Scorpio Man in Love

By on April 25, 2014

Always determined to succeed, presenting an unemotional and detached personality while having an underlying need for love and fulfillment, and an eager and mysterious attitude that can’t be ignored, it’s no wonder why Scorpio is such a fascinating sign. They are undoubtedly one of the most loyal and determined signs of the bunch and won’t hesitate to ask questions, yet many perceive a Scorpio to be disinterested and bored. However, Scorpios are notably the most passionate and intense people, with a constant need for involvement and success.


The Type of Woman a Scorpio Needs

A Scorpio isn’t swayed by a pretty face, nor is he attracted to a fake woman. A Scorpio man is on the lookout for a breathtakingly gorgeous woman who is fierce and confident, preferably with a stable career and a respectable personality. He seeks a true lady with a bright attitude and a sheer confidence that can draw attention even in the largest crowds. However, Scorpio also needs a woman who is adventurous and able to put up with somewhat possessive and intense relationship. He does not and will not put up with a woman who tries to play games. 


Scorpio in a Relationship

It’s commonly said that a Scorpio man will be quick to jump into bed with a pretty woman, but he has to be really intrigued to enter in a relationship with a lady. She has to be extremely special and over the top to grab his attention for something other than a one night stand. And once he finds this extraordinary woman, he leeches on to her like bees on honey. He’ll do anything for his woman, yet may still give her the cold shoulder when it comes to emotions. You see, Scorpio men try to put on an act of being rugged and tough, not showing any form of love or interest. Yet deep down they are extremely emotional and attached to their lady of choice. In fact, they can be so possessive and intense that some ladies take it as being controlling. That’s just the Scorpio way, though- he doesn’t want to play games and he surely doesn’t want to lose his prized possession- which of course is his lovely lady.

A Scorpio man isn’t afraid to take on the challenge of a confident and classy woman, and doesn’t care if she makes more money or has a bigger house. In fact, he loves a woman that can take care of herself and doesn’t need stabilization from a man. This is what many woman find attractive in a Scorpio, especially the women who are highly successful and need a man who won’t be jealous (at least over financial matters). Women are also attracted to the fact that a Scorpio man is able to talk about real issues and deep problems without being offended or angry. In a Scorpio man’s mind, he would rather talk through a problem calmly rather than getting angry or bothered with each other.

To put it plainly, a Scorpio man is in it for the long haul. When he finds a gal he’s seriously interested in, he will do anything to keep her and treasures her like diamond or gold.



Scorpio in the Bedroom

Scorpios can be very persuasive and mysterious. They love to put on an act, presenting an unemotional exterior yet on the inside having a somewhat needy and passionate attitude. Their seductive nature and mystery is what draws many women to the Scorpio man, and what he presents in the bedroom only ignites their lust for him further.

That being said, if you’re looking for safety and security, then you probably shouldn’t jump into bed with a Scorpio. Scorpios have very wild sex lives and a just-as-crazy sex drive that keeps them extremely active. They are willing to do just about anything in the bedroom- even if it’s only one time, just to say they’ve tried it. They don’t like a hum and drum experience and require a sexually adventurous woman that is able to keep up with his crazy sexual antics. That doesn’t mean they aren’t passionate or loving, but the Scorpio wants to please his lady with many different forms.

Needless to say, if you pursue a night with a Scorpio, you can expect a wild and adventurous time unlike anything you have experienced before. Just remember to keep an open mind and a positive attitude and you’ll experience plenty of pleasure.

Negative Side of a Scorpio Man

It can’t all be roses and daisies, right? And just like anyone else, the Scorpio has his flaws. One of the biggest flaws that any Scorpio dater can tell you is they can be a bit controlling. A Scorpio man will get jealous fast and likes his woman to be loyal to him at all times. He’s not necessarily trying to be controlling, he’s really just passionate about his lady and wants her all to himself. This selfish nature can be tamed and some women even enjoy the Scorpios intense relationship.

Another one of the biggest flaws commonly seen with Scorpio men is their mood swings. They can be fiery and passionate one second, detached and uninterested the next. This is simply because the Scorpio hates to show his sensitive side, deeming it weak, although inside they are really mushy and romantic. If you can stick by a Scorpio man through his mood swings, however, you are guaranteed to witness his sensitive and loving side- which has said to be beyond any other type of love you could get in another relationship.


Scorpio and Pisces: the two of you will share a deep emotional connection that makes for a very loving and fun relationship. You won’t connect with another sign as easily as you do with Pisces.

Scorpio and Scorpio: this makes for an extremely intense and romantic relationship. With the two of you both sharing possessive and controlling qualities, the two of you are likely to be glued to each other which can easily lead to marriage.


Scorpio and Taurus: the two of you will connect on a romantic level quickly. If you can find other levels and interests to connect with, the relationship will undoubtedly be extremely strong and long term.

Scorpio and Cancer: this match is less likely to work, but is still possible. The two of you both love an intense relationship and strong bond, however the two vary greatly when it comes to handling situations. This could end up ruining the once strong bond the two of you shared.

The Scorpio Man in a Nutshell 

He is a passionate, driven man who doesn’t like to show his sensitive side to the public. He’s desperate to find a confident, successful woman to one day have as his trophy wife. He needs stability and passion, and isn’t afraid to try new things- especially in the bedroom. His mysterious nature and seductive ways makes him easy to get along with, yet he only holds true feelings for few. If you can put up with his controlling nature and mood swings, the Scorpio man will treat you like a princess and make you feel like the greatest woman in the world.


