233 Japanese Girl Names and Their Meanings
By Kimberley on March 13, 2018
If you are on the hunt for Japanese girl names that really stand out, we’ve found a few that we think might just tick all of the right boxes for you. There are some truly beautiful names in this, with a wide string of fascinating and varied meanings and symbolism behind some of them. We found so many beautiful Japanese girl names and their meanings were so wonderful, that we almost had a hard time working out which ones to add to the list and which not! There are, of course, a few unisex ones in there too.
Whether you’re looking for something pretty and feminine or strong or bold, there really is a beautiful Japanese girl name for every occasion …
233 Japanese Girl Names and Their Meanings
- Ahmya – a Spanish name as well as a Japanese name, it means black rain in the latter.
- Ai – this name can be used to add syllables to a name or a hyphenated/middle name, means indigo blue or love in Japanese.
- Aia – two meanings: house ruler, or famous one.
- Aika – means love song.
- Aiko – means both affection, and love.
- Ainu – two meanings: human-like, or fertility Goddess.
- Akane – to meanings: red-coloured dye, or to be madder/crazier.
- Akari – two meanings: brightness, or light.
- Aki – a name on its own, as well as a shortened version of another Japanese name for girls — Akira or Akiara. Also means: smart one, morning sun, sparkle, autumn, clear.
- Akiara – this name can be used for both boys and girls, and usually means a bright, intelligent, or smart person.
- Akiko – similar meanings to Aki: a wonderful fall season, something sparkling, bright, or beautiful, clear or crystal-like.
- Akira – similar to Akiara: intelligent, smart, clear, glimmering, or bright.
- Akito – a unisex name, similar to Akiko and Akari: like the fall season, an intelligent or bright person.
- Amaya – means rain of the night.
- Ami – several meanings: truth, Asia, sea, ocean, beauty, a mixture of all of those things.
- Anzu – means apricot fruit.
- Asuka – means tomorrow.
- Atsuko – several meanings, mostly to do with a child: warm or honest child, someone who is pure, kind, or sincere.
- Asami – means beauty of the morning.
- Asuga – means fast, brief, fleeting, like the wind.
- Asuka – means scent/fragrance of tomorrow.
- Aya – means magical, magical angel, someone who knows magic.
- Ayaka – means a beautiful fragranced and brightly-coloured flower.
- Ayame – means eye, iris, someone who can see things crystal-clear.
- Ayane – two meanings: nice or wonderful people, they are nice/wonderful, and also a sound that is pleasing to the ear.
- Ayeka – someone who thinks quickly, rationally, or logically.
- Ayumi – several meanings, mostly to do with the sea or ocean: peaceful or beautiful sea, progress, something of beauty, walking.
- Bashira – two meanings: someone who can foretell when good things are going to happen, someone or something joyful.
- Chiaki – means a light that sparkles bright.
- Chieko – means a child who is smart or wise.
- Chiharu – a unisex name, means bright and clear skies, beautiful spring seasons.
- Chihiro – means many springs, a thousand springs.
- Chika – someone who is very wise, intelligent, intellectual, smart.
- Chinami – means wavy oceans, a thousand waves.
- Chiyoko – means many generations, a hundred or a thousand generations.
- Chizue – means long-lasting, durable, reliable, endurance, associated with long life.
- Cho – means butterfly.
- Chouko – similar to Cho, means butterfly, also used for other nectar-feeding insects.
- Chuya – means crystal-clear, like water, pure, transparent, clean.
- Danuja – a name for both boys and girls, means a ruler or a knight; someone braver and who is respected.
- Doi – a name for both boys and girls, means the earth, a mountain or hill.
- Emi – means scenic, beautiful, picturesque, usually to describe a smile.
- Emica – means blessed, charming, beautiful, pleasing to the eyes.
- Emiko – similar to Emica, also means a child who is/will be prosperous.
- Ena – something sent from heaven, a gift from God.
- Eri – several meanings: a blessing, joy, or delight, the reason behind something, clever, love.
- Etsudo – two meanings: a child, a bundle of joy, or just joy and happiness.
- Fuji – means something that is flourishing, an opinion that is getting rolling, something that is objective or potentially prosperous.
- Fumiko – a child or person that is smart, an intellect, academic achievements.
- Gen – means the season of spring.
- Gina – means to sparkle, like silver, the colour silver.
- Hachi – a name for both boys and girls, means the number eight, also flowerpot, or bees, bumblebees.
- Haia – means to be quick or nimble, fast on your feet.
