Plastic Surgery – Wed, 22 Jan 2020 02:23:29 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Plastic Surgery – 32 32 Megan Fox Plastic Surgery Shocker Mon, 11 Aug 2014 19:23:38 +0000 Megan Fox – the superstar behind such films as This Is 40, Transformers, and Jennifer’s Body. She’s one of the most stunning women on the planet with her long brunette locks, and her plump lips. At one point, with her jagged sex appeal and tattoos, she was dubbed to be the next Angelina Jolie on […]

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Megan Fox – the superstar behind such films as This Is 40, Transformers, and Jennifer’s Body. She’s one of the most stunning women on the planet with her long brunette locks, and her plump lips. At one point, with her jagged sex appeal and tattoos, she was dubbed to be the next Angelina Jolie on the scene.

She is only 28 years old so it is inevitable that her appearance wold change over the years but despite this, there are still Megan Fox plastic surgery rumours doing the mill. If, like us, you were willing to brush them one side and put them down to just rumours, you should probably take a peek at this:

Megan Fox Plastic Surgery

The first picture was taken back in 2005 before Megan Fox became the superstar we know her as today. She was young and fresh faced, something she still is today, but when you take a closer look, you can see that certain things have changed quite dramatically.

Her nose, for example, is constantly coming under scrutiny. Look at the 2005 picture, and then take a look at the 2014 picture next to it that we have unearthed. Hasn’t the shape of her nose changed? It’s narrower along the bridge these days, and the tip seems so much more defined than it was too. There’s definitely something changing here, and we’re not sure that it’s completely makeup caused.

Her lips have changed too. They seem to be a lot thicker these days than they were back in 2005, but this could be just down to plain ad simple makeup trickery – trickery that most of us have learned… Using lip liner on the bottom lip, for example, and having a lighter, glittery shade in the middle of the top lip to illuminate it and make it look bigger. Maybe it could just be makeup that has changed Megan Fox’s lips?

Now look at one of the most recent pictures of Megan Fox…

Megan Fox Plastic Surgery

Doesn’t she look completely different now to what she did back in 2005? If you were to believe the rumours, she’s had an awful lot of face-filler work done. It all looks a bit alien, doesn’t it? A little bit too puffy to be believable? The cheeks look much plumper than before, there are no wrinkles or lines in her forehead and it’s slightly puffy towards the hairline which would suggest Botox or other fillers, her lips are much thicker (especially the top lip) which again, suggest lip fillers have taken place, and her brows look lifted too. When you look at the pictures side by side like this, the Megan Fox plastic surgery shocking rumours don’t seem quite so unjustified, do they?

The final celeb plastic surgery report to come from the world of Megan Fox is that she could possibly have had some sort of laser resurfacing around her face. When she was younger, she had a fair few acne scars, and more than a few freckles spattered across her nose and cheeks. Although laser work is not technically surgery in a sense, it is still cosmetic enhancement. Did Megan Fox really need it?

With rumours of a boob job, and all of the above doing the rounds, it is strange to hear that Megan Fox has not come out to confirm nor deny the reports.

Perhaps it’s because she can’t?

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Rose McGowan – Busting The Plastic Surgery Rumours Sat, 09 Aug 2014 20:47:49 +0000 Right, we’ll get straight to the point here. Rose McGowan HAS come clean about some of the work she has had done to her face. She has actually admitted plastic surgery on her face. However, before you jump to any conclusions, you should probably hear all the story first. The actress in Charmed, The Black […]

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Right, we’ll get straight to the point here. Rose McGowan HAS come clean about some of the work she has had done to her face. She has actually admitted plastic surgery on her face. However, before you jump to any conclusions, you should probably hear all the story first.

The actress in Charmed, The Black Dahlia, and Grindhouse seems to have changed ever-so-slightly with every film she has starred in, and it would seem that is not just all about hair and makeup. She did admit to having surgery to correct a scar underneath her eye after a car accident. A piece of glass cut her face and she needed to undergo a certain amount of cosmetic surgery in order to fix it, and ensure that it scarred as little as possible.

Despite her admittance of this however, the reports suggest that she has gone above and beyond what would be expected for minor surgery on her face including reports of face lifts, cheek fillers to make them appear rounder, eyelid surgery, breast enhancement and more.

