Comments on: Should I Text Him? Sun, 10 Jul 2016 23:42:28 +0000 hourly 1 By: web admin Sun, 10 Jul 2016 23:39:50 +0000 It is my advice that you never purposefully not speak with someone because you want them to make the first move. It is disrespectful to the person that you are seeking a relationship with. If your sister’s run their relationships that way and you want to do the same, then do so. This all said, I would minimize the development of relationships based on social fling apps. Meet someone in person and develop relationships with people who live within daily driving distance. There s no reason to limit yourself to someone who lives an hour away and does not communicate with you the way that you want to. Text this person if you want to speak with him, or if you plan on not continuing your relationship, then be respectful and tell him your feelings directly.

By: Paige Sun, 10 Jul 2016 12:43:10 +0000 " and he responded with: "Haha sorry, how are you?" I need all the advice I can get as I'm relatively new at dating someone new. (Also he is 24 and I'm 20 if that makes a difference)]]> I met this guy on Tinder a little over a week ago and we seem to hit it off, the next day he asked me for my snap and number because he always forgets to check his messages on there so I did and he sent me a snap right after and then we started texting. Ever since then though I’ve had to initiate the conversation. We are planning to meet up Friday (he lives a little over an hour away) but after I said “can’t wait” I haven’t heard from him since then (Friday night). He said that he wished we could hang out last night but my daughter (8 months old) wasn’t with her dad until this coming weekend so he told me he understood and just let him know when she is with him and he wouldn’t forget. So that is why we made plans for this Friday. Now, both of my sisters and my friends have told me not to text him again, wait until he texts me and if he doesn’t just cut my loses because he obviously isn’t interested. But I like him and I want to text him but because I’ve had to text or snap him first to talk to him I can’t help but feel annoying, clingy, desperate, etc. even though he hasn’t made me feel that way in any other area besides never initiating the conversation. I ended up going out last night with my friends as her father asked earlier that day if he could take her for a few hours and I agreed, wanting to tell this guy I would be available after all but my sisters demanded I continue ignoring him. So I did. I ended up posting on my snap story me with my friends at the beach and mall and later that night I saw that he viewed them. I wanted to text him and tell him I didn’t lie to him and everything but I still also kind of wanted to wait for him to text me, show some initiative. But nothing. Should I continue to initiate the conversation until our date Friday or do I continue to not text him for another day or so and see if he texts me? I honestly think he’s interested but because he never texts me I am starting to have my doubts. I even brought it up to him as a conversation started as a little joke: “so.. Am I always going to have to initiate the conversations with your or what? 😜” and he responded with: “Haha sorry, how are you?” I need all the advice I can get as I’m relatively new at dating someone new. (Also he is 24 and I’m 20 if that makes a difference)

By: web admin Sat, 09 Jul 2016 20:04:04 +0000 If you are thinking about leaving him alone, then it would be probably best to do so. But if you do want to nurture a relationship with him, then there is no reason for you to not speak with him about your feelings. If he shares those feelings, then you know that you can cultivate your relationship. Enjoy life and take risks!

By: katherine Fri, 08 Jul 2016 07:31:13 +0000 I feel you I want to mdg this guy but ive done it before and he never replied so I’m thinking of just leaving him alone ..

By: web admin Thu, 07 Jul 2016 06:04:19 +0000 Speak with him directly and honestly about your hopes and desires for your relationship. If he reciprocates your feelings, then cultivate your relationship from there. If he does not feel the same, then there is no reason for you to concern yourself with him anymore. And if he hates and disrespects you, which is highly doubtful, then you know that you should stay away from him as he is not a person that anyone should be around.

