Pisces Man in Love
By Michelle Keldgord on May 5, 2014

Last of the zodiac signs, the Pisces man is a whirlwind of traits and preferences from other zodiac signs. And while this might sound like an emotional and psychological disaster just waiting to happen, you’d be surprised to find out the Pisces man is rather calm and collective- most of the time, that is. He is certainly a sweet man who always wants to be helpful with family and friends around him. Yet he almost always seems to be living in another world, thanks to his constant daydreaming and exploring of the deeper things in life. Some believe Piscean people are practically telepathic with their consistent knowing of how others feel and think around them.

Type of Woman Pisces Needs
A Piscean man is simply a good-natured individual who loves to get lost in his own world. This sweet, gentle, yet completely charming man really only needs one thing from his woman: genuine sweetness that will accept, and not use, his romantic gestures and kind words. He needs a good-hearted person who will enjoy spending time with him while also being able to keep up with his interesting imagination.

Pisces in a Relationship
Even though the Piscean man might only keep his mind focused on this world for a short amount of time, he is still seeking the love of his life. However, a Pisces will never (and we mean ever) fall in love at first sight- or multiple sights after that. It takes the Pisces man an incredibly long time to fall in love, even though in his imaginative mind he may have found the perfect woman.
That doesn’t mean that the Piscean man isn’t an exceptional lover. In fact, if you’re lucky enough to find yourself a Piscean man who is interested in dating you, you could certainly consider yourself one of the luckiest girls in the world. The Pisces man is an extremely passionate and romantic lover who will come up with out-of-this-world ideas to make you happy. This could mean spontaneous trips to the mountain cabin or proposing marriage to you while skydiving. This could also mean a bouquet of 200 roses sitting on your doorstep and the loveliest poem you’ve ever read wrapped around the vase. The best part of this romantic behavior? It’s all for you. Pisceans are not selfish in the slightest and a simple kiss or thank you is enough to keep them happy.
If you aren’t already sold on the romantic Piscean lover, here is another thing to love about this man. He is incredibly helpful and always puts others before himself, in all situations. His immense imagination and longing for knowledge means he will come up with exciting situations for the two of you to get into and will always be willing to sit down and help you with your problems. He’s simply an easy-going lover who wants his woman to be happy. And when he’s in a deep relationship, he is 100 percent committed. A cheating Piscean? Practically unheard of.

Pisces in Bed
Although the Piscean man is almost always sweet and kind with those around him, that doesn’t mean he is a bore in the bedroom. In fact, he is quite the opposite- but not every woman gets to see this side of the Piscean. He tends to leave his deep emotions and passion tucked away until he is ready and completely comfortable with someone. That’s why most Piscean men won’t head to the bed until he is sure he is comfortable and in love with his partner.
Once you enter the bedroom, don’t be surprised if you witness the passion and lust of the Piscean man unravels before your eyes in an explosive way. He is certainly an intense lover who loves to please his lady. He is always up for new tricks and positions and will use his imagination to create exciting antics in the bedroom that you have probably never seen before. Keep up with a Piscean man in between the sheets and you will surely have a remarkable evening unlike anything you expected- especially from such a kind and ‘shy’ man.
Negative Side of a Pisces Man
The Pisces man has a bad habit of blaming all of their misfortunes on other people. They never seem to take responsibility for anything wrong that goes on around them and will always find an outlet to blame. This type of behavior is bad within all situations, whether it is work related or friend related, but especially horrible when it comes to relationships- nobody likes to be blamed for someone else’s cheating, lying, etc.
We’re very aware that the Pisces man is a bit on the shy side and tries to be helpful and kind to everyone he crosses paths with- which are exactly why he can get hurt very easily. He is an overemotional, sensitive fellow who will take things the wrong way almost always. He doesn’t like to be talked negatively about and likes to do the right thing at all times- so when sometime scolds him or dislikes his work, he takes it very seriously.
Last but not least, Piscean men have a tendency to be on the lazy side about things they are not passionate about. They would much rather spend time researching or exploring deep aspects of life, and if the subject at hand isn’t something that interests them, they won’t put their all into it. This can be especially damaging in work-related situations!
Pisces and Cancer: The two of you are both extremely passionate and emotional individuals. You can use this emotion to help others and also to put plenty of passion and romance into the relationship. If the two of you can deal with each other’s sensitivities, it will be a flourishing relationship that lasts incredibly long.
Pisces and Scorpio: Both being extremely emotional and sensitive, the two of you will share an emotional bond you won’t find elsewhere. This deep passion and love will make for a long-lasting relationship with plenty of depth.
Pisces and Pisces: You both have imaginations that run wild and a sensitive nature. These traits, combined, will create a very deep bond in which the two of you understand each other on a level that others can’t even see.

Pisces Man in a Nutshell
A Piscean man spends most of his time daydreaming, living in his own imaginative world. And when he’s not doing that, he is exploring the deepest things in life, whether it’s space, religion, or something of the likes. He is an extremely passionate lover who takes relationships very seriously. You won’t find a Pisces man cheating anytime soon- he would much rather come up with some amazing way to prove his love to his woman. He isn’t selfish in the slightest and loves to help everyone around him any way he can. A simple thank you is enough to keep a Piscean happy, but try to keep negativity away from him- he’s a kindhearted and sensitive man who gets hurt very easily.