50 King and Queen Tattoos for Couples
Couples’ tattoos are in trend. They’re now more popular than ever before, and many couples choose to get matching tattoos to portray the eternal love their share for their better half. The variety of models available is endless, although you have to think very carefully before getting one, since a tattoo is permanent. Choose a design that best matches your personality, and settle on a tattoo that describes perfectly the bond you share with the person you love most in this life. Here are 50 king and queen tattoo ideas for you and your sweetheart. Check them out & get inspired.
1.K & Q with Crown Tattoos
via Pinterest/style and designs
Get inspired from the regular deck of playing cards, and choose the King of Spades for him, and the Queen of Hearts for her. Customize the idea the way you see fit, and add a touch of originality by placing crowns for the kings and queens above each of the signs. As for the spot, we can see in the above picture that the wrist looks beautiful when tattooed this way.
2. Small-Sized Queen and King of Hearts
Sometimes the smallest tattoos can have the biggest impact. Check out this amazing idea with the Queen and King of Hearts. Stick to the initial letters and heart sign from the deck of cards, and always remember your loved one when you look at it. It’s chic and stylish, perfect for couples who are truly in love.
3. King and Queen Calligraphy Writing & Crowns
If you truly believe that he’s the ONE, be bold and get a Queen and King calligraphy writing tattoo on the wrist. Let the world see that you’re “taken”, and that the one sitting by your side is the love of your life. Be original by adding a beautiful, customised crown tattoo to the mix.
4. Minuscule K & Q Tattoo on the Leg
We’ve mentioned this before, but we can’t say it enough – small tattoos are sexy and inspiring. We love the idea of a King and Queen of Hearts tattooed on the ankle. Stick to the classic design, and you’ll get noticed everywhere you go; especially in the summer when both you and your loved one will be wearing shorts and skirts.
5. Statement King & Queen Tattoo on the Back
Looking for the coolest idea of a king and queen tattoo? Check out this statement design for him and her. If you can’t handle the pain like your husband or boyfriend, choose a smaller size. Let him be your hero with a tattoo that covers his entire back.
6. Waistline Crowns for Him and Her
via Pinterest/lively
The idea of a crown tattoo for him and her is the best proof of love. Choose a design that inspires you, and if you’re sure your loved one is the ONE, dare to tattoo their initials (or fully name) onto your skin. It will be a daily reminder that you’re with the right person; someone who will be there for you no matter what happens in life.
7.Side Palm Tattoo
A side palm tattoo is the best when you’re trying to stand out. The king and queen sign may seem like the most discreet, but when you tattoo it on your side palm, it becomes incredibly visible. Couples that seem glued together are not afraid to take such a risk.
8. Romantic K & Q Initial Tattoo
It may be just a letter tattooed on your wrist, but it has the biggest impact. Some people choose to get married, others choose to get matching tattoos to tie the knot and declare eternal love.
9. Crown Tattoo on the Index Finger
via Pinterest/tattooschool-art.com
You don’t need to spell out that you have a king; someone who will love you forever no matter what. But if you feel like getting a matching tattoo, a crown design for him and her might seem like the best idea. Get them on your index finger, and make your relationship official.
10. Chess-Inspired King & Queen Tattoo
There’s no winner or loser when playing chess with a loved one. In relationships, you’re both equal and a game of chess always ends with a draw. Get matching tattoos on your arm, and choose the coolest design inspired from chess pieces.
11. Matching Ankle Tattoos
via Pinterest/fancytattooideas
Discreet ankle tattoos can go a very long way. The purpose is not to brag that you’ve found the love of your life, but rather to remember how much you care for the person next to you every time you see them barefoot.
12. Minimalistic Crown Tattoos for Him and Her
via Pinterest/buzz16
Get the coolest crown tattoos and choose a design that truly speaks to you. Put your creativity to good use, and craft a design of your own. Make it as unique as possible, and seal the deal. Make your relationship official and enjoy love every single day of your life.
13. Funky Crown Tattoos
Some couples love to play around, be quirky and different from the rest of the world. In this case, a cartoon-inspired crown tattoo with the funkiest design might work beautifully.
14. Upper Abs Crown Matching Tattoos
via tattoomagz
Matching tattoos come with great responsibility. You want them to look cool, but at the same time bear a significance. A great area of the body to get a queen and king tat is on the upper abs. It’s such a private area, that both you and your loved one cherish and appreciate.
15. Artistic Crowns & Eternity Symbol
Love crown design for these two matching tattoo. Make yours stand out with an eternity symbols tattooed below the crown, and top seal the design with your loved one’s initials.
16. Sizeable Arm Tattoos
If you’re serious about committing to your loved one, you can’t mess around. Usually, the bigger a matching tattoo is, the greater the love. But don’t forget about responsibilities too. Be there for each other, and let your tattoos remind you of the vow that you made daily.