Rose McGowan Plastic Surgery

When you look at Rose McGowan back in 2005, she looks fresh faced. There’s not a wrinkle to be seen. Further on into 2010, she still looks hot as hell, but it does appear that her cheeks have become a tad fuller perhaps?

When you get in 2019, you can see how things have changed quite dramatically. She’s 46 this year, and for the first time in years, she might actually be starting to look her age. Now don’t get us wrong – she still looks stunningly fabulous to all of us, but out of nowhere she does seem to have aged somewhat.

The lips look like they’ve had a little work done, and the eyelid sagging she was showing in 2010 seems to have completely disappeared. Could this have been a clever makeup trick? Her cheeks definitely do look a lot puffier these days. Maybe there was some truth to the whole cheek-filler rumours that were going around. Celebrity plastic surgery seems to have a way of sneaking up on people. Your favourite celeb can look fabulous for what feels like eternity and the one day you wake up and they don’t look quite so young and fresh-faced anymore. Sadly, we think that’s called the ageing process.

Personally, we can’t see a lot of change in her face over the years, with the exception of fairly recently. The last photo we feature could just be a bad photo. We all get them – that one shot that makes you seem to have aged a thousand years in a single flash of light. Maybe that happened here? Maybe that happened in 2014? Who knows? One thing is for sure – she has kept her mouth shut about those Rose McGowan plastic surgery so far with the exception of admitting to the surgery under her eye. We can’t see her coming out and speaking about the reports anytime soon…

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The Truth Behind The Blake Lively Plastic Surgery Reports Sat, 09 Aug 2014 19:57:37 +0000 She’s better known for her part as Serena van der Woodsen in the hit CW TV show Gossip Girl but Blake Lively has been hitting headlines all by herself and one area in particular that seems to get a lot of the attention is those celebrity plastic surgery rumours. It has only been fairly recently […]

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She’s better known for her part as Serena van der Woodsen in the hit CW TV show Gossip Girl but Blake Lively has been hitting headlines all by herself and one area in particular that seems to get a lot of the attention is those celebrity plastic surgery rumours.

It has only been fairly recently that it would appear Blake Lively has gone under the surgeons knife, if at all. It was one picture from 2012, when she attend the premiere of the film Savages that everything seems to have stemmed from…

Let’s take a closer look…

Blake Lively Plastic Surgery

There’s clearly false eyelashes here but that’s not really what we’re looking for. It’s her nose that has struck our attention. Does it look more defined to you? Thinner? The tip seems more angular somehow. Even the bridge of her nose looks thinner. Let’s look back to an older photo of her to give you a better idea of what we mean:

Blake Lively Plastic Surgery

It would seem that she hasn’t stopped at a spot of rhinoplasty either. Her eyelids are definitely less droopy these days than they were a few years back. Her eyes look so much bigger all  of a sudden, and her eyelids are much less pronounced than before.

With regards to the Botox, lip filler and breast job reports that we’ve read on the internet, we don’t think there is any weight to these at all. We’ve had a peek at her body in more than a few shots over the last few years and aside from losing some of the puppy fat she held when she was younger (and to be honest there wasn’t a lot to begin with), most of her body has stayed relatively the same.

So a nose job and some eyelid reduction going on… What do you think? Could Blake Lively have had celebrity plastic surgery?

Of course, the beautiful Blake has declined to comment so far. She’s had bigger and better things on her mind, including the release of her new website Preserve, plies the media frenzy surrounding it. With news that Gwyneth Paltrow believes she’s ripping off her one website GOOP, Blake Lively has got enough on her plate. Maybe she went under the surgeon’s knife to make herself feel better? Would you if you could?

When you bear in mind that Blake Lively is only 26 years old, it makes us sad to learn that she might have had a spot of work done. The girl was such a stunning beauty, with quirks to her face rather than flaws. It’s now wonder that girls all around the world are having such a hard time with their body image when they have the impossible dream to look up to.

Maybe an all-natural approach is what these beautiful women should take every once in a while… What happened to growing old gracefully anyway?

