Leo Man in Love

By on May 7, 2014


He is the guy who is always in control of the room. He is a respectable individual who loves to be in the spotlight. If anything is for sure, Leo men are incredibly charming, strong, and have admiring qualities that draw others toward him. He isn’t afraid to speak his mind and he tends to be a loud individual with stern beliefs that aren’t easily jarred. He is able to talk about anything for ages and when he sets a goal to do something, he will get it done any way he can. Easily in control of his surroundings, Leo men have a tendency to run the show wherever they are at, whether it comes to work, school projects, or relationships.


The Type of Woman Leo Needs

When it comes to finding the perfect woman, Leo men can be a bit picky. They want a special type of woman who is not only up to their standards, but can bring something to the table. She absolutely has to be a confident and independent woman who can match him when it comes to mental strength and be able to hold a conversation with him for quite some type. He prefers a woman with a caring, generous, and warm side as well, as these are a few of the qualities a Leo man holds dear to his heart. He’s seeking his Queen- a lady who will sweep HIM off of HIS feet and have him fall madly in love- “for real” this time.


Leo in a Relationship

A Leo man takes his emotions to an extreme no matter what- and that includes the emotion of love. Leos have a tendency to fall in love multiple times, as quickly as possible. However, they often refer to their past romances as false love, not the ‘real’ thing. He is easily taken with a woman and enters into relationships on a whim, but once he is in the relationship he is loyal and trustworthy.

To put it plainly, Leo men are just plain fun to date. They are always seeking adventures and thrills and love to show off their partner. He will take you on all of his wild escapades and be an extremely playful mate, ensuring there is a bright smile on your face at all times possible. Don’t be surprised if the Leo lover is a bit overprotective, too. This sign is a natural born leader and protector and he will always try to protect his lady love- just think of him as your knight in shining armor.

As for romantic gestures, Leo isn’t really the type of guy to go out and do anything overly dramatic to win your love. He would much rather show you around the coolest spots or put a smile on your face with silly jokes than do anything too sensual or romantic. His playful nature stops him from doing anything too romantic, yet his emotional side will ensure you are aware of his profound love for you by other means.

Leo in Bed

This type of man is red-hot in the bedroom. In fact, his lovemaking is so passionate and alluring that it sizzles. From his extremely attractive self confidence to his charming attitude, his dominating personality to his need for pure pleasure, everything seems to be in tact with a Leo man. Women are simply drawn to his physique, personality, and attitude, and they are greatly pleased when they enter the bedroom with this wonderfully enthusiastic lover.

The Leo man is a very giving man- especially when it comes to sexual interactions. He loves to please his woman to the fullest and is always willing to try new things. However, he isn’t totally giving and does expect something in return. This sign craves pleasure in life, and deems life pointless without it- so just be ready to return the favors and generosity to your Leo partner before the night is over.


Negative Side of a Leo Man

Leo men are extremely stubborn. Once they have set their mind to something or decided on something, they aren’t likely to change their minds. In fact, they will get angry if someone tries to change their thought pattern. They are very firm in their own beliefs and won’t change for anyone- which could cause potential problems in a relationship.

Being highly confident of themselves and loving to be the center of attention, Leo men are often full of themselves and fairly arrogant. They will sometimes become so caught up in themselves that they forget to pay attention to those around them, or say something hurtful without necessarily meaning to do so. This can be a problem when a woman finds herself lacking in the attention department.

Ego goes hand in hand with extreme self confidence, and that’s another negative trait of a Leo man: insanely high egos, that can actually be hurt very easily. This may come as a bit of a surprise to you, the Leo man appearing like a strong lion in charge of the ferocious jungle around him, but Leos have their feelings hurt rather easily when someone is negative towards them. The best way to handle this is to let him down easily so you don’t put a dent in his ego.


Leo and Aries: The two of you are alike in a lot of ways, but your differences is what really brings the relationship together perfectly. If you can find positivity in the differences, you will have a very passionate relationship that could last a very long time.

Leo and Leo: Both of you have dominating personalities with big egos to match. This makes for a very interesting combination, somewhat of a ‘battle of the wits’ that can create a very passionate and fun relationship. The two of you are emotional and exciting, and this match could easily become a life long relationship.

Leo and Libra: While you both are emotional individuals who love to be in the spotlight, the two of you also have many differences that will actually bring you together in a very fiery and strong way. This is definitely the best match for a Leo!


Leo Man in a Nutshell

The Leo man is the king of the jungle. He is easily the number 1 contender for whatever he sets his mind to, and is a determined and emotional fellow who loves to conquer everything around him. His charm is irresistible and his ability to socialize with everyone around him makes him a magnet- both for friendships and relationships. He’s an exciting person and lover, always trying to make his lady smile by any means possible. He loves to be the man in charge and loves to protect his woman from the dangers around her. Learn to deal with his over-emotional, arrogant, and stubborn ways and you will reap the benefits of having a strong, generous, and caring man in your life.


