How to Text a Guy You Like
I think we’ve all been in this situation one time or another: you’re staring at your phone, wondering what you’re going to text that special guy you like. You don’t want to seem like a nag, but you always don’t want to be boring or desperate. So what’s a girl to do? Check out these 15 easy ways to text the guy you like- all full proof ways that will leave you cool, calm, and comfortable.
1. Start off Strong
Obviously the most important thing you need to remember is to start off strong. If you start off on the wrong foot, the rest of the conversation is likely to follow, which leaves you with a boring, uninteresting, and totally terrible text message convo. Start off strong by coming up with something new and unique. For instance, instead of the same old “Hey, what’s up?” try saying something like, “Hey! How did you do on that math test?” or “Hey are you watching this crazy baseball game?” Anything that will strike up a conversation.
2. Ask Questions
The best way to keep a conversation going and get to know someone better is by asking questions. Start off with the basic questions: what kind of music are you into? What’s your favorite movie? As the convo continues, try diving into some more personal questions: what’s the most embarrassing moment in your life? How long was your last relationship? Why did it end? Keep the questions rolling!
3. Don’t Be Boring
Ladies! I can’t stress this enough. We don’t like to be bored, right? So what makes you think he wants to be bothered with a boring, lifeless conversation? Try to stay on interesting topics and when the convo starts fizzing out, try to spark it up once more or let it die. But the worst thing you can do is try and keep a one-word text message conversation going.
4. Don’t Be Needy
Whether you’re texting or not, you never want to appear needy. This is a HUGE turn off for 99% of the male population and is a sure fire way to get him running in the opposite direction. So how can you not appear needy? Don’t respond seconds after he texts you. Give it a few minutes. Don’t say things like, “Oh my gosh I’ve been waiting hours for your text message” or “Thank god you texted me I missed you”. Instead, try saying something flirty and fun like “Well hello there 😉 glad to see a text from you”.
5. Don’t Send More Than One Greeting
When we text a guy we’re interested in, there’s no doubt we get nervous. And when he doesn’t text back within five minutes, we get in an even bigger uproar. “Why isn’t he texting me?” “Does he hate me?” “He’s obviously not interested”. Don’t let your thoughts get the best of you. If you’ve already sent the first text, don’t send him another one. Either he’s busy (work, homework, school, friends?) or he doesn’t want to talk to you- and either way, sending a “Hello?” or “Did you get my text?” message is just annoying and makes you look needy.
6. Don’t Over Text
So let’s say you’ve been texting for awhile and he suddenly stops texting. Your first reaction might be to send him 5 more text messages in hopes of saying something that might interest him. Don’t do this! If the convo has been going for at least an hour, it may be okay to send a “Did you get my text?” message if he hasn’t responded in over 15 minutes. But other than that, don’t bombard him with eager messages- wait for him.
7. Flirt a Little
Flirting is absolutely one hundred percent important when it comes to talking- or texting- the guy you’re after. And yes, it’s totally possible to send flirty text messages. Try and say things like, “You looked so hot during football practice today” or maybe “I’m just laying around in bed, wishing you were here with me”. There’s SO many ways to flirt over a text message, and you should do it as often as you see fit. You could even teasingly flirt with him over a text message by saying something like, “Umm…I hate to break it to you but I TOTALLY saw that wicked fall in gym class. Hehe, clutz!” Again, don’t go overboard as this may make you appear desperate and maybe even easy- and that’s definitely something you want to avoid.
8. Compliments
This goes hand in hand with flirting, but I think it deserves a separate section of its own. Compliments are the easiest way to flirt with someone AND help them feel good about themselves. And remember- especially when it comes to males- the compliments don’t need to be three pages long. Something simple like “Wow you look good in red” or simply “Hey there handsome” is enough to put a smile on his face and give him that ego boost every man needs.
9. Show Him Your Silly Side
Sometimes, women think they need to hide their silly sides out of fear of looking goofy or unattractive. We think we have to be playing with our hair and thinking we are the hottest things in the world to get a man’s attention. But this really couldn’t be further from the truth. Men LOVE a woman who isn’t afraid to be silly and goofy from time to time. It’s surprisingly a major turn on! So go ahead and say those silly comments that pop up in your head or bust out that hilarious joke you heard at work earlier. I’m sure he will certainly appreciate your sense of humor and will be glad to have met a woman who is confident enough to show her silly side.
10. Show Him Your Intelligent Side
Okay, now, I’m not saying you need to talk about the way molecules function (unless of course you two are into that kind of thing). But you should AT LEAST be able to hold a bit of an intelligent conversation from time to time. For instance: if he starts talking about something from history (that’s well known), don’t play the dumb card. Let him know you know what he’s talking about. Now, if you really DON’T know what he’s saying, then feel free to say a comment such as “Wow, that’s really interesting. I’d love to hear more about that!” That shows him that even if you’re not aware of some things, you’re eager to learn. And men love that.
11. Make Plans
A text message is a super easy way to ask someone out. I mean- you’re not face to face, so that takes LOADS of pressure off. I mean, at least you won’t have to be rejected right to your face! (If he DOES reject you, that is). Plus you can be super coy about it. For instance, let’s say the two of you are talking about a new movie coming out. You could tell him that you’re interested in seeing it, but none of your friends like those kinds of movies so you have no one to go with. If he doesn’t get the hint to ask you out by that point, try asking him to accompany you to the movie!
12. Send Pictures
Hey now- don’t jump to any conclusions. I’m not talking about THOSE kinds of pictures (not yet, anyways). I merely mean sending him some innocent photos of something cool you’re doing or something interesting that you saw. Pictures bring everything to life and make conversations THAT much cooler. So go ahead and take a snap shot!
13. Send… Other Pictures
So you say the conversation between the two of you is getting a little “fun”, hmm? While I’m not going to sit here and tell you to strip down and send a nude short, I will tell you this: it’s the perfect time for a little seductive flick. For instance, you could take a picture of your new adorable, kind of sexy nightgown that you’re not sure if you want to take back or not. You could take a picture of those new jeans that fit oh-so-perfectly around your bottom and ask him what he thinks. There’s lots of ways to be a bit naughty with your pictures without showing a single thing!
14. Be Mysterious
Men are all about the game of cat and mouse. They love to chase females and they love it when a woman leaves them on the edge of their seat wanting more. And for that reason, you need to be mysterious- even through text messages. If he asks you what you’re doing, don’t just tell him you’re bored alone at home. Maybe you could take an extra couple minutes to text him back and say, “Oh, sorry it’s taking me so long to text back right now! My hands are kind of full at the moment. I’ll text you in about an hour”. That makes him wonder- what is this girl up to?
15. Leave on a High Note
Just like you want to start the conversation strong, you should end it on a high note as well. This means you should stop texting him the second the convo starts turning dull. That way you avoid boring conversations and leave him wanting more. Try to end the conversation in a flirty way, by saying something like “Josh, it’s been really nice talking to you 😉 text me tomorrow, okay? I gotta go”. But don’t tell him exactly where you’re going- make it mysterious.
What are some tips you have for texting a guy you like?