Comments on: What to Do When Your Crush has a Girlfriend Wed, 05 Oct 2016 20:56:47 +0000 hourly 1 By: web admin Tue, 12 Jul 2016 21:57:13 +0000 Speak with him directly about your desire for him to no longer speak with you in anything other than a professional manner. Tell him to no longer touch you or make animal sounds at you, and that you will begin speaking to your boss if he chooses to not respect your wishes. Get over the betrayal that you felt, as you should be concerned about his girlfriend and how he is treating her. Tell her about what happened, if you feel so inclined. Move along from him, and take this as a lesson to not get swept up in shallow ideas like attractiveness. Find someone who is good to you and who respects you, and realize that the way someone looks is unimportant.

By: web admin Tue, 12 Jul 2016 21:05:45 +0000 If you are interested in developing a relationship with your work crush, then do so. Be careful regarding work relationships as they can have a detrimental effect on your career if the relationship turns south. Speak with him directly, after work, about your feelings and see if he shares those opinions. Perhaps ask him out for coffee when you see him next.

By: Black CARRIE Mon, 11 Jul 2016 02:36:40 +0000 Well from the first day I met my work crush there was a instant attraction, like lightening shall I say. We've known each other less than three months but he started staring at me and saying nice things. Some sexual which I dismiss but the nice things I enjoyed. Him helping me and teasing me. Then he started to give me long stares, make me laugh and touch my shoulders. I was in heaven… he also stood very close to me on several occasions and smiled. He didn't act like this with other girls, even his voice changed. So I was shy and started to try to open up more, then he went cold. Apparently I got clingy on that day for he changed, then the next week he started helping me again. Fast forward a couple weeks later, I overheard him talking about his girlfriend… I literally ran out of there but stopped myself and went back to work. I was devestated, angry, disappointed and confused, thinking why and how didn't I noticed this. Same day for he knows I like him, starts annoying me like cat calling, growling, being too close, making jokes while I tried to ignore him. I'm just so pissed for he's probably laughing at me now. Like what was up with the sad goodbyes, stares, the closeness and the way he speaks to me. I just feel horrible for if I knew he had a girl I wouldn't have tried to talk to him. He definitely didn't act like this with others, heck maybe I was a easy target. I just feel upset for how he handled it instead of ignoring me, he made fun of my feelings for him. Also he's my manager. I tried to ignore him but he just kept my whole shift trying to get under my skin. I hate that even know I'm attracted to him…. it just burns my soul. I just can't believe he acted like that, almost wanting me to crack under pressure… I almost did but I gained control. It just I fell for him. It's just sickening to my stomach. How can someone be in a committed relationship and yet lie…. This month he changed…. I'm just so disgusted with myself. He didn't show the signs…. I didn't see the signs…. This hurts extremely, I haven't even cried yet but I just know my heart hurts.

By: HER Mon, 11 Jul 2016 02:04:21 +0000 Well I’ve known my work crush for a short time now under three months. From the first day I saw him

By: web admin Thu, 07 Jul 2016 05:15:06 +0000 You need to stop thinking about cheating on your boyfriend. You also need to not think about harming a relationship because of your personal desire to be with someone. Both of these are selfish thoughts that will lead to harmful actions. If you make the decision to continue to think about people other than your boyfriend, then you need to make the respectful and adult decision to break up with him and protect him from the harm that your choices will bring him. Better yet, honestly speak with him directly about the feelings that you are having him now so he can make a decision for himself.

By: Kassidy Wed, 06 Jul 2016 08:11:48 +0000 For me is more complicated. Im in a relationship, and I started to fall in love with a friend of ours. and he has a girlfriend. I love my boyfriend, but I just…cant get x out of my mind, and he loves his girlfriend… I’m crying. I don’t know what to do

By: web admin Thu, 30 Jun 2016 22:03:29 +0000 If he is currently dating someone else, then you do not want to be the cause for the harm that she would experience because of his infidelity. The most important thing that you can do is not to entertain his cheating. If he continues to do so, then you should show her the messages so she knows the truth. You do not want to be the reason why someone gets hurt.

By: Charlotte Thu, 30 Jun 2016 06:40:45 +0000 I’ve fancied this boy for ages now but he’s going out with this girl but he told me in person and text message that for he wasent going out with her he would go out with me but isn’t that cheating but if I tell the girl and then he knows it was me he wouldn’t wanna date me and I just don’t know what to do right now

By: web admin Wed, 08 Jun 2016 01:44:56 +0000 That sounds like a good plan. Hopefully, everything ends up working out. Good luck, LHH!

By: LHH Wed, 08 Jun 2016 01:21:38 +0000 Thank you SO much for the words :] I decided to “get myself back” first, cuz there may not be the fish for me, but at least I can enjoy my own life then, right?