  1. Avatar


    June 8, 2017 at 3:17 am

    i am madly in love with a guy from last 2 years. he is 2 yrs younger to me. kind of play boy type he was. but when we became frds my parents passed away and he was with me. we both became emotionally attached bt din realise it was love until a time came when he left me saying i lie to him and he cant take it..that was the time when my fam was looking for a proposal for me. i always knew i love him bt never said with a fear of being rejected as he is young and we pakistanis dont usually marry any elder women. anyhow he left and came back after 3 months apolgizing and tellin how much he missed me. i became crazy when he left me though i went on with the proposal where my fam fixed me. i tried to move on but i couldnt. then when he returned i was happy but i thoughht of not falling again.but i failed. meanwhile i went to oman to meet him because i wanted to finish off everything after ths meet. but upon returning i felt i love him even more. i eneded up my engagement because i realized it wud b unfair to marry someone whom i cant love. den i decided to talk to him upon which he said he is too young he cant marry hez not settled etc etc. i stayed quiet and lost all hope. infact i lost myself too but i still kept myself strong. i got engaged at one more placr where my fam fixed me but due to some reasons again it did not happen. den i went to oman for office work for 4 days where i met him again we had nice time together. i caught one of his chats where before he returned he flirted with a girl he met in another country. i got mad but upon realizing that its okay its a past. its the time when i was not der i forgave him and never repeated anythng. i tried to comfort him dat i love him and trust hm. when i returned from oman unexpectedly he came forward and proposed me for marriage i was shocked. and happy too. den i spoke in my fam and they agreed and he spoke in his fam where his mother agreed as father is not alive. however, as his fatherss brother raised him up. he got an issue with cast which my guy said he wud deal once he lands up to pak on eid. i talk frequently to his mother and she likes me alot. on the other side. this guy is very posessiv and i did all that i cud to comfort him. to lessen his insecurities ,..tell him everythng as him abt everythin…he has a habit of not talkin when he is disturbed and he stays so for couple of days until finally he wud tell me what hap. this habbit of stayin quiet for days without sayin anything annoys me alot as i go mad overthinkin wat hap. den if i get angry he says i am acting wierd. i accept that he is a bit immature but i did all i cud..to make him hapy. recently i uploaded my half face pic on insta just to add my female frds to let them know its me. thugh my insta profie is pvt he still got angry sayin u did wat i dont like u know am posesive etc etc i apologized and removed the pic. and later aftr 7 days with same attitude…i was hurt alt. i had a event to attend at 9:00 pm whch i thought i wudnt go s he doesnt like but after 10 days of continous wierd attitude i thought i will go to relax myself for some time…i left and due to overthinkin i met with an accident..i called him he didnt pic i sent him a voice msg he din read. aftr 2 hrs he started callin me bt i was angry and i didnt pick upon which he caled at my home and my brother told him shez gone for the event where he got more angry. he called me i told him i din go to event i had to leave in emergency to my sister. but he din listen n he broke off. i was so broken that he left me again for such a silly issue. i came home crying. my elder sis spoke to him and he said no its not break up but i manipulate things and that he needs time to think. i felt so so so bad that he has this sort of thoughts. a person whom i loved with heart and soul thnks this. or may be hez trying to cover his ass after the blunder he did. everytime anythin hap i used to go behind him sayin sorry and all. but this time my fam was involved which ultimately gave him a sign that the mater is srs. however, he told my sis he blocked me from everywhere and that he will contact me himself. and today mornin i saw him he unblocked me with a dp ” what i dont understand is how ppl lie so often and dont feel bad about it”.. i did feel bad as i dont want a relation where he doesnt trust me though he doesnt have any reason to do so. but i am not sure if he really means it or it is just attention seekin thing as he is a leo and am a sagi.he has started this blcking and unblockng things. plz guide. what could it be and what it shud be. i love him love him alot. and am ready to take on all posesivness but not without trust. hez 25 and am 28. kindly help.

    • web admin

      web admin

      June 8, 2017 at 1:37 pm

      It sounds like the two of you have already gotten to a point where there are serious issues. You can do whatever you want to do. However, it is clear that the concerns that you have have not been resolved. Speak directly and honestly with him about your thoughts and feelings. If the two of you can work through the issues that you have, then do so. If not, then allow thoughts of him to fade from your life. Best of luck, Unknown!

  2. Avatar


    May 27, 2017 at 7:38 pm

    I am in love with a leo man as expected. It has been almost 2 years and I thought it was one sided, recently I found out he loves me too. We have never kissed or had any physical contact. He told me love me one day then the next day told me to date other people and the next, and you can imagine blocked me from messaging him. We are both involved with other people but are not happy with them. I don’t understand why he is acting this way.