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Has Kate Middleton Had Plastic Surgery? Sat, 09 Aug 2014 18:45:29 +0000 Believe it or not, the mother of the future heir to the throne of England – Kate Middleton has recently come under scrutiny amidst reports that she’s had celebrity plastic surgery. When you think about it, this amazing women is in the public eye each and every day so you wouldn’t be surprised to see […]

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Believe it or not, the mother of the future heir to the throne of England – Kate Middleton has recently come under scrutiny amidst reports that she’s had celebrity plastic surgery. When you think about it, this amazing women is in the public eye each and every day so you wouldn’t be surprised to see her follow the steps of all the other celeb’s before her that decide to go under the surgeon’s knife.

Herinterest decided it was time to take a closer look and see if we can find some truth behind those celebrity plastic surgery reports. Are you sitting comfortably?

These rumours have been ongoing for some time now with people believing she had undergone rhinoplasty (a nose job), Botox in her forehead, lip fillers, and even hair extensions. The hair extensions don’t seem very likely – Kate Middleton has always had a glorious head of hair. The other reports, however, seem rather unlikely, don’t they?

When you take a closer look at the following picture, you are probably going to notice a couple of things. Let us let you look for a second…

Kate Middleton Plastic Surgery

For a start, that reported rhinoplasty might have happened. Either that or she’s learned how to do some pretty amazing tricks to shrink down the size of the tip of her nose. Apparently she does all her makeup herself, so whatever she’s managed to cheat, we’d love to know about!

As well as perhaps confirming the reports of a nose job, the pictures of Kate Middleton also show something else – a normal woman. She DOES have those forehead wrinkles that you would expect a 32 year old woman with a one year old child to have. There is drooping below the eyes, as you would expect from a new mother that has suffered at the hands of sleep deprivation. Aside from the nose, nothing else seems to have changed every much.

Of course, recent photos of Kate Middleton looking less than desirable have sparked a media frenzy too. Recent Wimbledon shots of the beautiful woman showed her looking tired, bloated in the face, and puffy. The rest of her body seemed perfectly fine so it wouldn’t appear that she was bloated anywhere else, and there aren’t enough tell-tale signs to prove that celebrity plastic surgery was the root cause, so with the impending move out of the $5 million palace her and Prince William have just renovated, the current rumours are that she might be pregnant again.

Kate Middleton Plastic Surgery

I guess we’ll just need to watch this space and see what happens.

We personally don’t feel that Kate Middleton has had plastic surgery to the extent of fillers and Botox, but the nose job could be a possibility upon closer inspection. Of course, she hasn’t confirmed or denied the rumours either way, but we wouldn’t expect her to. She’s in the Royal family – she’s not going to admit to have a little nip & tuck work done!

What do you think? Has Kate Middleton had plastic surgery?

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Hilary Duff Plastic Surgery Reports Investigated Sat, 09 Aug 2014 18:06:05 +0000 So, according to the rumours there is quite a Hilary Duff plastic surgery list. If you believe everything you read in the media, she’s been under the surgeon’s knife more often than what you are commonly lead to believe. Could it be that this teen star is not as natural as we all thought she […]

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So, according to the rumours there is quite a Hilary Duff plastic surgery list. If you believe everything you read in the media, she’s been under the surgeon’s knife more often than what you are commonly lead to believe. Could it be that this teen star is not as natural as we all thought she was…?

First of all, there’s the reports that Hilary Duff has a boob job. These days they definitely look more defined than they did back then, although that could be down to a good bra, but it definitely looks as if she has gone up at least a cup size. Could this be just down to natural weight gain and loss? We’ll let you make your own mind up:

Hilary Duff Plastic Surgery

Not just content with taking a closer look at her bust, the media have also reported that Hilary Duff has had another form of celebrity plastic surgery, but this time in the form of a nose job. Apparently rhinoplasty is well sought after in Tinseltown!

When looking at before and after photos of Hilary, it does appear that her nose has changed shape. It’s not quite as bulbous at the end these days as it was before, and there’s something else that strikes us about the picture too… Which brings us nicely to our next point.

