My Boyfriend Hit Me, What Should I Do?

By on February 11, 2016

One of the worst situations to be in is one where you don’t feel safe around the person that you love – and that you think loves you. Some people are physically harmed by their loved one on a daily basis and feel trapped because they just don’t know what to do about it.

The truth is that there are so many ways for you to seek help. But if you’re feeling especially trapped, stuck, and hopeless, here are all the things that you should be doing when your boyfriend hits you. Never forget that there are other, better options than just “dealing” with it.

Decide if the Relationship is Abusive

Firstly, you have to realize that you are, in fact, in an abusive relationship. A lot of women think that just because their boyfriend hit them once, it’s okay and they probably deserved it. Here are the different ways you can distinguish whether or not it’s an abusive relationship.

  1. Is he physically hurting you?

When someone thinks of an abusive relationship, they immediately picture someone hitting the other. If your boyfriend hit you, then it’s an abusive relationship. No if, ands, or buts about it! But hitting isn’t the only indicator of physical harm. If he grabs you forcefully by the arms, shoves you, or even shakes you hard, that’s physical harm and abuse.

  1. Does he scare you?

You should never be afraid of your boyfriend. If he actually scares you and makes you flinch when he gets too close, it’s abusive. You’re probably afraid because he may harm you physically again. Fear should never be a prominent feeling in a relationship

  1. Are you “walking on eggshells” around him?

If you’re being extremely cautious of your actions and words when you’re around him, it’s abusive. You should be able to freely express yourself without being fearful that he’ll dislike what you say and take action against it.

  1. Is he controlling?

Is he controlling

Does he tell you what can’t wear? Does he dictate who you spend time with? Does he even tell you the foods that you can or can’t eat? If so, then it’s abuse. Your boyfriend should never have control over the choices you make. They’re yours.

  1. Does he insult you regularly?

By insult, I mean does he put you down? If he makes you feel inadequate, stupid, and just makes you feel like a worthless person, you’re in an abusive relationship. Just because he’s not physically hurting you at the time, doesn’t mean he won’t eventually. Abuse is abuse and insulting is the road to physical harm.

What You Need to Know

If you have read the above statements and discovered that you’re in an abusive relationship, there might be a million things running through your mind. You may be trying to make excuses for him because you’re simply in denial about the abuse. Here’s what you NEED to know about your abusive relationship.

  1. It is 100% NOT Your Fault

There is absolutely no way you can spin the situation to make his abuse be your fault. You are a victim. He is in the wrong. You have to understand that if first. You did nothing wrong – he did.

  1. You’re Not Alone

Many women feel isolated when they’re in an abusive relationship – like no one will understand them or they have no way out. You have to know that you’re not alone in this. There are always people willing to listen and help.

  1. Doing Nothing will Not Make Things Better

If you’re sitting there thinking that things will get better if you just ignore it and not do anything, you’re wrong. Doing nothing won’t make things better. In fact, they might actually make things worse.

What to do Next

After you have accepted that you are indeed in an abusive relationship and have come to terms with all that means, now is time for the next steps. And by next steps, I mean time to get out of this hurtful situation. While it may not be easy, just know that you can do it and you will be supported.

  1. Talk to Someone

Really, you can go to anyone about this issue; family, friends, even coworkers. Although you might feel strange about talking to someone about a situation that is less that positive, you can’t keep things to yourself. Talking to someone else may also give you strength to face your boyfriend and get the help that you really need and deserve.

  1. Call a Domestic Violence Organization

Call a Domestic Violence Organization

There are SO many organizations designed for just this purpose. If you find yourself needing help with your abusive relationship, give an organization a call and they will help you. It’s not only their job, they want to help.

  1. Build Your Confidence to Face Him

Build Your Confidence to Face Him

Some men hit their girlfriends because they can. Because the women don’t stand up for themselves. I know it can be scary to do this, but you have to have confidence to stand up to him. If he sees that he can’t push you around, he will stop and might even realize that what he’s doing is wrong – some men don’t realize the harm they’re causing.

  1. Get the Police Involved

Domestic violence is a huge deal. You could be seriously injured if the abuse goes too far. If you feel that your life is in danger or even unsafe because your boyfriend has hit you, call the police. They will give you support and help you. Your boyfriend hitting you is illegal – so the police are going to do something about it. This is also the best strategy if you’re too afraid to confront him on your own.


