10 Signs a Guy Likes You But is Trying Not to Show it
So, you want to find out if a guy likes you even though he might be hiding it? Well, you’ve come to the right place! For some reason, guys try not to show it when they like a girl. I think they think it makes them seem less manly, even though that’s not the case at all.
Guys can try all they want to hide the fact that they like us. But one thing that we know and they probably don’t is this: body language can tell you a lot more about a person’s feelings than they ever will.
Understanding a guy’s body language is the first step to determining if he likes you but is trying not to show it. Here are some subtle signs that he’s really into you even if he’s hiding it.
- He’s Always Around, but Just Out of Reach
If he seems to show up just about everywhere you are – even if it’s just to run a quick errand – he likes you but might not want you to know. When a guy always finds a way to just SEE you, he likes you. But by keeping his distance he’s able to see you and get the joy out of it without letting you in on the fact that he might actually like you.
- He Seems to Know Everything About You
If he remembers your birthday, the fact that you hate pineapple on your pizza, and that your favorite snack is chocolate covered raisins, then he definitely likes you. When a guy goes through that much trouble to remember all of those important things about you, he isn’t just looking at you as a friend. But since he’s keeping his knowledge subtle and only bringing it up when the opportunity arises, he’s trying to keep his feelings for you on the down low.
- He Keeps Himself and His Place Clean for You
If you’ve happened to notice that whenever you know you’ll be around him he seems to be clean shaved, freshly showered, and smells amazing, he’s into you. Another way to tell if a guy like you but is trying not to show it is if you’ve ever been to his house and it’s really, really clean and his room especially is extra tidy. Guys aren’t naturally really clean people. If he’s making an effort to be clean, he’s showing that he likes you by trying to impress you – even if he’s not saying he likes you.
- He Gives You Very Small, but Great Gifts
By small, I mean nothing that you would feel the need to repay in anyway. So no jewelry, clothes, or the likes. If he goes bring you your favorite smoothie, candy, or even a book he thinks you might like, then he likes you. He’s being subtle enough to make you think he’s just being a nice friend, but these actions from a guy means that he wants so much more from you. Gifts are not something that anyone really gives another person without having more than “just friends” feelings for them.
- He Calls Other Girls, “My Friend…”
If you two are having a conversation and he’s talking about other girls and mentions them by name and he almost always says, “my friend…,” before their name, he likes you but is trying to hide it. If he didn’t like you, there should be no reason for him clarifying that the girls he’s mentioning are just friends. He’s subtly pointing out the fact that he’s NOT interested in any of them. Meaning he’s got eyes for someone else. And I bet that would be you.
- He’s Always Looking at You
When you’re walking around a party, get together, or even at school and you somehow always seem to catch his eye, he’s been looking at you. When a guy spends that much of his time looking at you it’s because he likes you. Staring at someone from across the room is an age-old telltale sign that he likes you and is trying not to show it. Another key signal is if he immediately averts his gaze and pretends like he wasn’t looking. This for SURE means he likes you and really doesn’t want you to know.
- He Wards off His Friends
If you’re talking to him and he mentions that you should steer clear of any (or all) of his friends because of some reason or another, it’s his subtle way of keeping you off the market so he has a chance when he’s finally ready to show you that he likes you. He also might make you stay away from his friends because they know he likes you and he doesn’t want you knowing.
- He Almost Always Agrees with You
When someone agrees with almost everything you say it’s because they like you. If you’ve also noticed that you seem to get your way around him more or he says one thing and then says the opposite because you speak up, he likes you and is trying to hide it.
- He’s Wishy-Washy
People that are trying to hide their feelings sometimes don’t know they’re showing it. But as soon as he notices that he’s being too nice to you or making it apparent that he’s into you, he might pull back and actually be mean or withdrawn. So if you’ve noticed that a guy is being really wishy-washy with the way he talks to you and the way he treats you, it could be because he likes you but doesn’t want you to know.
- He Asks Intimate Details about You
By intimate details I’m talking about personal information on your family, hobbies, and likes/dislikes. If someone just wants to be your friend they’re not concerned about finding out that information right away. If he likes you, he’s digging and finding it for himself.
When you want to know if a guy likes you but is trying not to show it, these 10 signs are a perfect place to start. Do you have any more signs that you’ve noticed before?
