Kate Bosworth Diet and Workout

By on April 18, 2015

Kate Bosworth always looks effortlessly flawless but the good news for all of us ‘normal’ girls out there – her looks haven’t come from just good luck and good genes. In fact, just like most other women out there, Kate has to work for a body to look as good as hers does, and if you want to achieve a bikini-ready body in time for summer, maybe you should take a peek at some of her tips and tricks?

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Kate Bosworth Workout

In order to stay as trim as she is, Kate needs to workout for at least half an hour to forty-five minutes per day, but she does vary the amount of exercise she gets, dependent on her body filming schedule. She prefers to do the bulk of her workouts in the morning when she finds she has the most energy, and even if it’s only for fifteen or twenty minutes, getting her heart kick-started with a healthy does of exercise really helps to set her up for the day – just as it would with you too, if you just managed to drag your butt out of the bed!

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When you exercise, just as Kate Bosworth has been reported to say, your body and mind is rejuvenated, so why not make it your first port of call for the day, and get it over and done with nice and early?

Kate loves to do a full-body workout to get everything done, burned, and toned in the shortest possible time frame, and loves to put her headphones in and just keep going until she either doesn’t want to go anymore, or doesn’t have time to exercise anymore. Body resistance exercises such as swimming are great for an all-body workout, but it’s light weights you should turn to if you want to tone as well as burn fat. Plus, she likes to use the jump rope to liven things up a bit from time to time too. That’s the thing about exercising – the more things you find you enjoy doing, the more options you have open to you, so when you don’t feel like hitting the gym, for example, you could always try a sport of swimming, or finally get around to using those weights you bought all those Christmas’s ago and never quite gotten around to pulling out of the box!

Kate Bosworth Diet

Just like many other celebrities out there, Kate is a big fan of drinking plenty of water which not only keeps her entire body hydrated, from the hair on her head to the nails on her toes, but also to keep all the bad stuff flushed out of her insides too. When you drink water, you are encouraging your digestive system to work as well as it should do and when this happens, you will be less likely to hold onto any excess waste product, and therefore any excess weight!

Maintaining a great diet is essential when you want to tone up, get fit, or fight the fat, and Kate, just like so many other celebs, prefers to pump her body full of high-nutrient stuff, rather than the stuff that is bad for you such as fast food and high-sugar. We all know what a healthy diet is – plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables combined with healthy, lean cuts of meat, and no frying! Of course, she does need to liven things up from time to time, dependant on what movie role she is losing weight / building muscle / toning up for, but for the most part, only the healthiest of foods is good enough for this beauty.

To help fight bland foods, which most people believe healthy food to be, Kate adds plenty of herbs and spices and in actual fact, spices along have been proven to boost your weight loss because the heat in them encourages the core temperature of your body raise, and when this happens, your body burns off calories quicker. Perhaps it’s time to add some spice and flavour to your evening meals…?

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