  1. Marsha

    June 27, 2016 at 11:57 am

    Hi i am a Taurus female was in a relationship with a Scorpio male for almost 7 years we got to know each other and became close friends we shared everything there was a connection like i had never felt before we shared our deepest thoughts we were so happy when we were together when we weren’t we were on the phone talking we would stay on the phone sometimes all night we shared each others beliefs and what we wanted and expected in a partner and the one thing i told him i could not tolerate was dishonesty or being lied to and he agreed and promised me he would never lie to me and i believed him the more time we spent together the more we wanted to be together we had fallen in love and discussed our future together the thing is i was married to a capricorn had been married for 32 years and never stepped out on my husband even though i was extremely unhappy and depressed had 4 daughters 3 were married the youngest was in the6th grade his wife had recently passed from cancer he had 2 teenagers daughter and son we got along well another problem was his wife was my sister and i struggled with that from the time he told me he was falling in love with me i felt ashamed and guilty and thought maybe i remineded him of her or it was just infatuation he said no it was not i couldn’t help from wanting to be with him it was the first time in 35years that i had felt i could be myself and that someone really loved me one thing lead to another and we became closer and closer i told my husband that we had feelings for each other and of course he didn’t take it very well I didn’t know what to do now my husband knew and scorpio and i had been spending alot of time together i ended up moving out and scorpio and i was together one saturday night and he got a call of course he didn’t take it well in a few min.he got a message and i just happen to notice who it was from and it was from a woman that was working for him i had known her longer than i had known him i told him he should hire her she was someone he could trust not thinking anything of it because i was the only one he wanted or needed so that is what he had been telling me then when i seen the message it was like my heart had been cut out of my chest he tried to tell me there was nothing going on and i wanted to believe him here i had left my husband for my brotherinlaw my children had turned against me my inlaws were watching me like a Hawk you see i was a stay at home mom had no job and my reputation was ruined my youngest daughter was living with me and practicly the only one other than scorpio and his children were speaking to me anyway from that time on i couldn’t ever seem to trust him i forgave him and one sunday i was at his house and found a letter on his dresser and it was from this same woman i read it she wanted to know what she had done to cause him to stop seeing her and told how she had enjoyed spending time with him for the past 9 months and shared places they had been and things they had dissused evidently he had mentioned marriage to her my older sister had said she heard they were going to get married my heart fell out of my chest of course he denied all of it I ended up going back to my husband mostly out of fear even though i was still in love with scorpio i couldn’t understand how he could make me feel so loved and do this to me anyway we could not stop talking to each other he promised he would never lie to me again and we started seeing each other again and it seemed everytime i thought i could move on and leave my husband for good i would find something else out of course he would say it wasn’t true and i was the only one he ever needed or wanted but it was always my fault he did what he did because i didn’t have a divorce why would i get a divorce when i couldn’t trust him to leave other women alone anyway he had nothing to lose i had lost the respect of my family and the whole town thats how i felt anyway he said he loved me and didn’t care what anyone thought it had been 3years and 2 different women that i knew of so i decide to see a Lawyer i tell him and he agrees to go with me on the first visit i take my youngest daughter and we tell the Lawyer the situation and i had been in an emotionally abused marriage and could prove it anyway the Lawyer says we first need counseling and sent us to a counselor and 2nd because this scorpio wanted me to just walk away and take whatever i could get she said ok say you divorce your husband and this other man decides he no longer wants to be with you what will you have because what he has is his and what you have is yours so take my advice and do not walk away with less than you deserve so my daughter and i agreed to counseling of course scorpio did not like what the laywer had to say he first said he would go to counseling with me and then he changed his mined and from then on things just seem to get worse i didn’t know what to expect from him one day he wanted to marry me he even bought me an engagement ring and then he would ask for it back and i gave it to him and then he would say he was sorry would i take it back and i did and it was just on again off again he would tell me i was the only one and then he never wanted to speak to me again i didn’t know what to expect seems i could always tell when he was talking to someone else even though he denied it it would soon come out it seems he didn’t care what i was going through or how bad i was hurting he would act like i didn’t exist i really think i had a nervous breakdown anyway all i hear is how Scorpios do not like lies or how loyal they are in a relationship I know beyond a shadow of doubt our love was as deep as it gets and i am and always will be in love with him yes i love my Childrens father but i am not in love with him there is a difference and just when my youngest daughter graduates from 12th grade and we can finally be together he has found someone else and i no longer exist now will you please tell me what you get out of this i need some answers sO i can close this chapter of my life how do you go from being in love with someone and ask them to move in with you and 2 weeks later you have someone else moved in with you and you are posting on Facebook for everyone to see saying that you love them and they love you I will have a problem trusting anything a man says to me for the rest of my life because of this Scorpio even though i know we had a love that was as deep as it gets I would just like to know what really happened

    • web admin

      web admin

      June 28, 2016 at 3:57 pm

      It sounds like your initial intuition was correct. You felt like the original reason he wanted to be with you is because you reminded him of your sister. That is probably why he wanted to be with you. Plus, he missed the close companionship and your similarities made him feel like he was just talking to her when he was with you. That level of familiarity was what he wanted initially and still enjoys, but he does not feel the same level of loyalty to you. Plus, after your sister’s bout with cancer, he may want to play the field or have someone who is totally different. He spent years with your sister, so it makes sense that, physically, he wants someone who is entirely different. Emotionally, he wanted the familiarity and support of someone exactly like your sister. Unfortunately, this means that your relationship seems doomed to fail. It is not because he is a Scorpio or even that he intentionally tried to mislead you. People get mixed up feelings for months and years after loving a loved one, which makes it the worst time possible to date them. When someone is grieving, they will do things–like dating a sister-in-law or cheating–that they would never normally consider. You unfortunately lost your friends, family, first marriage and respect due to this, but there isn’t anything you can do to change the past now. All you can do is try to get your alimony/divorce settlement and find a job. Over time, you will slowly start to rebuild your life as a single person. Good luck–I really hope that everything works out for you.

