Sagittarius Man in Love

By on May 3, 2014


“In seeking wisdom, the first step is silence, the second listening, the third remembering, the fourth practicing, the fifth – teaching others”. This was a quote once said by Ibn Gabriol, and the saying couldn’t be truer to the personality and life of a Sagittarius man. He is always seeking an adventure, no matter where it takes him. He takes the time to listen contently to other peoples’ wisdom so he may apply it to his own life, and isn’t afraid to ask questions. He is a lover of all things wisdom and is always seeking answers in life, whether it comes to relationships, religion, mythology, or some other interesting aspect of life. This genuine curiosity and adventurous attitude creates an enthralling man that is both highly intellectual and charming, something that every man looks for in a friend and what every woman wants in a man.


The Type of Woman Sagittarius Needs

The Sagittarius man needs a special type of woman. He doesn’t want the ordinary- in fact, he wants everything but. He needs a strong, secure, and confident lady who won’t mind giving him the independence he needs on a regular basis. A lady who can handle herself in all situations and doesn’t require a good deal of time. Needless to say, a needy and demanding woman would never work with a Sagittarius man.

He also craves an intellectually stimulating gal- someone he can sit down with and have an in depth conversation about life for hours on end. The regular hum and drum conversation about celebrities and music artists simply isn’t enough to keep this type of man engaged for long, if at all.

Aside from beauty, confidence, and a very intelligent mind, this man is also seeking a woman who is a lover of travel. Obviously he will want to take his lover on all of his exciting trips around the world, so anyone who isn’t endearing of a good adventure won’t last with this adventurous man. She should be ready for simple trips to the beach as well as fascinating journeys to other countries for exploration and adventure.

0b695bc58be7eea30ffcc9e36e828b8eSagittarius in a Relationship

There are two sides of a Sagittarius man. For one, he can be the incredibly flirty and charming man that every woman loves. On the other hand, he can be a very shy and internal man who hides his feelings a great deal. And with this type of zodiac sign, you really never know what to expect. And while most women see this as a flaky trait, it’s really just the Sagittarius trying to show off both aspects of love, from the enticing and sensual side to the beautiful romantic side, and he wants to show his partner both sides.

The Sagittarius man is a fun one to date. He is always coming up with new and exciting things to do and places to go. His constant need for adventure and travel means he will gladly take his woman to other realms in a heartbeat, and therefore having a woman with a lust for travel is an essential trait. You can expect the Sagittarius boyfriend to want to take you on an exploration to a nearby park one day, and the next day have a journey to Italy to discover the county’s immense history.


Aside from excitement day after day, a woman involved with a Sagittarius man can also expect to learn a lot. As this type of man is always seeking out new and enticing information, he will want to relay his new found knowledge onto his lover. Of course, he is always interested in learning new things as well, and is therefore a remarkable listener who will actually want to hear about new things you did that day or something interesting you noticed about the earth. daf45ebaa6a45d0e338762388e3de2c5

Sagittarius in Bed

As we’ve said multiple times already, the Sagittarius is a lover of adventure. And this love for excitement and adventure continues into the bedroom. What does this mean for you? A seriously wild time that has virtually no bounds. The Sagittarius man loves to create an adventurous and passionate night in the bedroom and doesn’t want to do the same thing twice.

It may come as a surprise, but a Sagittarius man actually loves when the lady is the first person to make the move. This shows him that she is a daring individual who may be able to keep up with him between the sheets. However, once the initial move is made, this man isn’t shy to take over and ravish his woman.


Negative Side of a Sagittarius Man

Sagittarius men tend to be a bit on the careless side. You wouldn’t think that a man so involved in philosophy and knowledge could be so careless, but that’s just one of the downsides of a Sagittarius. This type of carelessness is obviously a problem in day to day life, especially when it comes to a relationship in which the woman doesn’t feel cared enough for. (That’s why having an independent woman who isn’t needy is crucial).

Adventure is a must in this man’s life. And when we meet it’s a must, we mean it’s something that he needs to be doing constantly or he will get bored. This restless attitude and constant need for adventure makes the Sagittarius man out to be a bit inconsistent, and nobody likes an inconsistent individual.


Sagittarius and Aries: The two of you are both thrill-seeking, adventurous, fun individuals who are constantly seeking new and exciting activities to engage in. The two of you will be able to keep up with each others active lifestyle and enjoy every moment of it. It’s a match made in Heaven!


Sagittarius and Aquarius: You are a very active individual, constantly seeking knowledge while the Aquarius is a forward-thinking individual who can be on your level. The two of you will engage perfectly not only in conversation but other aspects of life as well. Plenty of fun to be had in your relationship,

Sagittarius and Leo: You both love to explore and have a great time, but you will have to accept each others differences for the relationship to stay strong.


Sagittarius Man in a Nutshell

This type of man just wants to have a good time, and no trip to the bar with his guy pals is going to satisfy his crave for adventure. He always wants to learn and investigate the deeper things in life, which leads to him enthralling trips to enchanting places where he can learn. He loves to be taught and to teach what he’s learned about life to others, therefore making him a charming and intellectual man who can certainly keep you engaged in conversation for quite some time. He needs a smart woman who can keep up with his intellectual level while also being an avid travel lover, just like him. If he can find this special lady, he will definitely take her on all of his amazing excavations and have her by his side through the journey of life. Not to mention he will keep her on her toes (perhaps even literally) when it comes to playing in the bedroom!



  1. SagLover

    August 29, 2016 at 8:31 am

    I’ve been seeing a Sag male for five months. I’m a Cancer female. He came on strong. We slept together on the second date. He tried to do it on the first date and I declined. He calls me everyday, literally. For two months, I stayed overnight at his house back to back because he asked me to. We’re in our late 30s. He cooks for me and always serves me.

    We’ve had basic arguments about him not sharing his feelings and being emotionally distant/secretive. He said that his ex hurt him really bad yet he likes me a whole lot. I’ve left because of not having a clear definition of what we are and suspicions of him talking to another girl by phone. He always comes after me.

    My concern is, am I wasting my time? I’m pretty chill, calm, and cool around. I don’t nag him nor pressure him. I’m not used to dating anyone this long without being exclusive. When I told him I wasn’t ready for marriage in order to make him feel at ease, he came even closer. Of course I want commitment on a larger scale. I’m just afraid of being in a holding pattern or strung along later on down the road.