- Hana – means a beautiful flower, a flower about to blossom, to blossom as a person.
- Hanae – similar to Hana, means a blessing, a favour, a beautiful blossom or flower.
- Hanako – simiar to Hana and Hanae, a flower, beautiful flower, Japanese flower.
- Hanami – means a thing of beauty, a beautiful flower, to be beautiful, something that is worth looking at.
- Haru – several meanings: to clear something up, a clear day, a clear forecast, the sun or sunlight, in spring, the spring season.
- Harue – a name for both boys and girls, means the sunshine, the bringing of spring or summer, a summery mood.
- Haruhi – means a spring day, also to do with flowers, flowering, blooming, beauty.
- Harumi – several meanings: nice and clear weather, a clear day, a clear forecast, the month of spring, beauty, calm.
- Hatsuko – means the first child born.
- Hatsumomo – means the first peach born.
- Hide – means that something is good, excellent, terrific.
- Hikari – several meanings: something or someone is bright, bright lights, brilliance, something that shines, a shining person.
- Hikaru – a name used for both boys and girls, means something of brilliance, a shining flash of brilliance, something that is so bright, it seems to flash.
- Hinata – means sunflower, often used to describe someone with a sunny disposition, to face the sun.
- Hiro – means abundance, prosperity, someone who is generous, kind, or tolerant.
- Hiroko – means a child who is rich, a generous and kind child, being magnanimous.
- Hisa – means long-lasting, to show a story that goes on forever, something that is everlasting, a love that is built to last.
- Hisano – similar to Hisa, also means long and everlasting, but also a small part of a much bigger story.
- Hitomu – a name used for both boys and girls, means someone who is handsome or beautiful, someone who is intelligent, has intellect or wisdom.
- Hoshiko – means a star, someone bright like a star.
- Hotaru – means firefly.
- Japana – a name used for both boys and girls, means someone who is goal-orientated, has ambition and drive, perhaps someone who has lots of energy, is into athletics or other energizing activities.
- Jona – a name used for both boys and girls, several meanings: the dove bird, also “God is gracious,” most-adored person, much-loved person, someone who is admired, someone who is high-up in the societal ranks.
- Julieanne – means nobility or peace, someone who is kind or honest, loyal people, wanting peace, a peaceful person.
- Junko – means sincere child, someone who is honest, pure, and genuine, good obedience, someone who follows rules.
- Kaede – a name used for both boys and girls, means maple.
- Kagami – means mirror, to look in the mirror, reflection.
- Kagome – means to be lost, to have lost something, to feel lost.
- Kaida – means little or small dragon.
- Kairi – a name used for both boys and girls, means small sea-side village, a village or town by the ocean, close to the ocean.
- Kairy – means to be by the sea, the sea, oceans.
- Kaiya – means to forgive, to show forgiveness, to be forgiving.
- Kana – means to be powerful, to have powerful, the one who has all of the power.
- Kaoru – a name used for both boys and girls, means to smell good, a nice fragrance, well-scented, highly-scented.
- Karou – similar to Kaoru, different spelling.
- Kasumi – means the mist, in the mist, mystical, magical.
- Katana – means the sword, to have the sword, to have or display honor.
- Katsumi – a name used for both boys and girls, means to overcome obstacles, win battles, fight and become the victor of personal problems.
- Kaya – means yew in Japanese, also means home in African, and small, but wise one in American (Native).
- Kayda – means a little or small dragon.
- Kayo – means a generation of beauty, a generation of beautiful people or children.
- Kazane – means the whistle or rustle of the wind, sounds of the wind, listening to the wind.
- Kazumi – a name used for both boys and girls, means to be in harmony, to live in harmony, to be harmonic, beautiful harmony.
- Kei – a name used for both boys and girls, means a wise one, one that is a blessing, a jewel, a jewel in square-shape.
- Keiko – means a young one who is to be celebrated, rejoiced, and who should be shown respect.
- Keina – means to be prosperous or to have prosperity, to wish prosperity.
- Keon – means one of true beauty, pure beauty, innocent beauty.
- Karriann – means Japanese yellow rose.
- Kiaria – means to have good fortune or a lot of fortune, to be blessed with fortunate future.
- Kiku – means chrysanthemum (the flower)
- Kimi – means a story of beauty, a beautiful tale, a beautiful story.
- Kin – a name used for both boys and girls, means to be gold or golden.
- Kioka – means to look in the mirror, a mirror.