    • web admin

      web admin

      May 28, 2017 at 11:14 am

      It sounds like he likes you and would like to be with you. The problem is that he is in a relationship. It sounds like he did the right thing by blocking you and telling you to be with other people. His moral compass is telling him that he should not pursue another woman while he is taken, which is why he is shutting you down. Unfortunately, this is probably not going to change until he is single. Unless he breaks up with his girlfriend and you also become single, he will probably not consider you a possibility. There is no way to know if or when he will end things with her though, so you may want to just move on.

  3. Avatar


    May 23, 2017 at 8:59 pm

    I have always loved a Leo man who is 10 years older than me, we went our separate ways he got marred and I the same. We met after 25 years, he shows me affection by his comments, and I can see he admires me, but we have never kissed, just a hug. What do I do?

    • web admin

      web admin

      May 24, 2017 at 9:46 am

      It depends. If you are still married, I would not do anything about it. I would probably stop talking to him just to prevent the temptation from even happening. Divorces are messy, difficult and unfair to the other spouse, so I wouldn’t do anything. If you are both single now, then I would ask him to meet you for coffee or dinner. He may not be sure about how you feel, so meeting in person will give him (and you) more chances to make a move. He may also be moving slow out of respect for you and a desire not to mess the relationship up, so it may actually be a good thing that he hasn’t kissed you yet. Good luck, Amosh!

  4. Avatar


    April 28, 2017 at 6:13 pm

    I’m in love wit a leo guy who is 8years younger than me. I know it’s a very complicated relationship between us since he is still very young and also we are from different nations. I tried myself to separate from him but the more I’m trying,the more I’m getting hurt. He has got an extreme personality that makes me fall for him every times. We are doing job in the same place. It’s been a year that he graduated and we met. We also made our first kiss 4months before and the relationship is going as normal. He also used to get disappeared smtyms, but I don’t bother him bcaz i know he is not going to be mine. We also discussed abt it but i nvr forced him to get marry to me. Bcaz i felt if i keep pushing him for it, he might feel insecured with me and get disappeared again. The only thing i wanted to know, should i keep this relationship like this or i should end up with him? I know he loves me but he don’t want to get marry as he don’t believe on a marriage life…

    • web admin

      web admin

      April 29, 2017 at 1:02 pm

      If you are interested in getting married in the future and he is not interested in it, then that may be a deal breaker for your relationship. You can choose to enjoy the relationship that you have with him at this time. Perhaps in the future he may change his mind. However, he may also not want to ever get married, so take this time to determine what you want for your future. Have a great day, Sempurnya!

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    March 26, 2017 at 12:17 pm

    I have been dating a Leo man for 6 months. We are in late 30’s Mid 40’s. He has a baby with an ex that was created while he was trying to break up with her. She has used him, drained him, tore his ego apart and is more interested in woman then men (he slowly found out) I have full confidence that relationship is over. He despises her. Things have been going good/ok with us but I am wanting him to be more attentive and attached to me. He works a lot, and money is super super tight. He is working on several things to make the money situation better and is always telling me what is going on and how it will be better by explaining all he is doing – and it is legit. When he has his baby he stays over and we spend time together with her. (Friday and sometimes Sat) We spend another night during the weekday together. Because he has a dog and lives on the other side of town he has to get up and let the dog out so I never spend more than 12 hours with him before he has to leave. I have tried to stay at his place but I am allergic to dogs. Because of this we aren’t moving more forward at a pace I would like. I see him every week but I would like more. We have spoke of him moving to a space I have in my house to contain his dog and he would rent out his place but we both have a lot of work to do to make that happen and we don’t seem to be talking about it. My concern is less about his not moving in and more about me wondering why he doesn’t want to come spend the night more — even if it is crashing after work. He works late and near my house… but again he has to go across town to let the damn dog out at the end of the night (sorry nothing against the dog, I just resent his responsibilities taking time away from me) Because we don’t spend more consistent time together — I feel left hanging on plans/life. I am fiercely independent so I make sure I am not “waiting around” etc. making plans with friends and keeping busy , but it makes me sad when I know he has time off/ free time but doesn’t reach out to be with me. And ,I would look stupid assuming we would be together “ Ie- what’s the plan for tonight?” If he doesn’t suggest something, I don’t assume we have plans, and this is driving me crazy! I can generally just assume we have plans when he has his daughter. Some weeks, on another night of the week I usually have him over and cook but that is the only inviting I do — as he has generally always told me when he is free. I feel he doesn’t check in enough, but we spend consistent time – but not enough! Should I stop responding within an hour or so of his texts? Not be available a few times in a row? Don’t know if distant / hard to get will work with him or make him lose interest. For example, he dropped off the baby mid day Saturday , went to work and then didn’t make plans for Saturday night or check in after he was done with work. A lot of times he works late — he sleeps late and goes into work late –he sets his own hours in a studio. Now it is Sunday afternoon and still nothing from him, because we haven’t set up any plans. This always make me feel like crap. . It would be stupid for me to get upset with him, as we are not in contact 24/7 . I know he is probably gonna have to work today. He works 6 days a week and the one day he has off is Friday when he has his baby. So I get it. I just feel neglected. I just want more causal hang-out “what are we gonna do ” stuff rather than this waiting around for the next step in the relationship develop – the hanging out /spending every night together stage. The dog situation is a huge problem. One time I have spoken with him about me not feeling like a priority and he said he isn’t a great person to date and he hates this and he knows it is hard. One if the big brags he has about me is that I let him handle his stuff and do what he needs to do to handle his life and get back on track. Sorry for the insanely long message. I just want to know how to reel him in. How to fast track this. Neither one of us are dating anyone or sleeping with anyone else. I am a great catch, I am independent, attractive, sweet, kind and caring. I recognize all his “greatness” — and I let him know he is great, lol. I am a good match for him. Please help me figure out what to do!