  2. TaurusWoman_ScorpioMan

    June 13, 2016 at 6:14 am

    I am a Taurus woman (23) in 6 months long relationship with Scorpio (23). We started living together at the very beginning of relationship. Both of us are really stubborn, and we are having problems with communication sometimes – both of us keeps things inside. Maybe when I even decide to talk it out, I don’t know how to start. Despite everything, my Scorpio just knows when something is wrong, and he usually asks first to talk things out.
    I have to say that he treats me with respect, and he makes me feel like no one ever made me feel before – in every aspect of life.
    With Scorpions is really easy – it’s just all or nothing. You have to be prepared for great rush of emotions, for some signs that is frightening, but for Taurus woman like me, it’s not. It shows just exactly how mine “strong-on-the-outside” Scorpio works. To me that is beautiful thing.

    • web admin

      web admin

      June 13, 2016 at 5:45 pm

      From the standpoint of the zodiac, Taurus and Scoprio are bound to be stubborn and problems talking at times. From the standpoint of relationships, it is also normal to have these problems. It seems like you are working through them mindfully and healthily. It sounds to be like you have a great relationship. If you are aware of your own personal limitations, perhaps work on them so your Scropio doesn’t have to ask you what is wrong. Be happy!

  3. Pisces vixen

    June 4, 2016 at 4:55 pm

    After a horrible end to a 6 year relationship with a logic minded Taurus I decided passion was what I needed most and for the first time in my life have set out to experience scorpios.

    I’ve had a handful of encounters since the begining of the year. I may never bother with another sign again.

    One particular Scorpio has me completely wrapped around his finger – tho I know not to let on. I researched a lot first and found out about this mind games and they are BRUTAL! To spend the whole weekend with him in bed only to head home on Monday and get “radio silence” from him for three days! Ughhh. But I knew to play it cool and hold my ground and sure enough by Thursday he’s blowing up my phone and gushing over me. I have to get used to their need for space and I keep telling myself even tho I can’t read a thing about him – he’s feeling as passionately as I am.

    Oh! I will say this – as a Pisces I am very empathic and pick up on everyone else’s vibes and emotions and I’m always reacting to them – with a Scorpio I have found my inability to read these men has provided me with such peace as instead of reacting – I am just being myself – and I have come to trust that just because I can’t pick up on my scorpios feelings doesn’t mean he’s not having any.

    The hard part is knowing he’s seeing other women and him knowing I’m seeing other men and he’s verbally fine with it all. He says he loves my sex drive and wants me getting it as much as I can…. Tho it breaks my heart because I know he would only be posessive if he thought of me as worthy of his love.

    I am trying to just enjoy things as they are and ride the hot cold waves this Scorpio gives me to balance on.

    Man the sex tho – wow – I’ve never met another sign that could keep up with me like a Scorpio can

    • web admin

      web admin

      June 6, 2016 at 8:48 pm

      Well, it sounds like you have found a good balance. Hopefully, he will realize that you are worth a commitment sooner rather than later though! Good luck!

  4. cappy girl

    April 28, 2016 at 2:37 am

    I totally relate to this.. this guy i know is a virgo sun but probably scorpio asc and is a scorpio mars, so he is scorpio dominant for sure. we were both only interested in a sexual relationship with each other, until i developed feelings for him and it went sour from there. we were trying to talk about the whole current situation, and he seemed to listen and want to know what i felt, so i said i just needed to know if he cared about me and wasn’t just using me for sex.. but through that whole message i think i slipped out somewhere in a way that i didn’t want to get hurt and i was scared he was just going to leave me and he picked up i really liked him. the only thing he said in response was that he wasn’t trying to make me feel used, but couldn’t change what i thought (i assume because i have feelings for him). i think we are still friends now, but i hardly understand if he ever liked me, or he’s saying he does care or doesn’t. i’m having a break from him for now, but I’m still trying to understand him..

    • web admin

      web admin

      April 29, 2016 at 8:20 am

      It is normal to have some feelings for someone that you sleep with. It is probably a good idea to take a break from him, or your feelings would just develop even more. Even if he has feelings for you (and it sounds like he at least values you as a friend), he only wants a sexual relationship and was upfront about that in the beginning. Unless his life situation or desires change, it is unlikely that he will want anything more than a sexual relationship in the near future. You can always hope, but it seems unlikely that it will be anything more in at least the next few months and perhaps longer.

      • cappy girl

        May 3, 2016 at 3:04 am

        thanks for that, i’ll definitely take a break and try not to think about him so much. our thing had been going on for 6 months> but we only met up a couple times, but we still messaged a lot as we live far from another. i always thought he liked me as a friend until i started showing feelings, he gets all distant. he still shows interest in other ways, seems scared to lose me (unclear for what reasons..) but after that conversation we had about how i felt and what he wanted, he seems to be still my friend, but not asking me for anything. i really felt we had something more, and that everytime we talked it was intense and full of chemistry but maybe it was just me.. thanku anyway.

        • web admin

          web admin

          May 3, 2016 at 7:35 am

          He might not feel the same way, or perhaps he us just not at the point in his life where he can or wants to make a commitment. Either way, it sounds like you are taking the first steps toward moving on. It won’t be easy, but you sound like you are getting to a better place. Good luck, Cappy Girl!