Under no circumstances should you stay with your boyfriend if he has hit you. An abusive relationship must end for the sake of both parties. Your physical and mental health are put at risk in this situation and you have to take action and leave him.

The Aftermath

A lot of people think that the damage of an abusive relationship ends when the relationship does, but that’s not always true. The emotional toll an abusive has on a person is a big one and it the effects stay with them long after they leave the abusive person. Here are some steps you can take to overcome the difficulties.

  1. Join a Support Group

You’re not alone in this. There are people everywhere that have successfully left an abusive relationship and have taken to support groups as a means to cope with the situation. You will have the opportunity to sit and listen to other women’s journeys and even share your own. Use this to your advantage where they’re available. You’ll find strength in hearing other women’s stories and even in sharing your own. You’ll be able to say, “I survived this and came out stronger.”

  1. Work on Bettering Yourself

Take some time to yourself and focus on creating a better you. After an abusive relationship your mental health can be in a vulnerable state. Take some time and join a gym, focus on projects, do things that just make you feel whole and great. If you really want to feel useful and like you have a place in the world, join a soup kitchen or volunteer at a homeless shelter or a senior living facility.

  1. Gain More Confidence

If your boyfriend hit you it will take a toll on your confidence. Abusive relationships make women feel helpless and worthless. You’re not! Spend some of your take on gaining more self-confidence post abusive relationship. Something that works amazingly is getting a hot new haircut, hitting the gym more, or even buying a new outfit that makes you feel like a million bucks. Then hit the town with some friends! You’ll get the attention you deserve.

  1. Talk to Someone Regularly

Talk to Someone Regularly

Whether it is a weekly support group, regular lunches with a friend, or even a therapist, talking to someone about your struggle helps immensely. Keeping your past abusive relationship inside will only create self-loathing and a feeling of being completely alone in the world. After being in a harmful situation for so long, being lonely is the last thing you’ll want to feel. So get talking!

  1. Pick up Some New Hobbies

Nothing makes someone feel better and more confident like picking up a new hobby. It will make you happy and even distract your mind from all the negativity that you’ve had to endure. Many people find that a creative outlet works wonders on their tattered self-esteem and moods. Painting, drawing, knitting, crocheting, and even writing will aid in your journey to recovery.

An abusive relationship is nothing to take lightly. Make sure you’re following all of these tips on what you should do if your boyfriend hits you. Have you ever overcome the hardships of an abusive relationship? Let us know what helped you below!


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    March 7, 2020 at 8:18 pm

    I just broke up with my boyfriend, because he was violent to me, it started by pushing me and hitting me. he did not allow me to see my friends, if I go to work it would be a fight, I started to drive uber he put the recording device when I came back home he pulled it out and told me that I had sex with others. He turned my body blue, snd pulled a knife. I started screaming a neighbor arrived and the neighbor his coworker and friend of his family. he restrained himself. I had a chance to escape with some of my things. After a few days, he started to call me from different #s and apologized I keep blocking him, them his parents start calling me telling me to come back to him as he would never do it. I have a problem somehow i still love him, I don’t know how to deal with it So far I have been strong to resist, Howw would I remain string and stop loving him

    • web admin

      web admin

      March 12, 2020 at 8:59 pm

      Whether you can stop loving him or not, your next action should be the same no matter what: you need to leave him. His behaviors will not change. Most likely, they will only become worse over time. You are lucky that the neighbor gave you a chance to escape because many partners are not able to safely escape from an abusive ex. Now that you are fortunate enough to escape, move on and don’t look back. I suggest you change your number so that he can’t find you as easily. Good luck and stay safe, Misha!

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    January 28, 2020 at 1:14 am