    • Avatar


      March 26, 2017 at 12:21 pm

      opps sorry for the duplicate post. Please delete this second post. Thanks and again, sorry!

      • web admin

        web admin

        March 26, 2017 at 2:05 pm

        Don’t worry–I understood. Good luck, Kwa!

    • web admin

      web admin

      March 26, 2017 at 2:04 pm

      It seemed like you commented twice on this one. I have to answer and approve each comment individually, so it may take me a little while to answer all of them. If you do not see a response right away, do not worry because you will. Read through my last response and let me know if you have any other questions. Thanks for commenting!

  6. Avatar


    March 26, 2017 at 11:58 am

    I have been dating a Leo man for 6 months. We are in late 30’s Mid 40’s. He has a baby with an ex that was created while he was trying to break up with her. She has used him, drained him, tore his ego apart and is more interested in woman then men (he slowly found out) I have full confidence that relationship is over. He despises her. Things have been going good/ok with us but I am wanting him to be more attentive and attached to me. He works a lot, and money is super super tight. He is working on several things to make the money situation better and is always telling me what is going on and how it will be better by explaining all he is doing – and it is legit. When he has his baby he stays over and we spend time together with her. (Friday and sometimes Sat) He loves my place and I have plenty of space. We spend another night during the weekday together. Because he has a dog and lives on the other side of town he has to get up and let the dog out so I never spend more than 12 hours with him before he has to leave. I have tried to stay at his place but I am allergic to dogs. Because of this we aren’t moving more forward at a pace I would like. I see him every week but I would like more. We have spoke of him moving to a space I have in my house to contain his dog and he would rent out his place but we both have a lot of work to do to make that happen and we don’t seem to be talking about it. My concern is less about his not moving in and more about me wondering why he doesn’t want to come spend the night more — even if it is crashing after work. Most guys feel this way after 5-6 months of being together He works late and near my house… but again he has to go across town to let the damn dog out at the end of the night (sorry nothing against the dog, I just resent his responsibilities taking time away from me) Because we don’t spend more consistent time together — I feel left hanging on plans/life. I am fiercely independent so I make sure I am not “waiting around” etc. making plans with friends and keeping busy , but it makes me sad when I know he has time off/ free time but doesn’t reach out to be with me. And ,I would look stupid assuming we would be together “ Ie- what’s the plan for tonight?” If he doesn’t suggest something, I don’t assume we have plans, and this is driving me crazy! I can generally just assume we have plans when he has his daughter. Some weeks, on another night of the week I usually have him over and cook but that is the only inviting I do — as he has generally always told me when he is free. I feel he doesn’t check in enough, but we spend consistent time – but not enough! Should I stop responding within an hour or so of his texts? Not be available a few times in a row? Don’t know if distant / hard to get will work with him or make him lose interest. For example, he dropped off the baby mid day Saturday , went to work and then didn’t make plans for Saturday night or check in after he was done with work. A lot of times he works late — he sleeps late and goes into work late –he sets his own hours in a studio. Now it is Sunday afternoon and still nothing from him, because we haven’t set up any plans. This always make me feel like crap. . It would be stupid for me to get upset with him, as we are not in contact 24/7 . I know he is probably gonna have to work today. He works 6 days a week and the one day he has off is Friday when he has his baby. So I get it. I just feel neglected. I just want more causal hang-out “what are we gonna do ” stuff rather than this waiting around for the next step in the relationship develop – the hanging out /spending every night together stage. The dog situation is a huge problem. One time I have spoken with him about me not feeling like a priority and he said he isn’t a great person to date and he hates this and he knows it is hard. One if the big brags he has about me is that I let him handle his stuff and do what he needs to do to handle his life and get back on track. Sorry for the insanely long message. I just want to know how to reel him in. How to fast track this. Neither one of us are dating anyone or sleeping with anyone else. I am a great catch, I am independent, attractive, sweet, kind and caring. I recognize all his “greatness” — and I let him know he is great, lol. I am a good match for him. Please help me figure out what to do!