Hilary Duff Plastic Surgery

Dental work is another thing in the celeb plastic surgery list for Hilary Duff and she’s definitely had something done. Her beautiful white teeth aren’t achieved by regularly brushing, that’s for sure. It would also appear as if her teeth were shorter than they were before too. Perhaps she’s had them filed down? Only her plastic surgeon and dentist will know…

Her lips got quite big at one point, as you can see from the following picture. There’s no denying that she’s had lip work done… unless she was punched in the lip. Her lips were enormous and well deserved of the ‘trout pout’ name at one point. Thankfully, she seems to have grown out of this phase and her lips look much more normal. Phew!

When you consider that this fabulous teen star is only 26 years old, the same age as Rihanna, and it’s easy to become sad over the fact that these young girls feel the need to change the way they look to please their fans.

Up until this point, Hilary hasn’t had anything to say about her celebrity plastic surgery list although to others, including some plastic surgeons, that she’s had work done. Despite the reports and pretty dodgy photographs over the years, it would appear that she’s calmed things down a bit and it doesn’t appear that she’s had anything done for a while. Maybe she should leave herself as she is for just now – we adore her the way she is, right?

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Has Rihanna Had Plastic Surgery?! Fri, 08 Aug 2014 22:00:22 +0000 Rihanna – the stunning and very talented starlet behind such hits as Umbrella, Disturbia, Only Girl In The World, and much more. She’s the centre of the limelight at every occasion it would seem, with daring outfits, and even more daring hairstyles. One thing it would appear that does come under scrutiny when you are […]

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Rihanna – the stunning and very talented starlet behind such hits as Umbrella, Disturbia, Only Girl In The World, and much more. She’s the centre of the limelight at every occasion it would seem, with daring outfits, and even more daring hairstyles. One thing it would appear that does come under scrutiny when you are in the public eye just like Rihanna is your body. Sadly, not even this beaut has managed to escape the celebrity plastic surgery rumours.

Rihanna Plastic Surgery

As beautiful as she is, it would appear that not everything is as nature as it seems. There have been numerous reports of her undergoing rhinoplasty (nose job) to achieve a thinner, more defined shape to match her beautifully chiselled face. We thought we’d start with this Rihanna plastic surgery rumour seeing as it appears to be the most prolific.

When you look at the following two photos of Rihanna, you can see that her nose shape does appear to have changed somewhat. It no longer appears to be quite as broad at the tip as it did before, and we’re not sure that this is something that could easily be achieved by makeup alone. It does appear that the shape of her owe has changed somewhat … Could celebrity plastic surgery be the reason behind this?

Rihanna Before After Nose

Another thing that appears to have changed when you look at the above picture is the shape of her lips. The cupid’s bow on the top lip appears more pronounced these days. It could be a clever makeup trick, of course, but there are also rumours that the Rihanna plastic surgery list could even include lip work. What do you think? Smart makeup or has she gone under the surgeons knife?

Of course, there are the usual celebrity plastic surgery reports that you would expect – Botox, fillers, etc. This is pretty whacky reports when you think about it. This starlet is only 26 years old…

To be fair, Rihanna is just finding her feet in the crazy music world and she’s come a long way since her Pon de Replay days. Of course she is going to have changed, and in more ways than one. She’s matured as a woman – when we first saw her, she was a teenager. There are going to be some changes to her shape, including her lips and nose. Does this mean that she has joined the long list of people and undergone celebrity plastic surgery? We aren’t sure whether or not there is enough evidence to support the rumours doing the rounds. One thing is for sure however – we are sure many, many people will be waiting for any sign that she is not as natural as she makes herself out to be. As of yet, she has made no attempt to confirm or deny any of the plastic surgery reports.

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Nicki Minaj Plays Barbie… But Has Plastic Surgery Made Her Fake? Wed, 06 Aug 2014 16:14:35 +0000 Nicki Minaj is a weird and wonderful creature, isn’t she? You’d look twice if you saw this girl in her most natural state – known for playing Barbie with multi-coloured wigs, a love of all things pink, and eyelashes almost bigger than her booty. Ah yes… We’ll save the booty ’til last! 😉  She may […]

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Nicki Minaj is a weird and wonderful creature, isn’t she? You’d look twice if you saw this girl in her most natural state – known for playing Barbie with multi-coloured wigs, a love of all things pink, and eyelashes almost bigger than her booty. Ah yes… We’ll save the booty ’til last! 😉 

Nicki Minaj Plastic Surgery

She may have a love for false lashes and false hair but she spoke out to her fans; fans that she calls her “Barbie’s”, denying the fact that she’d had any sort of plastic surgery on her face. Her lips were real, her nose was real, her cheeks were real, there was no Botox in her forehead… She was an all-natural girl, just not in the most natural of settings. 