    This past saturday, night time. Me and my bf were making some fruit salad, and he joked that was sooo healthy to put some sugar over it, so i splashed a pinch on his face, but in no time he slapped me hard in the face, then told me, with a grump-timid face, “stop getting the floor dirty”. It was hard, it rlly hurted. He saw me crying and then he changed completely, he tried to hugged me and tried to apologize. After that, i went to the bathroom to be alone, cry and think it over, then i went to talk to him, and he was so sad, looked so miserable, asking for forgiveness. I asked him why he did that, he didn’t know, he even said that he wasn’t mad at all. He had no clue why he hitted me like that. I think that he was more affected by the situation than me. I though, maybe a PTSD reaction, he had an abusive past relationship where even got plates threw to him, and a lot more of stuff. He said he never done something like that to anyone until now. He had always been very sweet, empathetic, very thoughtful, kind of a rought prankster too. I’m so confussed and hurted inside. We talked more about he getting treated mentally just after his last exam to gratuate in April. He had a harsh life, 6 years ago he lost his eldest brother and in no time his father, he doesn’t talk very much about him, he were abussive and cruel with my boyfriend too, so since then he hadn’t treated at all, he gave the oppprtunity to his mom. She offered treatment for him and his younger brother, but he couldn’t stand that his mom cried everynight.
    I’m trying to stay strong and say everything that’s getting me unconfortable and uneasy, he’s been very good-responsive, very worried about everything, we were so normal and happy before that, he said a lot that “he ruined everything”, and i’m kind of getting absorbed in what to do, if it’s okay to react like this. He said that if it happend again, i shouldn’t be with him. I told him that if that happend again, he must go treat inmediatly. Since all that we being doing ok, very affectionate as always but having in mind that we are in a fragile healing process. I rlly want to know how could this go, i’m a very anxious person, so i rlly been needing a lot of reasurement.

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      January 28, 2020 at 1:16 am

      Forgot to say his 25 and i’m 24.

      • web admin

        web admin

        January 29, 2020 at 4:46 pm

        Understood. 🙂

    • web admin

      web admin

      January 29, 2020 at 4:46 pm

      It sounds like you are anxious for a reason. His behavior is definitely a concern. When someone is abusive, they will often say that it’ll never happen again, apologize profusely and try to make it up to you . . . before doing the exact same thing a few weeks or months later. At the same time, your description makes it sound like he could be genuinely apologetic about it. What you do is up to you because you have a better understanding of who he is. If you do stay with him, require him to get counseling of some sort–even a free website like 7 Cups of Tea could help. And if he ever does the same thing again, you should definitely leave him because twice is not an accident.

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    January 23, 2020 at 8:17 pm

    I’m 18 years old I’ve been in my relationship for almost 3 years. Will be 3 years this June, I love him but he has physically harmed me many times, I’m young I don’t really know what to do. I currently just left him tonight because he pushed me around at my job, he said “f you” to me and this won’t be the first time. He actually pushed me onto the dirt and grass because I wouldn’t get in the car to go home, he ripped my work shirt and he checked me a few times tonight. And again it’s not the first time he chocked next…. I’m scared to be alone with him but I love him. I think I’m going to have to leave the relationship but I’m scared of what he will do.

    • web admin

      web admin

      January 24, 2020 at 11:27 am

      He has physically and verbally abused you. He does not love you. It is certain that his actions will become worse in the future. You should end this relationship, as he may decide to become more violent and aggressive in his behaviors.

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    Nillie Ann

    January 6, 2020 at 7:11 pm

    Im 39, I am in a relationship 10 months now, he’s a really amazing guy, great father to his kids & my son, he basically takes great care of all of us, makes me feel very special & I have been thinking of letting him and his 2 children move into my home. In the first incident he became intoxicated, & raised his voice at me, cursing me & slapped me twice then saying that he respected me more than the two guys I was in abusive relationships with.
    The second incident he accused me of flirting with an abusive guy from my past which I was not (5 years ago) and I was forced to leave the party.
    The third incident he was massively angry that I texted my ex Happy New Years & pushed his hands into my face & raised his voice at me at me in my own home. I was very scared especially of my past experiences.
    He says I am wrong for not saying anything.
    My mom thinks he is right and I am wrong. She says he’s awesome & I should give him another chance because he doesn’t drink often, plus she says I am a big flirt ( I was in my younger days, not anymore), also that I should lock off all contact with my ex and because he has diabetes he will be more frustrated.
    He has made me scared of him, but he believes I am the wrong one here.
    Is this abuse or should I give him another chance?

    • web admin

      web admin

      January 6, 2020 at 8:12 pm

      It sounds like the start of an abusive relationship. There is never an excuse to slap someone or to push someone’s hands into their face. If he didn’t want you texting your ex or talking to other people, he could have explained his feelings in a calm, rational way and worked it out with you. Instead, it seems like he is jumping to conclusions and taking his fury out on you by intimidating you and becoming physically violent. You do not deserve this.

