Comments on: I Miss Him But He Doesn’t Miss Me Fri, 25 Mar 2016 18:57:08 +0000 hourly 1 By: web admin Tue, 15 Mar 2016 16:48:17 +0000 I am not sure what I can do to help. He will either realize that you are the one and he wants to be with you, or the time apart will make him realize that he does not want to be in the relationship. For the moment, give him space to decide what he wants. If he decides to come back, ask him if he is in the relationship for real this time, since it is not fair for him to constantly put you through this stress. I will keep my fingers crossed for you–I hope everything ends up working out.

By: sasha Mon, 14 Mar 2016 16:11:41 +0000 We have been in relationship for an year..PAst 4 months long distance relationship…We have even contemplated marraige and my family already knows that..His family is looking for a girl as his match…we used to have fun about the proposals and he rejected them…But from march first week he suddenly spoke about break up out of the blue…This happened before too so i thought this is just a normal phenomena..i stopped talking to him for a while then he came back..From the time he came back he is extremely affectionate ..he even told me its very frustrating to stay away from me and would make plans and come and meet me in a month..the next day he sends me texts that he is guilty he fell in love with me ,His love for me has reduced,He is not convinced himself as to tell his parents about me..I was shocked i dint even know what to answer him… I was still replying very calmly to him that passion fades away over a period of time but if one wants to be with a person effort has to be made…after that i stopped replying him…because i was really hurt and i wanted space..He is in a very good job And i m still searching for a job…he wants me to clear some exam..I m trying to…After 2 days he messaged hi in the night i responded in the morning as i was asleep..the next day night i casually responded hi and then his messages are one liners…Its been a week i have heard his voice…i really love him a lot..please suggest me what to do

By: web admin Tue, 08 Mar 2016 20:00:13 +0000 If you fought constantly for 2.5 years, do not feel like you can trust him and things are going even worse now, why is it that you want to stay with him? Trying to keep the relationship going longer will only make it harder to break up and could drive both of you further apart. If you do want to have the relationship after all, give it a couple of months apart. You were together and arguing for a long time, so it will take at least a couple of months for the memories of those disagreements and hurt feelings to die down in both of your minds. While you wait, take up a new hobby, focus on work and spend more time with your friends. Staying busy will help you avoid the thoughts about how things worked out or could have worked out. Good luck, Ajira!

By: Ajira Tue, 08 Mar 2016 18:05:20 +0000 After 2.5 years of disagreeing on many things and working it out, we fought constantly. My attitude was his source of complaints. After Xmas I found a box of unopened condoms that made it clear he had one foot out the door. He apologized and admitted his reasoning and I took him back but kept bringing it up in the weeks to come. Ultimately the script was flipped and he became frustrated telling me I have to consciously move on or he’s out if I keep accusing him every week. He broke up with me and I made the mistake of begging him to work it out. He’s begged me in the past as well, so I thought we were on the same page about wanting it to work. Begging was a mistake because I couldn’t live up to his expectations and I had to walk on egg shells; otherwise he’d accuse me of being argumentative. It was a vicious cycle so I told him I’d let go if that’s how it’d be moving forward. Idk if I was too impatient (after only 3 weeks of deciding to work it out) and I have no clue what’s going through his head. I want to work it out, but how long should I give both is us time off before reaching out again? Your article acknowledged exactly what I’m feeling – that I’m not miss-able.

By: web admin Mon, 15 Feb 2016 16:44:42 +0000 Thank you! I am glad to hear that you enjoyed it. If you liked this article, there are similar topics on Her Interest. If you have the time, make sure to check them out. Thanks for commenting!

By: Broken Heart Girl Mon, 15 Feb 2016 03:18:04 +0000 Thank you so much, i need it to heard all this. <3

By: web admin Sat, 05 Dec 2015 21:06:11 +0000 It takes a long time to move on after a relationship has ended. From the sound of it, he still cares for you–after all, it is impossible for those feelings to just go away after eight years of being together. At the same time, it does not seem like he will be coming back to you. Pick up a new hobby, focus on your personal development and try your bets to move on. It will take time, but you can do it.

By: Magdimala Fri, 04 Dec 2015 00:21:29 +0000 Hi. I dont know what to do. My bf broke uo with me o 26th september the last months I convinced him, begging him to come back to me… I know that was wrong. We were together almost 8 years I love him so much and until this day I knew and I felt the same about him. In this year we had a lot og small fights: i was jealeus and I didnt like his friends so I like when he met them… Thats all. And after all the plans, that he wanted to have a baby with me and plan of his proposal in this christmas he decided to break up with me. I ve started the nin contact rule its my 5th day.. He didnt called me or texted me… Once he said after that he didnt love, than he said he love me and he said he loves me but he isnt in love with me. Now he doesnt care at all about me. He said that I dobt respect his decisiin and he need some space… Theres of course a lot of changes in his lige after our relationsship and he has now a lot of girls around… And I dont know how to let it go, how to forget about him how to move in. I still have a hope that he will come back, thats right I m still alive… But do you thibk he will be back? Sorry for my english.

By: web admin Fri, 20 Nov 2015 17:07:19 +0000 I would just focus on enjoying life and move on for now. Since he is just trying to focus on his goals, there is always a chance that you could date again in the future. At the same time, there is no reason to put your life on hold while you wait for something that may never happen. Go out with your friends, enjoy your favorite hobbies and learn something new. If you meet someone that you are interested in, go ahead and go on a date with them. There are no guarantees that he will ever come back to you, so live your life and have fun.

By: Elly Tue, 17 Nov 2015 01:56:57 +0000 how about if your ex asked for a break up but he still loves you yet he just want to achieve his goals. what should i do? :'(