  5. confused

    April 23, 2016 at 3:52 pm

    HI, i am an Aries female who has been dealing with a Scorpio male for about 10 1/2 months now. In the beginning, he would NOT STOP trying to be around me. OMG, it was so annoying. But because i like that little chasing shit, I kept him around until I actually started liking him. Everything was cool at first. He was getting over (or i should say trying to get over) his previous relationship which he was in for a while. Well, i waited about 4 months to actually have sex with him and when I did. He never ever ever left my side. We ended up going out 2 months later and things were so GREAT! He was sooooo sweet, passionate, everything was about us. <3 UNTIL…. Last week. We had alittle argument. I asked him if he was talking to other people because i felt like he was acting different lately. He was like no and i just came over to try to start some shit. MIND YOU… this is our FIRST argument! I felt like he was lying, so i asked him if he wanted me to leave, he told me i could do whatever i want. (i felt like that was a test to see if i would leave) so i left. He watched me leave all the way to when i was literally turning the corner. For the first couple of days, he blatantly ignored me! Like it was so heartbreaking. I sent him a message saying "you know if i dont make you happy, i just want you to be with somebody that does. I love you…" and some other stuff i meant. he ignored that message. so, i popped up to his house the next day. he was NOT happy about that! ( i didn't care tho) at first, he was ignoring me, then he was like "i just need some space, i told u i do this push and pull thing" I told him, i would give him as much space as he needed, i just didnt want to be ignored in the process. Well now, i feel like he's giving he this cold side. The sex was blah last night. and he wasn't very affectionate. he doesnt call or come over everyday like he use to. actually, he doesnt do anything but be with his friends all day. he still looks at my social media though. He was talking to me though like everything was cool when we were together. i just felt like it was on a friend to friend level though. I just don't understand what is going on. i love him 🙁 Is my relationship about over or is he just doing this to test me? or does he really need space?

    • web admin

      web admin

      April 25, 2016 at 7:41 am

      Give him some space and see what happens. If it is a test, he is not someone you want to be with–tests are not something you do to someone you love and care about. And if it is not a test, it means that he just needs some space to think through his feelings. He fell for you fast, so he may not have had time to think about how he really feels. Give him a few days and then talk to him about it. Fights are normal in a relationship, and open communication is the way to get over the fight. Good luck!

  6. morristhecat

    April 4, 2016 at 4:34 am

    hello, i will describe my story in a different way, im an aries girl with 7 life path. So this is my story, my ex is aries too with 5 life path, we really get along together because I understand his want in variety of life and he also understand my introspective nature. Even he’s an average looking guy , I fall in love with him because he is so funny ,lots of humor. Our love is very passionate because of our same sun sign, but we broke up because he gets another girl pregnant.
    My current boyfriend today, is scorpio with 7 life path too, I was attracted to him because he is very intellectual, but not so funny as my ex boyfriend, but i dont want to compare the two because Ive totally moved on and happy with my current bf. And I discover too that we have share the same moon sign which is Gemini, we share the same interests, same likes,same hobby,movie,music, etc, but sometimes I have doubts on him in the future. Like what if we have lack of communication because of our aloofness and quite side, that may create some problems in the relationship, I need some advice,thanks.

    • web admin

      web admin

      April 6, 2016 at 10:49 am

      I would worry about future problems when they happen. Communication can be worked on in advance, so you can prevent that from ever becoming a problem. Plus, astrological signs can vary significantly from person to person, so it is not fair to judge a relationship by an astrological trait that currently is not an issue in your relationship. If you like him and have a connection with him, enjoy your relationship and do not worry so much about what could happen. Best of luck, Morris The Cat!

  7. Leo girl

    March 13, 2016 at 6:04 pm

    I was talking to this Scorpio guy for 5 months now but it feels like so much longer. At first, we were just talking for sexual favours but then it turned into something more. He was being hesitant to say he liked me, but after a month and a half he was admitting he really liked me. He said he would probably love me if he saw me more. He wanted to know more about me and was just really intrigued. He talked to me everyday. Our “relationship” (not really I just don’t know what to call it) was based on sexual things but we had a great emotional connection. About 3 months in, he was sharing really personal feelings about me and saying how his heart ached when he couldn’t come see me and that he loved me to the moon & back. But around this time, a little later after we would argue quite a bit. I accused him of only liking me when he was horny (I wanted him to convince me otherwise) and he told me it really hurt him that I thought that way. I did think he really liked me after that but I was sorta getting sick of the everyday, constant controlling attitude towards sex with me. I told him I didn’t want to do it so much and it was a major turn off to him, possibly because it was his one thing he knew he could do to show his love to me? He did show love in other ways; he would spoil me and be so sweet and kind but once I wasn’t “obeying” him as much he got mad and a little more distant. Afterwards he seemed like he was just using me. I got sick of it and one day I texted him “you only come around for sex and then leave until you want more”. That was when he turned cold. He said “ok? It’s not like we’re dating.” I then said “you told me you loved me” and that was what sent him off. He blocked me on social media and ignored me for a day. Then I tried texting him the next day and he said he didn’t think we had to talk as much and just wanted to have sex. He said he did really love me but then it changed. After that he started being confusingly mean and cold hearted. Then one day he admitted he was doing it to see if I’d put up with it. He was purposely acting like an ass and was confused why I would put up with him because he really was an asshole. He said he was so sorry and that I deserved better. He felt really guilty but it was really conflicting for him because he still wanted sex even though he felt bad and just wanted to end all connections. The next day he unblocked me from snapchat and was different. Not mean, but still sexual. He’s been nice and wanting to talk a little, and then other days he doesn’t go out of his way to be that nice. I can tell he is trying to figure out if I like him. What’s going on in this guys head? I don’t know what to think anymore.

    • web admin

      web admin

      March 15, 2016 at 9:10 am

      It sounds like he has decided (or already had planned on) just making this a sexual relationship. The fact that he told you that he wanted to break off connection and felt bad about still going after you for sex is a sign that he does not plan on making this anything more than just sex. Even when he seemed more into a potential relationship, he was still controlling–some of the things he did are actually early signs of an abusive relationship, so you may be lucky that things ended now. It is up to you whether you try to make things work or not, but it seems like he does not care about making things work beyond sex. If I were in your shoes, I would move on and not look back. He was right about one thing though–you do deserve more.

