Comments on: My Crush Knows I Like Him – Now What? Sat, 17 Jun 2017 02:13:48 +0000 hourly 1 By: web admin Sun, 11 Jun 2017 22:27:29 +0000 If you want to develop a relationship with him, then your best option is to reach out to him. Speak directly and honestly with him about your thoughts and feelings. This will give him an opportunity to share his mind with you as well. Best of luck, Mihaela!

By: Mihaela Sun, 11 Jun 2017 12:19:08 +0000 So we were friends with this boy and we were at junior prom.It was time to leave and I suggested him to ride home with me with my dad,and he accepted.We were walking down to the car and I told him a liked him for the past 3 months,he didnt have time to react because we were holding the handle of the car and he just said aham ok.Idk what that meant so it was an awkward moment.When we arrived,i opened the car door so he can get out,I looked down because I couldn’t look him in the eyes,I just noticed that he turned a little at me maybe for a hug but like I said I couldn’t look him in the eyes and he went straight home.Im not embarrassed or anything I just dont know what to do now.We haven’t spoken since that night.

By: web admin Tue, 06 Jun 2017 17:47:52 +0000 Speak directly and honestly with him about your feelings. Try to spend additional time with him in person. You may want to speak with your friend about her feelings regarding a relationship between you and him. It is possible that a new relationship may put strain on an old relationship. Best of luck, Aarushi!

By: Aarushi Tue, 06 Jun 2017 04:38:45 +0000 I actually texted a boy I like and told him I like him.In the reply he responded that I needn’t worry and could trust him for he wasn’t going to tell anyone I liked him at school… He is quite a humorous boy and I kind of shy … While one of my friends also has a crush on him he doesn’t talk to her much but to me he tells me all about himself…But the problem is that I don’t know whether he likes or not as I am a new comer in the school….

By: web admin Fri, 26 May 2017 17:10:29 +0000 If he liked you back, then he would make a move right now. He may be attracted to you, but it is possible that he likes Dejanah more. I don’t really know what is going on in his mind right now, so I would just wait and see what he does. If you can talk to him online or see him during the summer, that could help. Good luck, Abby Austen!

By: Abby Austen Thu, 25 May 2017 20:15:14 +0000 So just yesterday, I got promoted to high school from eighth grade, and my crush, Jack, and I are both going to be in the same class next year. I told him over text that I like him two days ago, the day before the last day of middle school. He responded with ‘I knew it’. On the last day, he acted the same as he always does around me. He is one of my best friends. We have so much in common, and he has the cutest smile.

Anyway, during homeroom the day after I told him how I feel, he acted normal and pulled a chair up next to my desk, and sat on my desk too, that kind of thing. We took pictures in the hallway with our whole group because it was the last day of school, and he was told to stand on the side from the rest of our friends because his height would work better there, but he stood where he was, which was next to me.

I know that he likes this one girl named Dejanah, but she isn’t going to our high school, and even though she likes him also, they’ve only liked each other for almost two weeks. They never dated though. I’ve liked jack since the beginning of November.

What is happening?

By: web admin Thu, 25 May 2017 16:23:12 +0000 I think he assumed that the next step would be to go out, so he wanted to avoid leading you on to let you know that he does not want a relationship or anything similar. It sounds like he is attracted to you and probably likes you a bit, but he just does not want to have any type of relationship.

By: Highschooler Thu, 25 May 2017 03:47:36 +0000 Hi, I recently told my crush I like him over snapchat. we have been texting since spring break. he has told me lately he thinks i’m cute and we have been flirty. when i told him he said, “thanks for letting me know, but i’m not in the sport of pursuing a relationship right now.” I can respect that. But i didn’t ask him out or anything. I just said, i like you.” I am really confused and hurt. I felt like he was giving me signs that we liked each other. I knew i needed to be brave and put myself out there but i feel like i only hurt myself. I want to talk in person to him but he is shy and always is with his friends. help:(

By: web admin Tue, 16 May 2017 17:24:42 +0000 Just relax and act like a friend. He wasn’t sure how he felt about you, and he may not have considered you a possibility before. Now, he has to decide how he feels and get to know you better. Try to be friends for now and give him a chance to get to know you. Then, you will both be better able to decide if you want to have a relationship with each other or not. Good luck, Unknown!

By: Unknown Tue, 16 May 2017 05:55:26 +0000 Hi I’m a university student, and I recently told a guy I liked for a year or so that I liked him. He replied and told me he’s not sure and he’ll tell me whether he has feelings for me when we know each other better. In my main courses, every so often, he takes slight glances at me. The thing is that we’re in most classes together and I have a few projects to finish with him. What should I do? I’ve never been in a serious relationship before. Your reply will help loads, thanks:)
