Khloe Kardashian Diet and Workout
Having been thrust into the limelight back in 2007 when her and her family featured on Keeping Up With the Kardashians, Khloe Kardashian has become a household name. The star has since then featured in spin offs of the show such as Kourtney and Khloé Take Miami and Khloe & Lamar, and has even hosted as season the American X Factor. For a time she even had her own radio show called The Mix Up With Khloé Kardashian Odom so it’s little wonder that she’s such a well known name. Oh, and did I mention that in addition to being a radio host, television presenter, and actress, she’s also a fashion designer, business woman, author and socialite? Khloe Kardashian certainly is a woman of many talents!
Another thing that the Kardashian sisters are known for is their curvaceous figures and Khloe is no exception. At five foot nine, she’s always been curvy and her weight has always been a little on the high side. Despite this, she still manages to keep her weight in check so that she stays looking curvy opposed to overweight and does this with a varied mix of workout routines and diet plans. In addition to giving her a healthier looking body, working out also helps Khloe Kardashian to de-stress and have a more positive outlook on life.
Khloe’s Diet Plan
It’s been reported that Khloe Kardashian relates food to the time she spends with her family and loves to indulge. After employing a chef who prepares her low fat meals, she recently lost twenty five pounds in just twenty days which has made her more aware of what she’s putting into her body. She tries to eat everything in moderation which she wasn’t prone to do before.
During her period of weight loss, Khloe Kardashian ate much less sweets than she would have otherwise and stuck to her workout routines religiously which ultimately helped in her success. Now that she’s lost the weight, she’s trying to eat more normally and simply eat everything but in moderation. She’s trying to make this a life long habit and not see it as a diet or a phase which will hopefully make it easier for her to stick to.
In addition to enjoying food, Khloe Kardashian loves to drink alcohol, she says it brings her sanity, which may also contribute to her curvaceous figure. She is however trying to consume less of it and take that in moderation too.
Khloe’s Miracle Workout Plan
Like her eating habits, Khloe Kardashian is trying to make exercising a part of her daily routine and make it simpley a way of life not a challenge. She never tries to overdo her workouts and knows her limits, realising that weight loss is a journey not a race.
In addition to her personal chef, Gunnar Peterson was the personal trainer who helped Khloe Kardashian lose such a great amount of weight in such a short period of time. The star followed various high intensity workouts frequently to lose weight. Much of her journey was made up of cardio exercises but Khloe Kardashian also practiced Pilates and circuit exercises too, the mix of which helped fuel her weight loss. To burn off extra calories, Gunnar Peterson also did many boxing sessions with the star to ensure her weight loss didn’t cease.
Khloe Kardashian says that she worked out with her personal trainer anywhere from three to five days per week which was the key to her losing twenty five pounds so quickly.
Khloe’s Continued Efforts
Khloe Kardashian hasn’t stopped working out now that she’s lost a bit of weight. According to her she can’t seeing as she’s like to slim down more too. She’s known to conduct intense workouts on the beach alongside her sister and has continued to practice boxing three days per week. According to her, she loves boxing and it’s great for relieving tension as well as keeping her fit and slimming her down. Usually she boxes Monday, Wednesday and Friday to spread the workouts out.
When she’s not boxing, Khloe Kardashian is still working out and makes sure to exercise every day of the week. She varies what exercises she does but especially likes cardio exercises like cyclone and running on the treadmill. According to her, she prefers to workout with a friend seeing as she’s competitive by nature and this helps to push her harder and is more motivated. Because of this, the star loves to go hiking with her sisters too.
Khloe Kardashian used to have a rest from exercising on Sundays, as many people do, however found that Mondays were simply too difficult to cope with afterward. She then realised that she needed to keep active throughout the week to keep up her fitness levels and continue losing weight.
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