  8. Misty

    March 12, 2016 at 3:47 am

    I am an Aries who has been having a fantastic online friendship for two months with this Scorpio man. We are from difference nationalities but live and work in the gulf. He is divorced and is yearning for a lasting bond with someone special. I am in a bad marriage and trying to find myself whether to stay or walk away. He says he is crazy about me, wants me etc. but never takes the initiative to meet with me. He is moody. He tells me most things that’s personal and shares almost everything with me. He calls and we talk and he says he misses me and wants me. But when we set up a date to meet, he gets “held up” and cancels the date at the last minute. Is he afraid of commitment? Why won’t he take the initiative to meet up to see where this could go? Our chemistry is amazing. Somehow he wants more from me but yet won’t take that first step. We met once. We both were hugely attracted to each other. I would like to meet him again and see where this could go. But I am so confused. I know he has nobody else after his divorce and I trust him. He has being very honest with me about a lot of things, takes things too slow and I know he too wants a partner who can be loving and caring to him. Help!

    • web admin

      web admin

      March 13, 2016 at 6:19 pm

      He could be afraid of commitment, or it is entirely possible that he is busy. He moved to the gulf for work, so it seems logical that he would be busy. He continues to talk to you now, so it seems like he likes you. After all, if he did not want to get to know you better after meeting the first time, he would not have continued to talk to you. Between being busy with work and wanting to take things slow because of his divorce, it makes sense. Be patient and let things unfold naturally–it seems like you have a great connection, so don’t give up yet. 🙂

      • Misty

        April 11, 2016 at 2:56 am

        We are not in to mid April and I got so fed up of the waiting game, that I called it off. After 3 weeks of silence, I got in touch with him again and expected him to ignore me. We are both mature individuals. He immediately texted me back and we are now back to where we started again. But this time he wants to meet up and see what we could potentially have. He is different now and shows more interest and has invited me over. He seems a very discrete guy and wants to take things extremely SLOW with me. I asked him if he is involved with anyone and he says no. I am anxiously waiting to see how this would all play out when we finally meet at his place over the weekend. I do like him a lot, more than I care to admit.

        • web admin

          web admin

          April 14, 2016 at 9:46 am

          It looks like you have a chance now for things to work out. Relationships always have risk, and you will never know where this relationship could end up unless you take the risk. If you want things to work out, go ahead and visit with him and see where things go. Good luck, Misty!

  9. confused aquarius

    February 23, 2016 at 4:08 pm

    I’ve been seeing a scorpio man for about 8 months. he pursued me hard in the beginning, did everything right, started to express his feelings slowly, and even expressed wanting a relationship. I felt that he was coming on too strong so I expressed wanting to take things slow. since then, he has been hot and cold. it has been a rollercoaster with him. he’s not as attentive anymore and doesn’t initiate spending time with me as much as he did before. All of the sudden, i feel like im not a high priority anymore. I thought possibly maybe he’s not into me anymore, but every time I tried to leave, he wouldn’t let me go. We both have a hard time communicating since I’m an aquarius. he also doesn’t know how to speak up when he’s upset. instead he shuts down and his demeanor changes. now that I want a relationship, he’s telling me he wants to take it slow. at this point, I’m extremely confused and frustrated. everyone has advised me to cut my losses, but it’s hard to let go since I’m hopeful he will go back to how he was in the beginning. what can I do to fix this? I’ve become more expressive, giving him more attention, making him more of a priority, and stopped playing games. are we just doomed?

    • web admin

      web admin

      February 26, 2016 at 10:16 pm

      It sounds like he has already checked out in some ways and is not as into the relationship. At the same time, he may be afraid of you moving on, him being single and potentially losing out on a good thing. If you get the sense that he is shutting you out and no longer wants to be with you, then it may just be better for you to cut your losses. You have already dated for eight months–what is there to take slow? Either he wants to be with you or he doesn’t. Trying to keep you dependent and interested in him is not fair to you, since it seems like he is just waiting for something or someone new. If you are confident that you do want to continue the relationship, you guys will need to figure out how to communicate more openly with each other. Communication takes practice, so be prepared for it to take a while. Best of luck!

  10. jess

    February 14, 2016 at 8:48 am

    I’m a Gemini female and recently I met this Scorpio guy on tinder. It was intended to be one night stand I guess but he asked to come over the next day again and I asked him if he liked me and he said of course but I was not a good person in the beginning. I’m sure he doesn’t fully trust me but I think I showed him that I changed but then again idk but anyways we saw each other a lot in the last month and I would ask if we were bf/gf and he was say idk let’s talk about it later but then later came and we agreed we were bf/gf so then our journey began and we couldn’t go 2 days without seeing each other haha and he would suggest we go to the movies and go out to eat so we did a lot of that haha then New Years Eve/Day came (we met on Thanksgiving) and he invited his friend over my house cuz he was over there and didn’t want to upset me if he left so his friend bought alcohol and weed and we got high and drunk soo we stayed up all night talking (me mostly yelling) and his friend started talking about him and what he thinks of me and stuff and basically this friend knows a lot about us, he told his friend everything maybe idk his friend is a Capricorn too. So his friend tells me that my bf likes the fact that we don’t argue and he likes me and talks about me a lot. And when his friend came over, he was nicer than usual like he usually doesn’t like me to touch him and show him affection but that night in front of his friend, we did a lot of pda mostly hugging and stuff, he was calling me babe and baby a lot, and before that I asked if he thought we were soulmates and he said he thought we were, he told him he loved me (the second time ever) and I always tell him don’t leave me and let’s be together forever. But one day while we were out or something, he kept asking if I wanted to break up with him idk but we get along well. When he insults me or is a bit of an asshole, I always say something smart back or be an asshole back. Our relationship is a mess tbh cuz we are so sarcastic with each other and then a couple of days ago he says he doesn’t take our relationship seriously and stuff and told me I can talk to other people if I want and he doesn’t think he is what I need but I told him I didn’t know what I wanted or needed and I wanted him for him cuz tbh I want to see what we can be cuz I heard how great Scorpios can be and I want that. I don’t think I’m like a Gemini, I mean sure I have mood swings (mostly just happy and depressed moods). I am a very emotional person because of past experiences and childhood. My moon is in Virgo, libra rising, mars in Pisces, venus in taurus. I’m not too hung up on if we are completely compatible or not cuz I’ve dated a Scorpio and Pisces before and my friend is a Pisces and my favorite cousin is a Pisces. Idk if it means anything but I’m just confused as to what is going on with this relationship and this Scorpio guy. The last Scorpio I was with wasn’t like this. Idk.

