100 Trendy Shoe Store Names
Starting a shoe store is a fun, challenging experience. From finding the perfect location to choosing a trendy shoe store name, there are a number of factors that you have to account for. If you want to get shoppers to come to your store, you have to think of a name that attracts them to the shop. We have compiled a list of 100 trendy shoe store names to get you started.
1. The Shoe Shoe Train: Obviously, this is a play on the phrase, “Choo-Choo Train.” This name would probably work best for a kids’ shoe shop.
2. Shiny Shoes: Alliteration can make your shoe store name more memorable.
3. Spirit Shoes: This is another example of how alliteration can make your shoe store name easy to remember.
4. Foot & Feet: This is an extremely cute hoe store name.
5. Fashion Feet: If you cater to fashionable shoes, then this may be a good name choice.
6. A Pied: This is a good way to signify that you have high-end shoes. People tend to associated French names with quality, whether that is really true or not.
7. Soled Out Shoes: We love the play on words with the term “soul” and “sole.”
8. The Walking: To me, this name sounds a lot like horror movie names like the Shining.
9. 1-2-Shoe: If you wanted something simple and easy to remember, this is a great option to go with.
10. Chic Feet: Simple and to the point!
11. Shoeholic: Use this name if you cater to people who have a shoe addiction. If you want people to fall in love with your shop and be the go-to shoe stores, this name is a good option to choose.
12. Happy Heels: This manages to use alliteration while sounding a lot like the title of the movie Happy Feet.
13. Freedom Footwear: If you specialize in American-made shoes, choose this option.
14. Shoe Surfer: This is a good shoe store name if your shop is near the ocean or another body of water.
15. Just Shoes & More: If you can’t figure out another name to choose, this one could work for you.
16. Shoematic: This is a cute option.
17. Antonio’s Italian Men’s Loafers: Obviously, you can change the person’s name as well as the type of shoe in this name so that it really matches the character of your shop.
18. Shoeniverse: While your customers may have a hard time spelling this name, it will certainly be easy for them to remember.
19. Shoe Garden: There are so many interior decorating options that you can use if you pick this name. You could literally make a garden of shoes.
20. All Soles: With this name, you could have an annual sales on All Soul’s day.
21. Tippy-Toes Shoe Store: This sounds like the name of a children’s shoe shop, so it is a great choice if you specialize in children’s shoes.
22. Elite Feet: Easy, and to the point.
23. Rapid Rubber Shoe Store: Rubber is a main component in many shoes, so it makes sense as a shoe name.
24. Spice Sole: If your shoe shop has a bit of flavor and variety, go with this name.
25. Perfect Pair: This shoe store name wins because of its alliteration and it is adorable.
26. Walkabout Shoes: We love this shoe store name.
27. American Shoe Store: If you cannot think of another name or you specialize in American-made shoes, this is a good option to go with.
28. We Laced It: Obviously, this is a play on the phrase, “We aced it.”
29. Pair-a-Feet: You could also modify this one by turning it into Pair-a-Shoes, Pair-a-Sandals or something else.
30. All-American Tennis Shoes: Again, this is an excellent option if you specialize in shoes made in the United States.
31. Laced-Up Shoes: We think that this name is adorable.
32. Tiny Toes for Tots: If you primarily carry shoes for children, you have to choose a name that really illustrates your clientele. We think that this shoe store name is perfect for that purpose.
33. Sole Mates: There are so many different word plays that you can do with the words “soul” and “sole.”
34. Spectrum Shoe Store: While it does not show the type of shoes that you sell, it still works.
35. Heel2Toe: This is a cute name.
36. All About Feet: If you have more than just shoes, this is a great name. Selling socks and add-on products can help you boost your bottom line.
37. Push Air Shoes: It sounds cute, but the name doesn’t really make sense.
39. We Heart Shoes: This shoe name would be very easy to turn into an amazing logo.
40. Toasty Toes: This shoe name wins bonus points for having alliteration.
41. Hot Heels Boutique: Obviously, this is a play on the hot wheels cars, but it is also a cute shoe store name.
42. Walking on Air: If your shoes are so comfortable that it feels like people are walking on air, then this is the perfect choice for your shop.
43. Oxfords of Boston: You can obviously change the location or the type of shoe to suit your shop more exactly.
44. Shoe Daisy: This is another name that can easily be transformed into a great logo or image for your company.
45. Two Toes Store: Hopefully, you cater to people with more than just two toes.
46. The Shoebox: The Shoebox is an adorable, simple and trendy name to go with.
47. The Running Store: If you primarily sell running or athletic shoes, this is a great way to show your customers that fact.
48. Shoe Wonder: We think that this name is cute.
49. Rapid Footwear: For a quick stop and shop, go with this name.
50. Kickass Kicks: You will obviously turn off some customers by the more adult language in this shoe store name.
51. Shoe Me: This is an adorable shoe store name that also happens to be easy to remember.
52. Star Shoe: Some of the best shoe store names on this list are the ones that use alliteration so that your customers can easily remember the store’s name.