January 25, 2019 at 3:40 am
there’s this guy that i’ve met since 2015. we liked each other until the end of 2016 and drifted. now that we’re in the same class again (2019), things are lowkey a little awkward but sometimes he takes quick glances at me but i feel like he’s saying a lot of things with those eye contacts we make? he came up to me once and started talking about something we used to talk about in 2016, and he was stuttering a little bit. he hasn’t texted me online because I know he doesn’t want to come off as needy (the last time we drifted because of that) so what should I do to confirm that he likes me?
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January 26, 2019 at 12:36 am
His behaviors may be indications that he is interested in developing a relationship. It is possible that he is shy or uncertain of his feelings. Determine what you want for the future of this relationship. Speak with him about your thoughts and feelings. Nourish this relationship by spending additional time with him in person. Have a great day, Jam!
January 22, 2019 at 2:50 am
There this guy he is in a team with me and i have caught him staring at me at times. He has once send me a written cute letter out of no where and he pretends to like things that i do. His friends also sometimes tease him when he is around me but he has never opened up whether he likes me or not . My guy bestie says he does really like u
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January 22, 2019 at 5:25 pm
It seems as though there is reason to believe that this person likes you. Your guy best friend has even noticed those feelings. Take this time to determine what you want for your future. Decide what you believe is appropriate for the future. Speak with this person about your thoughts and feelings, and give him an opportunity to share himself with you as well. Have a great day, Ketki!
January 16, 2019 at 11:16 pm
There is this guy at my work. I noticed that he will stand there for a few minutes and stare at me. I enjoy the attention and stare back. This ended up turning into a staring game. One time he stared at me he even stood there smiling. Another time twice, we almost kissed.
We have never spoken about it but when he does flirt verbally we have good banter and we tease each other.
The confusing part is that I try to get closer but he pulls back. I tried to get him to have lunch with me at work but he says he is always busy. He is a manager and can see how much he has got on during the days It’s so confusing because even after this. I will still catch him staring and he throws banter back at me when I tease him so I know he is not purposely ignoring me.
Not sure what to make of it. He mainly flirts more when we are alone. Next time he does that I want to confront him about his behaviour or ask what is up.
Intrigued by how he acts around me because if he is attracted to me the feeling is definitely mutual. There is this energy between us and I know he feels it too. It would explain the staring.
Is it chemistry? Not sure what to make of it.
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January 17, 2019 at 10:32 pm
His behaviors are indications that he is interested in developing a relationship with you. It is possible that he is concerned about his professional relationship. There may be other reasons for his behaviors. Determine what you want for the future of this relationship. Decide what you believe is appropriate. Speak with him about your thoughts and feelings. Give him an opportunity to share himself with you as well. Have a great day, Zoe!
December 16, 2018 at 9:30 pm
Hey! I met this one boy at a Thanksgiving party, and we’ve been texting ever since. We always joke around a lot, and he mentions my name a lot along with some inside jokes. Also, I have this weird self-depreciating type of humor, where I joke around about how I’m bad at this or how I’m not smart. But he always replies with “you’re a genius” or
You’ll ace this test” or something like that. He also says sorry whenever he has to go, and will say “I’ll definitely talk tomorrow” People have also told me that he likes me, but its only one person. His friends also requested to follow me, even though I don’t know him. He also asks me how my day was, my plans for tomorrow, and where I’m going for Winter Break. I feel like he likes me, but I’m not really sure. Could you help me? Thanks!
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December 16, 2018 at 10:16 pm
He treats you with respect and wants you to treat yourself with that same respect. His behaviors are indications that he feels a strong emotional connection with you. It is likely that he wants to nourish a romantic relationship with you. Determine what you want for the future of this relationship. Speak with him about your thoughts and feelings. Nourish your relationship by spending additional time with him in person. Have a great day, Sophia!
October 19, 2018 at 1:03 am
We never talk, never speak, dont text and dont have each other on social media plat forms. He’s in my class… We always stare at eachother for a quick second then look away, always intense between us, he may be trying to get my attention. But were both pretending to not have feelings for each other…. Well at least that’s what i think this is. He tries to sit next to me sometimes but his mates always seem to interupt. Although he talk to a lot of other girls, apparently he’s mean to many of them… But he’s never disrespected me not even once… And he’s defended me in multiple occasions. I feel safe around him. What does this mean?!! Is there any attraction or feelings between us? If so what should i do?
