Comments on: How to Tell If A Guy Likes You Through Texting Thu, 17 Mar 2016 01:03:45 +0000 hourly 1 By: web admin Tue, 15 Mar 2016 16:04:15 +0000 It sounds like he could like you. He liked you in the past, and it is unlikely that those feelings would just vanish. Although he may be tamping down his feelings so that it does not harm your friendship, it would probably be quite easy for the feelings to come back if he knew you were interested. If you want to date him, just ask him to hang out with you sometime or to go on a date. Unless he is in a relationship, it sounds fairly certain that he would say yes. :) Good luck, Melissa O!

By: Melissa O Sun, 13 Mar 2016 22:35:26 +0000 So I like this boy. I have talked to him for like two years already but the problem is that I haven’t met him in person. One month after we met (2 years ago) he asked me to hangout but I was too shy and i said no. He even admitted he liked me. Timed passed but we still talked almost everyday. But we lost contact for like 3 months however now we talk again. We talk mostly everyday and through out the day. Sometimes he even sends heart emojis but he acts mean sometimes.Today he asked me if I missed him since we didn’t talk. Playing around i said “yeah alot” and then i said “SIKE” he replied “that got me cheesy for a sec” then i asked him and he said “yes” We kept talking and now i recieved a message saying ” i love you” but then i got another message saying ” chill i didnt write that” I’m confused and i’m trying to figure out if he likes me or not. Please help as soon as possible.

By: web admin Mon, 15 Feb 2016 01:19:22 +0000 It looks like you may have commented twice on this one. I have to answer and approve of each comment individually, so it can sometimes take me a little bit to get around to all of them. If you do not see your comment right away, do not worry because you will. Read through my first response and let me know if you have any other questions. Thanks for commenting!

By: web admin Mon, 15 Feb 2016 01:11:59 +0000 It is entirely possible to like more than one person at a time, so he could like you and her. At the same time, I do not think that this messaging exchange is enough to decide if he likes you or not. He could be interested, but I would not assume that he is quite yet. Keep talking to him and try flirting with him a bit. It seems possible that he does or could end up liking you, so keep nurturing that sentiment. Good luck!

By: web admin Mon, 15 Feb 2016 00:01:49 +0000 He may have been mean to try to hide the fact that he was interested, it could be his personality or he may have been upset that day for some reason. It sounds like he could like you–after all, he did text you first. The fact that he does not seem to message you back though makes it seem less likely that he is interested. He may just want to lead you on for an ego boost, leading you on may be unintentional or he could be interested. I would hold off on making a move until you have a better idea about what he is after. Good luck, Kristy!

By: Elise Sat, 13 Feb 2016 17:19:45 +0000 Hi admin, I’m really hopeful that u could help in settling my emotions towards my crush. We’re really close friends btw. It’s the Lunar New Year holidays and I ended up in an arm sling for excessive exercising. I just decided to text him but I just need ur thoughts on it. I’ll just copypaste it.

hey, how’s your hols goin for ya?

Never better…you?

same here unfortunately…getting my arm in an arm sling. I wanna finish Chemistry!!

Wait WHAT??

Mmmhmm.Muscle fatigue XP

An arm sling ?!?!

Yes, [crush’s name].You read that.

What the HELL happened??

You’ll get the truth when everyone else won’t hehe. Tell you l8r

Tell me now…please

Really…why? I’m kinda scared to.

Just tell me

He has been protecting me a few times, wellmaybe bcos he’s a year older, and tucking me into bed through text but I don’t know why I have this feeling he might like me back. I mean, he has a small crush on his classmate he has little hope on. I still hope he would like me eventually. Or maybe he does? I don’t know…maybe he’s just being his usual friendly-self. It’s just that I’ve never seen him panicked texting…so ur thoughts please?

By: Elise Sat, 13 Feb 2016 12:15:01 +0000 Hi, I need a little help with settling my emotions for my crush. Because I can’t stop thinking about our message! So, it’s the lunar new year hols now and i accidentally strained myself in exercising resulting in having to wear an arm sling. So, I am really hopeful 4 your thoughts on this conversation. I’ll just copy paste it.

Hey, how’s your hols going for you?

Never better…you?

Same here, unfortunately spending it with an arm sling. I wanna finish Chemistry!

Wait WHAT??

mmhmm, muscle fatigue XP

An arm sling ?!?!

Yes, [crush’s name]. You read that right.

What the HELL happened?!?!

You’ll know the truth when everyone else won’t hehe. Tell you l8r.

Tell me now…please

He has shown me signs he might like me but I’m too tremendously scared to ask him. Because right now he has a crush on a girl he has little hope on. But he still hangs out with me. That last text there made me melt. The thing is, I wanna tell him when I meet him. We always do that. But, I’ve never seen him so panicked through text like this before. Your thoughts please?

By: Kristy Sat, 13 Feb 2016 01:44:34 +0000 So i like this boy and once in a while he would be mean but he sometimes stares at me.Then he texted me and i had never texted him.He asked what i was doing and i said nothing.Then i asked him the same he said nothimg .I sent him a couple more messages and he read them but wont answer unless i asm a question.Does he like me or not?

By: web admin Wed, 27 Jan 2016 17:00:38 +0000 Having a small fight does not mean you should stop being friends because every friendship has arguments at some point. It seems like he likes you and is interested in you. Now, you just have to figure out what the next step is. Do you want to date him? You could try asking him out on a date or just to hang out with him sometime. Meeting him in person will help you to find out if there is anything more to the relationship and if you are compatible in person.

By: Is this love? Fri, 22 Jan 2016 20:24:53 +0000 There is this guy I recently met and I think we had a small click so I decided to invite him on Fb. He accepted almost immediately and said thank you for sending me a request. We chatted a bit until he asked for my number… When we chat he replies 90% of the time. He also told me I’m cute and he thinks I’m a wonderful person. When we had a small arguement and I say we shouldn’t be friends anymore, he says no we must try harder because I’m a good friend to him. He tells me really deep secrets and says he trusts me even if we don’t know each other quite well. I asked him why does he trust me soo much and he said“ he just does” he has a good feeling about me. He is always willing to listen to my problems and there to comfort me…He also asked several times for pictures of me and I asked him why, he said he likes my pictures, we’ve also sexted quite a few times