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    October 23, 2019 at 10:08 pm

    I don’t know what to say at this because he treat me like a queen and this our 2 month together but when he hit me for the first time i was scared and i didn’t know what to do. it states like this we was at lunch and was eating some food and we okay but when this boy came up and ask me for my food … I gave it to the boy because it was dry but then out of nowhere he hit me like a hard hit not a playful hit. I stater to yell and i walk off but when i came back he was trying to say sorry and how he was playing but I felt like he lie about that and I told him I need a break and he need to work on himself but now he saying it was a prank.. I need help

    • web admin

      web admin

      January 6, 2020 at 8:16 pm

      He is obviously trying to make his behavior seem okay, and it is not alright. No one hits that hard without realizing it, and he shouldn’t have been hitting you as a prank anyway. He may treat you like a queen after hurting you because he feels guilty, but that doesn’t mean he won’t hit you again. Talk to someone you trust, get a family member to help you or go to a women’s shelter if you need to because you need to get yourself out of this kind of situation.

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    October 22, 2019 at 2:35 am

    i found out my boy friend has a new baby. He beat me up because his baby mama found out we live together. I left his house I don’t know what to do.

    • web admin

      web admin

      January 6, 2020 at 8:14 pm

      There are women’s shelters you can go to. You can also see if your friends and family members would let you stay with them. Don’t go back to him–this type of behavior generally gets worse over time, so it is better to get out now.

  7. Avatar


    October 22, 2019 at 2:33 am

    I found out my boyfriend got has a new born baby, then he beat me up because his baby mama found out we live together. I left his house I don’t know what to do.

    • web admin

      web admin

      January 6, 2020 at 8:18 pm

      There are women’s shelters you can go to. You can also see if your friends and family members would let you stay with them. Don’t go back to him–this type of behavior generally gets worse over time, so it is better to get out now.

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    October 11, 2019 at 7:38 pm

    Sometimes I wonder if I’m the problem. I will just be playing around and being flirty and he’ll laugh but then it’s like a flip is switched and he hurts me. The last time we got in a tiny arguement, he exploded and started hitting me. He punched a wall and would push me down every time I went to stand up. He picked me up by the throat and threw me down onto the bed. He said he hated me. Then later he apologized and said he’d try harder. But before any of this he’s made fun of me in front of other people, called me names, whenever something doesnt go his way, he blames me. But my mother did all of that growing up too. I’m beginning to wonder if I’m just a conduit for other people’s anger and if I deserve every relationship in my life being like this.

    • web admin

      web admin

      January 6, 2020 at 8:23 pm

      You don’t deserve this. He belittles you, treats you poorly and makes fun of you in front of other people because he wants to break you down. He wants you to feel like you don’t deserve happiness or a good boyfriend. The sick thing is that he does it when things aren’t going his way, which means he is putting you down to make himself feel better. He tries to break down your confidence and blame you because he doesn’t think that he is good enough. You don’t deserve this. Your mother may have had the same abusive personality, but you didn’t deserve that either. You should leave before it gets worse.

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    October 1, 2019 at 10:25 pm


    My boyfriend is awesome but we had a split for a few months where we still saw each other normally. I was extremely hurt by how he broke up with me and the actions that followed. We hashed out our differences and decided to get back together. Since then times have been rough due to building the trust back. I’ve been angry and I sometime initiate arguments and I verbally push his buttons when I’m that upset. He will then lash out and break things and yell. First, I got all in his face and he shoved me slightly but I tripped over a chair. This happened a second time where I fell into the stairs. Both times he was extremely apologetic. Well this weekend we got into a big argument because he quit his job and it got so bad he made a comment about not wanting the baby if I was carrying and I slapped him he then grabbed me threw me on the couch and hit me repeatedly while choking me . I know I was wrong because I slapped him so hard spit flew out his mouth. I love him so much and I want to have a family but I am concerned that we are releasing to much anger on each other.

    • web admin

      web admin

      December 29, 2019 at 2:52 pm

      This is not a safe relationship. No one deserves to be in a relationship where the other person hits them–and the frequency that you end up tripping over stairs or chairs is unnerving. If you stay in this relationship, it will get harder and harder to leave. If you have children together, you will have to worry that he will beat your child or push your child with stairs nearby. It might be hard to leave now, but you need to. Violence is something that no one, no one deserves in a relationship. If you are afraid that he won’t let you go easily, call the police, find a women’s shelter and/or ask your family members for help.