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October 20, 2018 at 12:17 pm
The two of you may share a strong social connection. It is possible that he is interested in nourishing a relationship with you. You likely feel secure with him. Determine what you want for the future of this relationship. Speak with him about your thoughts and feelings. Give him an opportunity to share himself with you as well. Have a great day, Olivia!
November 5, 2018 at 5:22 pm
Take the initiative and start a conversation. This can be done in a number of ways e.g., ask his opinion on topic with class. Use your imagination and think of way to get the ball rolling.
web admin
November 5, 2018 at 9:42 pm
Thank you for sharing your supportive comment. You are right, it is always beneficial to speak with the people who we want to nourish relationships with. Have a great day, TG!
October 19, 2018 at 12:53 am
So there’s this guy in my class, we haven’t talked to each other because i think were too scared to. Its like we both try not to show our feelings for each other… But i feel like there are some stuff that he does that show he may be trying to get my attention. But I just cant bring myself to reach up to him and talk, i get nervous. He hangs out with a lot of people, so I never feel like i have the chance to approach him peacefully. When id be sitting alone sometimes to get work done, he would come sit near me…but then his mates would tell him to come sit with them. I just want to know if he has any feelings for me or attraction. We always stare at each other… And quickly look away, the tension is so intense. But he talks to so many other girl…EXCEPT me. He also makes fun of other girls, but he’s defended me multiple times… And some girls find that surprising. On social media, we don’t have each other, i don’t have him because im trying to pretend there’s nothing between us, and I feel like he may be doing the same thing…..WHAT DO I DO?! Is this all in my head or is there POSSIBLY something more?
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October 20, 2018 at 12:15 pm
It is possible that there is a future to this relationship. However, your lack of action may cause him to feel confused or uncertain about your feelings. The two of you have not spoken, so he may not have any idea that you have feelings for him. Determine what you want for the future of this relationship. Your relationship may be strengthened by attempting to spend additional time with him in person. Have a great day, Ally!
October 16, 2018 at 3:22 pm
I have a crush on him for the past 6 years but he only knew me this year .2018 is a bad year for him because he broke up with his long-time girlfriend after 2 years of relationship. We text and talk over phone .after 1 and half months texting and talking I said everything to him that I have crush on him but he rejected me because he still love his ex .We communicate but not exactly same as before. Then after 20-25days later one day he call me we talk that day for 5 hours or 6 hours.after that we are in good term again .but one day he said that he would go and ask his ex if she want their relationship to give another chance I was broke down but I keep supporting him because I know he really love her.when he asked her ex he broke down because his ex is with other man .That day I text him asking it works or not he replý me back it didn’t work I fell bad for him I tried to console him but he said that STOP TEMPTING ME then I was angry and reply him back saying as you wish .Next day he said sorry for the past day .Again we both talk and texted like everyday but one day suddenly he asked me to give up on him he said that I m a good person and I deserve much better than him he said that he wanna become a playboy and he didn’t want to play to me .Again after 5 days we are in good term but one day he accept me saying that he want a relationship with me .We talk texted each other and nothing happen but after 2 days he texted me that he really like me but he is not ready for any relationship he think that he can’t handle relationship anymore for what his ex do .he reply him only with a smiley emoji .I was broke down and cried for everyday stalking his social media .
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October 18, 2018 at 9:40 pm
You should allow thoughts of him to fade. He is not willing to give you the emotional relationship that you require. He is attempting to string you along while he makes his decision. It is clear that he is still interested in his ex. If he reaches out to you, then share your thoughts and feelings with him. However, you may find great benefit in allowing thoughts of him to fade. Have a great day, Taslima!