    • web admin

      web admin

      March 26, 2017 at 2:04 pm

      The best thing that you could do is to just tell hi that you would like to spend more time with him–even if it is just having him sleep over more often. You should still answer his messages like you normally would because playing games and not responding would only drive him away from you. It seems like he has a lot of responsibilities at work, with his dog and with his child, so he is just trying to balance everything as best as he can. He may not be able to give you more time, so be prepared for that response. As for moving in, it is normal to be hesitant about it. If someone moves in too early in a relationship, it can put undue stress and pressure on the relationship. By not moving in, he can make sure that you are both able to explore the relationship without feeling like you have to force it to work. Talk to him about how you feel. If he is just unable to give you more time because of his other responsibilities, you will have to decide if you can handle that.

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        March 26, 2017 at 2:18 pm

        Excellent advise! Thank you very very much! You are so kind to respond so quickly and thoroughly. I know this is the way things are for now until he finds another way, but I will talk to him. Just wanted to see if being distant or unavailable would drive him to find solutions quicker but I don’t want to drive him away so I will be consistent with how I have been responding. Thanks again, you’re amazing!

        • web admin

          web admin

          March 27, 2017 at 9:15 am

          No problem! Let me know how it all turns out! Good luck, Kkwa!

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        May 17, 2017 at 11:18 am

        Welp, after a series of him not staying in great contact over a month or so I felt neglected and spoke up about what I was feeling. The distant contact was because we were both out of town on and off over the corse of the month . I was out of town 2 weeks, he was out of town one weekend and the other two weekends I had a festival . Anyway, I got back into town, and I told him how I felt and said it isn’t a relationship if I keep feeling this way. I broached the subject a few times over the month and he seem to explain what was going in his head (miscommunication, etc) and he seemed to understand, I thought we were moving along and figuring stuff out. Even just a week ago, after not being about seeing me before I left town (he just got back into town wasn’t aware of the schedule) He asked to see me before I go, what time, ect… willing to drop everything to do so… Unfortunately, It was too late and he was disappointed – said “damn that is a shame :(”
        When I got back I explained how this series of things were not right — me not being a priority and decent girlfriend wouldn’t put up with this. And, I also brought up the boundary issues with his ex and the baby. side note –Numerous times before He said in no way would he ever get back with her and I Still do believe that, based on his overall actions with her, things he said, etc. Also, on this night it came up was that when had to go back to his parents house for the 4th with the baby everyone is afraid if the ex (Jamie ) doesn’t come, the baby wont either. This made me uncomfortable and upset. I told him he has to step up and lawyer up so they can get clear custody, He shouldn’t have to worry about taking his baby to see family and dragging her there so the baby comes. He said he was trying to avoid it getting ugly but understood and he was going have a talk to his Dad tomorrow and possibly talk about borrowing money for a lawyer. I said if things aren’t outlined there is never gonna be an easy future for him with anyone and his child. I brought up how much I am missing out on creating memories with him due to all these situations. I put myself in the role of girlfriend/partner very concretely many times in this conversation. I was never “Mad” or “ugly” Just matter of fact. Things ended really well — Another side note WHen the conversation started he actually told me he went into detail with Jamie about me when she pressed for info on who he is seeing just that very day when he dropped off the baby. This is really the first time he has mentioned my name. I thought this was really a good step for us. He did say she got mad, but he said “whateve”r! After all this, I sorta had a sense of relief I had gotten a lot of this expressed in detail . He didn’t get defensive. He seem to understand and get it. He is not one to “go along” with stuff to make the conversation “easy” . I Didn’t hear from him the next day, (no biggie, we didn’t have plans and both busy with work) The Following evening he broke up with me via text ———-” I have been thinking a lot about this and I think it’s best for both of us to take a break and not see each other romantically. I just seem to be disappointing & hurting you the more serious it tries to get, I’m commitment phobic it’s making me resent the whole thing and also kinda sad. I’m just holding you back from being happy and that’s not fair to you. But I also don’t want to get back with Jamie. I’m not stupid I’ve been down that road too many times. I seem to be the most content just floating It’s not fair to make you wait indefinitely. I know I’ll regret it later but right now is most important. It’s eating me up to tell you or not tell you. I don’t know what else to do. I don’t know how else to get my feelings out but write you and not wait a second more. I can’t string you along. ————- I DID NOT answer with anything. No one word. What do you think he feels about my no response??? He was obviously never “all -in” and he was distant for the reason he didn’t want to truly commit — but he was constantly w telling me how much better he would be when he got more on his feet.. And he did lots of things to put that in place! He was Almost constantly selling me on him per se. What gives? What changed? What can I do? I know the best thing is to move on (and I will) “move on , good riddance” I get that. And I will. I want to see if anything will make him think about this decision. Just want to get some insight on your thoughts in general and what I can do , and if you think he would ever change his feelings if I stay absolutely no contact. I don’t plan on responding to the text.