She puts her ever-changing appearance down to good makeup skills, and even went on the record to say that ‘contouring’ with makeup was one of the biggest tips in of the trade commonly used. With all the Pinterest how-to guides out there, we’re all trying our hand at contouring, aren’t we? We’ve all seen how much clever makeup tricks can completely change the shape of your face. We believe her… we think?

Nicki Minaj Plastic Surgery

There has been talk of Botox, and even a face lift but we think these rumours are probably a bit far-fetched. She is only 31 years old – we know plenty of 31-year old women that don’t have any wrinkles. If she has started with the celebrity plastic surgery already, she probably shouldn’t have done. There’s also talk of fillers in her cheeks to give her that defined face it would seem she didn’t have much earlier on. 

Think about it this way – if you have that much work done so early on, imagine the work you are going to need much later on, when you are older…

Moving on to that incredible backside of her’s, and it would appear that coming out about her facial plastic surgery rumours was all she was prepared to do… There was no mention, confirmation or denying of the whole ass-implant reports. We wonder what that could mean…?

Going back through the years, her ass has gone progressively bigger but this is something that could be achieved with the help of exercises like squats. We’re not sure that the end result would be something that impressive, but who knows? She’s not talking to speculation is really all we have. 

Nicki Minaj Plastic Surgery

Another part of the body to come under scrutiny for Nicki Minaj is her chest. They’ve got bigger too apparently. What do you think when you look at the old Nicki Minaj versus the new Nick Minaj? 

Nicki Minaj Plastic Surgery

For such a young idol, it would be a shame if this bootilicious babe had felt the need to go under the surgeons knife. In fact, it would be almost hypocritical in nature for her to talk about being so ‘real’ and ‘genuine’ in her songs, only to be as plastic as Barbie in real life. 

We’ll let you make your own mind up. What do you think? 

Has Nicki Minaj had plastic surgery?

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Jennifer Aniston – The Pastic Surgery Reports Busted! Wed, 06 Aug 2014 15:42:11 +0000 Jennifer Aniston, better known as the fabulous Rachel Greene in the hit American TV show Friends, is one of the most beautiful women in the world and always seems to rate quite highly on the sexiest women in the world polls. She’s a woman that has aged gracefully, hit the big 45 in July this […]

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Jennifer Aniston, better known as the fabulous Rachel Greene in the hit American TV show Friends, is one of the most beautiful women in the world and always seems to rate quite highly on the sexiest women in the world polls. She’s a woman that has aged gracefully, hit the big 45 in July this year, but despite her maturity, she looks no older now than she did in her Friends days – her twenties. It’s crazy! 

Jennifer Aniston Plastic Surgery

Of course, when a woman like Jennifer Aniston looks as good as she does after 45 years of life, there’s going to be some criticism. People are going to ask questions. Surely this is to be expected by now? Gracefully, Jennifer Aniston did admit that she had undergone a nose job – rhinoplasty, but this is the only celebrity plastic surgery that she’s opening her mouth about. All of the other rumours have, up until this point, remained unanswered. 

As well as the thinner nose that she openly admits to, there are also a whole host of other Jennifer Aniston plastic surgery rumours doing the rounds. Her forehead is incredibly flat and wrinkle-free these days. Is this the forehead that you would normally expect on a 45-year old face? What do you think… Could Jennifer Aniston have had Botox as well as her nose job plastic surgery?

Jennifer Aniston 2000 2014 Forehead

Of course, there are other aspects of Jennifer Aniston that has come under scrutiny and one, quite famous area, is her bust. It seems to have grown in size over the years… Look at this and make up your own mind; is a boob job the next tick on the list for Jennifer Aniston and her celebrity plastic surgery:

Jennifer Aniston Plastic Surgery

They do look fuller, but that’s nothing that can’t be achieved with a good bra and what we like to call ‘tit-tape’! She denies the rumours of a boob job, of course. 