53. The Foot’s: If you want something simple and straightforward, this is a great option to go with.
54. The Racer’s Edge: The Racer’s Edge is a great option to choose if you specialize in some type of athletic shoes, especially running or track shoes.
55. Well-Laced: We think that this play on words is adorable.
56. Tip Top Shoes: Choose this trendy shoe store name if your shoes are tip top.
57. These Boots Were Made for Walking: It might be too adorable for some shoe shops, but it does make the store seem hipper and trendier.
58. Incredible Feet: If you can’t think of another shoe store name, this one would be a good second choice.
59. Shoe Master: There are many décor and uniform ideas that you could have that would go well with this name.
60. Fitbit Shoe Store: You should really check the copyright laws before you use this shoe store name.
61. Shoe Dunk Store: If you specialize in athletic shoes or basketball shoes, this is a great option to go with.
62. Shoe Surprise: Who doesn’t love a surprising shoe find when they are shopping?
63. Shoelettos: This is an obvious play on the word stilettos.
64. Up the Heel: I am not sure which phrase this is a play on, but it sounds good.
65. Adore Footwear: You could also change this to J’Adore if you want it to have a chic, French description.
66. Shoe Space: This sounds like a warehouse full of your favorite shoes.
67. We’ve Got Sole!: Again, it is very easy to find a play on words when it comes to soles.
68. First Step Shoes: This would be a wonderful shoe store name for a store that caters to children, toddlers and infants.
69. Twinkle Little Toes: If you did not like the last option for children, this would be another great option.
70. 1-Shoe-3: This is an adorable shoe store name.
71. The Shoe Rack: The Shoe Rack sounds like it is the name of a budget or discount shoe store.
72. Optifeets: If you are trying to optimize footwear, this is a great name to go with.
73. Four Seasons Shoe Store: This is a good shoe store name if your shoes are designed for every season.
74. Happy Feets: If you want to get children to shop at your store, this is a great name to go with.
75. Twinkle Toes: Twinkle Little Toes was a cute name, but this one is shorter so that you really hear and remember the alliteration in it.
76. The Kick: Easy and to the point.
77. Hopscotch Shoe Store: This sounds like another shoe store name for a shop that specializes in children’s shoes.
78. Shoe String: Budgeting on a shoe string means you have a limited budget, so only use this name if your store has fairly cheap prices.
79. Sun n’ Shade Sandals: This is a perfect name for a shoe store that is next to the beach.
80. Elite Runner: Obviously, this name works best if you carry a lot of running or jogging shoes.
81. The Shoe Factory: After enjoying a meal at the Spaghetti Factory, your customers can round out their shopping trip at the Shoe Factory as well.
82. On Air Shoes: It might be simple, but it is a fairly cute option.
83. Heel to Toe: This shows that you specialize in everything heel to toe.
84. Untied Shoes: If your customers are not paying attention, they may think that this says United Shoes instead.
85. Off the Court Athletic Footwear: This is a great name for shops that sell athletic shoes.
86. Hearty Shoes: It might not be very descriptive, but it is cute.
87. Feet Zip: This sounds like a budget shop or a shop that sells children’s shoes .
88. Men’s Loafer: If you sell primarily men’s shoes, this is a good name to go with.
89. Sun & Shade Shoes: The alliteration is really what makes this name great.
90. Fresh Footwear: While it wins points for alliteration, it isn’t as creative as some of the other names on this list.
91. Shoe Fly: If your shoes are fly, then shoe fly sounds like a perfect name. It is both cute and easy to remember.
92. Sunnyside Shoes: When you cannot think of any other name for your shoe store, you can always use the name of your city or town to create a unique name. If you have a cute or pretty name, you could also use your own first name in the storefront.
93. Oh Pair!: This is adorable.
94. The Comfort Zone: This is a great name if your shop specializes in comfortable shoes that people need for working or walking.
95. Skip to My Lou Shoe Store: After leaving your shoe shop, people will feel like skipping with the great shoes and amazing deals they get.
96. Footcandy Shoes: Obviously, this is a play on the term eye-candy.
97. Beach Feet Flip Flops: If you have a shoe store that is placed near the ocean, you can always use beach or water-related words in the title of your shoe store.
98. Flip Flop Feet: Hopefully, you sell more than just flip flops, or you may find that winter sales drop drastically every year.
99. Hip Hop Flip Flops : If you are buy the beach and want an easy to remember name that is fairly trendy, go with this hip name.
100. Just for Kicks: This is a great name for a kids’ shoe store since it sounds like the name is saying “just for kids.”
The right shoe store name forms a connection with your ideal customer. If you are selling women’s shoes, you obviously won’t want a name that sounds like it caters to children. You have to think of your ideal customer and the types of shoes that you sell. Your shoe store name is the first impression that your customers will have, so make it a good one.