50 Mom-Son Captions

By on July 15, 2018

When you become a mother, it is like your entire world changes. Suddenly, there is someone else to care about. Whether you are a proud mother or a grateful son, these mom-son captions are for you. With these captions, you can show just how important your relationship is to you. Mothers and sons play an integral, important role in each other’s lives, and these mother-son captions can help you show it.

1. A son doesn’t have to ask for his mother’s love, and he doesn’t have to deserve it. A mother’s love for her son is truly unconditional.

2. A mother is the strongest pillar used to build her son’s future.

3. When a mother gives birth to her son, she stops having any free space in her heart for other men.

4. I might not be able to give you everything that you want or deserve in life, but I can promise to you to give you all of my love and affection forever.

5. People always say that eternal love cannot exist between a man and a woman. Until I had a son, I thought that they might be right. Now, I realize that lasting love can happen between a mother and her son.

6. A son may outgrow his mother’s lap and all of her kisses, but he can never grow too old to have a place in her heart.

7. A mother is the first love that her son will ever have. A son means the entire world for his mother.

8. Only a truly great woman can raise a great man. Thank you for being a strong woman and an example for me to live by, Mom.

9. A mother may only be able to hold her son’s hand for a while, but she gives him her heart for a lifetime.

10. There is nothing more inspirational than a mother’s love. Through a wonderful mother, young boys grow into strong, loving men and change the world.

11. Fathers may force their son to practice to learn, but mothers force their sons to achieve greatness.

12. Only a mother can truly teach her son how to love someone else unconditionally.

13. There is only one kind of woman who can actually love a man more than she loves herself. That woman is his mother.

14. A mother is always proud of her son. He does not have to achieve anything to earn her pride. He just has to be her son, and she will love him unconditionally.

15. When a woman gives birth to a son, she has a chance to really change the world by raising a great, honest man.

16. A mother is key to raising a man who will one day be a loving husband, a proud father and a good man.

17. A man may love many women during his lifetime, but the only eternal, timeless love is his love for his mother.

18. Whenever you see a great man, you know that he was raised by a woman who taught him how to believe in himself and achieve greatness.

19. A man who was raised by a queen will one day treat his wife like a princess.

20. A mother-son relationship involves love, respect, wisdom and strength. Through each other, a mother and son learn what it means to love someone unconditionally.

21. If you want to remember what your childhood was like, remember the mother who gave it to you.

22. A son will always need his mother. Even when he has a family of his own, his mother’s love will keep him strong and guide him through the storms in life.

23. Never forget your mother because it is through her love that you came into being.

24. A woman cannot change or re-educate any man. The only chance she has to make better men in the world is through raising her son.

25. God so loved mothers that he gave them sons to love them back.

26. Sometimes, mothers doubt whether they are good enough for their sons. There are so many more deserving mothers in the world. The only thing she cannot doubt is that there couldn’t be a better son for her.

27. Every mother wants her son to find a wife just like her because only a woman like her can appreciate and care for her son so well.

28. The best way that a woman can escape from her trials and tribulations is by seeing her son smile.

29. Bringing up a son is a mother’s way of devoting her whole soul into someone she loves.

30. A mother of a boy gets to live life twice. Once on her own, and once through her son’s eyes.

31. A son is the first man to love his mother unconditionally. Through his birth, she learns her reason for existing.

32. If the family were a constitutional monarchy, the father would be like the son’s monarch. The mother would be the constitution.

33. The hardest thing that a mother can ever teach her son is how to forge ahead when everything seems to be working against him.

34. My children are the reason I laugh and cry with joy. Through my children, I have discovered what really matters in life and what makes my heart beat. They are my everything.

35. You might argue with your mother or grow upset with her, but always remember that she is the only woman in the world who will continue to love you despite anything that you might say to her in anger.

36. It never matters how old a son gets in life. No matter how big and strong he is, he will still be his mother’s little boy.

37. A man would never be able to understand how important women are and how to respect them if it wasn’t for his mother.

38. It is impossible to describe the feeling that passes through a mother’s heart when she holds her son’s hand for the first time. Even when his little fingers grow into manly hands, she still remembers the little baby that she once held in her arms. From his birth to her death, she cherishes all of the special moments that they have together.

39. My son is amazing, intelligent and unbelievably compassionate. I am truly the lucky one because I was so blessed as to be his mother.

40. In my husband, I discovered what true love was like. In my children, I discovered the meaning of loving someone unconditionally. It does not matter what they do or say, they are my children and I will be there for them through everything.

41. I might not be perfect, but I know that I got at least one thing perfectly right in life whenever I look at my son.

42. A child makes your bank account smaller, the day shorter, clothes older, nights longer, love stronger, a home happier and the past forgotten. Through your child, you finally get a future worth living for.

43. A mother is the only woman in the world who will understand the cause of your tears without judging you for them.

44. Today, tomorrow and for always, my son is still my baby. No matter how many decades pass by, I will still remember the first time I looked into your eyes. You taught me the meaning of unconditional love and gave a purpose behind my life.

45. If I had to choose between loving my child and breathing, I would have to use my last breath to let you know just how much I love you.

46. I know that you are grown up and starting a life on your own, but let me pretend that you are little again. You will always be my baby son in my eyes, so forgive me when I forget all that you have experienced, achieved and worked for as a man. You will always be my baby.

47. When I need a reminder that miracles exist, I look into my son’s eyes. I realize that I have already been the part of one miracle, and there must be more good things in this world. Part of me wishes that he would remain a baby forever, but the rest o me is thrilled to see the man that he will become.

48. My greatest task in life is making sure that I raise my son into the type of kind, honest, intelligent man that I know he can be.

49. Whenever I stumble, you are there to catch me. I might not be a man of many words, but know that I love you. You are my mother and the reason why I have achieved so much more than I thought possible.

50. Whenever I need a reminder of all the things I cherish in this world, I look at my son. Through his eyes, the world is an amazing, wonderful place. I might not be perfect, but I can do everything in my power to make the real world match up to his dreams.

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