10 Shows Like Game of Thrones
If you love Game of Thrones, you are not alone. This television show has been a major hit because of its dark story lines, engaging plot and vivid characters. I originally fell in love with the series because of the books. They were the types of novels that you stayed awake until 4 AM just to finish reading. While most movies that are based on books end up being terrible, Game of Thrones was entirely different.
Part of it was the way they designed the show. There are far too many plot twists and plot lines involved for a movie. If they had made a movie instead of a television show, it would have been impossible to do the books justice. Instead, they were smart enough to turn it into television shows so that you could actually see the stories come to life. If you are into heart-wrenching plots, sudden deaths and a surprising amount of nudity, then this television show is great for you.
Interestingly, Game of Thrones holds the record for being the most pirated television show in history. To combat this problem, they started the sixth season out in 172 countries at the same time to prevent pirating. If you just finished binge watching it on Netflix though, you may be looking for your next option. If you need a new television show like Game of Thrones, we have a few ideas in store for you.
1. Sons of Anarchy
This television show stars Charlie Hunnam, which has made it a favorite among many fans. The entire series revolves around a band of motorcycle riders. This gang has a story line taken straight out of Hamlet and follows the tale of Jax Teller. Like the Game of Thrones, it has intense scenes of violence and nudity. Basically, you can imagine what you think about when you consider a motorcycle gang in real life and expect a heightened version of that on the film.
Sons of Anarchy has an impressively developed story line that manages to be dramatic while still keeping a touch of realism. (Spoiler alert) Normally, you would never expect a doctor to fall for a gang leader or a mother to connive a way of putting her daughter in jail. The amazing thing about Sons of Anarchy is not just that these story lines happen, but that you believe that they could happen. Best of all, you can stream all of Sons of Anarchy on Netflix, which is perfect for any binge watchers out there.
2. Vikings
If you look in any history book, you will see why the actual, real life Vikings are so similar to the Game of Thrones. The television show is just as good. It starts with the story of Ragnar Lothbrok. At the star of the tale, Ragnar is just a farmer, but he ends up becoming the king of Denmark. Over the story line, he terrorizes countries like England and France through his raiding. To help him out on this goal, he has a shipbuilder (Floki), a brother (Rollo) and his first wife (Lagertha).
I love this show because it is the perfect example of the anti-hero in literature. Normally, an anti-hero is someone that is the protagonist, but you hate them. You don’t want to like them, but you find yourself rooting for them anyway. When you watch Vikings, you quickly find yourself rooting for the bad guy from the last season and hating the good guys from before. The scriptwriters did an amazing job of making story lines that make these sudden changes seem believable—you often don’t realize that your views are even changing. Plus, Vikings is a great show for anyone who loves Scandinavian history in the middle ages.
3. The Tudors
While Game of Thrones is known (and sometimes hated) for its nudity and violence, the Tudors is generally not. These two television shows still have some things in common though. With the Tudors, you get a jam-packed plot with a fight for power and inside politics. While the historical features of the show are decidedly not accurate at times, it really doesn’t matter. The amazing drama and power plays in the Tudors makes it perfect for anyone who loves Game of Thrones.
4. Rome
Rome makes the list because gritty story line and great actors. Unfortunately, this television show only lasted for two seasons, so you only have 22 episodes to watch before it ends. While it might not have any sword fighting or major violence like Game of Thrones, it is definitely worth watching.
5. House of Cards
When it comes to political intrigue, few shows can beat House of Cards. This television show follows the back-stabbing power plays that it takes to reach the top. In the show, Kevin Spacey and Kate Mara play the main characters. Spacey’s character starts out as a politician with his sights set on the power of the presidency. We won’t go into what happens (it really is too good of a show to spoil), but the political drama is amazing.
Interestingly, House of Cards is one of the few American shows that is played in Iran. Apparently, the Iranian government wanted to use it to show what American democracy is really like. If you have watched the show for any amount of time at all, you will hope that the Iranians are wrong. This show has such dark twists and turns that you leave hoping that the government is only half as bad as it appears. If anything in the show were true, the Iranians may be right to worry about our democracy.
Worries aside, House of Cards really is a great show to watch. Since it was produced on Netflix, you can watch all of the episodes without any interruptions. This modern-day story has the same political intrigues and drama of Game of Thrones, so it is a great thing to add to your list of favorite shows.
6. Boardwalk Empire
During Prohibition, bootleggers illegally made, smuggled and sold alcohol. Boardwalk Empire centers around this time period filled with corruption, danger and violence. It follows the tale of Nicky Thompson, who happens to be a mobster and a politician. When the story starts out, his high-rolling lifestyle has brought the feds in to investigate his lifestyle and look for corruption. The series has excellent cinematography, amazing story lines and great actors.
7. Spartacus
If you love history, then you will love Spartacus. This television show is packed full of violence and drama. The intense action drives the plot line and includes gladiators. Plus, the story line includes many back-stabbing betrayals like the Game of Thrones. If you needed something to fill your weekend, you can watch the entire show on Netflix from the comfort of your home.
8. Black Sails
If you like Game of Thrones because of the violence and nudity, then Black Sails is the right choice for you. This is basically set up as a prequel to Treasure Island. It follows the tales of the infamous, violent pirate, Captain Flint. At the start of the story, Flint lives on an island that is home to the worst of society. Pirates, thieves and prostitutes make up the population of the island, and Captain Flint has to fight to remain on top. People tend to like the second and third season more than the first, so make sure to give this television show a fair shot before you check out something else.
9. The Bastard Executioner
There is one downside to the Bastard Executioner. Like many good shows, it only aired for a season before it was canceled. The good news is that the one season will be well worth the time spent watching it. The story line is set in about the year 1300 in Wales. It follows the tale of Wlikn Brattle. Brattle had just arrived home from war and was looking to live the rest of his life as peacefully as possible. Before long, he ends up becoming the executioner. You will get all of the gore, drama, violence and blood that you are used to with Game of Thrones.
10. The Last Kingdom
Last on our list is the Last Kingdom. The Last Kingdom was actually based on a book series known as the Saxon Stories. These stories were based in England during the 900s when the Viking raids were reaching a peak. In the story, viewers follow the tale of Uhtred. Uhtred is an orphan who was born in Northumbria, but must ultimately choose between the people he grew up with and the native land that he is actually from.
This is not a good show to watch with children because there is a lot of stabbing, fighting, eye gouging and beheading. If you like battles and raw action, then this is the show for you. It airs on the BBC though, so you may have to do a bit of searching before you can find a place to stream it online.