130+ Running Team Names
They say that you need a plan in order to make your get-fit quest a successful one. When you want to become a runner, in part of a team, you may find that coming up with the best running team name that you can is not only part of the fun; but also a very vital part of the journey.
It’s also quite a tough one.
You’ll want a team name that incorporates the personalities of everyone in that team, without leaving an important individual out. In fact, that’s one way that you could come up with a team name — much like the singer group ABBA did — using all of the first letters of your names and coming up with a word that incorporates all of them. This won’t always be possible, of course; sometimes you’ll have a bunch of letters that don’t spell out anything than gibberish, but it’s not a bad place to start.
If you don’t have the ABBA option (as we like to call it), there are plenty of other team names that you could fall back on. Here are a few of our favourites, but don’t forget to mix and match to make them entirely individual for you. Or just use one of the ones that we have suggested, obviously. If you come up with something cool, funny and unique, however, we’d love to hear about it. Don’t forget to come back and let us know what you come up with.
Running Team Names
- Fifty n’ Fit — perfect for the over 50’s and can also be adapted to suit your age range too.
- Where’s The Finish Line?
- Graceful Gunners
- Better Together Team
- Snappy Shoppers — y’know, if the gal-gang is better known for its shopping habits than its running ones.
- Full Throttle
- Faster Than Your Internet
- Liar Liar Legs on Fire
- How I Met These Runners
- Busy Bustlers
- Running Sole Sisters
- Ryan Gosling Fan Club — insert your favourite actor/actress/singer/comedian/etc.
- Flyin’ Gals — or boys, obviously!
- Faster Than the Speed of Light
- Rapid Thigh Movement
- The Breakfast Running Club
- Constantly Mobile Mothers
- No Time For Walkers
- Mile Missionaries
- Velocity Vixens
- The iPlods
- The Joggernauts
- Gathering Momentum
- Glory Guys (or Gals)
- Chasin’ Down Criminals
- Achilles Heels
- Runnin’ After the Ice Cream Truck
- Mister Muscles — could also be Missus or Mrs Muscles
- Sprinting Soldiers
- Rapid Runners
- Scrambled Legs
- Just Keeping Runnin’
- Mischievous Mermaidens — because who doesn’t love being mischievous anyway?
- The Great Strides
- Zombie Runners
- Fast Fighters
- Love at First Run
- Fat Fighters
- Seven Deadly Shins
- Non-Walking Warriors
- Gals Get Moving
- Charity Runners
- Coffee Queenz
- Keepin’ Up With The Runners
- Superhero Sprinters
- Hustlers
- Faster Than the Speed of Love
- Runner Dolls
- Faster Things
- Florence and the Machines — because you are all MACHINES when you start running!
- Sprinting Speedsters
- The Real McCoy’s — and we all know not to mess with you, alright? (Said in a really menacing voice!)
- Girls, Uninterrupted — because we all know NOT to stop you once you get started.
- Marathon Maidens
Movie Title Running Team Name Inspiration
- The Jogfathers
- Runaway Brides
- The Running-Shoes Brothers
- The Man (or Men) with the Golden Run
- Lady & the Cramps — we’re making a Disney reference in case you hadn’t noticed: Beauty & the Beast.
- Princess Strides — because who doesn’t love Princess Brides?
- Legs Miserables
- Sprainspotters
- Quadz of Fury
- New York State of Grind
- Smokin’ Laces
- Cirque de Sore Legs
- Little (But Fast) Women
- Lost in Pace — like the movie, Lost in Space
- Reservoir Jogs
- Shaun of the Tread(Mill)
- How to Lose A Runner in 10 Miles
- Happy Feet
- Bunz on the Run
- Quantum of Shoelace
- The Italian Jog
- Race Ventura
- Slumjog Millionaires
- Harry Potter & The Half Blood Sprints — perfect if one or more of your team looks like Harry Potter or other characters!
Hilarious Running Team Name Inspiration
Life is so much better when you can poke fun at yourself from time to time, so why not consider creating a running team name that incorporates some humour? Not everyone enjoys running; some of us actually think the action is a painful one … and one that we’d rather avoid. If you think the same as us, you might find some of these team names rather fitting:
- Coffee Chuggers
- Probably Gonna Walk
- Not Fast, But Kinda Furious
- It’s Like Fun, But Not
- The Running Joke
- Easier Said Than Run
- Sweaty Sprinters
- Cheerleader Rejects
- We’re Only Doing This Because Our Partners Made Us
- We’re Only Running Because Uber Wasn’t Available
- Team Del Slow
- Wine Dine Finish Line
- Sweaty Betty’s
- Not-So-Lucky Runners
- Holding Out for a Hero
- We Like Pie
- Ignorance is Blisters
- Moet Marathon Runners
- Running On Empty
- Can’t Feel Our Legs
- Not So Easy Runners
- The Accidental Runners
- Intermittent Exercisers
- Running From Responsibility
- We’re Sooo CorkScrewed!
- Knackered Knockers
- I Thought This Was a Pub Crawl
- Consolation is still a Prize
- Runnin’ From The Law
- The Tired Team
- Running from Commitment
- Training Wheels
- Slow Motion Ninjas
- Wishful Thinkers
- Sweaty Nuts & Tight Butts
- Treading Triers
- Overconfident & Undertrained
- I’ve Got The Runs
Running Team Name Inspiration From Other Languages
In Spanish, the word for running is corriendo. The word for runners is corredores. You could use these words in your running team name, like:
- Corriendo Chicks
- Corredores Club
The word for runners in German in Läufer, which you could use like:
- Läufer Ladies
- Läufer Lads
Google translation services can come in handy if you don’t speak the language. By using a different different, you could incorporate a theme. If the majority of them people in your team are from Germany, for example, you could use a German word in the running team name to easily insert that theme. Just make sure that you’re not using rude or offensive names, though. That probably wouldn’t go down too well.
Your team name should be fun — that’s the important thing. If it’s not fun — the entire process isn’t fun — you’ll be much quicker to give it up, and whether you’re running for fun or whether you’re running to get fit and get in shape, having fun is the most important bit! (Well, perhaps not the most important bit, but it’s still damn important!)