Comments on: 12 Signs a Guy is Flirting with You Wed, 26 Oct 2016 21:00:18 +0000 hourly 1 By: web admin Wed, 26 Oct 2016 20:38:31 +0000 You may find that you like multiple people and multiple people like you. What is most beneficial in these situations is to develop a friendship with any people, but don’t date any. Allow yourself to get to know everyone’s personality, hobbies, and interests. From there, you can determine who you would like to go out with. Explain to them what your goal is, and if they can not accept your style of getting to know people, then perhaps it would be wise to look elsewhere. Best of luck in determining who is the lucky person, Jules!

By: Jules Tue, 25 Oct 2016 00:28:55 +0000 enoji. Later on I gave him my number on Instagram and he texted me as fast as possible. We texted for about three hours straight before he had to end it. But the coincidence was that it was the same exact day he found out I like his friend. What should I do?]]> So I somewhat like two guys(I’m split) but while I was at a small party with friends he randomly dmed me on Instagram. I was really confused and asked why and he said I was the first person on his notifications list adding it with a 😂 enoji. Later on I gave him my number on Instagram and he texted me as fast as possible. We texted for about three hours straight before he had to end it. But the coincidence was that it was the same exact day he found out I like his friend. What should I do?