        • web admin

          web admin

          May 17, 2017 at 1:21 pm

          I think that he has a lot to sort out in his own life and with what he wants. Because of this, he can’t really commit the way you want and it makes him uncomfortable to try to do so. I would just respond with something along the lines of, “I understand. Let me know if anything changes,” so that he knows that he can reach out to you if he gets the rest of his life sorted out. He probably won’t be back for months at least though–he will probably want to get things figured out with his child first and sort out his own life, which can take at least a few months to do. Once you amicably respond and let him know it’s okay, then I would give him space and stop contacting him while he sorts things out. Hopefully, he will be able to figure out his life and what he wants sooner rather than later.

          • Avatar


            May 17, 2017 at 8:52 pm

            Thanks so much for writing back. I was kinda of thinking of waiting to see if he replies again to me. I don’t wanna have a text out there that he could possible not reply to and leave me hanging. I do think at some point he will reach back out and then I can use that reply. I am just so sad.

            • web admin

              web admin

              May 19, 2017 at 9:39 am

              That sounds like a good plan. Hopefully, it ends up working out for the best. Good luck, Kkwa!

  7. Avatar


    March 16, 2017 at 9:06 am


    I have been with a leo man for almost five years! He won’t take the leap to marry me – his response is be patient. He was married once, and engaged following both ended painfully. I have never been married, and am more than ready. Can you help

    • web admin

      web admin

      March 16, 2017 at 2:47 pm

      He may be concerned about moving a relationship too quickly. Continue to care for him and spend time with him. Go on a vacation with him and spend a week together without any distractions. This will allow the two of you to become even closer than you are now. Tell him that you want to move your relationship forward. Best of luck, Tee!

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    March 10, 2017 at 9:30 am

    I am a Taurus lady and met a lovely Leo,even though I had separated from my husband,for quite sometime I still had baggage I was dealing with,my Leo man was very good to me in everyway in the 9 months of being together,but we had a silly disagreement, we both said things we shouldn’t of,and we split up, my choice,but I realised how much I loved my man,but it was too late.He quickly moved on…so he says..even though I could see how much he adored and loved me. I have never felt so much physical pain.Been 6 months now since I have seen him, but we have just started emailing each other,and chatting it generally all ways ends up having sexual overtones by the end of the conversation, I am really unsure what to do,I still love him but am so scared, of telling him,and don’t quite know how to tell him.Im 55 he is the same age.We never argued when we were together.What do you think I should do.I believe he is in a relationship as well.Thankyou

    • web admin

      web admin

      March 10, 2017 at 2:24 pm

      It seems as though the two of you are interested in being with each other again. You both seemed to have overcome your previous disagreements. If you want to be with him again, then speak directly and honestly with him about your thoughts and feelings. Try to spend time with him and see how your relationship grows. Have a great day, Shazz!

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    March 7, 2017 at 8:49 pm

    Dear admin,

    I’ve been seeing this leo man for the past few months. But recently he broke things off with me, as he believe that I was too self-centered. I don’t think he’s wrong. But I really want to get him to forgive me and I know that I have to change my ways if I was given a second chance. How do I get him to forgive me? Thank you

    • web admin

      web admin

      March 8, 2017 at 1:44 pm

      The only want to get begin to establish a relationship with him again is to change your ways. This kind of change does not take a day, a week, or a month. You will need to prove to him that you have actually changed. At that time, reach out to him and try to rekindle your relationship. If this does not work, then allow thoughts of him to fade. Best of luck, Kathy!

  10. Avatar


    February 20, 2017 at 12:05 pm

    I’m in a relationship with a Leo man for almost 2 months now and he doesn’t compliment me or express his feelings at all. In conversation he always talks in ME terms rather than we.
    I tried a couple times to talk to him wanting to know where I stand and how he feels about me but he blows it off.

    • web admin

      web admin

      February 20, 2017 at 12:21 pm

      Try to speak with him about your thoughts and feelings one more time. If he continues to blow you off, then it is clear that he does not care for your feelings. Continue to remain positive with your actions. If he becomes more considerate, then you may choose to further develop your relationship with him. Best of luck, Judy!

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        February 20, 2017 at 12:57 pm

        Thanks for responding so quickly.
        He is fun and loyal, but extremely haughty. Most of the time I can’t get 2 words in because he doesn’t stop talking but it’s never on a personal level about us or his feelings towards me. I realize good things take time but don’t want to be wasting my time either. I need to hear he feels I’m special.

