Kate Middleton Diet and Workout
Kate Middleton, the Duchess of Cambridge and wife to Prince William who’s second in line to the British throne is renowned around the world for her beauty. Despite having given birth to her son, Prince George, just under a year ago, she still looks absolutely stunning. She’s got a fantastic figure, lovely long legs and that’s not to mention the fact that she’s also incredibly pretty too. She’s always out and about and attending to royal engagements which begs to question where on Earth does she find the time to keep herself looking so damn good? Yes, Kate Middleton seems to have it all. While the rest of us may not be lucky enough to marry a real life Prince, we can take some tips from the British beauty however – namely, the secrets to how she keeps her lovely figure.
Kate Doesn’t Diet!
Believe it or not, Kate doesn’t have a dietician or even a personal trainer. That’s right – she looks that good all on her own! She simply sticks to her own, everyday diet plan that means she doesn’t eat unnecessary fats or cholesterol to keep her lovely figure. So far so good, her healthy eating plan of her own creation seems to be working wonders for the Duchess.
So What’s Her Secret?
Kate says that the majority of her diet is made up of fresh sea food, lean meats and lot and lots of fruit and veg. In other words, a simple balanced diet. She’s a firm believer that these simple foods provide her with all the vitamins and nutrients she needs to live a healthy life. While Kate hasn’t told the press as much, it’s speculated that she liked to snack on small salads, beans and fruits in the evening to keep her feeling full and her body healthy.
But She Did Diet Once…
The Dukan Diet is a widely controversial diet plan but the diet is widely used amongst celebrities to help them get in shape and slim down for a big event. In preparation for the upcoming wedding, Kate followed the Dukan Diet to ensure she looked flawless in her wedding gown.
Does She Ever Treat Herself?
Kate isn’t just all about lean meats and salads however. Like the rest of us, she can’t resist indulging now and again and splurges no matter what the calorie count of her fancy is. It’s reported that Kate has a major sweet tooth and loves to indulge in Haribo Starmixes and Tangfastics. A few of her other favourite foods are cream, crisps, eggs, salami, oatmeal and dried fruits. Basically, she eats anything she wants, so long as she does so in moderation.
Holiday Sports
While Kate doesn’t have a personal trainer or have a rigid exercise regime, she loves to swim and ski while on holiday. Luckily, these are two of the healthiest pastimes you can do, for example did you know skiing can burn up to a massive 1400 calories an hour? No wonder the Duchess looks so good!
Relaxation Is Key
Kate is constantly in the public eye which is said to take a toll on her health as it causes her a great deal of stress. To keep her stress levels down, achieve a quiet mind and increase flexibility in her body it’s reported that she’s a keen follower of yoga. Just by looking at her you can see how radiant she is, an effect which is often attributed to the workout.
She Loves the Outdoors
Kate simply loves the outdoors and often goes running simply so she can enjoy the fresh air whilst keeping in shape. She much prefers simply to spend time outdoors and go for a jog than being stuffed up in a gym. She’s also a massive fan of rowing, a sport which is known to keep you looking lean and toned.
Cardo & Weighs
Being the Duchess of Cambridge means Kate has a busy life which leaves little time for exercise. As a result, she’s forced to multitask frequently, even when exercising. When she’s out for a jog or doing any form of cardio, she combines this with weights and resistance training. This can be done by simply adding ankle or wrist weights to your body. As a result, this tones her muscles while she works her body, keeping her healthy and looking fit all round. She’s also known to practice squats, step-ups and pushups regularly (or when she finds time to do so).
Kate leads a busy life so it’s highly impressive that she manages to look so good while doing so. She always looks lovely and has a lean figure that any woman would envy. The Duchess of Cambridge certainly is a beauty but, if you follow her amazingly simple routine (it’s more of a lifestyle really!) there’s no reason you can’t be too.