    So, would you advise that I continue to go with the flow or look for love elsewhere?

    • web admin

      web admin

      August 30, 2016 at 11:52 am

      If you are having feelings that demand for you to leave a relationship, then do so. Speak with him about your concerns about him talking to other women. He may be speaking with his ex, a family member, or a stranger. It is most important to determine who he is speaking to before you react to it. If you find that he is attempting to establish a relationship with someone else, then perhaps he is not ready for a relationship with you. However, if you find that he is not seeking a new relationship and he treats you very well, then you can continue your relationship as you please.

  2. Eliza

    July 28, 2016 at 12:42 pm

    PLEASE help me out with some perspective. I’m a Cancer woman (well, Gemini Cancer cusp) and I met a Saggi man a few months ago. He pursued me with constant texts and kept in touch and told me he likes me after meeting me 3 times and I didn’t think he was being genuine.. I didn’t respond very much to begin with and found him very mellow and quiet-ish first few times. I eventually decided to just hook up with him because I thought why not.. We don’t live in the same city. The hook up was great but I didn’t think it would go anywhere from there. It’s been a good two months and we have managed to stay in touch. We even met on a holiday on the east coast where I was spending the summer. He was on the west coast and even though I had told him Ill fly there to see him and we made plans, I eventually didnt cuz I wasnt sure if it was agood idea. He eventually came to the east coast where we hung a bit but he came for work whereas I was getting the impression that he was coming to see me.

    We don’t talk very much but when we do, its always sexting and turns hot and heavy. I don’t reach out to him very often but he always texts. Sometimes it’s sweet things like I miss you etc.
    Recently, I told him that I liked hanging out with him and that Im generally looking for a bit more in life (cuz I was getting tired of the aimless texting). He told me he wants the same but that he can’t read me very well to which I told him straight up that I liked him. He then came to my city for work and said if we should go out on a date and talk more… but hasn’t made any real effort to see me and its been him in the city for 3 days now and I still havent seen him. I’m generlaly not very forthcoming and don’t want to seem like I am desperate for it cuz I don’t see him making much of an effort. Also, he told me one night way when he was on the west coast that he did hook up with some other girl after him and I hooked up the first time. I told him he was techincally free too since we are not really together and I cant say much if thats what he wants to do but that is a major hang up for me to which he replied saying he doens’t wanan do that but itd be nice for us to see what him and I were doing with each other and that he would want something more but he doesn’t know what I am thinking.

    Fast foward to a month from that where I told him specifically that Im looking for something more and he seems to be playing me hot and cold or just coming across as non serious considering he hasnt really met me since hes been in my city.

    I don’t know what to make of it. Im really interested in scoping this out but I’m bothered by how we never really have any real talks and everytime its just sexting. I also get very confused when he says these really sweet things and cant tell if hes just saying them for the fuck of it or does he really mean them.. Any clues on what i should thing? Should I just drop this ?

    • web admin

      web admin

      July 29, 2016 at 10:34 pm

      If you want your relationship to move past sexting, then it would be in your best interest to speak with him directly and honestly about your feelings and needs for respect. If he refuses to give you the seriousness that you require, then you know that you should move along. As your relationship is long distance at this time, you are in a good situation to terminate your relationship. If you want to continue a setxing relationship, but wish to develop a real relationship with someone else, then explain to him what your desire is. Remain positive as you move forward.

  3. sister11

    June 30, 2016 at 2:53 pm

    aries woman with sag man

    been thinking about what’s right for me instead of just reacting to whatever falls in my lap, before i met him i gave up on love. was in a 14 year relationship with a cancer and that person was so abusive almost died x2 breaking it off, a year later a scorpio 2 nov. sags a aquarius a leo and a libra were following me around trying to get my attention but nothing worked nor should it have. dec sag man talked to me in a quiet reserved respectful way which got me interested in meeting him. It was really crazy stupid love from the moment we clicked. haven’t left his side since last year, he proposed last november we havent set a date because i’m aware how crazy fast it is and want to get to know him. wish me luck. No matter what I want him to have a great life and enjoy every minute, patience, kindness, peace, gentleness.. the fruit of my spirit is evident and he brings it out of me even more and same with him.. i am cautious but optimistic i hope it deepens even more because i want simple and deep, i don’t care for complex and shallow 🙂

  4. PiscesGirl

    June 27, 2016 at 1:17 am

    I am a 28yr old pisces girl. Its a long story but i need to tell everything. This sag guy was my classmate in primary school for a year.we used to sit on same bench but he always used to poke me pencil and fight with me lol then he left school but i always remembered him for unknown reason. now after almost 22yrs i saw him on fb i liked one photo which he uploaded from school he immediately sent me friend request. We started chatting and there was some kind of attraction right from the start. I am in a relationship with a taurus guy from 7 yrs going to marry him next year. He is very busy in work always and spends very less time with me in real. I never cheated on him before i met this sag. I just couldnt stop myself from getting closer to this sag we started chatting day and night. He always said that he never had any gf and is shy talking to girls. I never smoked before but i smoked with him weed too. We got drunk too. I had most amazing time of my life with him. We just couldnt be without each other. I couldnt believe i was doing all this behind my taurus bf’s back. He always proposed me for marriage i always refused. He said he will get me a job where he works. He always told me he loves me and never met anyone like me. Always made me promise that ill never leave him. We had sex 4 times everytime unprotected it was not as good as my taurus bf but it was different. I just loved the way he kissed me. He even made a short marriage ceremony only me and him and said that i am his wife. Lol I always refused. This was for six months. But then one day suddenly he called me to meet. And gave me biggest shock of my life. He told me that he already has a commited gf from 5 yrs. And that he doesnt want to marry her. And that he also has a secret relationship with his gf’s sister. Wow. It was so shocking. I didnt know how to react i became numb. I never wanted to marry him but it was so different from the image he created of himself from last 6 months. How can anyone lie so much. He begged me to stay in his life and that he wants to marry me. Then next day he told me that he is confused. Third day he put status on whtsapp and fb that he loves his gf. Then i stopped talking to him. 2 days later he put status that he loves me. Then he called me and said that he loves his gf a lot and that i made him go away from his gf. Wtf i never even knew that he had gf. He blamed me for everything i didnt do. I was so confused i didnt know what was going on. He said lets cut off all contact i said ok. Then next day he put pic on whtsapp with his hand cut and blood. I just blocked him everywhere. Then i told everything to my taurus bf he got angry but later forgave me. He pays more attention to me and cares more. Now after 9 months of complete no contact sag guy made new id’s on fb and messaging me that he wants to talk, i made his life hell by leaving him, he missed me a lot and bla bla bla. He also put things in that id that happened between us. I blocked him again. He put in his main fb id that he is married. Whats wrong with this guy. Why is he back? I almost forgotten him but now he is making me remember everything. I hate him really. I just want to be with my taurus bf. I feel like this sag guy is complete psycho.