    • web admin

      web admin

      February 14, 2016 at 5:52 pm

      It seems like he is having doubts about the relationship and is not sure if you are the right person for him or not. If you are sure that you like him, then go ahead and give him some space, keep dating him and see how things go. It might turn out that you guys are not the right fit, but all you can do is be relaxed and see where things go. If you try to push him right now, break up with him or bring him closer to you, it will only drive him away for good. Be relaxed and take it easy. Good luck!

    • Kimberley

      April 1, 2016 at 6:53 pm

      I think he really likes you, but is testing you to see if you would stay for the long haul or if you’ll just up and leave at the first sign of trouble. If you really like him, shut him down when he says you can see other people. Tell him he’s the only one you want. Only if it’s true though!

      • web admin

        web admin

        April 4, 2016 at 1:59 pm

        That sounds like pretty good advice–I am sure that Jess will appreciate it. Thanks for commenting, Kimberley!

  11. michelle

    January 25, 2016 at 4:38 am

    Im crushing on a Scorpio male For about 3 years. We knew each other briefly in grade school and now in our 40s became in contact via facebook. We live in different states (4 hours), and we began talking. I am very open and honest, which in turn he was as well. He resides with his girlfriend, which he intends to leave. The house is on the market, but hasn’t sold and I believe him. Over the years, he has never pressured me but did ask me to fly out as friends. I said okay, but im reserved bc of his situation, I do not want to be the other girl bc I do feel a connection that is more than friends. I canceled the trip and told him the truth, which he respected. This has happened twice, but he is very understanding bc he knows I’m not a hook up, I have self respect, I’m.honest and loyal. I recently discovered he researched everything I disclosed and he found that everything I ever told him was true. He told me he was impressed that I was truthful. My ex husband got into.trouble and I bailed him out…this impressed the Scorpio of my loyalty. Our conversations recently have just become sexual, prior to that they havie been very deep about life. I am not sure.if he is.romantically interested or not? He has been to my city,. But I Never met him those times either. He says he believes there is a connection, a true deep.friendship and understands that im not okay with being with him until he is single. I don’t know if.this Scorpio wants just a hook up, being manipulative or.if he is truly.interested?

    • web admin

      web admin

      January 27, 2016 at 1:26 pm

      If he knows that you will not be the other girl and has respected it, then it sounds like his genuine plan is to leave her. Of course, there is no way to know if this will actually happen because selling the house and leaving the girlfriend is probably not going to be easy. It sounds like he is romantically interested in you, but there is no way to know where this thing will go. Even if he plans on being with you, there will still be the distance aspect to work out. If you really care for him, I would just go ahead and hope for the best, but be aware of what could also happen. Good luck!

  12. PeacefulNwild

    January 2, 2016 at 3:31 pm

    I’ve been seeing my guy for 7 months now. I’ve known of him over 10. At first he told me a few qualities he looked for in women, and I met all if them. He tried to have me the first night, but I’m an Aquarius and even though I wanted him I said no..however I did tease him a bit, cause that’s how I do. Later I apologized and explained to him I didn’t just wanna be a hook up. Although that’s kinda how it’s been, except for a date I took him in for his birthday. After that date he has pulled away again.Our communication isn’t the best, but we still chat. He went from calling me nice looking to pretty to beautiful to gorgeous. I don’t really care unless they are sincere. I haven’t seen him in a little over a month. He blew me off one night cause I got bossy, then he went outta town another. He Jeeps making it seen like we will see each other and nothing. (He stays a little over an hour away) so now u just wonder if he is just trying to fade out or what. I told him to be real with me I’m a strong woman I’ll survive whatever. He won’t respond. This has happened before and I pulled away, and he reeled me back.

    • web admin

      web admin

      January 4, 2016 at 7:36 pm

      Maybe he is just looking for a more casual fling than a relationship. That would explain why he pulls away when it seems more serious like on his birthday or when you are bossy. At the same time, he seems to like having you around when it suits him, so he reels you back in when you start to give up. You have already tried getting him to tell you what he wants (which would normally be my advice), so the only thing you can do now is decide if your current relationship is enough for you or if you want to go ahead and move on. What do you want to do?

  13. Neka

    December 29, 2015 at 8:22 pm

    Im with a scorpio guy too. known him for 6 months… been with him for 3 months. The relationship is something i would not tolerate from another guy but for some reason i can’t leave. he is so sweet but puts up a tough exterior. he is so busy and it frustrates me. he doesnt talk to me everyday and he used to be in the marine. I dont wear my heart on my sleeves but i just want to tell him how i feel but i stop myself. ive already experienced the roller coaster of emotions. He does not say anything if he doesn’t want to nor can i get him to do what he doesnt want to. however, when he makes a promise he sticks to it. My biggest problem is communication which is extremely bad because we share a long distance relationship.

