Comments on: Pisces Man in Love Sun, 17 Dec 2017 03:43:10 +0000 hourly 1 By: web admin Mon, 18 Sep 2017 04:35:18 +0000 It sounds as though you have made an excellent decision. Have a great day, Virgo!

By: Virgogal Sun, 17 Sep 2017 13:30:22 +0000 Thank you. I think its best if I just ignore him and focus on my life/job. He isn’t well liked at work so apparently this selfish behavior is typical. If he wants to play games and be mad, then he can be mad. He has only caused me stress and sadness. It wouldn’t have worked out anyways because he is very arrogant and controlling.

By: web admin Sun, 17 Sep 2017 03:16:33 +0000 It sounds as though you have already made a decision about this relationship. The actions that he has taken seems to have proven to be negative influences on your life. Take this time to determine what you want for your future. Speak directly and honestly with him about your thoughts and feelings. If he does not treat you respectfully, then examine the status of your relationship. Have a great day, Virgo!

By: Virgogal Sat, 16 Sep 2017 18:51:09 +0000 He is a very difficult person to get along with, it seems. He has been cold at work and when I asked him if everything was okay he just gave me an excuse. Today at work he was assigned to give me a break but it was getting late and he never showed up. I called him, and he seemed annoyed because the floor was so busy and all of these excuses. Well why can’t you just tell me that? He has been acting so strange ever since the distance. I wonder if he deliberately didn’t give me a break today. I don’t know if I should bother personally asking him, or if I should just let it go. I am trying to keep a peaceful environment, we are coworkers after all. It seems like everytime I ask him something, I end up feeling stupid or he just brushes me off/makes an excuse. I like being direct and don’t like awkward air, but it seems as though he won’t give me any answers. I just don’t understand this difficult behavior.

By: web admin Sat, 16 Sep 2017 05:31:34 +0000 It sounds like the two of you may not be compatible. Take this time to determine what kind of relationship that you want for your future. If you want to nourish your relationship with him, then do so. You may want to give him space and allow him to develop his character. Speak directly and honestly with him about your thoughts and feelings. Have a great day, Virgo!

By: virgogal Sat, 16 Sep 2017 01:06:21 +0000 I dated and talked to a pisces coworker for over a month. Things were so wonderful at first- I was beginning to think that I met the guy that I have always dreamed of. We went on three very great dates, all of which he eagerly initiated. After date 3, he invited me over to watch a movie and then we cuddled at his place. He made a small joke about sending dirty pictures to each other, which I told him made me uncomfortable. He said well its normal to do so in an intimate relationship. I didn’t like that, as I didn’t want to be used purely for sex and we hadn’t even gotten intimate in person yet. He apologized and said everybody moves at their own pace, and that it wouldn’t make him like me any less.

After this incident, he would make plans but be very flakey about them. I took initiative at times and made plans, too. He seemed a little off at times, like he was in deep thought and zoning out. He told me I was the first girl he had gone out with in a year (after isolating himself), since his horrible 2-year relationship breakup. Every date, he would mention her. Anyways, I didn’t understand why he bothered to make plans with me and then cancel last minute. It was very frustrating. I told him I was very understanding and flexible about his busy schedule (it is his last year of college and he works 50+ hrs/wk). So I gave him an ultimatum, and he apologized and said he would change. That he was so busy and actually did look forward to spending time with me. Of course the effort lasted a minute, and he kept repeating his behavior. So I told him to forget the plan. We hung out one last time, and I could tell his enthusiasm waned. There were less texts. He told me “when I date, I only date one girl at a time. I think life is about spending time with one person”. Yet I haven’t heard from him at all. He only texted me a friendly birthday wish, which I don’t count as anything but mere courtesy.

At work he was off-standish too. I asked him if everything was okay, because he had been quiet. He gave me some excuse about being on vacation the previous week, yet he had been back at work for a week.

I just feel uncomfortable about the situation but am choosing to let him go. I am not sure what to think about this pisces man. Maybe he was just looking to get laid the whole time, or he was not emotionally available because of his ex, or just really busy and being selfish in his own world. I am just not sure why he would invest so much time and money on a person (hundreds of dollars on dates and 10+ hours/each date), and talk about a future plan with me, yet suddenly disappear with no more effort or explanation? I told him that I wasn’t comfortable getting sexually intimate yet, and he claimed to understand! He didn’t even try to kiss me (although the physical attraction was obvious!). Would it be best to continue being friendly at work, or focus on my own life and see if he reaches out to me? Of course I will look forward and date other people, but its been very hard to get over him and also a bit awkward at work. I wouldn’t mind being his friend, and actually would prefer gaining his trust in a friendship first, so that he knows I am not the type to just sleep with and that’s it.

By: web admin Tue, 12 Sep 2017 23:01:28 +0000 It is likely that your partner his highly introspective. It may be difficult for him to share his feelings directly. It sounds like he is interested in strong commitment, so take this time to determine what you want for your relationship. You may find great benefit in taking a weekend out in nature with him. Have a great day, Sunny!

By: web admin Tue, 12 Sep 2017 22:43:34 +0000 He may have a spiritual reason for being emotionally distant. It is likely that he is interested in defining your relationship as something more serious before he wants to make a sexual commitment. If you are interested in securing this relationship, then speak directly and honestly with him about your thoughts and feelings. This will develop the emotional and spiritual attachment within your relationship. Have a great day, Sunny!

By: Sunnysunshine Tue, 12 Sep 2017 04:31:07 +0000 One last thing. I did forget to mention my Pisces man is very introverted. Very.

I am a bit more extroverted but do also tend to be passive and display introverted tendencies also as I need space to recharge.

This also makes it difficult for me to know what he is thinking…which makes me overthink even more. Lol

Thank for listening! And so sorry for the extra long post. Have a great day!

By: Sunnysunshine Tue, 12 Sep 2017 03:47:16 +0000 Hello!

I am a cancer woman in love with a Pisces man 9 years younger than me. I am a divorcee and have 3 young children. We met online almost 2 years ago and had been dating ever since.

Our connection has been magical from the start. We talk about everything and spend hours in the phone. Because of work and life we see each other about once a week although recently it’s been over a month.

Our sex life has been passionate. Recently he expressed that he feels guilty after sex and hates planned sex. He’s concerned with the spirituality behind it as we are not married which I understand and let him intiate.

Through out our relationship…he disappears briefly like no contact for a few days and then comes back. Always comes back. There’s sometimes when I sense him pulling a way. I typically give him space and then go back and get him.

Recently he is pulling away again because he does not see how we can be together. But I know in my heart we can and will be. We got well together.

A few weeks ago I told him that I can’t help it but that I love him. And that I understand if he isn’t there yet or has hesitations. Everyone reaches love at different times and sometimes not at all.

He once mentioned that he tends to be passive in his relationships waiting for the woman to act and generally he stays with a woman who is persistent despite his passive tendencies.

Should I back off completely and let him think? Or should I stay and maintain the status quo ?

Is it possible he does love me but won’t say it because of our circumstances? Would he waste his time for this long if i didn’t mean something to him?

I’m a cancer and tend to sabotage situations with my over thinking. I do know I love this man dearly. He calms my mind and we complement each other perfectly.

It has now been over a month we haven’t seen each other but speak almost daily on the phone or text. I know with Pisces you have to maintain contact so they remember.

What do I do? Have i lost him emotionally?