So we’ve covered the Botox rumours, the boob job suggestions, and the nose job that she admitted she’d had done. What about the rest of them? There’s liposuction too. Apparently, she had it around her midriff, and when you take a peek at the chiselled, wash-board stomach she was rocking on a recent vacation, it would be hard not to be surprised. This chick has a body that simply rocks – there’s no wonder she’s on the hottest, sexiest women lists. The problem with the celebrity plastic surgery reports however is that Jennifer Aniston has always admitted to having quite a healthy lifestyle and she’s always loved things like yoga and Pilates. She’s been in the public eye so much, especially with the very public marriage break down, and the Brad Pitt / Angelina Jolie love triangle. Of course she has kept herself looking good. She’s had a rough time but she’s kept herself perfectly trim throughout it all. Clearly there was no crying into a tub of Ben & Jerry’s ice cream for her! 

Jennifer Aniston Plastic Surgery

Upon further investigation of the celeb plastic surgery rumours, it would seem that Jennifer’s beautiful complexion and amazing body might not be down to just good eating and a healthy lifestyle. A 2012 Grazia interview with the star revealed some pretty shocking facts about her beauty regime that even included chemical peels that can cost upwards of two thousand dollars. There’s also the $750 bar of soap with bits of the planet Mars in it (apparently), and yoga sessions that cost upwards of $700 an hour. It’s a good job her career shows no signs in slowing down. She has one hell of a maintenance regime to keep up! 

When you add to this list the fact that her specially made diet delivery system could cost upwards of $700 per week again, it’s a lifestyle that not many of us could afford. 

In conclusion, when you are looking at the Jennifer Aniston plastic surgery reports, it might not be the surgeons knife that keeps her looking so young and youthful, but that doesn’t mean beauty doesn’t come with a price. If the cost of her skincare regime are true, we would expect her to look a million bucks, right? If only we could all afford it…?

A nose job has been confirmed but everything else still hangs in the air. Maybe one day she’ll come up and confirm or deny the reports but up until then, we are sure the world will continue to watch her with scrutiny. We sure will be! 😉

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Beyonce – Those Plastic Surgery Reports Investigated Wed, 06 Aug 2014 13:51:27 +0000 Beyonce has been in the news a lot recently, and not for all the right reasons it would seem. There are reports of her marriage to Jay-Z apparently being on the rocks with her scouting around for a new apartment ‘on the sly’. Well, that’s if you believe all the media gossip of course… You […]

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Beyonce has been in the news a lot recently, and not for all the right reasons it would seem. There are reports of her marriage to Jay-Z apparently being on the rocks with her scouting around for a new apartment ‘on the sly’. Well, that’s if you believe all the media gossip of course…



You can’t have missed those infamous Instagram shots of the Queen however, with those apparently airbrushed legs that appeared much thinner than how they appeared when she was on stage later on that week…

We’ll let you come to your own conclusions.

One thing that Beyonce seems to get is constant criticism, despite the fact that she has a beautiful body, and a voice to match. She’s too big. She’s too small. She only had bigger dancers around so that she appears smaller than what she actually is… We’ve all heard those rumours, and when you throw the Beyonce plastic surgery rumours into the mix as well, you can’t help but feel sorry for the poor girl!

She’s apparently had a nose job, a boob job, Botox, skin lightening, lip reduction, and the list seems never-ending. For a woman that;s always making music and having a brand new tour out, as well as bringing up a young child, she sure seems to have a lot of time to head to her cosmetic surgeon.

Herinterest decided to take a closer look.

With regards to the nose job, Beyonce has reportedly had her nose made thinner, smaller and more defined along the bridge area. Later on, once the rumours of this cosmetic procedure has surfaced, a plastic surgeon by the name of Dr. Jeffrey Spiegel went on record to say that he believed she had definitely undergone the operation. According to his statement, he believed she had the bridge redefined, as well as the tip, and the nose had been narrowed too.