        • web admin

          web admin

          February 21, 2017 at 10:52 am

          He has been making his feelings clear. You will want to speak directly and honestly with him about your feelings. If he does not listen and take action to better himself, then you may want to take a second look at your relationship. If you find that you do not feel respected, then perhaps distance yourself from him so he can realize how important you are to him. Best of luck, Judy!

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    January 27, 2017 at 9:34 pm

    I’m a pisces and we’ve been seeing each other since may of last year. He’s amazing and really goes out of his way for me that is when we actually do see each other. He works all day long and has night classes while i have to leave college for a while which is partially why we hardly meet. I wouldn’t mind so much but now he’s also texting much less, every 2-3 weeks or so and it’s only small talk. He’s done this before but it turned out his father died last summer and i felt terrible for overreacting to his disappearing. I’m not sure what to make of this one. He sounds like he’s still interested but we haven’t actually seen each other in two months. A few weeks ago i sent him a text asking if he still wants to keep dating but he kind of dodged it by responding to everything but that.I’ve had this happen to me with other men who just slowly disappeared out of my life and I’m scared it’ll happen here. So how do i address this with him? He’s so different from most people to talk to and I really don’t want to sound any more negative towards him or pressure him further.any advice?

    • web admin

      web admin

      January 29, 2017 at 12:02 pm

      The only want to rekindle your relationship is to spend more time together. Send him a message which shares your desire to meet up with him. Your relationship will continue to fade unless one of you takes action to strengthen your relationship. If both you and him are too busy, then it may be best to focus on your education at this time. The choice is yours. Best of luck, Kamille!

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    January 14, 2017 at 2:17 am

    I am an Aries woman and have been talking online only with a Leo man, he is in another state and we hit it off just fine that we started having phone sex then FaceTime each other and send each other naughty photos, then he sends me funny relationship images on social media and says that “we will be like that” he even wanted to fly me to him so we can meet face to face then I did not give him an answer so he is planning on coming the last few months of this year to my state to finally date……I see we have never talked about bekng together and he did mention that he does not like to be rushed since he is not sure when he would be available to see me more and so what bothers me is that he is commenting on other women’s pictures and liking other women’s sexy images on social media, I know I do not have the right to say anything because we are not in a relationship but it does bother me since we have that sexual relationship….anyways what do you suggest I do? I would like to let him know how I feel without driving him away or have him feel like I am rushing him into anything which I am not! Thank you!

    • web admin

      web admin

      January 14, 2017 at 11:35 am

      If you are confused about the status of your relationship, then speak directly and honestly with him about your feelings. This will give you additional information about what he feels about your relationship. Try to meet up with him if you want to do so. If the two of you are only going to be able to have a long distance relationship, then perhaps try to understand what his feelings are toward you. Best of luck, Jujubee!

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    January 8, 2017 at 6:31 pm

    Ive been dating a Leo guy seriously for one year now. We have a wonderful time together seeing each other about 3-4 times per week. He was hurt badly in his 20 year marriage which ended 6 years ago. She ended up cheating on him. I’m a Taurus female. His ex had the same birthday as me except she was a few years younger. He cannot allow himself to say he loves me and never has in the year we’ve been together. Because of this I never tell him I love him either though I do. His actions sure seem like he does too. He is so very gun shy to commit. I’m so loyal and would never hurt him. He is wonderful to me. What should I do? Should I tell him my feelings? I don’t want to chase him away.
    Thank you!

    • web admin

      web admin

      January 9, 2017 at 10:38 am

      It sounds like you are in a good relationship, and he just needs a lot of time to open up and trust again. From his actions, it is safe to say that he loves you, even if he is too damaged still to say it aloud. After being betrayed by his wife of 20 years, it could take several years of being in a relationship before he is truly confident and whole again. It sounds like he is extremely lucky though–you seem to be very understanding of his feelings and patient. Continue to be patient and don’t worry about saying “I love you” so much. From the way you two act, it seems like you are both well aware of the love that exists in your relationship.

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    December 18, 2016 at 4:40 am

    My sunsign is Pisces and moonsign is Libra a Leo guy proposed me for marriage and he loves me a lot and seriously committed with me I just want to know we will compatible in future also because he is too good for me so sometimes I think so he will remain like this or what effort I need to make this relationship stable

    • web admin

      web admin

      December 18, 2016 at 9:53 am

      I would judge him more on his actions than his astrological sign. Pisces women and Leo men do work well together, but every relationship takes commitment and effort to work out over the long run. It sounds like he is a great guy and is compatible with you now, so it seems like a good match. There is always a risk in marrying someone, so you just have to decide if you love and trust that person. It is also normal for some things (such as frequent gifts or romance) to die down a little over the course of several years of marriage, so don’t be surprised if things change slightly over the years. Good luck, Jyoti!

