, it may be a sign that he’s into you and the sight of your face brings a smile to his lips. Pay close attention to his smile, too. Is it one of those fake, forceful smiles? Or is it a genuine smile full of love? This will really help you determine whether or not it’s a true, “I like you” smile.
2. The First Form of Flirting: Teasing
Remember back in the day on the school yard when boys would chase the girls and call them names, and everyone said it’s because he likes you? It may seem so kindergarten, but even in our later years men still use teasing as a form of flirting. If he (playfully) teases you often, then it could be a sign he’s going back to his roots and using teases to show he’s interested in you. Of course, if he is just being flat out rude about something than he’s probably not into you- in a girlfriend or a friend way- and I suggest you run for the hills.
3. Flirty Compliments That Leave You Blushing
On the other hand, maybe you’re talking to a guy who’s matured past the teasing tricks and actually knows how to flirt. If he compliments you a lot- whether it’s a simple compliment about how nice your hair looks that day or how great you performed your oral presentation- it’s probably a definite sign that he’s interested in you.
I mean, yes- it’s completely true that people will compliment each other on a job well done or a nice t-shirt. But a compliment is one thing, a flirt is another. Surely you can tell the difference by the way it’s said and what words are used. For example:
Regular compliment: I like your shirt! (Pat on the back.)
Flirty compliment: That shirt looks great on you. (Smile)
See the difference?
4. Playful, Accidental Touching
When you like someone, you want to be close to them. That’s just nature! If you find your guy friend playfully or accidentally touching you on a regular basis, it could just be his way of trying to get close to you. Some examples of playful or accidental touching would include:
-Running up behind you and picking you up for a fun hug.
-‘Accidentally’ brushing your hand while the two of you work on a project together.
-Wanting to play a silly game like thumb wars or arm wrestling.
-Patting you on your thigh after talking to you while sitting down.
5. Men Hate Phone Calls. But He Doesn’t?
We all know how much men hate to talk on the phone. When you ask them to call you, it’s like pulling teeth. Or perhaps even a root canal. Without any medication for numbing. (Yes, it’s that bad sometimes, right ladies?). But for some reason he will call you completely out of the blue, just to talk. And he actually enjoys it and says he’s had a nice time talking to you. No, he hasn’t been abducted by space aliens that changed the wiring in his brain. It’s as simple as this: man likes woman, man goes to great lengths to show that he cares. Which brings us to the random phone calls where you spend 6 hours talking about movies, sports, music, clothes, school, celebrities- whatever. So go ahead, pick up the phone. He surely didn’t call you because he hates talking to you!
6. Not Just Your Basic Text Messages
So not every guy will suddenly enjoy talking on the phone because he likes you, or maybe he’s just too busy to call you. Insert: text messages, the most convenient way to talk to another human being.
So you say he’s texting you often, hmm? Well let me ask you a question first before we jump to any conclusions. Is he texting you the basic texts like, “When are you going to be here?” or “Can I borrow your homework?” or anything along those lines? Or is texting you just because? If he’s sending you good morning texts, asking how you’re doing or what you’re up to, or trying to start an actual conversation over a text message, it may be a sign he is interested. Again, let’s do a quick example.
Friendly text: “Hey, are you coming to Mark’s party?”
Flirty text: “Hey Molly. How are you doing? I was wondering if you were going to go to Mark’s party. Can’t wait to see you!”
7. Pay Attention to His Grammar
When a guy likes a girl, he tries to impress her- we all know that! But sometimes it’s not always about incredible out of this world gestures to grab our attention and impress us, and that’s why we need to pay attention to details. If he tends to talk in slang often but really tries hard to use proper grammar and punctuation when talking/messaging you, it could be a simple sign he’s trying to impress you with his mind. Here’s an example, using the text messages used in number 6:
Friendly text: “Wassup u coming to Mark’s party?”
Flirty text: “Hey Molly. How are you doing? I was wondering if you were going to go to Mark’s party. Can’t wait to see you!”
Note how he is using bad grammar in the first text, while the second text is not only significantly longer by texting standards, but also uses proper grammar and punctuation. See ladies, even something as simple and subtle as this could be a definite sign he likes you and wants you to notice how smart he is.
