150 Newlywed Game Questions
Being a newlywed can be a really exciting thing in a person’s life. They have someone they know better than anyone else in the world by their side for the rest of their life. While they may know their spouse the best, you may not know them at all.
This game is particularly useful during bachelorette parties or even at a rehearsal dinner. You may think someone knows everything about their spouse, but playing this game can prove to be difficult for some couples!
It’s always a good time getting to know more about a person’s spouse and learning more about their relationship in general. It’s also really fun getting to stump either of them with some great questions to ask! These are some of the best questions to ask within each category. Try and see if you can stump them!
How to Play
There are a few different ways people play this game, but I’m going to explain the original style that is the most fun. The point of this game is to try and get the newlyweds to hold up the same answer for each question. Whichever person has the most question wrong at the end of the game is the loser!
First, you ask one of them a question like the ones listed below. Then both spouses write down their answer on a whiteboard. If the person who was asked the question matches with the other spouse’s correct answer, they get a point. This is really fun to see how much your spouse remembers and it’s also fun for everyone around to get to know the couple more.
Even though you may have met later in life, getting to know about your spouse as a child is really important. Therefore, before you get married you should know all about their upbringing and all of the important stuff that shaped them into the person that you feel madly in love with. Allowing your family and friends get to know a little bit about their childhood is also good fun, too.
- What subject was your spouse worst at in school?
- Which subject did you dislike most in school?
- What job did they want to have when they were younger?
- What was their favorite vacation spot when they were little?
- Where did they first drive when they got their driver’s license?
- What band did they like most in high school?
- Who did they have a crush on first?
- Where did they go to high school?
- What class did they like most in college?
- What did they minor in in high school?
- Where are their parents from?
- Which superhero was their favorite as a child?
- What did they do first in college?
- What is their very first memory?
- Name all the places they have lived.
Dating Questions
Those first few dates were basically what shaped you into the couple you are today. You learned the most about them during that time and it’s time to put your memories to the test! Not only do the newlyweds get to relive their most exciting time as a couple, but the family and friends of those newlyweds get to hear all the juicy gossip about how they ended up together in the first place with these questions.
- What were they like on your first date?
- How did the two of you first meet?
- Where and when was your first kiss?
- How did you feel after your first kiss?
- What was the color of their shirt on your first date?
- What opinion did they have of you after the first date?
- What did your spouse do to make you think they were “the one”?
- Talk about the worst date you two have ever been on.
- What would be their ideal date?
- Where was your first date?
- What was your most recent date with them?
- Who was their last relationship with before you?
- Who initiated the first kiss?
- Describe your first date in one word.
- What was the very best date with them you’ve ever had?
Do you remember how exciting it was to kiss someone new for the first time? All those emotions that run through your mind during your firsts are enough to make you remember them for a lifetime…hopefully. These “firsts” are a perfect way to uncover the truth behind the relationship and put your memory to the test.
- How old were they when they first got kissed?
- What did they get you as a gift for your first holiday together?
- What was the first present they ever got you?
- What is the firs thing they’d buy if they won a million dollars?
- What was their first car like?
- What meal did your spouse first cook for you?
- What movie did you first see in theaters with them?
- What impression did you first have of them?
- When was your first dance and to what song?
- What was your first fight about?
- Who said, “I love you” first?
- What was your first big purchase together?
- Describe the first time you met your spouse’s parents in one word.
- What did your spouse first think about you?
- Who was first to know you two were officially a couple?
This may be one of the easiest categories to answer in a newlywed game and that’s because you should know these backward and forward. If you’ve spent enough time with your new spouse then you know a thing or two about what they like most. These questions will help you solidify your relationship by knowing all of their favorites.
- What’s their favorite color?
- Their favorite food?
- Their favorite kind of candy?
- What is their favorite ice cream?
- What is your spouse’s favorite movie snack?
- What’s their favorite movie?
- What restaurant do they like the most?
- What’s their favorite show?
- What is their favorite vehicle?
- What meal do they like the best?
- What is your spouse’s favorite perfume/cologne you wear?
- What is your spouse’s favorite free time activity?
- What swear word is their favorite?
- What’s their favorite book?
- What’s their favorite go-to excuse?
Friends and Family
When you get married it’s not just becoming a family with your new spouse. In fact, you become a family with all of their family and you gain all of their friends as well. For this reason, you ought to know just as much about them as you do your spouse. These questions are really fun to ask in front of all the friends and family just to see how much the new spouses know about the other’s personal life. It’s even more fun watching them get the answers wrong and the whole family give them crap for it!
- Did your spouse have any pets growing up?