    • web admin

      web admin

      June 27, 2016 at 1:26 pm

      You cheated on your boyfriend of seven years. Actions like these are harmful, deplorable, and disrespectful. It is exceptionally hypocritical of you complain about the negative feelings that you felt when you found out that the person that you cheated on your boyfriend with was in a relationship.

      Your current boyfriend, the one you cheated on, deserves to be treated with respect. The fact that you are speaking with this person again shows your lack of respect for your current boyfriend. He responsible and end your relationship with your current boyfriend, he deserves much, much better than how you are treating him.

      There is no sympathy coming from here. Be an adult. Be mindful of your actions. And perhaps take a good hard look at yourself and how you are treating others. Most importantly, you need to stop cheating and harming your boyfriend. If you have any respect for your current boyfriend, then you will show him this post and this response. If he chooses to accept your apology again, then you should make it your primary goal to never harm him in this way again.

      • PiscesGirl

        June 28, 2016 at 9:21 am

        I absolutely agree that whatever i did was wrong. That is the reason i told my taurus boyfriend everything that happened with me and that sag guy and asked him to take decision and promised such thing will never happen again. Since i told my taurus bf about it i stopped all contact with sag guy and blocked him everywhere. That guy tried to contact me again after 9 months but i didnt reply anything just blocked him everytime whenever he tried to contact me. I have no intention of cheating on my taurus bf again in my life. The way he handled me showed me how much he actually really loves me and cares for me. My taurus bf is my real lover who stood by me in my good amd bad times. I posted this here because i dont understand why that sag is trying to contact me again when each time i blocked him and didnt reply even once. still he creates new ways to contact me. After all that happened i never spoke to any other guy and i am totally open with my taurus bf now and dont hide anything. I just got carried away by this sag but i never ever want to do that again after i told my taurus bf about it. <3

        • web admin

          web admin

          June 28, 2016 at 3:39 pm

          He probably just wants to sleep with you and go back to a life where he was cheating on three women at once. You only slept together for six months, and he loved his girlfriend enough to marry her still. This means that he is not contacting out of love or anything like that. He just wants to see if he can string you along again and have a mistress or two in addition to his wife. Don’t contact him because it really sounds like his intention in the past and now is not good.

  5. ireen

    June 22, 2016 at 1:40 am

    hello! 🙂 your page is quite helpful, and i’m just glad i found it. i’d love to hear some opinions from you. people say Capricorn and Sagittarius do not match so well. i am a Capricorn, and his name is Sam. he started the friendship, but we only talked in chatting online. when we met each other, we would smile and wave (he asked for this). we never talked in person, but we joked a lot when chatting. we were so closed before. 🙂 he said he caught an interest on me when he first saw me, and since then, he would always see me from far distance even though he knew that i didn’t know him.

    but, what’s puzzling me is that he stopped texting me when we got so closed. after that, it was always me who started the conversation. i asked him about it, and he said our conversation was a bit fun and extreme. he also inserted a big, bright smile. do you know what it means??

    one bad day, a guy told me that he liked me. i didn’t know what to do as i didn’t want my rejection hurt him. it turned out that the guy was Sam’s buddy (not so close though). i asked for a help from Sam, but he said he didn’t know what to do, too. ever since that, he became so cold. i asked him were we good, and he said we were. i was confused.

    then, one day, i messaged him. that was when he said to me that he thought i already opened up my heart for his buddy. i told him i didn’t. after that, we were better than before. his message became flirtatious again. not all the times though. he even said “i love you”, but i didn’t take it seriously ((cause maybe he was just saying that)) even though that made me smile all day long.

    i finally confessed to him. the conversation was unexpectedly turned out great! 🙂 he said it was the most wonderful thing i have ever said to him. he told me he felt those little things everyday as well, and that sometimes he felt a bit connection between us, but he would like us to be just friends as usual and just wait for the times to come. he said let’s just hope for the best because he didn’t know if we would be together in the future or not. i was totally okay with that. i even agreed with that. i didn’t want to rush things up.

    it was quite okay for a while when suddenly he changed. i told him that and he was aware of it. he said he didn’t know why, and told me to stop worrying about him. but i think i know why. he always told me that he was weird, that he thought nobody would like to be friends with him anymore. he was insecured. i didn’t tell him that i know though. he kept it all by his own. he faked smiles. i wanted to help him, but it seemed like he didn’t let me to. so i just went support him. but i was scared that i might push him so hard.

    i told him if he wanted me to leave, i’d leave cause really, i didn’t want to stress him over. i’d like him to be happy even if it’s not with me. but he said he didn’t make that decision anymore, so i said let’s just focus on our study first. he replied okay with a blushy smile.

    so now, i don’t know why but both of us are like trying to avoid each other. usually we would smile if we saw each other, but now, i keep pretending i do not see him if we pass each other. he does that as well. but i always catch him looking at me. i just hope he is doing well. hopefully. 🙂

    i’m really sorry it’s such a long story. would you like to give your opinions to this confused girl? 🙂 is it okay if i continue supporting and texting him? will those annoy him? i don’t want to give up on him, but if he already moves on, i’ll accept it with open heart. ^_^ may God bless him, give him happiness, and grant him strength to face life’s challenges.

    thank you so much, lovely admin!! :))

    • web admin

      web admin

      June 22, 2016 at 9:59 pm

      To begin, there is no good reason to decide to develop or not develop a relationship based on your zodiac. What matters is understanding your partner and treating them with respect.

      Since he is clearly interested in you, the big smile was reflective of his pleasure when talking to you. It is one of the most straight forward ideas that you can have in a text or instant message. Enjoy the fact that he becomes happy when speaking with you. He became cold when you asked him about another guy because you told him that you were talking to another guy.

      If you are cultivating a relationship with someone else, then you need to stop trying to cultivate a relationship with him. It is not fair to either of them and will only cause you problems in the future. If you want to develop a relationship with him – only him – then speak to him directly about your desires. He will likely reciprocate your feelings. There is no need to cause trouble for others, or for yourself, so do your best to be respectful to everyone involved.

