Kelly Osbourne Diet and Workout
British Kelly Michelle Lee Osbourne is merely twenty-nine but already she’s an accomplished singer-songwriter, actress, television presenter and fashion designer. Born to parents Sharon and Ozzy Osbourne, the star was never likely to be a wilting flower however.
Once a chubby, overweight celebrity, since 2009 Kelly Osbourne has shed at least seventy pounds. Yes, that’s right, seventy pounds! Now, the multi-talented star has a slim and alluring figure. She’s lean yet curvy, slim and sexy. Out of no where she went from shabby to chic, fat to absolutely stunning! Who knew that underneath her extra weight a gorgeous woman was just waiting to blossom? As well as having lose weight, the star has also been through rehab to overcome her alcohol and drug problems and now she is an ambassador for a fit and healthy life. Yes, Kelly Osbourne certainly is a poster girl for turning your life around! The stars persistence paid off and now, with her new slim figure and clean lifestyle, she’s an inspiration to millions of people around the world, men and women alike. While just a few short years ago she hid her body under loose clothes, Kelly Osbourne is now constantly pictured wearing skin tight dresses, bikinis and showing off her gorgeous legs. But how did she do it, you ask? For some of us losing seven pounds is a challenge, never mind seventy! Well, you asked and I answered. Here’s Kelly Osbourne’s seeming miracle diet plan and exercise routine…
Kelly Osborne Got A Personal Trainer
The first step to Kelly Osborne’s amazing weight loss was to hire a personal trainer (and to buy a set of five pound dumbbells!). Kelly Osborne did a lot of work with her trainer Sarah who’s often associated with the blue clay foundation in Los Angeles. She helped the star get fit by training her and getting her to practice Bosu, Power Plate and lots and lots of cardio.
Kelly Osborne’s Workout Routine
Even now after she’s lost so much weight Kelly Osborne still works out and she always starts her workout by doing a gently warm up. To warm us, she does some light exercises and jogs for about ten to fifteen minutes. When jogging, she uses a treadmill opposed to going outside. Kelly Osborne then moves on to various exercises of her choice. She does a mix of squats, push ups, planks, exercise bikes, cross training and anything else you can think of. The key is, she sticks to just a few exercises per session and does them for as long as possible before taking a break for thirty to forty seconds and then continuing. Well, I say she takes a break, she actually does a mountain walk for this time so she’s consistently burning off calories. Kelly Osborne does this for about half an hour three times per week at a minimum though when she first started her weight loss journey she was working out five or six times per week.
Kelly Osborne’s Other Workouts
In addition to her high impact cardio workouts, Kelly Osborne also loves to practice yoga, Pilates, weights and resistance training. It’s the wide variety of exercises which she practices that has helped her to be so successful in her journey.
Kelly Osborne’s Diet Plan
When it comes to her diet, Kelly Osborne isn’t too strict on herself. She’s actually against dieting because she’s well aware that as soon as you eat normally again you gain the weight all over again. For her, it’s all about eating normal and healthyish, not eating perfectly. While she tries not to overeat and only eat bad foods like she used to, she does allow herself to eat unhealthily at times. She usually starts the day with a heavy breakfast which cane anything she fancies. She’s even admitted to having pizza for breakfast at times. For lunch, she usually has salad as she’s still normally full from breakfast and for dinner she likes to have oatmeal. Her thinking is that if she eats badly at the start of the day she has the rest of the day to work it off. She allows herself to have cheat meals and even cheat days at times, just so long as she tries to eat healthy overall.
Kelly Osbornes’s Weight Loss Tips
The star spoke out in May 2013 about her weight loss and was even kind enough to share some great tips with the world on how she did it and what she’ll keep on doing. Her first rule was to never, ever skip breakfast – it does you more harm than good. Secondly, drink at least six to eight glasses of water per day to keep your body in tip top condition. Thirdly, only eat when you’re hungry or you end up consuming calories for no reason. She also advised that people don’t go shopping when they’re hungry. If they do they’re more likely to buy unhealthy foods like chocolate and ready meals. These are all rules Kelly Osborne sticks to and tips she praises for her fab new body.
(all images sourced via pinterest)