By: Rachel Wed, 06 Jul 2016 23:21:45 +0000 Hello there. I really need your help. I am in love with some guy. He is 3 years older than me and i really like him. I’ve been told that he was in love with me too. That happened i think about 7 months ago. Whenever i go out i always see him but i dont say hi or anything,cause i am really afraid. I can’t even look at him ,cause the friend who told me about him,she actually was making fun of me ,bothering me just be cause he was in love with me. I thought it was a joke,i’ m not really sure,but i started to really like him. I sent him a friend request on facebook,but he doesn’t response. I’m thinking to text him but i really don’t know. I’m afraid that he will hate and disrespect me… Pls help me

By: web admin Thu, 16 Jun 2016 00:00:36 +0000 Your relationship certainly has a lot more than can be shared on this post alone, that said, it seems like he is currently in need of some personal time to look into himself. At this time, don’t text him and just see him when you next naturally see him. Then, speak to him in person about where you need the relationship to head. If he explains that he still doesn’t want the relationship to move into something more serious, then understand that is the nature of the relationship that you two originally agreed to. Keep working though, it seems like you both are nurturing a relationship that were after the end of serious relationships. Some people take longer than others to welcome others into their hearts again.

By: gg Tue, 14 Jun 2016 18:14:27 +0000 So I’m 44 yrs old(he is a couple yrs older than I), have been w/the same bf since high school although we have not “been together” or even under the same roof for the past 4+yrs, he is the father to my 2 adult children.
Recently (4mths ago) I was approached by a family friend, we text for a mth or so and eventually ended up “hooking up.” We have seen eachother for the past 3 mths at least once a week sometimes more. He recently (in the last 6mth) had the hearing and his divorce of a 25 yr marriage, was final. He has repeatedly told me he will never marry again and isn’t looking for a “girlfriend” but that I am the closest to one he has or wants. We both agreed in the beginning, while we are seeing each other that there is to be no others. I have from the beginning wanted to keep this quiet/secret, which we have. We don’t do anything together in public because of my wish to keep it quiet. I just don’t feel that it’s appropriate for his (grown but still live w/him) sons to see me as “dad’s whatever” they have known me for several years and I just don’t want any ill feelings about me to any of his family. I’ll be the 1st to admit, I always worry that people will think poorly or badly of me and I just don’t want that.
in the past 3 mths, everytime (2 different times now) we start to get “too close” he gives me the “my life is a mess I need a break.” He told me after the first “break” that he has let me in too far and he is getting attached and isn’t ready for that. So after a couple weeks, we seen each other again and all was good, I kept all my feelings to myself, in fear of scaring him off but again, we are…on a break because he is “aggravated with life.” The 1st break I still text him, I still let him know that I think he is absolutely perfect but this break, I am not texting him (which has only been yesterday & today so far). His mother & I are close, his family loves me & his 2 grown sons like me but none of them other than his mother has any idea we have been seeing eachother (he doesn’t know that his mother even) his father loved me (who I took care of til his last day).
I’ve text him, putting it all out there, letting him know that he is breaking my heart, that I would do anything in my ability to make his days better, that I’m willing to help or listen and that when he got his life on track I’d be waiting for him. Anytime I send him a serious talk text he he always replies “shut up & take a nap”in a joking manner but that’s just him, always playing around.
Idk if not texting him is the right route to take or should I continue to text and do for him as I’ve been doing? He does not like when I don’t text him but with him needing a “break” maybe he will appreciate the silence. Text or not text and just wait on him? I also clean his and his mother’s house so chances are I will see him for the 1st time in almost 3 weeks, at the end of this week. Not sure how to do all that either.

By: web admin Tue, 14 Jun 2016 00:47:28 +0000 If he has fallen out of love with you, then you can’t force him to love you again. That said, if he responds to you in a positive way, there is no reason not to try again. That said, try to text back as soon as you can out of respect for any partner you may have.

By: web admin Mon, 13 Jun 2016 23:47:33 +0000 Katelyn, thank you for sharing your story with me. At this time, you no longer are carrying a child and you are currently no in a relationship with him other than your previous relationship. My advice is to not text him or further communicate with him at this time. Currently he is in a fragile state and working on himself, and he is right to be focusing on his recovery. You are right to be wanting to find love and a relationship and you should continue to do so, but at this time it would be beneficial to him and to yourself to not message him at this time. If, in the future and after his full recovery, he decides to message you, then perhaps continue the relationship at that time. For now, either look inward or look for a different relationship.