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    December 10, 2016 at 12:32 pm

    im a gemini (moon capricorn , mars in gemini , mercury in gemini , venus in taurus and rising virgo)i was witha leo almost 3 weeks ago (we dated 3 years ago but we broke up for some stupid reasion)we got bad this year and we were good and he told me that he wants me and he loved me before , he was protective and since his venus in virgo he tried to correct my mistakes , (his mars in scorpio by the way and rising cancer , moon in libra) we argued alot and we end up joking and when ever we argue he’ll end the argument with sweet things like won’t leave yo love and passionate stuff (i loved him since we dated 3 years ago but i was scared of what happened before so i was a bit off like cold he hated that and he told me that im a cold ass and his the hot ass who gets upset easily ) anyway because of my feelings we kept arguing and he worned him a lot but i didn’t see the signs , and when we fought the last time i hurted his ego and feelings badly it was misunderstanding and it was my fault i tried to fix things i texted him and i said sorry a lot of times , ad he tried to play cold like it was nothing , till he asked me during some arguing (when i tried to gethim back) why would be get back together ..i didn’t answer at the beginning and later i texted him and i told him that i should cause i still love him , then he tried to make a conversation and idk i felt like things will get better but the next day he said no its a bad idea and i don’t love you i just loved other things about you ..idk if i should keep holding on or just ignore him he has a bad temper and really stubborn , idk what should i do

    • web admin

      web admin

      December 12, 2016 at 9:10 am

      If he does not want to get back together and says that he no longer loves you, then it looks like he made the decision for you. Unless he changes his mind, there isn’t much that you can really do about it. Focus on yourself and healing your own heart right now. Some time apart may give him the space he needs to realize how important you are to him. Hope for the best and focus on your own life for now. Good luck, Gemini!

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    November 27, 2016 at 11:35 am

    I’m a Libra women who has been dating a Leo man for over a yr now. We have been through some hardtimes together. We have lived together for 7 months. And recently been at odds, he had been hardly communicating w me, it was like sleeping next to stranger. When I asked him if he wanted to be together he said he “didn’t know ” and sometimes ” I feel like my intentions w u are clear” but no straight answers. I feel like I made it easy for him to be honest w me but still we went on for a month only talking when we had to. Well now he is in jail and wants us to be together ans says he felt like he would always have time to fix it but I feel like he only is nice to me now because he is in jail! What do I do?

    • web admin

      web admin

      November 28, 2016 at 12:30 pm

      Take a week or two to think about what you want. When someone is in jail, it is normal for them to really want communication and relationships in the outside world. While this does not mean that he does not have stronger feelings for you, it is certainly possible that he is only attentive now because he wants that outside connection. If things were bad beforehand and you felt like the relationship was no longer going anywhere, then it may be time to end things.

  17. Avatar


    October 17, 2016 at 11:35 pm

    What do I do with leo man who is not ready for any commitment but wants me to date him

    • web admin

      web admin

      October 18, 2016 at 9:53 am

      It seems like you have commented twice on this post. I have to answer and approve each comment individually, so it may sometimes take me a little while to answer all the comments. If you do not see your response right away, do not worry because you will. Read through my first response and let me know if you have any other questions. Thanks for commenting!

  18. Avatar


    October 17, 2016 at 11:34 pm

    What can I do to a leo man to keep him around who knows that I love him alot but he demands me to date him and talk to him as a girlfriend without expecting any commitment? Otherwise he won’t talk to me

    • web admin

      web admin

      October 18, 2016 at 9:50 am

      It sounds like you are in a difficult relationship–are you sure that you want to stay with him? If he expects you to be committed and is unwilling to commit himself, it does not sound like your relationship is headed in a good direction. Maybe he will become more mature when he is older, but until then, he does not sound like a guy who would be good to be with. What do you want to do?

  19. Avatar


    October 8, 2016 at 7:01 am

    what can I do to a leo male if he’s making me always comparing myself to more beautiful, luckier girls without meaning to do so? It’s really affecting me.

    • web admin

      web admin

      October 8, 2016 at 12:39 pm

      If you are already dating him, just tell him how you feel. If he does not realize that he is doing it, I am sure that an open, honest conversation will help him realize what he is doing to you. If he is not dating you, then it is up to you: either address it and deal with the awkward conversation, or wait until you are dating someday to bring it up.

  20. Avatar


    August 23, 2016 at 3:55 pm

    how do I deal with the over-emotional, arrogant and stubborn ways of a
    male leo?

    • web admin

      web admin

      August 23, 2016 at 5:51 pm

      Speak with him directly and honestly about your feelings. The best way to deal with a leo and their stubbornness is to be direct about your desires and needs. If he does not understand, then you should explain what that will mean for your relationship. Look inward and determine what your personal flaws are change them as well. It will support the flourishing of your relationship.

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