      Be strong and be fair!

      • ireen

        June 23, 2016 at 2:54 am

        i get it. thank you so much, admin! 🙂 but i am afraid you get the wrong idea. ahaha. maybe my long text confuses everyone. i’m sorry. but i never wanted to develop any relationship with someone else other than him. and i didn’t cause trouble for others, other than me rejecting his buddy because i didn’t want to hurt his buddy furthermore. but your reply is really helping! thank you so much for spending a bit of your precious time for me. 🙂

        • Tom

          July 28, 2016 at 10:51 am

          Hi dear, I read thru ur mssgs & I understand u clearly. The thing is most male sags value friendships especially with females, so I don’t want u to be too carried away with his questionable mood when telling him about another guy. He knows that if u go for another man he will probably lose u as an intimate friend or rather ur friendship will not be as chatty & lively as u said bcs he knows that whoever u marry may not allow u get closed to any male friend which is commonly known in almost every husband. So I will suggest u continue to keep the distance as u av been doing and place him in between,and pls, neva ignore another man for him bcs sags can be flirty and very unpredictable. Stay cul. I’m Taurus

          • web admin

            web admin

            July 29, 2016 at 10:30 pm

            Thank you for your insight! We love readers our readers share their ideas and thoughts with others. It is the foundation of community that our lives are built on! Have a great day!

  6. sono

    June 20, 2016 at 11:33 am

    i am virgo.i had a bf. he was Sagittarius. we had good relationship. he did everything i wanted him to do for me. he was my reason to smile. he took care of me so much that i actually started feeling blessed to have him. he introduced me to his mother as well. we had plans for marriage. we used to decide our honeymoon destination, num of babies and each and everything we wanted to do after marriage. he never ever had sex with me because he said to me, he will do this after marriage. i am from Pakistan and these emotions are considered very valuable here in Pakistan. He talked to his father about me . his father is a heart patient and he asked him to leave home if he wants to go against his will as he wanted him to get married with his friend’s daughter. we broke up. i prayed to Allah for us, i was mad after he left. i used to think about him day and night, but still we used to talk to each other, but we always ended hurt because the discussion ended at the point that we can’t be together in future. we used not to talk for a month or even more than that but again we somehow managed to text each other. i waited for him for 2 year, at the end he texted me and informed that the girl his father wanted him to get married to is getting married to someone else. i was so happy i was convinced that God has finally answered my prayers. we again talked to each other like lovebirds i did some mistakes like abusing him in front of his friends ( he has never ever abused me like boys do, but i always abused him) he finally texted me never to contact him again. he blocked me on whatsapp, fb, mobile phone,instagram like from everywhere, before that when we had broken up he used to block me i used to block him but thats was not for more than 4 5 days. this time its going to be a month. i dun know what to do . i have tried every way to talk to him but he blocks me every time on every num,
    can you please guide me through it ?

    • web admin

      web admin

      June 20, 2016 at 5:48 pm

      If he has blocked you and you have previously blocked him, then the only option is to put him out of your mind. It is clear that the relationship is over, so do not waste anymore time thinking about him. There are many, many more people in the world that you can cultivate a relationship.

      If he messages you later and you are still interested in speaking with him, then do so. For now, look inwards to look to find a new partner. There is no point in hurting yourself further than thinking about a relationship that is over. Be positive!

  7. Lil fool

    June 10, 2016 at 8:20 am

    So i recently got involved with a saggitarius (im a libra) and it was going great. At least i thought. Essentially he was an old friend i hit up again recently and i started flirting with him because i was interested in him. It was fine, he called me his princess and stuff went well and i thought things were going smoothly. One day i brought up the topic of someone special to us. I dropped hints that he was my special person but later on i asked about his and it turns out that he likes someone already. Another girl i don’t know her, but he talked about her having some emotional problems but how they had told each other that they like eachother. That broke my heart but i acted supportive. Problem is that he stated that even though they like each other, they aren’t together. He says i can still be his “princess” since they arent together. What can i do? Should i leave and forget it happened or just continue on as his friend

    • web admin

      web admin

      June 10, 2016 at 7:55 pm

      You can continue being his friend if you like being friends with him. There is a chance that he could turn all of his romantic focus to you, and being friends would be the best way to get closer to him. Since there is no way to guarantee that he would actually turn his focus to you, you may just want to move on. If you feel like you could not be “just” friends with him, you may want to just forget about it–the chances of him liking you more than her seem to be slim, although it is always possible. Good luck, Lil Fool!

    • payal

      June 14, 2016 at 2:24 am

      may I know where is this Sagittarius guy located currently? Don’t get me wrong, I think I know this guy.

      • web admin

        web admin

        June 14, 2016 at 10:03 am

        Payal, out of respect for this person, you may not want to have anyone post his location online.

      • same guy?

        June 19, 2016 at 1:32 am

        He’s in co

  8. Nintendo

    June 8, 2016 at 9:52 am

    I have recently (I think) fallen in love with a sag man. I am a sag woman. I am (unhappily) in a committed relationship. I feel a tremendous amount of guilt. I never wanted to meet anyone else! Truly I avoided it at all cost. I was going to stay unhappy and committed for the foreseeable future- never thought I’d consider another man.
    We are only friends nothing has been spoken or acknowledged- but we both know that something very real, tangible and almost magnetic is between us. We find ways to be in contact and talk at work. When we have eye contact it is as though he’s trying to tell me something…there is something behind the gaze. It’s like we both have to restrain ourselves from touching (hands, brushing arms, grazing legs when sitting next to one another) – it is torture. He is constantly in my thoughts which makes me feel more guilt. This is not only sexual, there is a deeply considerate and affectionate element contact. He shows that I am cared for, considered, remember everything j say, compliments me, supports me, jokes with me makes me laugh and feel appreciated and seen. I must stress that I would know the difference and could easily dismiss a pure sexual attraction.
    many many things had to take place for us to meet, several coincidences (job assignments, promotions, a job refusal, office placements etc) had to happen for us to even meet! I met this man at work many months ago over the phone and avoided him for 9 months because of what I felt- well now the universe has dropped him in my lap and created a situation where I can’t ignore him even if I wanted to. We work directly with each other.
    This scares me, I’ve known my relationship is over for quite some time but I feel a tremendous amount of guilt for even thinking of leaving my bf. We aren’t a good match or a right fit and I worry very much for his well being. But I also could see myself having a real life and real love this this sag man. I don’t want him to give up on me- he seems to think it’s easy to simply cut ties and move on when one is unhappy. I fear I will anger this sag man frustrate him or make him feel used. I will never do anything to hurt my bf but I really cannot control my mind and heart on this issue. Through many tears I cried and begged for a man that would love me and I feel he has been sent… Now I could lose him before anything even starts. This sag man is very sought after women throw themselves at him left and right- he’s not hurting for a warm body. He insists that he doesn’t like that and wants something real.
    any advice is appreciated

