50 I Love You Messages for Husband

By on January 23, 2015

I love you messages for husband are designed to be romantic, cute, silly and loving. These messages can be left on his Facebook page, sent through a text message or written within a love message. Over several years of marriage, husbands and wives need to find ways to revive the intimacy in their lives. Through I love you messages for husband, you can rekindle that spark of passion that you had when you first met him.

1. “Riddle of the day: What is more gorgeous than a Greek god, more handsome than a Hollywood heartthrob and more giving than a millionaire? Answer: You! You are all this and more, my dear husband. I love being with you.”

If you want to make sure that he starts his day off right, then this is the perfect romantic message to send him. It manages to be both loving and slightly silly.

2. “You are a warm cup of coffee on a rainy morning, a soft blanket in the cold night, the rainbow following a storm and the sauna at the end of a difficult week. You are all of the love, passion and comfort of my life.”

In addition to being rather poetic, this love quote wins extra points for being romantic. Use it to express exactly how important your husband is to you.

3. “All that I love is you. I love who you are and our life together. I live life entirely for loving you.”

This I love you message for him gets a bit serious. If your relationship has been rocky lately, you can use this message to bring a smile to his face once again.

4. “We may not say it as often as we used to, but I just wanted you to know that I love you.”

Over the years, it may feel like you take your husband for granted. Even when you are consumed with bills, work and children, take some time to let your husband know that he still matters. A relationship takes work to remain strong. Put the effort into your relationship, and you will be rewarded.

5. “It is good to have a husband who forgives for the past. It is better to have a husband who forgives what you do in the present. Best of all is to have a husband who forgives everything and focuses on a future together.”

This lovely quote is a beautiful one to send to your husband.

6. “I have only one complaint in my life. I want you to be home earlier, so I have more time to cuddle, love and kiss you.”

When it comes down to it, the thing that matters most is the time that you spend with your husband. Over the years, you will not remember the iPod you bought from overtime or the thrill of an extra workout. You will remember the time that you spent with your loved ones.

7. “Moderation in everything is my goal, except for one thing: you. I want you to surround me with your love and hold me forever. It may be excessive, but I want it so terribly.”

Out of all the I love you messages for husband, this one is one of the best. It manages to be loving without approaching over-the-top sentimentality.

8. “I always hear people asking God for a chance to do things over. It confused me until I realized that they must not have found a soulmate like you. I love you.”

When you have found the love of your life, the only thing you want to do over again is meeting him. After falling in love with my husband, my main wish was that I could have met him even earlier.

9. “When life seems to suffocate with problems and issues, you are like a gasp of fresh air. Your love revives me and keeps me strong.”

A good husband will be someone that supports you through the good times and the bad. Don’t take this for granted. Let him know how much his support has meant to you over the years.

10. “Each day in my life begins and ends perfectly. It starts with rolling over to see your face, and it ends when you wrap your arms around me in the evening. More than anything else, I love being with you.”

This is a wonderful way to express to your husband how much he matters to you. Instead of focusing on problems at work, stop and remember that each day starts and ends perfectly with the man you love.

11. “If my life were a business, then starting an unconditional partnership with you was the best business decision that I ever made.”

It is also your most profitable business venture. 😉

12. “When I thought about my future soulmate, I wanted someone who supported my goals, showered me in love, shared my dreams and cared for me. On the day we married each other, all of my wishes were granted.”

Over time, you may begin to take your husband for granted. Remind him of the passion of your early relationship by sending him messages like this.

13. “Even though I have seen a million people today, the only person that I can think about is you.”

This I love you message for husband works because it is cute. It also focuses on the fact that the only person who truly matters in your life is your husband.

14. “The most precious moments of my life are when I am held in your arms.”

Poignant in its simplicity, this is an excellent message to send your husband.

15. “Every day that passes reminds me to thank the universe for giving me a husband as loving and wonderful as you are.”

If you want to let your husband know how thankful you are to be with him, a message like this works well.

16. “If life were a ship, you’d be the anchor that holds me in place and the sails that sweep me away to my dreams.”

Using imagery is a great way to make a love message really stand out.

17. “Do you remember how we kissed at ______? I want to do that again.”

Although loving messages are great, a reminder of a moment of passion always works well.

18. “They should have put a warning on our marriages certificate that said: Beware of perfection.”

You may be imperfect on your own, but together you are perfect.

19. “Throw out the coffee! What I need to start and end the day is a kiss from my husband. I love you.”

Obviously, this love quote works better if you actually drink coffee.

20. “For you did not whisper into my ear; you spoke to my heart. You kissed not my lips, but my soul.”

If you need an extra-special message for an anniversary or Valentine’s Day, this I love you message for husband will be perfect.

21. “Your love is like a sweet, exciting wave that washes me away from everything that I knew. It brings me to a world of true perfection and love.”

Imagery from nature is a common theme that is used in love messages and quotes.

22. “I trust you, but not because you are my husband. The reason I trust you is because you are the epitome of everything that a man should be.”

This message manages to compliment him and show him that you love him.

