Plastic Surgery Shockers – Christina Hendricks!
She’s one of the most striking 38 year old actresses with her flaming red hair and chiseled cheek bones. You might remember that Christina played Joan Harris on the Mad Men series on AMC. If you ever watched Firefly, you might remember her as Saffron in the FOX series too. In fact, we would like to predict that it’s Mad Men that you know her from – it got her nominated for four Emmy Awards, and female readers of Esquire magazine even voted her as the sexiest woman in the world. She’c curvy unlike other stick-thin celebs that we are faced with on a fay to day basis… Perhaps this is why she has such an impressive fan base?
Believe it or not, Christina Hendricks isn’t the natural redhead that you may have been lead to believe. See… we told you she wasn’t a “natural” beauty! In fact, she is a beauty blonde but started dying her luscious locks red at the age of ten and hasn’t looked back ever since. Apparently it was an early book she read that had given her the inspiration – Anne of Green Gables.
Another interesting tips that you might be interested to read about – she can play the accordion and utilised this skill on one of the episodes of Mad Men!
A couple of years back, Christina came out out the public by way of a British newspaper and said that she DID NOT have celebrity plastic surgery in order to enhance the size of her bust. Her ample bosom has made her the fantasies of men (and women) all over the world and in our opinion, we reckon they are pretty natural looking. They are either natural or have been done by a very good plastic surgeon! She claims they are real and we believe her.
Looking at photos of her from then and now, she looks basically exactly the same. It’s as if she hasn’t aged a day since she was in her early twenties. She’s not the oldest actress out there by any means but she most definitely doesn’t look like an almost 40 year old woman.
It was mentioned that she may have undergone some sort of rhinoplasty or nose surgery to perfect her face. It appears as if her nose has been made the tiniest bit wider upon looking at it but this could be a great trick learned from the makeup artist. Is it light reflection or has she had a little help from the surgeon’s knife?
Her weight has fluctuated throughout her years in the public eye and this could easily have lead to an increase (and decrease) in bust size. We think that this is more than likely the cause of the rumours.
We aren’t sure which side of the fence we sit on when it comes down to the Christina Hendricks plastic surgery allegations. She’s a curvy lady so it would make sense that she would be busty too. Whatever it is – natural or not, she certainly is one fine specimen of a woman and well deserved of the title “sexiest woman in the world”!