Comments on: Should I Break Up With My Boyfriend? Sun, 10 Apr 2016 19:43:48 +0000 hourly 1 By: web admin Mon, 28 Mar 2016 16:22:49 +0000 Hello! :)

By: codytylor Mon, 28 Mar 2016 15:44:14 +0000 hi

By: web admin Sun, 21 Feb 2016 19:12:44 +0000 That sounds like good advice. Personally, I feel like an in-person break up is always the way to go. It might be more stressful for you, but it is a sign of respect. Someone that was worth dating at one point in time is worth the time it takes to break up in person. Thanks for commenting, Rachel!

By: web admin Sun, 21 Feb 2016 05:39:52 +0000 If the problem is that you do not talk, why don’t you try initiating a conversation? He is your boyfriend after all, so it seems safe to assume that he would like to talk to you. If he does not respond when you talk to him or when you discuss having more communication together, then perhaps he is planning on breaking up with you and is just too afraid to do it. I would start with just trying to talk to him more and get the communication line to open up between you guys again. Good luck, Lily!

By: Rachel Fri, 19 Feb 2016 01:40:42 +0000 If I was you I would just speak to him not by text by face to face and just say how you feel, don’t mention anything about breaking up just say you don’t feel like it’s working. Hope it helps

By: lily Thu, 18 Feb 2016 05:58:02 +0000 So I’ve been dating my boyfriend for 2 months now and we mostly never talk and I’ve thought about breaking up with him but I really don’t want to because I love him with all of my heart but I don’t think he feels the same way at school he always ignores me and I don’t want to break up with him but I don’t think our relationship is working out what should I do? please help.
