Jessica Alba Diet and Workout

By on April 18, 2015

33 year old Jessica Alba has one of the hottest bodies in Hollywood, and just to prove that point, not only is she regularly referred to as a ‘sex symbol’, but was featured in the Top 100 women by Maxim magazine, plus on’s 99 Most Desirable Women, she came 1st! Back in 2007, FHM voted her Sexiest Woman in the World. On top of all of that, she is a wonderful actress and a very shrewd business woman; a Golden Globe nominated business woman, no less!

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These days, being a mother of two has changed Jessica’s priorities somewhat, and although her body is still very important to her, the welfare and care of her children has overcome her constant need to keep her body in check. In fact, she went as far as to say that her body was starting to get ‘squishy’ because she wasn’t working out enough.

You see that’s the thing sometimes – life takes over and your priorities change. You let yourself slide a bit. That’s perfectly fine – everyone does that from time to time. You need to give yourself a break. But at some point, you do need to back on the horse, and the best place to start is with a few dietary changes…

Jessica Alba Diet

For the most part, Jessica Alba’s diet contains a lot of fresh fruit, nutritious vegetables, and plenty of lean protein such as turkey and chicken. She still eats all the foods she loves, but she finds great, tasty, and healthy substitutions for them such as breakfast which will consist of a healthy cereal, almond milk, and a banana to liven things up.

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To get plenty of protein in there, for lunch she’ll probably have a super healthy leafy green salad with nuts to add some texture and crunch. Pumpkin seeds make a great snack, as well as a great topping for things like salads. Leave out the croutons – these seeds are a super healthy and great tasting alternative!

Although eating healthy is important to Jessica, her happiness is just as much and if she wants some chocolate cake, she lets herself have it occasionally. It’s all about moderation – if you want a piece of chocolate cake, have fewer calories over dinner. Even making your portion sizes ever so slightly smaller could have the greatest difference.

Choosing organic foods is generally a priority for this Hollywood hottie, and she loves to go gluten-free where possible to banish bloating. When she combines this great healthy diet with a sensible amount of exercise, it won’t take her long to get back that bikini body that has girls green with envy…

Jessica Alba Workout

When she was younger, in her twenties, working out wasn’t overly important to Jessica but as she’s gotten older, and especially now she’s had a couple of kids, keeping on top of her health and fitness levels is important if she wants to look good as well as feel good.

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Being a mother to two young children doesn’t give you a lot of free time on your hands, but Jessica schedules workouts as ‘pamper’ time and in reality, it makes sense – you might be pushing your body by trying to lose weight or get in shape, but you are still pampering it by making it stronger, tougher, and healthier. Think of your exercise time as ‘you’ time, and you’ll be surprised at how the thought process could change your opinion of it.

Jessica Alba loved spinning as an all-over workout when she was trying to get back in shape after having her beautiful babies, but she does have a home gym to make use of. If you have a gym membership that could do with being used for the first time in months, why not make use of it. Most gyms have a sauna / spa option available these days, alongside spin classes, so why not treat yourself after your workout? Wish yourself that little bit harder to get that dreamy head and shoulder massage later, for example?

Remember that getting in shape is hard work, and every once in a while you should really reward yourself for all your hard work. What better way than by celebrating your new body in your new, smaller bikini, in the local sauna of your gym? Perfection, right there!


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