Look 5 Years Younger in Just 5 Minutes!
Do you look in the mirror and wish you could rewind the clock by a few years? If you answered yes then you wouldn’t be the only woman out there that wished she could look five years younger. However, with these simple ways to look 5 years younger in just five minutes, you might just find that rewinding the clock might not be as difficult as you first thought!
Concealer Works!
A clever concealer that offers light reflecting properties could be the one thing that is standing between you and looking five years younger. If you dab a touch of your favorite concealer in both corners of your eyes, you could let more light in and look instantly younger. You could even try dabbing a touch of a lighter eye shadow shade in these spots too – it works, try it!
Don’t Opt for Too Blonde!
You may love your blonde hair but if you have lost the richness of your color, you could be looking like you are hiding the grey’s as well as losing the rich tones that are contained within your face. Anything that is too dark or too light can make you look older, so try to stick for middle range, richer tones to keep yourself looking more youthful.
Buy Better Clothes!
Your butt might be 30, but with the right jeans it could look just like that rocked by a 25 year old. There are actually jeans that offer butt-lifting properties and it might be worth checking these out. The right clothes can make the world of difference to how old you look on the outside – if you dress too young, you will look like “mutton dressed as lamb” and if you dress too old, you will just look frumpy. Why not look at celebs that are in the same age range as you and take a few hints?
Get a Decent Hair Cut!
The right hair cut for your face shape could make the world of difference to how old you appear, so why not again, look at photos of celebrities in the same age range as you and steal a few styles? Your hairdresser will also be able to help you with this so why not book a consultation to see what you can come up with?
Wear a Lighter Lip gloss!
Darker glosses and lipsticks will make you look older so stick with lighter and brighter, more youthful shades. Also, by dabbing a touch of a slightly lighter color in the middle of your lips, you will make them appear much plumper than they actually are. Thinner lips are a common side effect of getting older so cheat it if you have to!
Images lovingly sourced from Weheartit.com