17. Beautiful Initials + Crown Tattoos
via Instagram/solovyovatattooer
Amazing initial calligraphy and crown design. Simple yet effective, this tattoo idea is great for couples that truly love each other. Get it on your arm and always remember that they symbolise love, adoration, and ultimately, respect for the person lying in bed next to you every night.
18. Upper Back Tattoo Crowns
via weheartit
Not all love tattoos are in plain sight. Sometimes, you just need yours to be there; inked somewhere on your body to remember your loved one. Get matching crowns on your upper back. Add colour or keep things back & white, and choose a design that’s unique and interesting.
19. Thumb Finger King & Queen Initials
via Pinterest/Grit and Leopard Print
This queen of heart and king of spades tattoo is everything you need to tie the knot these days. Why get married, when you can get inked? Get your tattoo on the thumb, and remember your loved daily, every time to look at your hands.
20. Colourful, Sophisticated Crown Tattoo
via tattoosbeautiful
Colourful, graphic tattoos are fascinating. The two presented above are quite unique. The asymmetry makes them even more inspiring, and the colour sets them apart from all the other crown tattoos out there. Choose the palette that you love the most, and show just how much adoration you have for the most important person in your life.
21. Beautiful Crown Tattoos & Love Message
via Pinterest/kendra
Love messages never go out of style. In fact, they’re living proof of how much people can care for each other. Top of any message that speaks to your senses with a beautiful king and queen crown, and celebrate the relationship that you have in the most original way.
22. Delicate vs. Sophisticated Crown Tattoos
In general, men like bigger and bolder tattoos. So, if you want to be his queen, you might have to dare and get one as well. But it’s ok to have yours inked in a smaller size. Let him protect you for the rest of your life. He’s the King!
23. King & Queen Forever on the Ring Finger
Get a small, discreet K & Q of clubs on the ring finger to celebrate your loved one and tie the knot. Some people get married; others get inked. Which type are you? The model is classic, but that’s exactly why we love it – because it’s not pretentious at all.
24. Red Crowns
Red is a beautiful colour that we all love because it exudes a royal appeal. The two crowns presented are almost identical, although hers has a red heart at the top, whereas his is black. The design is rather simple, but there’s great style in the simplicity, which we truly appreciate.
25. One Life & One Love Tattoo + Matching Crowns
via Instagram/premiereextensions
We have one life to live, so let make the best of it by falling madly in love, just once. This beautiful matching tattoo with crowns and a message, looks beautiful of the wrist.
26. Amazing King & Queen Foot Tattoo
Do you really want to get inked, but don’t know where? How about on the top side of your foot? Check out this interesting couples’ tattoo made of a king and queen? It looks amazing. Both versions are very well-made and are also extremely expressive.
27. Lion & Lioness Tattoo
The lion is the king of of the forest, and the lioness is his beloved queen. Such a graphic tattoo works best on an arm. Pair it with a cool message, and make an impression. Choose an artist who knows what he’s doing, so that the end result exceeds your expectations.
28. Colourful Cartoon King & Queen
Coloured tattoos are in trend, and increasingly more men and women ditch the black & white for some more color. Decide on the best combo that fits your style and get inked to mark the true love you have to the person holding your hand.
29. Stunning Hand Tattoos
via Instagram/@QUEEN_KAHLEESI_
Dare to get the most striking hand tattoo and opt for an artistic queen and king design with crown. We love the beautiful writing. It is graphic and sleek but at the same time romantic. Ink yours on the side of your palm, and let the whole world know how much you love your better half.
30. Eternal Skull Tattoos
Do you believe in eternal love? Matching skull tattoos are great for people who believe they’ll grow old next to their better half. The design is detailed and really appealing. The heart eye details add a touch of romance to the soberness allure of the tattoos. It’s actually pretty inspiring.
31. King & Queen of Hearts
Artistic tattoos are exquisite. There’s a story behind each and every one, and this king and queen of hearts matching tattoo is amazing. The colour combo is perfect, and it looks really nice on the arm. We love the lock placed in the middle of the heart. It clearly states that yours is already reserved.
32. Wedding Tattoos
Spice things up with more colour for your next tattoo, and go red! A tat on the ring finger means a lot, so be careful and make sure that your queen is truly the ONE.
33. Her King & His Queen Crown Tattoos
We love tattoos with a message, and the one above clearly states that the queen has found her king. Very nice calligraphy writing and crown design.
34. Magnificent King/Queen Tattoo Art
These two tattoo ideas are not something you see every day. Truly complex and very well-made, the queen of hearts faces her king of clubs. Very interesting design that might just be want to need to declare the love you hold for the person standing right in front of you.
35. Adorable Crown Tattoo Designs
We’re in love with minimalistic tattoos. They exude freshness and originality, not to mention that the “queen” and “king” message clearly makes a statement. The matching crowns look innovative too. We’ve never seen such interesting designs before.