- Kioko – means to share your good fortune or happiness, to share your wisdom with the world.
- Kirika – means to have natural beauty, to be naturally beautiful.
- Kita – means North.
- Kitiara – means a blade coming from the North.
- Kiwa – means to be on the border, to be borderline, to sit on the fence, to be neutral.
- Kiyoko – means a child who is pure, innocent, clean, of pure mind.
- Kohaku – a name used for both boys and girls, means amber.
- Koharu – means in the later part of summer, late sunshine.
- Kosuke – a name used for both boys and girls, means the sun is rising, or the rising sun.
- Kozue – means black Chinese pine (a tree species)
- Kuma – a name used for both boys and girls, means bear, big or little bear.
- Kumi – means to be beautiful forever.
- Kumiko – means the friend or companion, a child, a companion child.
- Kura – means a house of treasures.
- Kyo – a name used for both boys and girls, means to unite, a united village, a village stood together, to come together.
- Machiko – means a child of good fortune, a child who is fortunate in life.
- Maeko – means honesty, a child who speaks the truth, to always tell the truth, to be honest.
- Maemi – means a smile that is truthful, an honest smile.
- Maho – means someone who is truthful and honest at all times.
- Mai – means to dance with elegance and grace, to have a graceful movement.
- Maiko – similar to Mai, means a child who loves to dance, the one who loves to dance.
- Maiya – means rice valley.
- Makaira – means the one who will bring laughter and happiness.
- Maki – a name used for both boys and girls, means true in Japanese, also means hill in Finnish.
- Makiko – means to come from the truth, a child born from truth, a child from someone who is truthful and honest .
- Mako – means to be grateful and honest, truthful.
- Makoto – a name used for both boys and girls, means to be sincere, a sincere child or person.
- Mamiko – means to be born from the sea, to love the sea, to be a sea-daughter.
- Mao – means to be genuine and real, truthful, honest.
- Marri – means a dance party of elegance, a ballroom dance affair.
- Masae – means to be elegant, to be born with elegance.
- Masami – means to grow into something beautiful.
- Masumi – means someone of beauty and purity, to be pure and innocent.
- Michi – a name used for both boys and girls, means to be on the right path, to be upright, to be sensible and stood-fast.
- Michiko – means to learn a lot, to be intelligent, to have a lot of knowledge.
- Midori – means colours, to love colours, specifically green.
- Mieko – means to be bright or light, light that shines bright.
- Mihoko – means to be safe and shielded, taken care of, protected.
- Mikan – means tangerine or orange.
- Miku – means a time of great beauty or a scene or great beauty, a beautiful sky.
- Minako – an apple tree, a child who is beautiful.
- Minami – means to be from the South, to be Southern.
- Mio – means cherry blossom.
- Mirai – means to look into the future, the future, something that hasn’t happened or arrived yet, anticipation.
- Misaki – means to have bloomed, a newly-bloomed flower, a new thing of beauty.
- Mitsu – means to shine in your reflection.
- Mitsuki – means a beautiful moon, a moon of grace, something of grace and beauty.
- Miwa – means three rings, harmony, beauty, and peace.
- Miya – means a temple, a house of sacred.
- Mizuki – means to hope, to look towards something beautiful for good things.
- Moe – means to be unmarried, a ‘Virgin Mary’.
- Momoka – means a sea of flowers, hundreds of flowers.
- Morika – means to come from the forest, or the smell of the forest.
- Moriko – similar to Morika, means to come from the forest, a child who was in the forest.
- Nagi – means to be calm or to soothe/lull.
- Namie – means to have little help, to need little help, to have good blessings.
- Nanami – means green and healthy vegetables, or the oceans/seven seas.
- Naoko – means a child who will be obedient and respectful.
- Nariko – means a child who is very tender and soft, to be gentle, the gentle one.
- Natsu – a name used for both boys and girls, means to be warm, a warm person, the warm seasons of the year.
- Natsuko – means the summer, born in summer, to love the summer.
- Ne – means a musical instrument, a noise, a musical sound.
- Nisbitt – means someone you can rely on and trust, dependable, durable, hardy, reliable, strong.
- Nori – means someone with good morals and ideals, high principles, a good person.
- Noriko – means laws or rules, commandments, to follow instructions.
- Nozomi – means to be reliable and trustworthy, someone who can be counted upon.
- Nyoko – means infatuation and intoxicated in Sanskritt – drunk and in love!