    • web admin

      web admin

      January 3, 2016 at 5:50 pm

      Have you tried talking to him about how you feel? Although he does not like to express his feelings or thoughts, he can gradually learn how to do so. Even quiet, stoic guys learn how to open up to their partner–often, their wife or girlfriend ends up being the only person they really share their thoughts with. Reaching this level of communication can take time though, so be patient and just tell him how you feel. If you really love each other, your communication will gradually improve over time naturally.

  14. Shelli

    November 21, 2015 at 3:32 pm

    I found this article to be the most truthful when relating to my moody Scorpio boyfriend. I’m an Aries and am wondering just how compatible we are. When he has his mood swings he gets either very quiet or very distant. That’s cool and all but life is still going while he’sin that zone. He wants everyone to be stuck in his weirdness at that moment. Things still have to get done and no one will hold me back no matter what.

    • web admin

      web admin

      November 21, 2015 at 11:48 pm

      Maybe you should just give him some space when he is in weird moods. I am an Aries too, so I know how much the normal Aries traits like impulsiveness, goal-oriented natures and a more clear cut personality would make this situation frustrating. Although you see what needs to be done and are up to tackle the day, he obviously is not always able to do the same thing. You will either have to learn how to deal with his moodiness and give him some space or cut your losses. If it were me, I would try to figure out how to give him some space (or whatever it is that he needs) to improve his mood when he is down. You can’t win them all, and trying to force him to just get things done will only make him moodier and harder to handle.

      • Ana

        December 6, 2015 at 3:03 am

        I’m dating a Scorpio man and he needed space when he thought we were getting serious after 7 months. I just want to know if a little over a month is normal. I mean he is an older man but wow…he finally sounds back to normal on the phone. He says he loves and adores me but I’m waiting for his actions to show it not his words. He was so attentive in the beginning.

        • web admin

          web admin

          December 6, 2015 at 6:53 pm

          He may just be scared off because of the possibility of commitment. Even if he was interested in a serious relationship at first, it is natural to become scared. I would probably spend a few more months enjoying your relationship and keeping it casual. After a few more months, he may calm down enough to be able to consider the possibility of making things more serious. Good luck, Ana!

      • Jessica

        March 10, 2016 at 9:33 pm

        I’m an Aries too and my man is a Scorpio!! Man there is just something about him that has me hooked. I love his intensity.. Hate how he gets detached. He likes to be secretive too about dumb things, which of course triggers my curiosity even more lol. I think I’m too in love, and he’s a little more reserved..sometimes I just can’t tell how he truly feels! He’s faithful and I know he loves me…he jist woildnt say it if he didnt feel it. Hes extremly honest and I absolutley cherish that about him! I worry that he’s never going to want to commit or move in together.. He is 40 and has never lived with any of his ex’s..and his longest relationship was more or less two years only! And he is super close with his mother…like he sees her a few times a week. She’s older and its just him no other family members so,I do get it. He wants to stay close and live close to her, which is 30 miles away from where I live. I just get so frustrated…I want to sleep next to him every night.:( I’m about to be 35 on april 12, and I have two children (16 yrs and 6 yrs) and a full time job, I barely have any time for anything myself.
        RELATIONSHIPS are so tricky!!!
        All I truly know is I love him, more than anyone I’ve ever thought I loved before… And I want him to feel as happy as he makes me.We started dating 4-2014 so it coming up on 2 years.
        *sighhhhh* ? I really think the Scorpio-Aries march is phenomenal. So passionate and yet, he balances me out and calms me in a really good way. We call each other Bonnie and Clyed lol!
        How can I be more patient? I really want this relationship to work! I’ve only been in two other relationships prior,both long term ones.I would like to see thi one all the way through. I,would love to grow old with this beautiful soul ❤

        • web admin

          web admin

          March 12, 2016 at 10:16 am

          Be patient and see how things go. You guys have already dated for two years though, so this would be a normal time to talk about moving in together. Since he wants to remain near his mom, perhaps you could try moving in within 5 miles or so of where he lives now. A 20-25 mile commute is not fun, but it would allow him to stay close to his mom if there is an emergency, and it could be the only way that you can convince him to move in together. He may just be a commitment-phobe, so it could take some time. Good luck!

  15. Betsy

    November 13, 2015 at 3:33 am

    I am a Libra female crushing on a Scorpio male he makes me feel like a princess, and tells me he loves me hugs and kisses me, but makes no effort to see me, get my number or anything. We are very friendly with one another, but I don’t want to keep putting myself on the line for him when I feel like he isn’t doing all he could be to be with me.

    • web admin

      web admin

      November 13, 2015 at 3:34 pm

      Why doesn’t he see you? It seems like it would be rather hard to treat you like a princess if he never even tries to see you. There is also a chance that he is just worried about how you would react to making things more serious, so he is not doing anything to avoid a rejection. If you guys are already hugging, kissing and somewhat dating, you may want to just ask him what he wants or if he wants to go on a date. Even if the answer is no, at least you will find out that you are just wasting your time–and it is always possible that his answer could be “yes”. At the very least, you should give him your number and get his number so that you can text or call him.

  16. Sarah T

    October 14, 2015 at 4:09 am

    I am an Aquarius woman crushing very hard on this Scorpio guy. We met almost a year ago, and have been in contact ever since. He is a gentleman, and we get along extremely well. I even told him I had feelings for him, but he insisted we stay friends. We still talked even after I told him I had feelings for him, and for the past few weeks he’s been making an effort to see me more often, to come and talk to me, he also listens to me and gives me advice. It just sounds like the perfect guy, but I can’t believe he hasn’t made a move. Is he not secually attracted to me? Is he afraid if he makes a move I will stop talking to him? Or is he using me for our close bond and our friendship?

