Comments on: Sagittarius Man in Love Mon, 19 Jun 2017 08:24:24 +0000 hourly 1 By: web admin Fri, 02 Jun 2017 17:10:29 +0000 Interesting interpretations, Mayllyn. I am sure that Tanya will appreciate getting the extra insight. Thanks for commenting!

By: Mallyn Fri, 02 Jun 2017 03:38:37 +0000 Oh my goodness, yes about the signs!!! Water signs are extremely negative…my mom is a water sign and they are also emotionally all over the place…dare I say slightly emotionally unstable with their feelings? One minute she wants to hug me and tell me how much she loves me, the next she’s yelling at me and telling me I’m the failure of the earth. Very strange. I stay away from water signs when I date. Air signs….definitely feel you on the lack of depth of feeling. I wouldn’t say they are shallow, but they can be extremely flighty. Earth signs…I need to learn to stop dating them. They are wonderful, just watch out when they get mad! They throw their words like daggers and most of the ones i’ve met don’t forgive. Ever. Fire signs aren’t perfect either….we’re tempermental and can be attention grabbers. Very showy, which some people mistake for arrogance, which is not the truth at all!!

By: web admin Thu, 27 Apr 2017 20:43:54 +0000 Thank you for sharing your detailed experiences. It is great that your relationship is doing so well. Do not allow jealousy to damage this strong relationship. Please feel free to share more of your thoughts and feelings in the future. Have a great day, Phoenix!

By: web admin Thu, 27 Apr 2017 20:43:43 +0000 Thank you for sharing your detailed experiences. It is great that your relationship is doing so well. Do not allow jealousy to damage this strong relationship. Please feel free to share more of your thoughts and feelings in the future. Have a great day, Phoenix!

By: Phoenix h Wed, 26 Apr 2017 20:56:28 +0000 Dating a sag, and it’s like a breath of fresh air, usually. Having been hurt in the past when the adventurer of the zodiac galloped into my life it was a whole new world. Within the last month I’ve noticed a little more distance and being the communicators we’ve been the whole time (I’m scorpio btw, very low compatibility rate) I’ve brought it to his attention and sometimes we debate it out but normally he is quick to reassure me both with words and follow up with the actions. It’s what’s got me so wrapped up. I am a scorpio so I am literally enigmatic about EVERYTHING and can be vengeful and malicious (damn that sounds so terrible) so to have a partner who is so innocent even when he makes blunt comments he isn’t trying to hurt your feelings (even though he’s probably sure to) is refreshing. I just want to be sure he’s really into me like he says. He’s soooooo sag loving his freedom and adventure and his social circle over EVERYTHING and it’s hard for me (being the exact opposite: homebody, introverted, obsessive, and possessing) to feel like our opposing qualities won’t have negative affects in the future. We’re coming up on a year and although he reassures me that he “picked, chose, chased” me, I feel like the differences will cause him to leave. Sags are known for their flighty nature after all. At this point all is ok in the world but we have little bouts of me feeling like I’m the chaser or that I’m putting all the energy or doing more of the giving. I am also trying to be more like him, not so much the girl I think he wants, but just show a genuine interest in the things he likes. I know he likes adventure I’ll plan a hiking trip, or a long walk or something adrenaline inducing. I know they don’t like needy (which I am not) but I am obsessive like no more “me” everything’s “we” so when he’s socialiteness starts to threaten my sanctity and provoke my jealous I channel it or talk it out. Essentially I just want to know besides loyalty and trust (which my mate has made clear enough are his main 2 priorities) what do sags require to feel ready to commit. What type of qualities really stand our to the sag male as neccessary. It’s always alarming when this highly social guy introverts, it’s actually kind of sad, so any advice on how to deal with those rare moments when my attention loving and affection giving mate “doesn’t feel like talking” or “wants to be alone right now”? Being a scorpio these moments never exists in my world, I’m always willing to talk and always want to be around my partner so I sometimes feel like when I’m asking constantly what’s wrong it’ll make it more likely that that will push him away. I would justb like some tips on what makes sags happly and how to continue a successful relationship with one. Sags are by far my favorite sign of the zodiac with their luckiness, optimism, fun loving, open minded, socialite,blunt personalities. Having the attention of one feels like nothing else.

