Jennette McCurdy Bra Size Height Weight

By on March 9, 2014

Bra Size




34-26-35 in or 87-66-91.5 cm



5 ft 3 in or 160 cm



51 kg or 112.5 pounds



  • Paul Butcher (2005-2006): Paul was an American actor who met Jennette in school in 2005. They dated from June of 2005 to March 2006.


  • Max Ehrich ( 2010-2011): Jennette and Max were practically dating. They went to many events together and they were seen together quite often. They dated for about a year starting in September of 2010.


  • Andre Drummond (2013): Andre Drummond is a 6 ft 9 basketball player who said he had a crush on her in August of 2013. They only dated for about a month because in September they broke up because apparently Andre had a bad kissing technique.


Plastic Surgery

Jennette has not undergone plastic surgery.


Net Worth

Jennette’s net worth is about $50,000.


Born Name

Jennette Michelle Faye McCurdy


Nick Name

Nette, Nettie, Jennie, Net Net



Jennette was born on June 26, 1992 which would make her 22 years old.


Sun Sign



Born Place

Jennette was born in Long Beach, California which is in the United States.






Jennette McCurdy was home schooled according to her.



  • Mother: Debra McCurdy
  • Father: Mark McCurdy
  • Brother: Marcus McCurdy
  • Brother: Scott McCurdy
  • Brother: Dustin McCurdy






She apparently has a manager and took a picture with her on her Twitter



Actress, Songwriter, Singer


Hair Color



Eye Color



Dress Size


Distinctive Features

  • Wavy blonde hair
  • Chubby Face




She also has Swedish, Irish, Italian, French, Dutch, and Puerto Rican ancestries.


Shoe Size






Best Known For

Jennette McCurdy is best known for her role as Sam Puckett on Nickelodeon sitcom iCarly which was on air from 2007 to 2012. She also is on a new show called Sam & Cat which is a spin-off of iCarly.


First Film

Jennette McCurdy’s first film was in the action/science film Shadow Fury which was made in 2001. She played the role of Anna Markov.


First TV Show

Jennette’s first t.v show was on MADtv playing as the role of Cassidy Gifford which was in the sixth season.


First Album

On June 5th, 2012 under the label of Capitol Nashville, Jennette made her first album named “Jennette McCurdy.” This album contained ten singles and was released in April.


Brand Endorsements 

  • Birds Eye (Frozen foods company
  • Starlight Children’s Foundation



Jennette’s Favorite Things

  • Favorite Superhero: Batman
  • Favorite Chips: Baked Southwest Lays
  • Favorite Month: December
  • Favorite Food: Jennette loves corn, broccoli, and grilled cheese.
  • Favorite Actors: Tom Hanks, Will Ferrel, Harrison Ford, Andrew Garfield
  • Favorite Books: Harry Potter series and Candide
  • Favorite Movies: Star Wars and Back to the Future
  • Favorite Dessert: Cookies n Cream ice cream
  • Favorite Tv Show: Game of Thrones, Friends, Sherlock, Anything on the food channel
  • Favorite Actresses: Reese Witherspoon, Meryl Streep, Emma Stone, Charlize Theron
  • Favorite color: Baby pink and purple


Eating Healthy

Jennette McCurdy eats very healthy. The Birds Eye’s helps kids eat healthy so to be a good role model for these kids, Jennette eats healthy as well. Even though she isn’t a health freak, just by eating the fruits and veggies of her choice, kids now a days want to eat healthy too to just be like her.


Jennette McCurdy Facts

    • Jennette McCurdy loves to read poetry, reading just for fun, and writing screenplays.
    • When Jennette was eight years old, which was 2000, she started her acting career.
    • Jennette was raised in Garden Grove, California.
    • Harrison Ford in the Star Wars Episode 4: A New Hope gave Jennette McCurdy the interest of acting for her. So you could say that Harrison Ford helped Jennette become one of the most beloved actress of the modern world.
    • Jennette has three dogs named Snoopy, Musashi, and Chewie.
    • Jennette also has two turtles named Zeus and Tootsen.
    • Jennette’s mother had once suffered from breast cancer.
    • She is also involved with a lot of charities such as the Invisible Children’s Inc and St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.
    • First celebrity crush was Johnny Depp
    • Jennette worst fear is the ocean
    • She is also scared of bees and sharks
    • She as two middle names which are Faye and Michelle
    • Her favorite animal is polar bear
    • English is her favorite school subject
    • Her favorite board games that she loves to play are Monopoly, Life, Moods and Clue.
    • She loves spicy foods.
    • Her name came from her grandmother’s middle name.
    • She is obsessed with Honey Boo Boo.
    • Her first TV appearance was on a dentist advertisement.
    • When she was younger she loved American Idol and I love Lucy.
    • On July 20, 2008 she joined YouTube.
    • FIgure skates are her prized possession.
    • Jennette joined Twitter on July 16th, 2008.
    • Visit her official website @
    • Follow her on Facebook
    • Follow her on Twitter
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