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    September 25, 2019 at 7:09 am

    Hi. I have been in a relationship for four years, early this year he raped me, hit me, insult me, and my family especially my mum because she is seperated from my dad. He threatens me and slaps me. Sometimes I try to defend myself to no avail am seriously scared. because my mum was also abused by
    my dad I don’t want to go through the same situation.He supports me since am not working yet so I totally depend on him I have no friends I can’t tell my mum now I really need someone’s help and advice right now we just had a fight. He hit me so hard am here looking for help please help me. Most times I feel its my fault I don’t know what to do?

    • web admin

      web admin

      December 26, 2019 at 2:19 pm

      The abuses that you are suffering are not your fault. As long as there is not a reason for why you can’t speak with your mother about your situation, then you absolutely can seek her support. Your partner has raped and abused you, and it is certain that his actions will increase, if you do not end the relationship. Do whatever you can to escape him, even if it involves moving into a support home for abused women. You should speak with law enforcement about his behaviors, as this will give you legal recourse. Best of luck, Abigail!

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    September 14, 2019 at 3:17 am

    I went through my boyfriends phone and while going through it he found me and snatched it from me. I got upset because I saw him respond to another woman who was an issue. I also got upset because he yanked the phone from me and I feel as if he had something to hide. He went back to our bedroom and laid down resting his head on his hand, I was so upset I slapped his hand from under his head and he got up and grabbed me by the throat which then lead to us going back and forth kind of slapping each other around. Opinion? Am I wrong for starting it? I feel as if his reaction was extreme.

    • web admin

      web admin

      September 14, 2019 at 8:42 pm

      His behavior regarding the phone is an indication that he was hiding something. You physically attacked him, but that does not excuse his behaviors either. Both of you physically abused each other, and it is likely that he is cheating on you. End this relationship. Ensure that you do not attack anyone in the future. Learn your lesson from this relationship and apply that knowledge to your future relationships. Have a great day, Sam!

  12. Avatar


    August 29, 2019 at 1:17 pm

    I lied to my boyfriend and he found out and came to my family home and pulled out my weave I really love him and I know it’s all my fault cause if I was sincere it would have never happened I keep lying to him constantly (I don’t know why) and he finds out the truth and forgives me right now I don’t know how things can go back to the way there where he called me and I saw him and he apologized and I have forgiven him, I don’t know how to handle this I need your advice I will really appreciate if we communicate through email

    • web admin

      web admin

      August 30, 2019 at 4:32 pm

      Your partner made the decision to physically abuse you. There is no valid reason for his behaviors. Immediately end this relationship, and determine what you want for your future without him. Your lies did not warrant physical abuse. You should abstain from lying in the future. This will ensure that your relationships are based on respect and compassion. Have a great day, Jay!

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      October 19, 2019 at 12:36 pm

      I have been with my boyfriend for a year one month in the relationship he hit me and he beg me I forgave him because I hit him too after two months I caught him with his ex I was upset and we quarreled again and he hit me and he still repeating the same thing I have involved the police several time he will ask forgiveness and two days ago I was watching the television in the room he came in and change the program I was watching so I was so upset . Then he started insulting me and he hit me on my face and I hit him back but I don’t know what to do about because I still love him I don’t know if I should end the relationship because I thought he will change some day

      • web admin

        web admin

        January 6, 2020 at 8:20 pm

        People don’t really change that much. By the time you are 25 years old, most of your major personality traits are locked in for the rest of your life (barring major accidents like brain injuries). It isn’t safe to stay in a relationship that is so abusive, and you deserve to be happy. Neither of you should hit the other, so you may need to move on and find a boyfriend that is less of a toxic combination.

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    August 13, 2019 at 1:05 pm

    My boyfriend threatened to kill me and everyone around me when I decided to break up with him. We were arguing in the car and he moved the steering wheel a couple of times threatening to kill both of us, he even threw a water bottle at me while driving to make me feel humiliated. He punched me in the face and I hit him back, then in a parking lot he grabbed my hair and chocked me. After all he said it was my fault cause I lied to him a lot, cause I cheated and then he apologized for everything and wanted to start a clean slate. I don’t feel safe around him, every time I look in the mirror and see the bruising I cry cause I relive that moment and I don’t even know how he’s still in my life. I am guilty of many things but I think I don’t deserve this, and I just don’t know how to get out of it.