    • web admin

      web admin

      June 9, 2016 at 8:55 am

      You don’t want to hurt your boyfriend, but you said yourself that you know that he is not right for you. This means that sooner or later, you would have to hurt him when you end things. Normally, I would advise that you avoid the Sag man and focus on your relationship. In this case, you should just avoid your feelings until your sort out your relationship. Ignore your feelings for the Sag man, sit down and decide if you want to keep the relationship going or not. Many relationship problems can be fixed, but it seems like you already sense that this is not the right relationship for you. Think it through and make your decision based entirely on your boyfriend and your relationship. If you decide that the relationship is not right for you (without considering the Sag man), then end it. Then, give it at least a few weeks before you decide going after the Sag man. By separating out your decisions, you can make it so that you are deciding about each person based entirely on their own qualities. If you do decide to stay with your boyfriend though, make sure that it isn’t just out of guilt–and you may want to switch departments to avoid the temptation of the Sag man. Good luck!

      • Nintendo

        June 10, 2016 at 4:34 am

        Thank you so much for taking the time to reply- you have really helped me and I think separating two situations is crucial. Thank you so much again

        • web admin

          web admin

          June 10, 2016 at 7:05 pm

          You are welcome. If you need help, I am always here to answer your questions. I hope everything works out for you, Nintendo. Best of luck! 🙂

  9. becky

    June 3, 2016 at 1:04 am

    oh my !! i was shocked and laughed out loud a few times reading all these exp ! i am 27 yrs old talking to a 35 yr old sag. man on man, i can start by saying he is very attractive, his personality is what keeps my attention. he is so layed back. and HONEST ! that is the biggest thing for me. he has kept it 100 from day one. be talked for a couple months 4 years ago. We couldnt get enough of eachother, we clicked instantly. but then 2 months later he found out he was moving out of state,i was very upset to hear that. so in the mist of all this he asks me how many men have i slept with out the blue. i couldnt understand, but we were like bestfriends so i told him..he didnt like the number, texted me 10 mins later apoligizing…and then disappears for weeks ! i call him one day and asks whatsapp, and he tells me my resp effected him and he needs space, that pissed me off for him to let my past effect us,we were great, so i tell him dont worry about it.hung up on him, went and blocked him on fb, deleted his number, and ended up getting back with my ex boyfriend that ihad been with for some years.. i wouldnt have never got back with him, bt by him judging me like that made me appreciate my ex and work things out bc it was my ex that always wanted me back. so we end up staying together for 3 yrs. i got tired of his inconsistency and unappreciation,lack if time,doing everything myself. he was a cancer btw.
    so i reached my breaking point and finally left him for good…i always wondered about that sag. we made memories that i was never able to forget about.. i started searching for him when i got single but could never find him.he didnt have any social media account. i looked for years. until one day i found him, we reconnected after 4 years. it was amazing. 6 hrs plus on the phone everyday,it was like we never ever lost touch. come to find out when we talked about the whole him asking me how many guys i slept with question was because he wanted to take me with him to where he was moving. so he needed to know….aint that what also sucked was he had jus broke up with his ex 5 months before i called him and he was still dealing with that.ehhh. iwas sure i would get him over that quick.
    so anywho, i flew out to see him 2 weeks after catching up..i kno i shouldnt have done that..i couldnt hold back the urge it was so bad, for both of us , we wanted to see eachother it had been so long. i got there and i promise it was like we knew eachother for ever. like we never missed a day without was beautiful.but when it was time for me to leave he changed, got really really sad, like he was bout to go into a slight sucked. and when i got home and called him he sounded just…depressed, our convo sucked.he didnt have much to say..i got irritated cus iam a very upidy person. made me question if i should keep talking to him or not.. .so here we are one month later and i havent been able to get him off my mind. its driving me crazy i hate it ! i dont know what to do. ihave to delelte his number to keep myself from texting him first anymore.ive been the one keeping in touch compared to him being the one always calling and texting when we first reconnected. it suckkkkss cus usually guys like this i cut off like snip snip real quick and keep it moving.but idk dangit i think i done fell in love scares me.but i know ima make sure i protect myself after reading all yalls stories cus him with the ex situation puts my heart at risk for im working on pullin myself out of this big situatuion i got myself into with him bc after i visited him i got home feeling in love with him and that hasnt left my head and its been a month. nope ima knock some sense into myself bc i refuse to get my heart broken and my time wasted bc a sag cant make up his mind and is hot and cold..ibroke and texted him today,ikept it very short though, asked how his day was and he responded and asked about mine. it satisfied me that he asked about how i was holdin that brief text convo with me cus i saw he cared to talk to me. i cut it short and this is where the full shall begin…im satisfied with that convo, thats all i needed to not text him anymore. so im sure he will be hiitin me in the next week or whenever and ima play his cards..ima be real laid back and chill. not converse too much with him. and try and keep it short so he cant tell deep down i am overjoyed and jus uhhh to talk to him. lol gotta kick in that hard to get gear and see what happens…
    lol sorry for the long story…but what do yall think about how im handling this,any opinions or advice ? thanks ! <3

    • web admin

      web admin

      June 4, 2016 at 1:30 pm

      I think you are handling this fine for now. He may be out of reach and distant now because he was starting to fall for you. Realizing how he felt, he also realized how hard the distance would be on him. Rather than playing games and forcing him to contact you first now, I would just try to talk to him about how you feel and see if he is still interested. Hopefully, he has matured in the last three years and has learned not to just ignore you or blow up when he hears something that he does not like. Good luck!

  10. Bharbie

    May 31, 2016 at 2:17 am

    I am a leo, I meet saggi manin fb, he always show’d up interest even he knows I am a single mom of two bb,, he said he will take care my bb too if we’ve come together… he always communicate me everytime he have a vacant from his work.. we are in along distance relationship, i am a filipina.. and he is a thai… sometimes I am confused if he really into me or he just trying to kiddingme for this.. any ways he is very carrying amd sweet on me everytime we do chatting..

