Nina Dobrev Diet and Workout
Bulgarian-born Nina Dobrev is well known for the being the hotter-than-hot girl out of The Vampire Diaries, alongside two of the hottest actors in the world – Ian Somerhalder and Paul Wesley. With two leading men as hot as that, there is no wonder that there is an element of pressure on Nina to keep herself looking fit and fabulous and luckily, we’ve found all the juicy gossip so you can try her tips for yourself!
Nina Dobrev Diet
Rather than banning carbs from her diet altogether, Nina prefers a diet that is ‘low-carb’, giving her the option to feast on her favourite foods when she has her ‘cheat days’.
Cheat days are important because when dieting to lose weight is hard work and every now and again, you do need to treat yourself to ensure you don’t get disheartened. Plus, when you tell yourself that you can’t have a specific food, you’ll crave it even more and then what happens? Well, you’ll probably binge out on it, that’s what.
For the most part, Nina eats a diet that is rich in minerals and vitamins, with fresh fruit and vegetables, lots of leafy greens, healthy fats, and whole grains. She doesn’t like to eat processed foods, and there’s a good reason behind that too – the processed foods that you buy are so filled with stuff you don’t need to eat; they just aren’t good for your body!
For a while, Nina opted for a vegan diet in a bid to get the body she had always wanted, and for about four months, she removed all animal foods and produce from her diet completely. Sadly, she became rather disheartened when people were telling her she looked ill and unhealthily slim, and she decided it was time to put bacon back on the menu again.
She didn’t just turn her back on the vegan diet either. Nina decided it was time to banish all fad diets from her life – every time she tried them, like most of us, she either put the weight back on when she returned to ‘normal’ eating again, or the comments she got from people weren’t great – she either got too skinny, or found that her skin and hair looked bad because of the lack of vital food groups from her diet.
Another celebrity that likes to indulge in smaller, more regular meals, Nina Dobrev likes to have six smaller meals, rather than the three main meals. By doing this, she never suffers with hunger pangs so doesn’t reach for the mid-afternoon chocolate biscuits for energy, and she has more energy than she had before because her blood sugar levels don’t have a chance to dip.
Nina Dobrev Workout
One of Nina’s favourite workouts is hot yoga and in fact, many celebs are now jumping on this bandwagon. You get all the good stuff out of doing the yoga itself, but because of the hot setting, makes you sweat more and therefore burn off more calories. It is hard work though – you must know that!
Sorting out her posture and giving her core strength, yoga is perfect for an all round exercise that isn’t too stressful on the body, and when her brain is fried, just like most of us suffer with from time to time, the yoga really helps her to clear her mind.
As well as yoga, Nina enjoys spinning which is another high intensity workout that basically involves cycling like a lunatic for a set period of time, normally at a very face past, and normally to some very upbeat music. She also enjoys running hiking, surfing, and other outdoor sports and these are great because when you’re doing them, it doesn’t actually feel like exercise at all!
These exercises are great for building up your endurance – you start off slow and work your way up, and when you do this, your fitness levels will increase gradually, and the weight will start to drop off, slowly but surely. That’s the only way to ensure weight loss that sticks – slow and steady. Fad diets and starving yourself is just going to make your fluctuate rather than stay down.