    • web admin

      web admin

      August 13, 2019 at 8:02 pm

      Your boyfriend’s behaviors are abusive and extremely harmful. He humiliates you and physically abuses you. Contact law enforcement about his behaviors. Request a restraining order or another form of legal protection. Immediately end this relationship. Nourish your relationships with your family and friends. Do not attempt to communicate with him. Best of luck, Brooke!

  14. Avatar


    August 11, 2019 at 2:11 pm

    My boyfriend and I have been together for almost a year. I absolutely love him. A few months back, he got angry at something I said and he grabbed me in my car and shook me and screamed in my ear. He was very apologetic and I forgave him. Last week at was at my parents house after I got home from Disney. My boyfriend and I were in a constant argument about my best friend. He was complains about how I spend too much time with her, more than I was spending with him. While I was at my parents house, he asked to come over to talk outside. He came by and he started yelling at me. I told him that I usually invite him when I hang out with my best friend and he called me a liar and rushed towards me and picked me up by my shirt and shook me again while I was in the air and then dropped me and I fell on my back and hit my head. Then while I was on the floor he started hitting me in my face. My whole face was covered in blood and my front porch had heavy puddles from me stumbling to get up. My dad heard what happened and helped me clean up while my mom called the cops. He was then arrested and now we’re dealing with his domestic abuse charges. He wants me to stay with him and part of me wants to as well because I really love him and can’t picture my life without him… but people keep telling me that this might happen again and it could be worse. What should I do…?

    • web admin

      web admin

      August 12, 2019 at 8:45 pm

      He abused you. Inform law enforcement about his behaviors. Immediately end this relationship. Strengthen your relationship with your friends and family members. Testify against him and get a restraining order. If you make the poor decision to continue this relationship, then it is certain that his behaviors will become more violent and aggressive. Have a great day, Amy!

  15. Avatar


    July 11, 2019 at 5:50 am

    The first time my boyfriend hit me, I was 5 months in the relationship. I thought it was my fault and forgave him because I also hit him. 6 months later (yesterday) he pushed me to the floor multiple times and kept mushing my face because .. . I wanted to break up because I didn’t wanna deal with drama or feel any type of way towards him . Every time I try to leave he says because I want someone else and I been wanted to leave and my love was fake and I go back . So does that mean I really wanted to leave ? My boy best friend also physically abused me (punched me in the face and chocked me ) a week ago after he found out I was still talking to my boyfriend because I lied about it and he doesn’t like him because of previous issues and because of me . I just feel like I’m so alone. Some say I deserved to get hit by my best friend because I shouldn’t be still talking to my boyfriend who put me through so much some say I got what I got cause I lied. . . I’m starting to believe it . I don’t have anybody anymore in my corner or nobody who wants to listen .

    • web admin

      web admin

      July 11, 2019 at 4:31 pm

      Your partner is abusive. Immediately end this relationship. Determine what you want for your future without him. Nourish your relationships with your friends and family members. If you continue to maintain this relationships, his behaviors may become more violent and your life will be at risk. Speak with law enforcement about his behaviors. Best of luck, Lay!

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    Brittani say

    June 26, 2019 at 3:02 pm

    My boyfriend and I get into
    Arguments and he has busted my car window twice, put me in a couple choke holds and smacked me. He says he finally snaps if I get into it verbally with him. He has also threatened to kill himself. What should I do?

    • web admin

      web admin

      June 26, 2019 at 8:23 pm

      He is abusive, both physically and psychologically. Immediately end this relationship. Do not reach out to him. Focus your emotional energy and focus your emotional energy elsewhere. If you choose to remain with him, then it is likely that his behaviors will become more violent. In the future, your life will be at risk. Nourish your relationships with your friends and family members at this time. Have a great day, Brittani!

  17. Avatar


    June 19, 2019 at 4:12 am

    My boyfriend hits me.. it started about 6 months in and we’re not 2 years in. I can’t bring myself to leave because I don’t want the embarrassment of people knowing and I truely do love him, I know I shouldn’t and I was always one to just say I’d walk straight away but it’s so much harder then that, I feel worthless and just convenient to him but I just can’t bring myself to do it, they’re pretty ugly episodes too, I’m currently in so much pain I can not move I was hit and hurt that much, I just want to give up on life all together because if this

    • web admin

      web admin

      June 20, 2019 at 1:38 pm

      Your partner is abusive. He does not love you. His actions will get worse in the future. The longer you remain in this relationship, the more likely that he may serious harm or kill you. Leave this relationship immediately, and do not reach out to him in the future. Nourish your relationships with your family and friends at this time. Reach out to law enforcement and inform them of his behaviors. Best of luck, Stacey!