23. “To my frog prince: I love you so greatly that I would have married you even if I had to kiss the frog version of you first.”

If you have just started reading stories to your children, this could be an excellent way to plan on the tale of the Frog Prince.

24. “It never matters who wears the pants in our relationship. All that matters is ending the day together.”

Even if one person is more dominant in the relationship, the thing that matters most is that you are together.

25. “Years can go by, but I will never forget the first moment that you held me in your arms. In that moment and every second since then, you have been the reason I breath, live and exist. You are my love, and the source of all of my happiness.”

As far as beautiful writing goes, this is one of the loveliest ways to express that he was, is and will be the one.

26. “I could tell you that you are a great husband, loving father and caring friend. I could tell you all this, but it is easier to just say that you are everything that a human being should be.”

Let him know that you appreciate who he is, and everything that he does for your family.

27. “Whoever said that all men are the same obviously never met someone as loving as you.”

All men may seem the same until you meet your soulmate. After that moment, you know how very different a man can be.

28. “Everything that I think about revolves around one idea. I need to know how best to make you happy so that you will stay with me forever.”

Perhaps, your husband would enjoy a candlelit dinner, a hike without children or a date night. Whatever it is, try to find a tangible way to remind him that he is still the love of your life.

29. “You should teach a relationship class because other men could really learn from you.”

If you are looking for a cute way to say that he is a wonderful spouse, this I love you message for husband is a great option.

30. “You are the love of my life, and the light of my day. I will love you forever.”

Or, if you are a Jane Eyre fan, you could try the classic, “My light, my love, my life.”

31. “Loving you is amazing, but the fact that you love me is a miracle.”

A loving text can be poignant and simple.

32. “Monday blues are bright with life and television shows are suddenly cozy when I am in the arms of my loving husband.”

After getting married, being with your husband transforms every part of your life for the better.

33. “I struggle not to grow complacent because being with you is the only thing that I have wanted this badly.”

Add an “I love you” to the end, and the message is ready to send.

34. “It is impossible to explain love—we can only feel it. Every time you touch me, I feel your love.”

This is a perfect way to let him know that his touch still drives you wild, and your passion remains strong.

35. “The best part of my life is when you look me in the eyes. It makes me feel like the most beautiful girl in the world.”

Instead of using poetry, you can try just saying what you feel. Messages from the heart have an added note of sincerity that is not possible through any other means.

36. “Although marriage comes with responsibilities, I don’t feel them because you are at my side.”

Your husband should be a source of strength and support during difficult times.

37. “I want to love you for death, but I must stop just short because I want to be with you for an eternity.”

It might be a little gruesome, but this quote still remains fairly poetic.

38. “Women who read magazines about finding the perfect husband are out of luck. I already found the world’s best husband.”

This is a perfect, yet simple, way of saying that he is the man for you.

39. “Despite the years, our love burns with scintillating passion and excitement. I love being with you.”

Even as the years progress, it is still possible to keep the romance alive.

40. “You are like a kaleidoscope. Every time that I look in your eyes, I see a colorful, magical image of our present and our future.”

Sometimes, all you need to do is send him a message that reminds him of how much you love him.

41. “Our love is more than just lust and passion. It comes with a deep sense of care, love and affection.”

The best marriages are based on friendship for a reason.

42. “You were the sexiest crush that I could ever have. Over and over, I wonder what I did to ever deserve a husband as wonderful as you.”

Use this one of the I love you messages for husband to let him know that you still find him sexy.

43. “Some couples boast about being exactly the same. I am happy that we have differences because these variations make us complete each other perfectly.”

As the old saying goes, opposites attract.

44. “Despite all of the troubles and problems of day-to-day existence, my life is perfect. You have made my entire life into a fairytale-like existence.”

Remind him that he is your one and only love through messages like this.

45. “If you were a tree, I’d be a vine. If you were a beach, I’d become the river. If you are a bee, then I will be the flower. Everything I do is so that I can be in your arms again.”

This message is perfectly designed for love poems and letters. Write it out on beautiful stationary and leave it next to his pillow in the morning.

46. “Growing old used to scare me. Now, I do not fear old age because I will get to spend it with you.”

Buy two rocking chairs, build a porch, and you will be ready for anything.

47. “Times are hard, but sharing them with you makes everything easier. The most difficult of burdens are made simple when I am with you.”

If you have been going through a rough time, this is one of the I love you messages for husband that is intended for you.

48. “You are my superhero, and I want to be saved by you always.”

Give this to the man who rescues you from harm and protects you from the tragedies of the world.

49. “Everyday that I get to be your wife, I thank the universe for bringing me to you.”

If you want to let him know how lucky you are, sending an I love you message for husband is an excellent way to do so.

50. “Over time, we may take our relationship and love for granted. I just wanted to let you know that I love, care and respect you more everyday that we are together.”

Instead of allowing your relationship to grow stale, keep it alive through a quote like this.

As time passes, relationships naturally change. By sending your husband “I love you” messages, you let him know that your feelings remain the same. Use these messages as a way to catalyze the love and romance of your relationship.


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