Beyonce Plastic Surgery

Her lips appear to have changed shape – the top lip does appear to be thinner. Could it be that she has had augmentation to change the definition of her top lip? We think that thinning lips is just part of the ageing process, and you do need to take into consideration that the beautiful Beyonce is 32 years old, she’s hardly a teen anymore, is she? Plus, you can achieve that look with smart make up tricks so personally, we believe that she hasn’t had any celebrity plastic surgery done here.

One thing that seems to have got bigger in contrast to everything else getting thinner or smaller, is her bust. It does look bigger now than it did back then but again, there are a few things to take into consideration here. For a start, she’s had a baby. Secondly, her weight has gone up and down over the years, so it’s inevitable that her bra size is going to change. Sadly, the chest seems to be the first place to lose the weight, doesn’t it?

Beyonce Plastic Surgery

With the rumours of skin lightening thrown in (although these are probably tricks of makeup rather than a surgical procedure), and suspected liposuction on her tummy and thighs (further fuelled by those apparent slimmed-down Instagram pictures), the Beyonce plastic surgery rumours are never ending. There is even talk of her having Botox around her forehead and faced to prevent any pesky wrinkles from appearing. To be honest, there are a few women we know that don’t have wrinkles at the age of 32 so we aren’t sure whether or not we believe this rumour either…

She does look fabulous, that’s for sure!

You can’t expect to be as fabulously famous as Beyonce and not get attacked from all angles. Where there is love, there will always be hate, so with as many fans as there are of the beautiful singer, you’ll still find those that wish to critique her.

Of course her body will have changed with the welcoming of a child, and of course her face is going to change as she grows older. She has kept schtum about those celebrity plastics surgery rumours and to be honest, who would blame her? When you are Queen B, you don’t need to answer yourself to anyone!

What do you think?

Has Beyonce has celebrity plastic surgery?

Why not read more about Queen B – Beyonce on Herinterest:

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Carol Burnett Plastic Surgery Tue, 08 Apr 2014 21:48:55 +0000 Famous for her comedy skits, Carol Burnett has also drawn attention for her work as an actress. Unlike many starlets, she has come forward about her plastic surgery procedures. Born on April 26, 1933, it is not unusual for stars her age to get plastic surgery. As a child, Carol Burnett wanted to be a […]

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Famous for her comedy skits, Carol Burnett has also drawn attention for her work as an actress. Unlike many starlets, she has come forward about her plastic surgery procedures. Born on April 26, 1933, it is not unusual for stars her age to get plastic surgery. As a child, Carol Burnett wanted to be a comedian and an actress. Unfortunately, she felt hindered by her looks. One of the first procedures she went through was to bring her chin forward. Uncomfortable with her chin, she wanted cosmetic surgery prior to appearing on television. She settled on changing this part of her face first because she felt that it was the least attractive of her facial features.


What Plastic Surgery Procedures Has Carol Burnett Had?

Outside of chin implants and procedures, Carol Burnett has probably had a facelift. At the age of 80, it is perfectly normal for her skin to start to sag or become looser. Due to a facelift, her skin appears smoother and tighter than it normally would. Likewise, there are other procedures that have probably helped. Restylane and collagen injections could have reduced wrinkles and helped to smooth out the face. Despite these procedures, Carol Burnett has discussed staying away from plastic surgery in the future. Appearing a decade younger is fine, but she feels that she is too old to try to keep a youthful appearance for forever.

The most exceptional thing about Carol Burnett’s plastic surgery procedures is the fact that she is so open about it. Unlike other actresses, she is upfront about procedures like her chin implant. Until recent years, she also regularly used Botox. Known for reducing and eliminating wrinkles temporarily, Botox was used to give her smoother skin. Although it has to be injected several times a year to stay effective, it is one of Hollywood’s favorite techniques to look younger. Over the last few years, she seems to have stopped using procedures like Botox. Instead of looking like a garish mask or impression of youth, Carol Burnett has decided to let her body to return to the normal aging process.


Since the procedure to have a fuller chin, Carol Burnett has used other procedures to keep a youthful appearance. Open and honest about plastic surgery, she has also been honest about straying from the surgically enhanced path. Her focus on everything natural has allowed Burnett to age gracefully and develop a beautiful elegance.

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