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    June 5, 2019 at 4:46 am

    I grew up with an abusive father so getting hit and punched was normal till my school noticed things and told me it’s not so I moved away but 2 years ago I got into a relationship with my now partner and for the first 2 years it was ups and downs but nothing happened mainly because he was smoking weed but he gave up for his job and the first night he got the job he came home all happy I thought it was going to be a good night but then when I brought out dinner he kept saying it wasn’t good and it tasted horrible and that I was at home all day to I would of had time to make it better when I said sorry he said I should be and hit me that time it was just I little smack but it’s got worst ever since

    • web admin

      web admin

      June 5, 2019 at 10:35 pm

      Your partner has physically abused you, and his statements are indications that he is going to mentally or emotionally abuse you in the future. Immediately end this relationship. Inform law enforcement of his behaviors. Strengthen your relationships with your friends and family at this time. If you remain in this relationship, his behaviors will increase in frequency and intensity. Your life may be in danger in the future. Have a great day, Amy!

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    May 30, 2019 at 2:40 am

    I honestly don’t know if I am being abused or not but me and my boyfriend have lived together for eight months and we have a son together and a little while ago he started coming home drunk a lot and he’s just very aggressive and makes me have sex with him or he threatens to scream and cause a scene and wake up my cousins and uncle so I just go along with it. It’s wasn’t ever physical and never really got to crazy but he’s made me mad so I would text him not to bother coming home and say a couple things because I was mad and that’s made him angrier coming home and he hasn’t hit me but he has threatened to hit me if I didn’t stop being mad and he’s chocked me and scratched me and dug his finger nails into my skin and also twisted my arm &fingers and threatened to break them. I don’t know what to do or if this is even an abusive relationship and don’t know if I should leave him since he is the one that works while I’m home with our son and he pays the bills or if I’m just over reacting.

    • web admin

      web admin

      May 30, 2019 at 8:47 pm

      Your partner has forced you to have sex with him. This means that he is raping you. He is also physically abusing you. His behaviors will increase over time. If you do not escape and take your child with you, then his behaviors will increase. Your life is at risk if you continue to maintain this relationship. Determine what course of action that you feel is appropriate. Regardless, you should speak with law enforcement regarding the rape and abuse. Best of luck, Cash!

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    April 24, 2019 at 12:02 am

    Have been in a relationship with my current boyfriend for over 4 years. We have had a lot of fight in the past however nothing physical till two years after, he hit me, pushed me and took my phone and locked me in the room. That was devastating and scary however I forgave , but it happened again he hit me called me names. And threatening to beat me up. I’m scared of him, I can’t see myself to leave him. Because of the way I look he think I cheat on him while have never ever even think of that; I’m way too scared. Have lost my confidence my self worth, he treats me so poorly and badly and he still have control over me. Whenever I try to talk over him or stand up for myself he threatens to beat me. I can’t leave because I don’t love myself enough !

    • web admin

      web admin

      April 25, 2019 at 11:32 am

      The behavior of your partner should have made you end the relationship the first time it happened. It is clear that his behavior will continue to escalate. If you do not end this relationship, then it is certain that he will become more violent and potentially life threatening. Immediately end this relationship, and make a decision about what you want for your future. Strengthen your relationships with family and friends, and speak with law enforcement about the actions of your partner. Best of luck, Sarah!

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        March 3, 2020 at 8:54 am

        I have been with my boyfriend since 3 years now ..I met him in school.he is so Caring and loving buh for the last two years now, any little thing he will slap me sometimes hit me and when he see me crying he will apologize and I will forgive him, this last one he did on feb13 just little misunderstanding again I slapped him and he beat the hell out of me ….he came to apologize buh I don’t know what to do now cause I really love him and I think am the one provoking him .

        • web admin

          web admin

          March 3, 2020 at 2:57 pm

          You are not the one provoking him. Even if you provoke him, he should hit you or beat you up in response. Abusive people want the victim to feel like they are at fault. His abuse is only getting worse, and you don’t deserve this kind of relationship. The best thing you can do now is leave him and move on because his abusive behaviors will only get worse–and none of this is your fault.