    • web admin

      web admin

      June 4, 2016 at 12:48 pm

      It seems like he is genuinely interested in you. For the moment, do not push him too much. At this stage in the relationship, it is more important for you guys to figure out if you are truly compatible and to grow closer together. Later on, you can return to the topic of “Where this is going?”. Good luck, Bharbie!

  11. Broken

    May 21, 2016 at 12:01 pm

    aries women with a sag man for the past year and couple of months, he moved countries and we kept in contact because of how strong our connection and feelings were we didnt end things despite the move… he was on the phone to me literally every hour of the day always told me sweet things and loves me and god has blessed him by bringing me in his life, i helped him alot by settling into the new country (financially and advise). he called me his love, life and family, very emotionally supportive and always caring. then suddenly became distant over one night and wanted me to look for someone and told me i deserved better and he had nothing to offer me and why am i wasting my time with someone like him, kept saying i may need things in my life that he cant offer me. wished me all the best in my life and told me to go on. i was left numb and speechless and stopped speaking to him… not sure if he will come back

    • web admin

      web admin

      May 23, 2016 at 10:59 am

      It sounds like he wanted to move on, and he was trying to let you down easy by saying that you deserved better. From your description, I do not think that he will be coming back. Either his feelings change, he met someone else or he just decided that that a long distance relationship was not right for him. Whatever the case, it does not seem like you will be able to be with him anytime in the near future. Focus on moving on and healing–if it was meant to happen, it would have.

    • sister11

      June 8, 2016 at 12:44 pm

      broken he used you and threw you away.. let him go and move on.. don’t give anyone else money and shape up.. you can do better than him anyway even if you don’t realize it at the moment.. love yourself because this world is cold and dark and no one else will look out for you until you’ve found someone who will. good luck.

      • web admin

        web admin

        June 9, 2016 at 8:58 am

        That really does sound like the best advice, considering the situation. Hopefully, it will not take her too long to move on and heal from the relationship. Thanks for commenting, Sister11!

  12. TN

    May 20, 2016 at 1:50 pm

    I met a sag man 6months ago. after 1month of our 1st meeting we started to chatting.He shows so much interest on me and give enough time everyday.Now we become best friend sharing each others personal matter.But I am confused about him.Is he loves me or not. everyday he wants to talk with me in video call..sing song for me..does whatever I like..wants to meet with me frequently..used to tell me that he will become weak if he see me like that.2-3times told me that he miss me. few days ago he talked with me whole night and told me that how he wil spend whole life with me.After telling everything he said that he will not tell this things again and if I want I can tell him the three magical word,he would not mind.He told me that I am the only girl who didn’t proposed him,he surprised.He is familar as a playboy in his institute.But he is very loyal to me.but sometimes I really don’t understand is he really serious about me! Sometimes he treat me as a good friend,sometimes more than that..sometimes ask me either I m interested about him or not..I really really love him..I am a cancer girl.I don’t show that much interest which I actually feel for him.please give me suggestion what can I do now.because I don’t have much time to wait for him as my family wanting me to get marry

    • web admin

      web admin

      May 23, 2016 at 9:05 am

      It sounds like he is starting to fall for you. He may just be afraid to be the first person to say “I love you”, or he may be hoping that you say it first. He was a player, so do not be too hopeful about him changing. With that said, it does sound like he is seriously starting to become interested in you. If you want to just find out right away what could be possible, just ask him what he wants from the relationship. Good luck, TN!

      • TN

        July 13, 2016 at 1:10 pm

        thank u so much for your valuable suggestion. I tried to talk to him directly! but his answer is not straight. I have found no clear answer! he is getting closure day by day.I feel his crazyness about me.. every day he gives me message that he miss me! when the last time we met, he holds my hand and told me that,he will not think anything more! he will stay for me! but now he telling that we are good friends! I tried to know what the actual problm is..I know he loves me..he has no other relationship though he had a relationship 10years ago and the girl got married 7-8years ago. but he told me that he still feels for her and he got shocked that’s why he can’t belive anyone! I love his loyalty! he is so straightforward but in case of our relationship he keep it in dark!this suspension makes me thinking what should I do! I m really gonna crazy! is it okey to stay with him as a friend or stay away from him! though I tried several times but ccouldn’t for his crazyness! what should I do now!

  13. Evelyn Lanaria

    April 29, 2016 at 12:53 am

    Im an Aquarius woman and i had a long distance relationship to a Sag man. He said he earned my love.Everyday i appreciate his love. He always there messanging sweet nothings. He always says that He’s in love with me and i have received many i love u’s everyday. He said Im he’s forever and always mine. We are compatible with each other. But sometimes I was confused if that feeling is real we dont meet yet in personal. He ask me to be his wife and get married. I said he will visit me first in the Philippines and he said he will. As of now we dont talk about when he will be coming here. What will i do to believe on him. Is there a chance of forever?Please I need advise.

    • web admin

      web admin

      April 29, 2016 at 9:07 am

      I think that telling him to visit you was a good choice. You guys will never know how compatible you are in real life unless you spend some time together. It sounds like he is really interested in you, so I would not worry about his feelings. He may just need to save up money or vacation time to make the trip. Ask him to visit you again and see what happens. Hopefully, he will have time in the near future to visit you and see what is possible between you. Good luck, Evelyn Lanaria!

  14. kassandra

    April 27, 2016 at 11:00 pm

    I kinda like this sag man,but then he likes a girl who has a boyfriend. He posted in his blog that he will change his ways for this girl and will only love her forever.I just want to ask if i still have a chance to this sag man. Btw he’s only 14 years old and have a lot of flings ang girlfriends before.

    • kassandra

      April 27, 2016 at 11:03 pm

      Im a libra btw. Please give me a advice. I dont actually want to rush things,but this sag man makes me curious. I want to know what things will make him fall in love.Thanks

      • web admin

        web admin

        April 29, 2016 at 8:17 am

        Try getting to know him better and flirt with him. It will be hard to change his focus from his crush, but you may be able to do it. Good luck!