8. Even Social Media Can Be a Hint!
Whether you’re both on MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram (or any other popular social media networking site), if he likes your post often, it could be a sign that he likes you. Sure we sometimes just go scrolling down our newsfeed liking pictures we think are cute or interesting, but if he has made it a goal to like almost all of your posts, from pictures to status updates, he might be trying to show you that he cares. If he sends you comments on your posts often, that’s just another great sign he might be interested in you!
9. Make it or Break it: Eye Contact
You’ve probably heard this over and over again, but eye contact is ridiculously important, from first dates to job interviews. If you notice he’s looking at you often and makes it a point to have eye contact with you while the two of you are talking, this not only means he likes what he sees but is trying to get you to notice him as well.
Friend: Will obviously talk to you, but will probably be looking around the room or interrupting your conversation to holler at another friend. He probably won’t randomly stare at you with hearts in his eyes, either.
More than a friend: Will make it a point to focus on you and only you during conversation, and you will probably catch him staring at you often. (And he might have his jaw dropped sometimes, too- it happens).
10. Him? Sophisticated and Mature? No Way!
So he is the kind of guy to make crude jokes and mess around with his guy friends at all times. Even when there is a girl present he won’t mind being his goofy, totally immature and somewhat nasty self. But when you are around, everything changes. Suddenly he turns into a somewhat sophisticated man who is reserved and respectful, and might even tell his friends to stop with the crude humor while a lady is present. This, my friends, is one of the easiest ways to tell if a guy is interested in you. After all, he doesn’t want you to think he’s some disgusting pig with no respect for woman, so he knows to turn it off when you come around. You should not only feel honored that someone would do that for you, but feel confident in knowing what his intentions are.
11. Girl? What Girl?
When you are friends with a guy, you get used to that fact that they will probably be checking out females often. They might even make a remark to you about how cute they think the girl that just walked by is. And they won’t have a problem telling you that they’re planning on seeing Samantha from the coffee shop down the road. But if he’s interested in you and wants to be more than friends, you won’t hear a single peep out of him with regards to another female. In fact, you might notice a pretty girl walking by quicker than he does.
If you notice he doesn’t really say anything about girls or dating anyone anytime soon, you might want to ask him if he is interested in anyone. His answer will say it all!
12. Curious About Your Relationship Status
When you’re just friends, it really doesn’t matter whether you are married with three kids or never been on a date in your life. Nobody really asks, and why should they? The two of you just go out as friends having a good time- nothing else. But if your guy friend wants to know about your relationship status is or if you’re interested in anyone, he could be trying to ease his way into becoming your boyfriend. If he asks you what a guy would have to do to get you to be his girlfriend, you can definitely take this as a sign he wants you as more than just a friend.
13. “We Should Be Together. Just Kidding…”
Have you ever heard that saying that the biggest lie you could ever tell is just kidding? It seems like adding ‘just kidding’ to the end of something serious automatically turns it into an untrue, laughable joke. But the fact of the matter is, 99 percent of the time when someone says they’re just kidding about something, they really aren’t.
That being said, if your guy pal kids about you and him being an item, he might actually want it to happen. For example:
The two of you are playing video games and suddenly start laughing out loud about a joke only the two of you would find funny. As the wave of laughter comes to an end, he jokingly says “We would make the perfect couple.” Let’s face it ladies, he probably isn’t joking. And if this kind of thing happens somewhat often, I’d take that as a definite sign he wants you.
14. Where Are You Two Going?
Pay close attention to where you guys go. Do you do the basic friend thing, like go to parties together, hang out downtown, or do a lot of other group activities with the rest of your friends? Or are your hangouts a bit more romantic, with just the two of you? If the bulk of your adventures are done in group, you’re probably just friends- or he is trying not to be so obvious. But if he asks you to do a lot of one on one things, he might be trying to get to know you better and see if the two of you are a match made in heaven.
