Comments on: Libra Man in Love Sat, 20 Jan 2018 11:44:31 +0000 hourly 1 By: web admin Sat, 09 Dec 2017 05:19:13 +0000 He has a partner and children. Any actions that you take to develop a relationship with him may harm his family, him, and yourself. Take this time to determine what actions you believe are acceptable. Separate yourself from him at this time. If his relationship ends for reasons unrelated to you, then speak with him at that time. Have a great day, Danielle!

By: Danielle Thu, 07 Dec 2017 16:49:34 +0000 I met a Libra man about 8 months ago. He is amazing but lives with his partner and kids. He tells me that he doesn’t love her but stays because of his kids. His father died in a horrible way and he felt guilty because they didn’t really have a good relationship. He started to become distant with me and then sent me a message saying he just wants to be with his family and kids. He blocked me. He told me while we were together that he wished he’d met me years ago, said he loved me and wanted me to be in his future. Will he come back?

By: web admin Fri, 01 Dec 2017 06:03:31 +0000 Thank you for sharing your experiences and insights. Please feel free to share more of your thoughts and feelings. It is possible that your words may help influence someone’s relationship in a positive direction. Have a great day, Asia!

By: Asia Thu, 30 Nov 2017 02:47:59 +0000 I am a Libra lady and my man is a Libra also. We are very much in love and it kills us to be apart. We thought it was mind blowing when w met. But…it seems to get even more special as the years pass. We met at work like 2 or 3 days before his birthday 5 years ago. First is his birthday then 2 days later is mine. He tells me all the time how I’m his dream come true…every single thing he ever dreamed of and he spends every day of his life trying to be the man if my dreams. We love each other more than life and I am honestly not surprised. We both finally feel we have met someone who actually understands us and does not put us in a shallow or superficial category. We both think of things down to its core…then simplify it to breathe and be free to enjoy life. There is just so much that we understand about each other that we have always found ourselves feeling we would be burning energy trying to explain it to someone else. People that don’t understand like to judge. And we don’t like to feel We have to explain or defend ourselves. We can completely be our true selves with each other and it is the most magnetic relationship I could have ever imagined. I didn’t see any Libra/Libra relationships listed. So I thought I would just put it out there that it does work. We feel like we are pretty much the same person just raised in two different type of households. We both can be indecisive at times. But we are fully aware of it and make sure that we weigh out both sides and look at each angle. When he feels weak, I take over to help him feel strong and vice versa. We are each other’s closest and best friend and confidante. We are a force together. And as for that Libra charm… We are both considerably attractive as well as charming so we are constantly finding beauty together in each other everyday. Even though before him, I thought the only way to have peace was if you spent time completely alone to yourself, we can’t stand being apart from each other. When we are apart life feels grey and melancholy. But together everything feels perfect and vibrant in the world. It’s magical! Our love and desire for each other is so incredibly intense and sensual. There is never any concern outside of each other. It’s so amazing to have such a love like this. I know with a lot of signs the same doesn’t work. But this one does! We know each other. And all the things that other signs become infatuated about the libra…we already know about each other…and understand. Libra and Libra…perfect match. I could go on and on.

By: web admin Sun, 12 Nov 2017 03:36:54 +0000 Take this time to determine what you want for your relationship. If you are concerned about his actions, then decide if your feelings are based on his actions. Speak directly and honestly with him about your thoughts and feelings. Give him an opportunity to share himself with you as well. Have a great day, Mery!

By: Mery Sat, 11 Nov 2017 14:59:21 +0000 Im a pisces woman in love for one month with a libra man who cares about me and wants to date me frequently,sex is perfect beetwin us,he invite me to his house for gathering with his brother and his friends,but he doesnt talk so much about his life and himself,and dont ask me alot about myself,he is so kind and lovely but i havent trust him much,his attitude made me jealous,but i control myself as much as i can and everytime i show a small sign we had a small argue and he told me that he is loyal to me,but i dont believe;i want him fall in love badly and never cheat on me what should i do?

By: web admin Tue, 22 Aug 2017 04:38:29 +0000 Move on with your life. He is a married man and you are allowing and supporting him in his actions that harm his wife. Allow him to fade from your life. Take this time to determine what you want for your future. Determine if you are you interested in being a mistress or if are you looking for someone who wants to marry you. Have a great day, Shonda!

By: Shonda Roberts Mon, 21 Aug 2017 20:46:41 +0000 I’m a Taurus madly in love with a Libra! I’ve been knowing him for a year now but we been involved in a intimate relationship for 5 months now. He is also married, he’s been married for 2 1/2 years & having marital problems. I’m not sure if has feelings for me. We have been through some things were we could’ve stop dealing with each other but we both decided to work on what every we are doing together. It feels like I’m getting mixed messages from him. He separated from his wife before. I tell him all the time that he can’t keep this affair up knowing he has his wife at home. He keeps telling me that he needs to make a decision. Should I be patient & see what he does or should I keep moving on with my life? Confusion!!!

By: web admin Sat, 05 Aug 2017 04:18:39 +0000 If he tells you that he loves you and that he is in love with you, then he likely has a strong emotional connection with you. If you do not believe him, then speak directly and honestly with him about your thoughts and feelings. If you find that you have no reason to not believe him, then allow these thoughts to fade. Treat everyone in your life with kindness and compassion, and this will help you have more positive thoughts. Have a great day, Kim!

By: Kim Fri, 04 Aug 2017 15:59:46 +0000 Hi I am an a Aquarius women dating a Libra man whom I’m deeply in love with. However I have a trust problem with him. H e always tell me that he loves me and is in love with me and I still feel that way. Please help.
