50 Monday Motivation Quotes

By on July 23, 2018

Unfortunately, Mondays arrive every week whether you want them or not. While many people think of Mondays as negative, they can be an inspiring time. A Monday is a new start for your week and a chance to have a better week than the last one. Even if you could get rid of Mondays, you would still have to start your week on a Tuesday. Since the week will arrive whether you want it or not, you have to view it positively. These Monday motivation quotes can help you start your week off right. If you are in need of a positive attitude or a bit of inspiration, these Monday motivation quotes can help you start your week off right.

monday motivation quotes for work

50 Monday Motivation Quotes

1. Forget about the stress at work, the terrible traffic and all of the business meetings you have to do today. Just be happy that the sun is shining and make today as positive as possible.

2. Strap on your armor and get ready to attack this Monday with laughter, cheerfulness, enthusiasm and a thousand smiles. You can do it!

3. A Monday does not have to be a gloomy, sad time if you believe that a good opportunity is just around each corner.

4. Have a wonderful Monday! Always remember the saying from Dennis P. Kimbro that, “Life is 10 percent what happens to us and 90 percent how we react to it!”

5. You can dislike Monday on only two different occasions: When you have boring work that you don’t want to do and when you had a sun-filled, fun-filled weekend beforehand.

6. A Monday is not just the start of a dreary work week. It is a chance to start a new life and make the best of each opportunity, so use it wisely!

7. This Monday is just the beginning of new opportunities and a happy journey through another week, so make sure to enjoy it!

8. The perfect life is when you love what you do and who you work with. If you have these two things, then you truly have it all. Happy Monday—enjoy your fresh start!

9. Every Monday is like a blank canvas. You choose which colors you paint by picking your mood and perspective. If you have the right perspective, this canvas can become a masterpiece!

10. If Monday is like strong, black coffee, don’t despair quite yet. Add a couple of pieces of sugar and your new week will taste delicious and sweet!

11. No other day is filled with as many opportunities for a fresh start as a Monday, so have a blessed Monday. Remember, this is the start of a new week that has no mistakes, so make the best of it!

12. Mondays can be a day of triumph and accomplishment. It is time to be brave, stay strong and always reach for the next success. Happy Monday!

13. Make sure that you don’t waste your time and opportunities. Each Monday is a fresh opportunity to start changing your life for the better. Have a nice Monday and make sure to make the most of it!

14. Forecast for this Monday: 50 percent chance of joy and 50 percent chance of laughter. The forecast that is correct is entirely up to you. Have an amazing Monday, everyone!

15. It is time to greet a new Monday head on. Always remember that happiness is a choice that we make and not what happens to us. You are as happy in life and on this Monday as you choose to be.

Inspirational Monday Quotes To Start Happy

16. Make sure that this Monday treats you kindly by learning to be happy with all the things that you have and accepting of all the things that you cannot change—and pray for the wisdom to always know the difference between the two.

17. Hurrah! It’s Monday! May your Monday be filled with unbearable joy, happiness and hope. Happy Monday!

18. May this Monday be just the beginning of a week filled with kept promises, joy and new opportunities.

19. To be truly happy in life, we have to develop the ability of seeing beauty in everything and experience joy in the simplest of tasks. This week, start your Monday off by striving to see the beauty in the world.

20. Life offers many doors and paths that you can take. It is up to you which doors you open and which ones you shut fast.

21. Keep your heart open to the love, kindness and mercy in the world. Remember that God goes with you everywhere and sees all of your joys or struggles. Happy Monday!

22. Even if you have to have two cups of coffee today, make sure that you use all of your imagination and energy to transform this morning into a great day. Happy Monday!

23. If you can meet this Monday with positive thoughts in your mind, you won’t have to experience negative things during your work week. Start the week by feeling good vibes today and let them guide you through the rest of the week. Have a great Monday morning, everyone!

24. Surprise! Your Monday gift is ready for you. It is time to open up a week of laughter, joy and happiness.

25. It is hard to yell at someone who is smiling back at you, so make sure to start today with a smile on your face. Today, you are invincible, unstoppable and powerful!

26. As you start another new week, remember to always put your heart into everything you do. When you put in your best effort, you never have regrets if things do not go according to plan. Happy Monday!

27. It is time to wake up to the sunshine! It’s Monday, so let a disarming smile and sweet kindness fill your heart and serve as your armor as you start the week.

28. Mondays are only a bad day for people who do not know how to be cheerful. If you have the right perspective on life, there is no bad day. Get up and enjoy life today!

29. Let the best accomplishments and opportunities wait for you today. Life gives us so many great choices, but we have to be wise enough to see them. Happy Monday!

30. God has given us the gift of another new day, so it is time to use it wisely. Good morning, everyone! Have a happy Monday!

Motivation Monday Quotes That Will Inspire You

31. Monday is the day when we can implement all of our plans and work to expand all of our boundaries. Instead of being the worst day of the week, it is truly the start of fresh opportunities and new chances in life. Use it wisely!

32. Keep your aim high and shoot for the stars, even if it is a Monday.

33. Monday is only the hardest day of the week if you didn’t finish your work on Friday. If you are a hard worker, then Monday is a relaxed, fun day for you.

34. Good morning! It is time to meet the first day of the new week with a smile on your face. If you greet the day with a smile, the day will respond the same way!

35. When you love what you do and what makes you happy, Monday will become your favorite day of the week. Good morning, everyone!

36. Don’t think of Monday as just another dreary work day. Think of it as a chance to achieve your dreams and work toward your goals in life.

37. Never let anyone mess up your day. Take care of your business and transform today into a success. Happy Monday!

38. It is time to wake up and shine because we have another Monday to conquer!

39. While sleep feels sweetest on a Monday, you have to eventually wake up and return to work. Start this week off right and have a productive day!

40. Each Monday is a fresh gift. Don’t be impolite and try to return the gift—accept it and use it with pleasure.

Monday Motivation Quotes to Get You Through the Workday

41. Start this Monday with a smile. As you work hard, remember that you never have to impress anyone because you are already amazing.

42. A day spent worrying about a Monday is more exhausting than an entire week of work. Have a cheerful perspective and you will have a positive day!

43. Each Monday is a new chance for a more fabulous week!

44. If you can find a job you love, and you will get to enjoy five days of fun each week.

45. Love what you do, forget that you’ll meet your boss today and Monday will be kind to you.

46. Don’t let Mondays get you down because Friday will be here soon enough!

47. Ty to be optimistic today—you don’t want to start the week off with problems!

48. If Mondays make you want to retire, try staying home for a week watching daytime TV.

49. Each Monday, you have a fresh opportunity to be the most positive, happy person that you can be. Make the most of it!

50. Do you truly think that a Tuesday would be better if it were the first day of the week?

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