How To Walk In High Heels
As women it’s a little known fact that we LOVE high heels. Whether we spend our day to day lives wearing ballet pumps or high tops, the fact still remains. However because most of us spend most of our lives walking a little closer to the pavement, walking in our beloved heels can be a nightmare. As much as we can be looking forward to wearing them, be they for a wedding, a party or anything else, there’s always a tiny part of us that’s nervous about making a fool of ourselves. We’ve all been there – we’ve all had a little wobble if not tumbled not-so-graciously to the floor while wearing heels.
That need not be the case though. Believe it or not (I didn’t believe it at first either!), there are some simple tips you can follow to help you look and feel like a goddess when wearing heels.
Walk Tall
Remember when you were little and your parents were always telling you to stop slouching and stand up straight? Well, as much as their nagging may have irked us, they were right. Good posture is essential for walking in heels. Even if you have the perfect posture and walk in flats, remember to accentuate this as soon as you slip your feet into a pair of heels. When you’re wearing heels you should always, always walk tall. Stretch your back out, push out your bust and hold your head high – trust me, you’ll love the results. Not only will doing so help you to improve your balance and therefore how you walk in heels, you’ll also love what you see in the mirror. Standing tall will transform you from a shy girl to a confident woman.
If The Shoe Fits
This is another thing we should have learned from our parents but, if you’re anything like me, I imagine as soon as your eyes get glued to a cute set of heels this rule goes out the window. It shouldn’t! While you may be able to get away with your toes having a little too much freedom or being a bit too cramped in a pair of trainers, you certainly can’t in a pair of heels. If your feet are sliding all over inside your shoe then you’ll never be able to walk right in them – chances are you’ll look more like Bambi on ice than a graceful swan. The same is true if your heels are too tight – your feet will be uncomfortable and you’ll find yourself compensating for this by walking odd.
Remember, no matter how cute the shoes are, if they don’t fit right then they won’t look even half as cute when you’re falling over in them.
Practice Makes Perfect
As with everything else, perfecting how you walk in heels is all about practice. Never – you heard me, never – go out in a pair of heels that you haven’t broken in first. No doubt, if you do you’ll find yourself in pain and walking all over the place within hours. Once you’ve bought a pair of heels, try wearing them around the house a few times. This will break the shoes in to match the shape of your feet so you’ll feel more comfortable in them and it will also give you practice walking in them.
But How Do I Walk?
Okay, okay so these tips are useful but, if you really are a true heel novice, they might as well be written in an alien language for all the good they’ll do you. You need to know how to walk in heels, not how to know if they fit. Let’s make this as simple as possible, shall we?
Once you’ve got your heels on, stand tall, stay relaxed and begin to walk. When you’re walking, focus on putting your heel down first and then your toe. Heel, toe, heel, toe – I’m sure you’ve heard that before, right? It really is as simple as that. Just remember to keep that posture, the second you lose focus and slouch is when your elegant walk begins to lose it’s grace.
Remember To Look The Part
If all else fails you can always fake it. No doubt, if you’re wearing heels, you’re dressed up and looking gorgeous, your hair and makeup are perfect and you simply feel great. If, despite everything else I’ve told you, you still can’t get to grips with your heels then let your confidence spill over into your walk. Set a smile on your face, stand tall and act like you know what you’re doing. Before you know it, your graceful walk will follow and if not then no one will know the difference, they won’t be able to see passed your glowing facade.
(All images courtesy of