Comments on: Scorpio Man in Love Fri, 05 Jan 2018 15:00:42 +0000 hourly 1 By: web admin Thu, 17 Aug 2017 03:34:18 +0000 It sounds as though you made a decision out of compassion for the emotions that your son may have had. That is a positive action. You may choose to speak with him about your thoughts and feelings. He may not have a problem with you dating someone who is younger than you. Take this time to determine what you want for your future. Have a great day, Stacey!

By: Stacey Wed, 16 Aug 2017 15:20:54 +0000 Older woman and young man….
Well I was reading about Scorpio and run into this old and young relationship issue.
I was also in the same boat a year and half ago, I am actually and Aries 44 at the time he was Taurus 24 but can I say he is the person that made me feel loved the most. He was a strong wall to lean on, very emotionally stable and rational. Unlike me full of passion, emotions and at times is too many places at once.
He was caring, loving, supportive and would breake his back for me if need be. I broke off the relationship after one year as I was not ok with the age gap only because I was not living in the moment and afraid that my son who was the same age would find out.
I should of lived for me but, thinking how my son would of reacted had he found out I could not be torn between both.
Anyhow for those who have no issues with the gap go for it, live it.
I cherished and still do all the good loving he made me feel.

By: web admin Tue, 04 Apr 2017 17:09:06 +0000 That is a very interesting experience. I am curious–do you ever plan on being more than friends with him? It sounds like you have developed a bond that would make for a good relationship, if you ever chose to go that route. Thanks for commenting, Liz!

By: Liz Mon, 03 Apr 2017 21:28:54 +0000 I met a scorpio man a few years ago. He was a very unhappy client due to an err on my company’s behalf. nevertheless all was sorted but in the process he got my phone number. One day I received a call from him thanking me for assisting him and apologising for his outbursts etc. We spoke frequently thereafter and I was invited out to a football game with himself, 2 sons and friend. After that I was constantly called to go out with him, he showed and spoke about how much he cared and being interested in me. I always turned him down because just the mentioned of his name many saw him as a big flirt etc. After awhile he got angry and upset with me claiming I was playing hard to get and having someone in my life (far from the truth). He didn’t call for a very long time. Eventually He did as if nothing happened and we were off to those weekend soccer matches. We eventually build a friendship bond and we were both able to have some trust between us. His sons who were young adults once said to me “of all the women friends they have seen their dad around I am the one he trust the most” It was a lovely compliment indeed. I would not lie I did have feelings for him but I never allowed it to go beyond friendship because I didn’t want to be counted as one of his many flings. He trusted me with his family and many times we would all have dinner together be it cooking in or eating out. Being protective? … that he was of both his sons and me anytime someone would say something in the negative. As for the emotional side, yes I have seen it too and I have seen his hurt as well. When he lost his job (executive position) He became as a baby though he fought hard to cover up his emotions. The many friends he had never came to him in his time of need but as a true scorpio he rose to fight another day. I even watched his raw emotions when one of his sons died – but I stood by his side as a true friend. Before they departed my country I was given a gift on behalf of the entire family. It blew me away, simple but yet exquisite and still being the true scorpio he is he said if anytime I changed my mind He is right there waiting. So having read all the comments above…yes it’s true you can fall in love with a scorpio man but also true that you can become a faithful friend – the choice is ours.

By: web admin Thu, 23 Mar 2017 18:57:12 +0000 While there are generalities that are true for each sign, individuals are far more unique than their astrological symbols. If you and your partner are both quick to anger, one of the best things that you could both do is work on ways of controlling your anger and expressing criticism constructively. Even if you only say something in anger, it still has the potential to hurt your partner and cause lasting damage to the relationship. Communication is the key to having a healthy, long-lasting relationship.

By: Elisabeth Thu, 23 Mar 2017 16:25:40 +0000 Hey,
Is it true that relationships with Scorpios go through a lot of stages, generally speaking? (Break-ups, silent stages, then making up again)
Also, I am a Virgo and a Scorpio moon. So I tend to have a bad temper as well which is why I sometimes accidentally make my scorpio guy angry very quickly. Sometimes I struggle with this because yes Scorpios can sting and it hurts!
Also what would be your #1 tip in keeping a Scorpio male interested? Or to keep things exciting.

Thanks for writing this, this has helped me a lot! You have described the Scorpio male perfectly. 🙂

By: Iris Tue, 21 Mar 2017 09:07:05 +0000 Tanks so much for your quick response. I’ll just wait and see what happens indeed. Thank you!!

By: web admin Mon, 20 Mar 2017 23:24:43 +0000 You did not make a mistake. He was concerned about you cheating on him and you shared those same concerns. He may have felt that you did not trust him, but he had not been trusting you. His reaction may also have been an admittance of guilty thoughts. You may want to allow him to fade from your life at this time. If a relationship between the two of you redevelops in the future, then allow it to happen at that time. For now, focus on yourself and your own life. Have a great day, Iris!

By: Iris Mon, 20 Mar 2017 19:26:39 +0000 Thank you so much for this article. I have a question.. So I’m seeing this Scorpio guy for about 4 months now. Everything has been great, he lives a couple of hours driving away, so we talk a lot on the phone. We could talk for hours and hours. The sexual intimacy is also great. He’s only 3 years older than I am. (I’m in my 20s). He’s a typical scorpio: moody, possessive, jealous, but also very loving, charming, and sweet. A few times he even talked about our future ahead. At first he didn’t trust me at all, (he would get suspicious of me seeing other guys), so he brought every little thing up, and got so angry over it. But now I got angry at him for once, because I saw a girl commenting on one of his Facebook photos. He got SO angry over this, that he said this was the end of us, and he doesn’t want to talk to me. Later he admitted he was so upset because he was hurt that I didn’t trust him. So I apologized for it but he was still angry. Now we haven’t really talked. What should I do?! Did I make a big mistake?

By: web admin Sun, 26 Feb 2017 22:30:31 +0000 Thank you for sharing your experience and insights. It is great to see that our readers are sharing their stories. Please feel free to share more of your thoughts in the future. Have a great day, M!
