Kaley Cuoco Diet and Workout
Whether she has long hair or short hair, one thing is definitely certain about Kaley Cuoco – she is well deserved of her spot on the top 100 hottest women lists, all around the world, year after year! The beauty queen that gives all geek lads the belief they too could bag themselves a super fit girlie, is now 29 years old and out of her younger years. These days, she looks better than ever, and when you take a look at her diet and workout regime, you can see why.
She’s a grown up these days and she’s even gotten married! These days, her grown up lifestyles need grown up workout routines, and this beautiful blonde chooses to go with high intensity exercise plans three times per week, rather than having an unrealistic view of working out every day.
It’s nice to be able to have the time for that but in reality, many of us don’t have that kind of time. When you’re looking to workout or get yourself in shape, one thing you must always remember, just like Kaley has, is to be realistic in your goals. If you barely manage to find the time to do your own laundry once or twice per week, how are you going to find the time to fit in an hour’s worth of exercise every day? Or even half an hour?
Going back to Kaley, let’s start with how she likes to get that killer body we adore her for:
Kaley Cuoco Workout
Whether it’s for half an hour, or for an hour and a half, Kaley Cuoco works out a minimum of three times per week. She has a killer butt, great legs, and amazing abs and to achieve that kind of body, you’ll need to follow in her footsteps and look at exercises like pushups, plank-holds, mountain climbers, squat jumps, star jumps and more. These are all workouts that you can do from the comfort of your own home, and don’t need expensive equipment or pricey gym memberships. You really have no excuse for not giving them a try…
As well as making sure she does her three-times-weekly high intensity workouts, Kaley Cuoco loves to do a whole bunch of outdoor activities, and just one of her personal passions is horse riding. She regularly shares beautiful photos of her riding her beloved horses on Instagram, and it’s something that really helps to keep her in shape too.
When you’re looking to lose weight or get that buff body you keep talking about, you need to find something you really love to do in order to keep at your regime. The high intensity workouts are a must if you want the picture perfect body like Kaley’s, but that aside, having a great outdoor activity you enjoy doing will really help you to burn off those calories, so why not give them all a shot this summer, and see which one takes your fancy?
You could give swimming a try, or maybe even horse riding like Kaley Cuoco? There’s also football, volleyball, tennis, badminton, walking, hiking, playing frisbee on the beach with your dog… It doesn’t matter what it is as long as it gets your heart pumping, and gets you outside. Think of the vitamin D! Plus, everyone is much happier in the summer when the beautiful sun is shining, aren’t they?
Kaley Cuoco Diet
Recently, Kaley’s personal trainer divulged some sneaky information about her diet plans, and let it slip that she really isn’t a fan of diet plans, or meal plans. In fact, she didn’t really appreciate anything that would prevent her from eating the foods she loved – foods that are carbohydrate-rich, for example, that are not allowed on most fad diet sheets.
Kaley chooses to have all of her carbs in the morning so that her body has the time to process them and burn them off into energy throughout the day. She does try to avoid anything too processed through, like white rice, white bread, and too many potatoes. Her evening meals tend to be more healthy, with grilled meat to cut down on fat intake, and plenty of fresh vegetables. When you combine this with a good amount of water throughout the day, you are giving your skin, hair, nails, and the entire rest of your body a good nutrient rich burst of goodness and let’s face it, we could all do with that, right?