Comments on: How To Tell If a Guy Likes You Tue, 06 Jun 2017 18:09:14 +0000 hourly 1 By: web admin Fri, 02 Jun 2017 21:31:41 +0000 He might be nervous about talking to you in person, so he talks to your friend. It is normal for someone to feel shy in person, but be able to talk to their crush via text. It sounds like he likes you, so I would make a move. Ask him if he wants to hang out outside of school or watch a movie with you. It sounds like he likes you, so go for it! Good luck, Rosalee!

By: Rosalee Fri, 02 Jun 2017 04:03:50 +0000 So the guy I like texts me a lot but when we meet in person he mostly talks to my best friend. During our messages he gives me big hints that he likes me such as asking me if I will be at this school event or what I’m doing or what episode I’m on, on our favorite tv show, he’s given me enough reasons to think that he likes me yet I don’t know for sure, because there will be days he texts me a lot some days only a little bit and others not at all, and then I thought that maybe he likes my best friend, and I also thought that maybe he is trying to make me jealous, because he doesn’t have her number and he doesn’t text her and he texts me about random stuff like what he is having for lunch or if he is having lunch. Im confused about what to think on the grounds of him liking me, does he like me or not? And what should be my next step if I want to build a stronger relationship?

By: web admin Sun, 28 May 2017 17:32:01 +0000 It is not too late yet! He hasn’t quit completely, so you still have time to get his number. It sounds like he may have liked you before, but may have stopped flirting because you didn’t really respond. I would ask him for his number and just say it is so that you can keep in touch once he leaves. Make sure to give him your number as well so that he can text you as well–especially if you do not feel comfortable about texting him first. From there, you just have to keep talking and see where things go. Good luck, JB!

By: JB Sat, 27 May 2017 12:45:27 +0000 There’s this colleague from other office who jokingly said to me while we were with our other common colleagues that he likes me. He even introduced me to one or two from other office as his girlfriend. I was shocked because we are not even close given that we are not in the same office. We seldom meet, and those were all during official events.

In those few times that we meet during work, he sometimes tease me, asking, “what would you do if I fell for you?”, jokingly, in front of others. These happened during two separate occasions.

I did not have feelings for him during those times of “teasing.” But when these playful jokes and teasing stopped for a while, I realized that I already kept a special part for him in me.

Saddest part, I heard from my friends that he is resigning from his office.

I do not even want to know if he meant what he said about being his gf before or if he was serious in asking what if he fell for me. I just want to say this here because I cannot tell my friends that I hope we can be closer next time we meet. That we can be friends (Yeah, even just friends, I do not want to be greedy.) before he leaves his office. So that we can communicate. I do not have his number and he does not have mine. (I cannot initiate texting even if I have his digits. Ugh!) I am also not into adding people to my social networking account, like only around 20% of my Facebook friends were because I was the one who asked to be FB friends. The other 80%, they added me. Do not get me wrong. I am friendly. But I opt quality over quantity.

I’m thinking he was just really joking because the teasing was not sustained.

Tsk. Why do I always realize that I like someone late, when they are already not giving me much attention? (Because this story is not the only experience that I have which has the same plot.)

Thank you for taking time reading my post.

By: web admin Tue, 23 May 2017 19:10:18 +0000 He may just view you as a friend and responds to your texts just to be nice. I think that it might be a good step to stop texting him and see if he initiates the texts–that way, you can see if his responses were just because he was being polite or if he genuinely has feelings for you. Good luck, Octavia!

By: Octavia Tue, 23 May 2017 17:27:00 +0000 How do you look for signs that a guy likes you? I have liked this guy for a while and he talks to me most through texting when out in public he never comes up to talk to me. So my question is how do you tell whether a guy likes you through messages? I try when ever I can to walk up and talk to him and he will say a few quick words and walk away. And when ever he does talk to me longer its usually about what we had discussed through messages before. So I’m not sure if he just can’t find anything else to talk about or if he just is trying to give me signs to stop texting him. I need some help here so that I can make my next move, because right now I have decided to stop texting him and wait to see if he starts texting me. But when he does I’m afraid I will read it wrong and take it that he missed our conversations, I don’t want to be that annoying girl.

By: web admin Mon, 22 May 2017 18:24:45 +0000 It sounds like he might have a crush on you. Even though he is confident around everyone else, he may be a little shy or nervous around you. Because of this, he keeps texting you instead of just talking to you. While it is not 100 percent certain yet, it sounds like he likes you.

By: none Mon, 22 May 2017 03:21:01 +0000 So this guy I like is the clown of the class. He loves to joke around a lot. I didn’t start to think he liked me until recently when we texts me a lot. I told him I was going to his brothers graduation. Once I was headed their he texts me asking if I’m their yet, and when I say yes he asks where I am, he said its because he’s sitting next to people he doesn’t know. Throughout the graduation he asks where I am and continues texting me about what is happeneing. Later on at the after party I see him and he sees me but he doesn’t come talk to me rather he texts me after the party saying he saw me. And all tonight he has been texting me. Does any of this mean he likes me or is he just being a friend?

By: web admin Sat, 06 May 2017 20:09:21 +0000 Yes, this article can help you tell if a guy likes you. If he talks to you all the time when you are alone, he may be trying to get closer to you. While it is not a guaranteed sign that he is interested, it definitely shows that there is a possibility that he has feelings for you.

By: Babesgirl Sat, 06 May 2017 17:57:18 +0000 I’m able to go out soon as in places so I will be able to get a boyfriend as I had stood up to the people. I’m ready for a relaionship and I know what I want and I would like to ask you this if it can help me for knowing if a guy likes me. My question is ‘If a guy talks to you alone does he like you? He does talk to me when I’m around other people but not as much.’ I know that there hasn’t been nothing bad happened between us.