36. Bold King and Queen Tattoos
via Pinterest/buzz16
Lovely queen and king fonts for these tattoos. Unique and bold, it should be a mark that your love can conquer everything. Choose the best model for the crown, and decide on a spot of your body you cherish the most.
37. Graphic Crowns
There’s something about graphic crowns that we love. They’re so delicate and sensitive, just like the love you share. It has to be nurtured to last, so take good care of your loved one for better or worse. Be the king and queen of your life together, and hop on a unforgettable journey.
38. Hand & Chest Crown Tattoos
Let him get his crown tattoo on the wrist and palm, and have yours inked on the chest, near the heart. This way, every time we touches you, that feeling of love will become stronger and stronger. Be there for each other, and let that tattoo remind you that you were meant to be together and live your lives as a strong couple for all eternity.
39. King & Queen of Spade on the Upper Arm
Upper arm tattoos feel incredibly personal, especially on the delicate area close to the elbow. If you’re not that into hearts, go for the spades sign. Don’t go overboard with the size of your tattoo, and keep it clean and medium-size for an extra touch of elegance.
40. Wedding Matching Tattoos
via himisspuff
We love this new trend of getting married, and then getting inked. Your wedding ring will look even better next to your engagement ring and queen of hearts tattoo. Keep things simple, and stick to the simplest design to make an impression. Have your spouse get the king of heart, and you’re all set.
41. Detailed Crown Tattoos for Him and Her
Detailed tattoos are the most difficult to ink. But they’re also the most striking. Choose a design that inspires you and get it inked on your upper arm. It will be a constant reminder that you’ve found the one, and you’ll be there to love and support each other for the rest of your lives.
42. Colourful King & Queen Crown Tattoos
You know you’ve found the one when getting a matching tattoo doesn’t seem crazy anymore. A colourful crown tattoo on the wrist is a clear sign of commitment; a sign that makes your bond even stronger and unbreakable by anyone.
43. Lion King & Lion Queen
They say diamonds are forever. While that might be true, tattoos are also forever. Check out this amazing combo of a lion king and queen. The realistic design is truly impressive.
44. Skeleton King and Queen
via Pinterest/eyecatchingtattoos
Once you get a matching tattoo that’s complex, you can’t undo it. Before you get inked, think about it carefully. And if you’re 100% sure that he’s the one, then the skeleton designs from above might be exactly what you need.
45. Skull King and Queen with Turquoise Hints
via Pinterest/buzz16
We don’t see turquoise tattoos everyday, which is exactly why the above matching queen and king tat look so amazing. We love the reflective allure, and detailing. Freaky in some way, but totally amazing overall!
46. Simple Wrist King & Queen Tattoo
via Pinterest/Jaqualine Franks
Feel his pulse every time you wake up in the morning and when you look at his tattoo, always remember that he’s your king. Be there for each other, love each other, and if things get tough, just feel his pulse again. He’s there with you, and he’s not going anywhere any time soon.
47. Santa Muerte Matching Tattoos
The Death Saint is known to have healing powers, so this idea of a tattoo might just be what you and your loved need to make your love bond even stronger. We love the vintage-like allure of the tats. It’s inspiring and really well-crafted.
48. King & Queen Crown with Splashes
Unconventional, colorful tattoos are the best. We love the splash effect on these two queen and king tattoos. The added touch of color make the tats seem unique and truly ingenious. Beautiful art work that will always remind you of the person next to you. As far as the crown design, we love the ingenuity. The model looks different from anything we’ve seen, and it should serve as inspiration for your own couples’ tattoo.
49. Eternal Love Crown Tattoos
via Pinterest/buzzle
Hold hands and never let go! This amazing crown matching tattoo with a message is an excellent idea for couples that believe in their relationship. Beautiful design and font! Of course, you can always adapt the design, and make it suit your tastes. Customize it, add a message that truly speaks for both of you, strengthen the connection you already have with a really cool, unique tat.
50. Puzzle King & Queen Tattoo
Love is puzzling, there’s no doubt about that. However, it’s also extremely rewarding. When you decide to get a matching tattoo with the queen and king of hearts, that’s a big deal. Think carefully, and be sure of your decision. The above design is definitely an amazing idea. As a couple, you complete each other and you should be there for one another no matter what.
Too many people get tattoos for all the wrong reasons. Fortunately, there’s no right or wrong when it comes to love. Choose a queen and king tat that best defines your relationship. Get one to mark an anniversary or wedding, and prepare emotionally. The one standing in front of you is the person you love and cherish most in this life, right? So don’t hesitate! We’ve presented you with 50 amazing models. Out of all, there has to be at least one to match with your character and personality. Size doesn’t matter because such tattoos have an emotional feel. Whether you want something simple or complex, you have 50 options to choose from.