- Ohta – a name used by both boys and girls, means to be free from impure or unclean thoughts, to be clean, and can also mean ‘God’ and all-Almighty.
- Oishi – means to be respected, a good personality, a noble person (man) in Arabic.
- Oki – means to be a master of all things, to know a lot, to be an expert in more than one thing.
- Okimi – means to shine bright, a bright beam of light.
- Ran – means a flower, the orchid.
- Reiki – a name used by both boys and girls, means to heal, the practicing of healing, to help heal, a healing soul.
- Reiko – a name used by both boys and girls, means to be thankful and grateful.
- Ren – a name used by both boys and girls, means to experience lotus-love, the love of the lotus, total love.
- Rieko – means to have benefits in life, to be blessed, to have a good and blessed life.
- Rikka – means to be dominant, to be a ruler, to be the champion.
- Rikku – similar to Rikka.
- Rin – a name used by both boys and girls, means to be dignified but sharp and severe.
- Rini – means to be cute, like a bunny, rabbit-like.
- Sachiko – means to have a life of happiness and good times, a child who will have great times.
- Sada – means to be pure, to have a pure heart.
- Saeko – means to be serene, a child that is serene and well-behaved.
- Sai – means paint, to paint, a painting.
- Sajonara – means goodbye, to say goodbye, farewell.
- Sakai – means to have a life of prosperity.
- Saki – means to have hope, fresh blossom, new blooms.
- Saku – a name used by both boys and girls, means divinity, remembrance, to remember.
- Sakura – means to be beautiful, like cherry blossom.
- Sanya – means to have happiness, to be happy, to have a happy life.
- Saori – means the colour of sand, like golden sand, sands of time.
- Satsuki – means May, the fifth month.
- Sayua – means the one who is fast, like an arrow.
- Shika – means to be gentle, like a deer.
- Shiko – means a strong woman, one who is made out of stone, to be as sturdy as stone.
- Shinobu – a name used by both boys and girls, means to be enduring, to last, to be hard-wearing, long-lasting.
- Shinon – means Aster tataricus, a Japanese type of flower that is commonly associated with remembering and remembrance.
- Shion – means to never forget, can’t forget, unforgettable.
- Shun – a name used by both boys and girls, means to be very talented, to be fast, to be the top of their game.
- Sora – means to be like the sky.
- Suki – means to be loved, to have a lot of love.
- Sumiko – means to be good, to have a good heart, to be a good child.
- Sumire – means violet, to be lovely.
- Sunako – means both being dark or the dark side, and the child of the sand.
- Takako – means a child of aristocracy.
- Takara – means jewel-like, to be cherished, as precious as a jewel.
- Takarra – similar to Takara, to be cherished, a very precious thing.
- Taki – means waterfall.
- Tamashini – means to have a good soul, to be full of soul, to be soulful.
- Tamiko – means a child who is very beautiful.
- Taree – means bending branches, flexibility, to be flexible.
- Taru – a name used for both boys and girls, means water, like the ocean or sea; large amounts of water in one place.
- Tatsu – means dragon in Old Japanese language, but the more conventional term today is ‘Ryu’.
- Tatsuo – means a dragon, primarily female.
- Tomo – means to have a lot of knowledge, to be intelligent, to learn a lot.
- Tomoe – means a friend, someone who is a blessing in your life.
- Tomoko – means someone who is knowing, or who knows, a child who is very friendly and approachable.
- Tora – means tigress in Japanese, also means conqueror in Latin, and the Norse people called the Goddess of Thunder, Tora.
- Toshiko – means a child that has come from ancient roots, a child who has great value, an important child.
- Tsunade – means to have a lot of confidence, a confident child, to be like the thunder – loud and bold.
- Wattan – means to be from the homeland, to live on the homeland, to love the homeland.
- Yuna – means dreaming, to dream, summer dreams, enjoying the summer, and also to have a gentle and kind heart. In 2013, this was a very popular name and became more so after the introduction of the Final Fantasy game series, featuring Yuna as one of the main characters.
- Yume – means to dream, to appear in a dream, to be worthy of something in a dream, to dream of.
- Yumi – means be beautiful, out-of-this-world beauty, most excellent.
- Yui – means to be gentle or superior, and also to bind or tie together. In 2012, this one was hitting the top of the popularity charts.
- Yuina – means either vegetables, or to tie the knot, as in, get married. Back in 2013, this name topped the polls for most fashionable and popular girls names in Japan.
- Yuri – means lily, has been known to be one of the very popular Japanese girl names for generations.