    • web admin

      web admin

      April 29, 2016 at 8:17 am

      You might have a chance, but it will be hard for him to get over the one girl. It is easy to stay in love with someone you can never be with, and he may spend years wondering what could have happened if he could just date her. Due to this, it may be difficult to get him interested in you. You can always try asking him out, but be prepared for the answer to be no. Until this girl tells him that nothing is ever possible–or they date and the relationship fails–, it will be hard to change his focus.

  15. Greeneyes_

    April 17, 2016 at 10:50 am

    I dated the most jealous controlling sag man, he would control what I wore whom I spoke with, while he would parade around with vest on, showing his muscles off and call every female he came in contact with darling, sweetheart but if I Evan dare flick an eyelid at another guy he would have a mini fit, he was insecure which eventually took its toll on me, I became insecure, miserable and down in my appearance.. He covered his bad ways with some good traits, kind hearted, funny, and made me feel on top of the world with affection some days but although I loved him, I found him to be a terrible long term partner, never felt secure. And I’m an Aquarius female, although detached I need a strong bond but in this case was not. Athough I won’t judge every sag man, I find the ones Iv met unstable. Good for a fling but you need a lots of will and strength to carry a long term realationship with these guys lol

    • web admin

      web admin

      April 23, 2016 at 7:57 am

      At least you figured out what you want and need in a relationship early! Now, you will just have to work on building up your confidence again before you date someone else. It sounds like you had a rather difficult relationship experience, so it is a good thing that is over! Good luck, Geeneyes_!

  16. starbright

    March 16, 2016 at 2:28 pm

    I am a Gemini dating a sag guy n I must say,these guys can be pretty persistent, it took this guy 2years to get me,n now i feel like his jackpot,we’ve been together for a while now n nothing has changed,he’s dealt with me at my worsed,he went thru my manic episodes,my controlling and demanding behaviours,not knowing I was bipolar, he made a decision not to leave but to try understand me and what triggers all the madness,I remember when he called me informing me about his decision,I couldn’t believe my ears. N I said to him,we constantly fighting,n its usually over nothing, you’ve said a couple of tyms that I’ve got issues n that m crazy,why choose to stay with this crazy woman? (Referring to myself).
    N he said to me, because I really want to make this work,I wanna be with you, n maybe if I try to understand u a little better n how your mind works,then I could stop doing the things that trigger u to ur madness.

    Three months later we just both so happy,he has studied me so well,n has stopped all the things I go gaga about. I hardly ever have reasons to go manic.

    Like any other man if a sag man loves you, he will come after u n he won’t stop till u give him a chance,men love the thrill of the chase (he chased me for 2yrs)the longer it takes for them to get you the longer your relationship is more likely to last, the most important thing is to always set your standards n let him know your requirements.

    • web admin

      web admin

      March 22, 2016 at 5:12 pm

      It sounds like you have found a truly amazing guy. It is hard enough to know why your bipolar disorder cause you to feel or act certain ways, so it certainly must be difficult for him to figure it out! You are very lucky to have found your sag! Thanks for commenting!

    • jayw.

      March 24, 2016 at 9:49 pm

      I was wondering how do these guys work? Lol,I understand a sag, now i know when they like you they will leave you puzzled or just distance themselves. When you get to attached as well they still do this. They need there space, they don’t like when you try to chase them I see. Thanks for your answers to my questions. That’s beautiful because you’re the opposite for the sag, so this was quite interesting. ????✊✌??

      • web admin

        web admin

        March 28, 2016 at 11:37 am

        I am sure that Starbright was happy to help you, Jayw. Thanks for commenting and good luck with your Sagittarius! 🙂

    • jayw.

      March 24, 2016 at 9:54 pm

      I’m an Aquarius?? i was wondering how do these guys work? Lol,I understand a sag, now i know when they like you they will leave you puzzled or just distance themselves. When you get to attached as well they still do this. They need there space, they don’t like when you try to chase them I see. Thanks for your answers to my questions. That’s beautiful because you’re the opposite(GEMINI) for the sag, so this was quite interesting. ????✊✌??

      • web admin

        web admin

        March 28, 2016 at 11:39 am

        It seems like you may have commented twice on this one. I have to approve each comment before it is posted, so it may sometimes take a little while for it to appear. If you do not see your response right away, do not worry because you will. Read through my first response and let me know if you have any questions!

  17. keylee

    February 7, 2016 at 8:53 pm

    So I’m a leo and I’m in love with a Sagittarius man. It didn’t start like that. We flirted around for a month or so when we met. He kept saying “I’m going to make you mine” and reffering to me as his woman. We talked online and we lived on the same street so we smoked together. Then one day I grabbed him and took him to my bedroom and it was intoxicating…amazing sex. It was on after that. Every chance we got. He was also a really good friend to me. Us Leos have bad tempers and can be controlling at times and he picked up on it from me one day and he started acting distant and eventually cut the whole thing off. I can tell he didn’t really want to hurt my feelings but he did. He moved on and I moved on and now 3 years later he randomly hits me up on Facebook . he said he was thinking about me. We go through the basic catching up and he meets me and takes me home from work one morning and we spend hours in his car literally just talking. He tells me he loves me. And even when I went in he’s texting me telling me sorry for the past and how he thinks he’s in love with me. Nothing happened. Just kissed in the car. Now a few weeks go by and I have yet to see him, we only text and I’m back feeling in love with him and he’s…idk. They *Sagittarius like the thrill of the chase. And I can’t stop thinking about him but I refuse to stalk him. I keep telling myself that if he wanted me he’d come get me.

    • web admin

      web admin

      February 10, 2016 at 9:32 am

      It sounds like he is confused about what he wants right now. He went through all the work of finding you again, getting you to fall for him and trying to date you, but now he has backed away. Perhaps his fantasy did not match up with reality, or he could be busy or he could be trying to decide what he wants. For the moment, the best option is to just take a step back and wait things out. If being controlling and jealous in the past pushed him away, you will have to tame your inner Leo and wait for him to come around. He may decide that this is not the relationship that he is looking for, but the only way you will find out what could be possible is by taking a step back and waiting to see what ends up happening. Good luck!

    • Dianna

      February 27, 2016 at 2:42 pm

      I am a Capricorn and met a Sagittarius man, which turned hot/steamy for 7 years. Then he left for 2yrs; calls me and wants to resume our friendship, I hesitantly travel to meet him. After, he disappears for 10 years with no word. Last week, I hear from him and we are back talking every 2nd day.

      He wants to visit me in 2 weeks. I am anxious, miss him, but extremely guarded. Really not sure if I do want to see him- tired of been left hurt. Thinking of sharing with him how I feel. Should I?

