Selena Gomez Diet and Workout
Since making her TV debut in 2002, twenty one year old Selena Marie Gomez has broken into the film industry, played the lead role in Disney Channel’s Wizards of Waverly Place, and is fast becoming a pop princess. Already she’s starred in eighteen movies and twelve TV shows, despite her young age. With all her achievements so far, the young star is likely to become one of the big names in both film, TV, and music over the next few years. Selena Gomez was thrust into the spotlight when in February 2011 months of rumours were confirmed when she was found to be dating Justin Bieber, a relationship which has since ended however rocketed her to stardom.
So it’s obvious that Selena Gomez is much loved for a number of reasons. Whether you love her for her musical attributes, her movie roles, or her time as a Disney Channel star, there’s no denying that she’s something of a beauty however. She’s pretty, she’s slim, and somehow she manages to stay looking fabulous despite a full time music and acting career. She’s even been rated the seventy fifth sexiest woman in the world by FHM! The question is, how does she do it? Well, once again I’ve been doing my research and I’ve managed to find some info on Selena Gomez’s diet and workout routine, the secrets to how she stays looking so great. Here goes…
Selena Gomez’s Diet
Okay, so I said I’d discovered the secret to how she stays looking so great but I’ll admit I may have lied a little bit, or at least found out the secret is nothing to do with what she eats. Selena Gomez is a massive fan of junk food. She eats Snickers, M&M’s, Kit-Kat bars, and Goobers much more often than is healthy and hardly ever even looks at the healthy alternatives. In fact, the young star was hospitalised back in 2012 due to food poising and exhaustion, something that likely wouldn’t have happened if she’d been eating right. At the time, Selena Gomez admitted that while she always ate plenty, even she knew she wasn’t eating right, her sweet tooth just got the better of her.
Selena Gomez’s Diet Advice
After her stay in hospital, MTV News’ nutritionist, Lisa C. Cohn of Park Avenue Nutrition advised Selena Gomez of various ways to improve her diet to avoid a repeat occurrence. The star was advised that she replaces her love of sweets with various energy boosting foods such as berries, chick peas, fresh cilantro, and lentils. Things like bananas and peanut butter are also a good alternative to her love of candy seeing as they’ll fill her up and keep her feeling full but they’re not full of so much sugar and fat. In reference to Selena Gomez’s love of junk food, the advice was simply steer clear. She needs to stay away from things containing processed fats such as trans fat. Junk food is full of all these things and will drain her energy, making her feel like she wants to eat more so it’s a never ending cycle. When she visited hospital, it was found that Selena Gomez’s iron levels were low, something which can cause anaemia, so to give them a boost it was advised that she should try and eat more things like turkey, eggs, lentils, and soya beans as they’re all naturally high in iron. Selena Gomez was also advised that she should consider switching to dairy free foods and using alternatives such as soy or almond milk as studies show these are better for breathing, digestion and (the top tip for a pop-star) the voice.
It may all sound quite strict however the young star was told she didn’t have to banish junk food entirely. She was advised to follow the eighty-twenty rule which means that eighty percent of the time she should eat healthy, unprocessed, and whole foods while the other twenty percent of the time she’s allowed to splurge and eat all her favourite foods such as junk food and candy. This should help her stay in control of her cravings while eating her way to a healthier body all around.
Selena Gomez’s Workout Routines
Seeing as the young star is constantly on camera be it for a movie or being filmed at a concert, she needs to stay looking lean and healthy. To do this, Selena Gomez loves to dance. She follows the ballet-inspired dance class from the studio Pop Physique which is in Silver Lake, California. The workout is a mix of Pilates, ballet and some light weight work, mixed with various core shaping stretches and a series of strengthening isometrics. The workout targets her entire body and keeps her fit and lean so she can tackle any upcoming show or performance while looking and feeling great.