15. Oh, You Shouldn’t Have!
There is a huge, huge, huge difference between doing a friend a favor, and doing something especially sweet for someone. If he gave you a ride home from work one day, I wouldn’t get carried away and assume he likes you. But if he does a lot of nice things for you on a regular basis, like buying you those special shoes you couldn’t afford or offering to pick you up from work every single night, there might be more to it than just a friendly gesture. Pay close attention to this, as this can sometimes get confusing. You wouldn’t want to mistake kindness for love!
16. Your Knight in Shining Armor
It’s the male instinct to protect the woman you love- and if you notice he is acting more like your knight in shining armor than your best guy friend, it’s a possibility he’s into you. It could be as simple as telling some people to stop saying mean things about you to completely going berserk on a guy who shoved you in public. Whatever his knightly duty was, don’t take it lightly. He not only did this to protect you, but impress you and show he cares for you and your safety.
17. The Green Monster Pays a Visit
When you like someone, you get jealous- that’s nature. Whether it’s an innocent flirt or they are talking about being with someone else, the little green monster pops his head up instantly. If he gets jealous about you talking with other guys or mentioning other guys, this is a definite clue he likes you.
18. Remembering the Finest Details
Remember when you told him you broke your arm when you were 5? Yeah, he just so happened to remember that. He also remembers about that silly joke you said a couple months back that had him rolling on the floor laughing during the Christmas party. Men are notorious at forgetting things, especially the fine details. If he seems to remember all that and more, this is a serious sign he is interested in you and actually listens when you talk to him.
19. Are You Impressed Yet?
As we’ve said so many times before (and you’ve probably known for quite some time), men love to impress females- especially ones they are interested in. If he seems to try to impress you, whether it’s with his clothing or picking up a giant boulder *right in front of you*, he’s probably trying to get you to notice him in a way other than friendly.
20. Need Any Help With That?
This kind of goes hand in hand with doing favors for you more than the average friend. But if he seems willing to do certain tasks- even the most boring or hard like changing your oil or fixing your broken glass window- this is a sure sign he likes you. Plus he gets to show off how manly and handy he is. Double win!
21. Just a Few More Minutes..
At the end of the night or a conversation with a friend, it’s usually easy to say goodbye. But when you’re interested in someone, you never want it to end. You could be together all night long, not saying a word, and it would be the best thing ever. If he always tries to spend more time with you or stay on the phone just a bit longer, he’s probably very interested in you.
22. Asking Friends and Family for Help
There is no better way to get to know someone than by asking around. If he’s asked your friends and family members questions trying to get to know you better, I’d take that as a very obvious sign he is wanting to be more than friends. Some common questions he might ask those closest to you include the following:
-Does she have a boyfriend?
-What kind of guys is she interested in?
-What are some of her favorite things to do?
-Any idea what her dream date is like?
Don’t be surprised if someone close to you says so and so has been asking questions. It’s not weird, he just really wants to know more about you and surprise you with something he knows you would absolutely love. That’s great investigating and really shows that he’ll go the extra mile to learn about you!
23. A Kiss to Remember
Your guy friend just kissed you. Like, woah. Completely out of nowhere. You two were walking home from the party and he grabbed you and kissed you. You were left completely speechless. And, you know what, this really doesn’t need further explanation. Either he was drunk out of his mind or he’s been wanting to kiss you for awhile.
24. “I Like You.”
If he flat out tells you he likes you, then, well, he likes you. And that’s that. No more questioning or wondering. It’s pretty much all on the table at that point, and it’s up to you to decide how you will react. At least you won’t have that lingering question in the back of your mind, right? Even if it’s totally awkward, it’s a huge relief off of your shoulders- and that’s something to be thankful about. Let’s just hope the guy you’re friends with has the guts to come out and tell it like it is! (Yes, men, we totally appreciate a guy who does this. Be brave!)
That’s right. Sometimes enough is enough and you just need ANSWERS. If he isn’t budging, just ask him to tell you so you can quit wondering.
It can be torture sitting around wondering if your guy pal wishes the two of you were ‘more than friends’. It doesn’t have to be hard, though. With subtle hints like playfully teasing and touching to going out of his way to do you awesome favors, there’s plenty of ways you can put your curiosity to rest- and possibly land yourself a boyfriend.
Ladies- what are some great ways a guy friend has proven to you that he wants to be more than friends?