By: Phoenix Wed, 26 Apr 2017 20:52:59 +0000 Dating a sag, and it’s like a breath of fresh air, usually. Having been hurt in the past when the adventurer of the zodiac galloped into my life it was a whole new world. Within the last month I’ve noticed a little more distance and being the communicators we’ve been the whole time (I’m scorpio btw, very low compatibility rate) I’ve brought it to his attention and sometimes we debate it out but normally he is quick to reassure me both with words and follow up with the actions. It’s what’s got me so wrapped up. I am a scorpio so I am literally enigmatic about EVERYTHING and can be vengeful and malicious (damn that sounds so terrible) so to have a partner who is so innocent even when he makes blunt comments he isn’t trying to hurt your feelings (even though he’s probably sure to) is refreshing. I just want to be sure he’s really into me like he says. He’s soooooo sag loving his freedom and adventure and his social circle over EVERYTHING and it’s hard for me (being the exact opposite: homebody, introverted, obsessive, and possessing) to feel like our opposing qualities won’t have negative affects in the future. We’re coming up on a year and although he reassures me that he “picked, chose, chased” me, I feel like the differences will cause him to leave. Sags are known for their flighty nature after all. At this point all is ok in the world but we have little bouts of me feeling like I’m the chaser or that I’m putting all the energy or doing more of the giving. I am also trying to be more like him, not so much the girl I think he wants, but just show a genuine interest in the things he likes. I know he likes adventure I’ll plan a hiking trip, or a long walk or something adrenaline inducing. I know they don’t like needy (which I am not) but I am obsessive like no more “me” everything’s “we” so when he’s socialiteness starts to threaten my sanctity and provoke my jealous I channel it or talk it out. Essentially I just want to know besides loyalty and trust (which my mate has made clear enough are his main 2 priorities) what do sags require to feel ready to commit. What type of qualities really stand our to the sag male as neccessary. It’s always alarming when this highly social guy introverts, it’s actually kind of sad, so any advice on how to deal with those rare moments when my attention loving and affection giving mate “doesn’t feel like talking” or “wants to be alone right now”? Being a scorpio these moments never exists in my world, I’m always willing to talk and always want to be around my partner so I sometimes feel like when I’m asking constantly what’s wrong it’ll make it more likely that that will push him away. I would justb like some tips on what makes sags happly and how to continue a successful relationship with one. Sags are by far my favorite sign of the zodiac with their luckiness, optimism, fun loving, open minded, socialite,blunt personalities. Having the attention of one feels lIke nothing else.

By: web admin Mon, 17 Apr 2017 17:42:18 +0000 Thank you for sharing your experiences and insights. It is certain that your experiences will help other people in similar situations. It is great advice to always be clear and honest about where you are coming from. This can help people of every sign in their relationships. Feel free to share more of your thoughts and feelings in the future, Tanya!

By: Tanya Mon, 17 Apr 2017 06:53:48 +0000 I am a Sag female. I have spent my life looking for the right guy…the one that truly understands who I am and what I need. The one I can mesh with, and be truly compatible. Been with water signs, air signs and earth signs….nope. Water signs are too possessive, negative and ultimately bring you down. Air signs…fun at first, but can be all over the place, and not that much depth of feeling. Earth signs too heavy handed. Finally met my match with a Sag male. We have an incredible understanding of our mutual need for freedom, expression of thought, honesty, loyalty, physicality, intelligence, sharing of knowledge and experience, spiritual and sexual connection etc. etc. It’s not just traveling or running around outside like so many say…. he and I love talking for hours at a time…it’s been like that since the beginning. There is just something about this “understanding” of what we are about that makes this a totally different experience. And, ladies…if your Sag. male or female leaves or just fades away it’s because we just arn’t feeling you and where you are coming from. In fact, one could say that there should be NO questions about where you stand with a Sag as we are either all in or out the door.

By: web admin Fri, 24 Feb 2017 20:17:35 +0000 Thank you for sharing your insights. Please feel free to share more of your thoughts and experiences in the future. Have a great day, Jupiter!

By: Jupiter Fri, 24 Feb 2017 14:02:29 +0000 I’m a sag man. And its hard. Do not understand what is freedom. Or what really is or will feel like to love a woman wholeheartedly. And we are attracted to intelligent women especially those who are confident and knows what she wants. I also like reading facts about us men born under the governance of Jupiter. Might say it is true that we are guided by luck but as you see, when it comes to women, it can really be our downfall and as much and necessary as possible only love just one woman and that is loyal. One you can trust and one that initiates the move. Yes, its true. We do like it. There is more I could write about us.But we do differ as well when it comes to other aspects. Please write more. Looking forward. has been helpful.