    • web admin

      web admin

      October 15, 2015 at 6:06 pm

      He may just be afraid to make a move yet. It is always possible that he does not have feelings for you romantically (or he could be in a relationship), but it is equally possible that he just wants to get to know you better before he does anything. It seems like he could be the one for you, so just keep talking to him and get to know him better. Since you are already friends, you could always just ask him how he feels and if he wants to date you–just make sure that you emphasize the fact that you would still like to be friends no matter what the answer is. Good luck, Sarah!

  17. Aquarius Teenager Girl

    September 5, 2015 at 8:01 pm

    Even though we’ve been arguing, acting like we hate each other and avoiding each other since 8th grade, he’s sending me positive signals. I catch him staring at me, but he still holds my gaze, I’m always the one to drop my head and look down. He doesn’t seem shy around me at all, it’s probably because he knows I’m still struggling to forget him … why does he lead me on if he doesn’t want to take the first move?

    I’m not that pretty, unless I wear make-up. I have uneven brows and wear glasses, even without makeup it doesn’t stop him from giving me a few glances and admire me from far. I even have uneven skin and pimples.

    We haven’t really talked to each other, expect on Facebook. We used to talk to midnight, about each other, why I couldn’t forget him even though I tried so freaking hard. Sometimes he hurted me so much, I told him to ignore me, pretend him as if I was dead. He said okay, but he never did so. He glanced over at me, tries to catch my eye the next day at school, he drived me crazy, telling me to find another, but then saying something completely different with his actions. I became stressed out, frustrated and unfocused. I wanted (and want) him so bad.

    After vacation, we met up again, he didn’t interest me as much. I glanced over at him a few times, but I didn’t feel the same way, it was just … him. Then I would catch him looking at me, facing away with an satisfied look on his face when I looked back at him, surprised. This happened two times. The second time I kept admiring him, trying to figure out what he was thinking, it was impossible. This kept going on. I catched him looking at me several times. At first, I was shy and looked away ASAP, but afterwards I got more confident and held his gaze for a few seconds. But still, I was always the first one to look away. He’s eyes are so intense, I can’t help feeling helpless under his gaze.

    Should I just talk to him? What do I do? Why does he act like this?

    • web admin

      web admin

      September 5, 2015 at 8:33 pm

      When you are still in middle school, guys can be fairly immature about flirting–arguing or acting like he hates you could have just been something he did during his immaturity. Later, it sounds like he genuinely started to like you, or at least he enjoyed the fact that you were interested in him. If you want all of your feelings to come back again, then go ahead and talk to him. He could be interested in you, or he could enjoy the ego-trip of having a girl head over heels in love with him. Either way, you will only find out the answer by talking to him or asking him out. Even if he turns you down, at least you will know that it is okay to forget about him completely. Good luck!

  18. The Employee

    September 5, 2015 at 10:15 am

    My boss is a scorpio and im a pisces. He likes me. He’s married. I like him so much too. But yeah he’s married. I hope to bump into someone like him in the future he is really very romantic and sweet that sometimes i feel awkward among workmates because he shows affection so much like hugging or literally spoon feeding. I’m reading this because i want to please him, in terms of work. I want that he would see me as his asset in the company rather than his flirtmate or what.

    • web admin

      web admin

      September 5, 2015 at 8:04 pm

      That sounds like a good idea–it could certainly cause problems at work if your co-workers think that he plays favorites with you. Hopefully, you will find someone like him in the future. For the moment, it looks like you have a precarious balance to maintain. Since he is your boss, you cannot just ignore him to get the flirting to stop, but you also do not want to encourage him any more–I do not envy your position. 🙁 Good luck, I hope that everything works out for you! 🙂

  19. Vita Black

    August 20, 2015 at 12:27 pm

    I been dating my 28yr old scorpio man for 2 1/2 months, I am a 31 yr old separated Aquarius. Last month after my husband was in a car accident I told my hunny I felt obligated to get back with my husband n nurse him to health. My scorpio won’t answer calls or reply to texts whereas before we would talk text all day long and see each other every nite but now the only way he’ll talk to me or see me is if we’re gonna have sex. I decided I want to be with my scorpio n want to divorce my husband but he doesn’t wanna hear that what’s going on what do I do?

    • web admin

      web admin

      August 21, 2015 at 4:00 pm

      Before you decide what you can do or what is possible, you should figure out what you want. Do you want to be back together with your husband? As long as you are nursing your husband and around him all the time, your new boyfriend will not want to hang around. He may naturally assume that you guys may end up getting back together if you spend a lot of time with him everyday. Right now, you have to figure out which guys you want more. Afterward, you can start to consider which guy likes you or is willing to be with you. If it is your husband, you will have to get him over the fact that you guys separated and that you were with someone else. If you want to be with your Scorpio, you will need to stop being around your husband all of the time and spend a lot of time rebuilding your relationship with your boyfriend. Good luck, Vita!

  20. Pisces srw

    August 6, 2015 at 4:05 am

    Hi, I am a true Pisces woman 38 who is currently head over heels for this scorpio man 37. At first things were great. Conversations great, spending lots of time together and of course great sex. But after a series of event he is now giving me the silence treatment or cold shoulder. Not replying to either phone calls or texts messages. I don’t know what else to do. I really like this guy. And I think that we do have a special bond. Which maybe emotional or sexually. Please tell me what can I do with this situation which it is taking a big toll out of my personal and professional life.

    • web admin

      web admin

      August 6, 2015 at 6:53 pm

      If he is not talking to you right now, then the best thing that you can do is give him some space. If you keep trying to call him or text him, it will only serve to drive him away. Sometimes, when someone is angry, they just need some space to get over it and forget about it. After he resumes talking to you, you can try to explain how you feel or apologize. For the moment, the only thing that you can really do is let it be and hope that he gets over it.

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