      I know he will leave again to continue been the caregiver to his mother.

      • web admin

        web admin

        February 29, 2016 at 8:54 pm

        Whether you see him or not is up to you. He has left you without a word in the past, so there is no reason to think that this time would be any different. What is it that you want? Has he ever explained why he just left without saying anything? Both times, he could have called you and stayed in touch, even if something got in the way of him physically living near you. Instead, he just vanished. Is that the type of person you want to be around and have a relationship with? It is up to you, but I would be afraid of having your heart broken yet again. Good luck, Dianna–I hope that everything works out for you.

  18. Karen

    January 10, 2016 at 3:11 pm

    I am also a Libra and dating a Sag. I will tell you from experience to get away from him. He will not change, he will not take responsibility and I call them runners. They crave new adventures with every woman that has a pretty face and body, they can’t help themselves. They are so two sided and don’t mean to hurt women they see but they can’t help themselves. He will drive you crazy because he can be sweet, charming and affectionate but he will run when you get to close. Age does not change this person he is who he is. Take my advice and keep looking unless you accept him on his terms, like getting your feeling hurt and you can live with that.

    • web admin

      web admin

      January 10, 2016 at 3:37 pm

      🙁 It sounds like you have had a terrible relationship experience. I hope that you have found someone who is a better match! Good luck, Karen!

  19. Aliya tiago

    December 16, 2015 at 10:58 pm

    Hi im a libra and a sagittarius go’s to my school hes friends with all the girls i know and talks to most of them and teases them but when it comes to me he is just rude though when im not looking i take a slight glance and hes always looking at me, hes always rude and doesnt talk to me that much though he also doesnt tease me that much either BUT LOOKS ALOOOT AT ME
    does that mean he likes me?
    Please answer

    • web admin

      web admin

      December 18, 2015 at 9:47 pm

      Can you think of a reason that he is rude to you other than possibly being interested? Normally, a guy might tease or ignore the girl he likes, but he is not normally rude. It is possible that he likes you, but it is also possible that he does not like you for some reason or feels uncomfortable around you. Until he does something other than be rude or ignore you, there is no way to really know for sure what is going on in his mind right now. 🙁 Good luck, Aliya!

  20. Mallyn

    December 15, 2015 at 4:51 am

    Sagittarius men make me tired. I’m still dealing with the one I posted about back in October. I texted him after fight practice and it was like pulling teeth after about ten minutes, so I just deduced that he’s not interested and went on about my life.

    Flash forward to Saturday we were all together at a Viking party and we’re (me and the Sag man) part of the late crowd-we stay well into the early hours of the morning. Anyways, I was leaving and I went outside to get my weapons and the Sag is sitting by the fire, drinking and messing around with his sword. I went over to say goodbye to him and the next thing I know he’s grabbed me by the front of my dress and is making out with me. I vaugely remember him saying “what the hell” before he did so. I told him I had to go and he said there’s no need to go now and pulled me to sit on his lap. We were talking for awhile and he kept mentioning that he knows I like him and that he likes me but that he wants to wait until his career is established until he settles down and I responded that it could take him the next 25 years to do that and saying if that’s how you feel then why the hell did you kiss me?

    He starts muttering about how he does stupid things and I countered by saying it’s not fair to play games with people like he’s doing and how i’ve been hurt before by men. I also told him that the one thing I cannot abide by is returning to parties to find single men I’ve kissed with other women in serious relationships, and he said that’s happened to him before and its devastating. The conversation drifted into us just holding each other and him pretty much spelling out that he doesn’t know when he’s going to settle and how he’s looking for a woman who he knows doesn’t exist. The entire time i’m looking at him in disbelief and at one point I said “we’re two of a kind and you know it” and he just looked at me and then pulled me to him and kissed my forehead and held me. He kept trying to say how he’s one way but I know it’s BS because I can literally see right through him. He’s afraid of his own emotions and afraid that once he settles for a woman he’ll see something better but be stuck with the one he already has and as we all know, Sags despise hurting people. They leave trails of destruction behind them but they don’t mean to, and I doubt they even know they’re doing it until someone points it flat out to them.

    This is why people say to leave Sagittarius men alone. The entire night with this man he kept kissing me and saying that he’s immature and that he’s more likely to die in battle than he is to find his ‘perfect woman’ (admitting that he knows she doesn’t exist) but he still can’t keep his hands away from me. Jesus. So irritating. I wasn’t having any of it. I kissed him (honestly this man is so aggressive when he kisses it literally sends chills through me) but his back-forth behavior and excuse making just made me infuriated. When he walked me out to his car he tried to make the excuses and then when he kissed me goodbye he tried copping a serious feel but I shoved his hand away and said that I’m not looking for sex for one night or sex for a hookup, that I want to have sex for love. I think that shocked him. If he thinks he can use me he’s got another thing coming to him. Honestly I was a bit rude and frank to him, but only because he was making me so angry.

    Maybe this is how Leo women have to deal with Sagittarius men. Just let them know you’re onto their game and battle with them but don’t give in. I refuse to sleep with this guy or even contact him until he stops acting like a child. If he wants to play, i’ll play, but I think he realizes that I’m his match and that he cannot lie to me because i’ll call him on his BS. Until he stops being so indecisive and decides what he wants, we will continue on the way we have been. It’s infuriating but it’s also very seductive. Weird. Guess this is how fire plays with fire.

    • web admin

      web admin

      December 17, 2015 at 1:41 am

      That sounds like a decent solution. Kudos on having the guts to tell him how you really feel and calling him on his manipulations! From the sound of it, you know what you want and will not settle for anything. He may or may not ever come to you, but at least you will not waste time in a dead end relationship or a fling that never goes anywhere. Thanks for the personal insight–I am sure it will help out some of our other readers who are dating or interested in Sag men.

    • becky

      June 3, 2016 at 1:11 am

      you go girl ! good stuff ! im the same way !

      -leo lady<3

      • web admin

        web admin

        June 4, 2016 at 1:31 pm

        🙂 Thanks ! I am happy to hear that you enjoyed the article. Thanks for commenting!

    • becky

      June 3, 2016 at 1:11 am

      you go girl ! good stuff ! im the same way !
      -leo lady<3

      • web admin

        web admin

        June 4, 2016 at 1:31 pm

        Thanks, Becky! 🙂

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