- What were your spouse’s pets names?
- How many cousins do they have?
- If you could send your in-laws on a trip to get rid of them, who would it be and why?
- What word best describes their family?
- Who was your spouse’s best friend in high school?
- Who was their best friend as a small child?
- What street did they grow up on?
- When is your father-in-laws birthdays?
- Which of your in-laws is the most annoying?
- What friend of your spouse’s do you think is the best looking?
- Who is the weirdest family member you’ve met?
- When is your mother-in-law’s birthday?
- What holiday is your spouse’s family’s favorite?
- Out of your in-laws, who would you rather be stuck on an island with?
This is a category that takes a long time to build up and learn about your spouse so it’s obviously one of the best ones to really show how much you know about them.
- What outfit looks best on your spouse?
- What quality do you like best about them?
- What do they like the most about you?
- What is your spouse terrified of?
- What’s the most embarrassing thing they’ve done around you?
- What’s their most annoying habit?
- What is your spouse’s most irritating habit in the bedroom?
- What phrase do they repeat the most?
- What one item of clothing does your spouse wear that you just cannot stand?
- How would you describe them first thing in the morning?
- What features would your spouse say are their best and worst?
- Where does your spouse think was the best vacation with you?
- Who eats the most junk food?
- Which one is the best cook?
- Which of you has the best in-laws?
Do you know all that your spouse has preference over? These little tidbits of information can help save you from planning the best…or the worst of dates later in your marriage.
- Do they like a bikini or full swimming suit?
- How do they like their steak to be cooked?
- What would be the perfect weekend?
- How would your spouse spend their last day alive?
- If you could change one thing about them, what would it be?
- If the house was on fire, what’s the one thing they’d grab?
- If your spouse could be any famous person, either living or dead, who would it be?
- What’s something you love that your spouse wishes you would get rid of?
- What’s something they hate doing for you, but they do it anyways because you love it?
- What is the one quality about you that your spouse is annoyed by?
- What is a bad habit of yours that your spouse hates?
- What would they want to be their last meal?
- Which room in your house do they hate the most?
- How do they like to be dealt with when they’re mad?
- What is their favorite breakfast?
Love is the whole center of your marriage and how well it goes in the future. These questions are really important for not only you to know but great for your family and friends to hear as well.
- What pet name do you use for them the most?
- How many times a week do you go on a date?
- What do you do for them on Valentine’s Day?
- What do you do to celebrate their birthday?
- What would you do if someone told you they were an ex-convict?
- What’s the one memory you will never forget with them.?
- What do they do for romance?
- What was the moment when you knew you were in love?
- Who has the final say in important matters?
- Who brought up the topic of marriage first?
- Who does the most housework?
- Which of you is the most affectionate?
- Do they like PDA?
- How do they handle themselves when you get into arguments?
- Which of you is the better communicator?
The Future
You can only go into the future in this marriage now, there is no going back. Since you’ve just pledged to spend your whole future with your spouse, it’s only fair that you know all of these things about them.
- How many kids does each of you want?
- Where would they want to go on a second honeymoon?
- Give your plans of your dream vacation.
- Where would your spouse choose as a dream vacation?
- What would be their dream job?
- Do you think people truly be in love even when they grow old?
- Explain what you think, “And they lived happily ever after” means.
- What would you do if you woke up one day and your spouse had no memory of you?
- What do you think is the most important part of a healthy marriage?
- If you had the chance to live anywhere, where would you choose?
- Where does your spouse hope to retire?
- What would they do if your child came home after their curfew?
- What would your spouse’s dream home look like?
- Do they want to have the same job forever?
- People change as they get older. What do you think your spouse will change most?
Now that you’ve gone through all the nitty-gritty important information, it’s time to have a little fun with some questions that you may not have ever thought of before. Find out how in sync you are with these questions!
- What is the one word you would use to describe your spouse?
- If your mother-in-law turned into an animal, what kind would she be?
- What item of clothing would your spouse wear of yours?
- If they were born with super powers, what kind would they be?
- If they were a character on the show “Friends”, who would they be?
- Would your spouse be a villain or the hero?
- What animal would your spouse choose to be?
- What’s the weirdest gift your spouse ever got you?
- If they were a cartoon character, who would they be?
- Who dictates the shows you watch at night?
- Who is the smartest one?
- Who spends more of their time on the internet?
- Which of you takes the longest to get ready?
- Which one usually gets their way?
- Would you ever tell a horrible secret about your spouse for 1 million dollars?
Playing the newlywed game is a great way to connect the family and friends with the new groom and bride. How much do they really know each other?