October 15, 2018 at 11:43 am
Hi, I am separated from my children’s father and started working in a pub a few towns away, a new manager started a few weeks after me and he is separated from his wife. We are the same age and just found it easy to talk to each other. We would stay after hours for a drink and we would chat about light hearted stuff, family stuff and work issues. I soon fell for him and think about him all the time. We don’t text or phone only for work related issues. It’s like there is a professional barrier there but I still feel he might feel the same way but he hasn’t been with anyone since he split with his wife. I think he is texting someone in and off but he hasn’t said so I’m not sure. Any way we stayed late after work and it just felt like there was definitely something there, when I got home I texted him and implied that I liked him, he didn’t respond but I knew he was looking at the message as the screen showed he was writing but no message came tru, any after a little while I asked “will I shut up?” And he responded and said maybe that would be best. He was on holidays then, when he came back it was a little different but we just carried on joking etc, now a few weeks later there is little things he does that makes me think he does like me.. but there are two issues 1 it’s his first management position and 2 the previous manager was moved to another position as he was having an affair with a co worker and they were both married. So I’m wondering if he is nervous because of work or just not interested and it’s just my wishful thinking?? Help..
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October 16, 2018 at 9:34 pm
There may be a variety of reasons for why he is not attempting to nourish a relationship with you. It is certain that his predecessor’s career is influencing his decision. He likely is interested in maintaining a relationship with you. Take this time to determine what you want for your future. Decide if you believe it is appropriate to speak with him about your thoughts and feelings. Have a great day, Helen!
October 17, 2018 at 2:32 pm
I only said “if an employee was to tell management how they felt could it go against them?” So I didn’t actually say how I felt.. but no I haven’t brought it up since. But this evening we had a good laugh and it really does feel like he might like me too but it’s just so confusing.. he started asking me about a new film in the cinema and saying he thinks he will go see it.. and he stayed out talking to me when he was supposed to be working.. help… I think I just have to wait it out and see????
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October 18, 2018 at 8:57 pm
His behaviors may be indications that you are on his thoughts. There may be other influences in his life. He has chosen to speak with you while he was supposed to be working, and this may be a sign that he may want to nourish a relationship with you. Determine what you want for the future of this relationship. Speak with him about your thoughts and feelings . Have a great day, Helen!
September 26, 2018 at 8:21 pm
This guy is real nice to me and is always making me laugh! Today he got angry in class soon made sure to watch him and calm him down. He came over to me to tell me why he was upset and I told him it was gonna be okay. After class he came up to me and said that I did a good job in gym and that I needed to give him a hug. He then proceeded to walk with me a little and as he joked with his friends he said he’d met some of the nicest people. I whined and said he was sweet, and he rubbed my shoulder. Is he into me or is he just being friendly?
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September 27, 2018 at 9:02 pm
He is being friendly with you. It is certainly possible that he is interested in developing a relationship with you. It is clear that he feels a strong social connection with you. Allow this dream to guide you to share your kindness and compassion with everyone in your life. Determine what you want for your future, and speak with him about your thoughts and feelings. Have a great day, Anon!
September 21, 2018 at 4:49 pm
Last year I met a boy on vacation. Really adorable and sweet. Always wanted to be around me and my friends, played card games, came to visit me when I was alone, brought me back to were I was staying on a bike and we watched the stars till 2am together. According to my friends he tried to kiss me which I did not have a clue about, so I just let it slip. We stayed in touch for a few months and he asked me if I wanted to come over to his place, even though he lives 2h away, I really wanted to so we planned a date. One week before I were to visit him he told me he didn’t want to have contact anymore. Even when I told him he liked me we finished with ‘I hope you’re not mad at me’ we didn’t talk for a few months when he eventually blocked me; still without having any contact. This year I went to the same place on vacation and he was there again. We didn’t talk, we didn’t hang out and he didn’t want to be around me. Even though I was constantly told he was looking at me. When I needed help he was more then willing to help me out when I cut my hand, washing the blood away and joking about my clumsiness. Even apologising for the mess. Eventually after a few days I went up to talk to him and he told me we didn’t have a bond; then started making jokes, saying where I should go to see him more often. He then promised me to talk to him later that night but eventually didn’t show up. The day after, he had unblocked me, but we still hadnt talked. At some point I had given up to try and talk to him because it had no other value but the day I left he came up to me and joked about an inside joke we had had before. I still can’t get over him and I don’t know what to think of him and his actions. He claims to not want to hang out because we don’t have a connection, but for some reason I can’t fully believe him on that…
September 21, 2018 at 4:50 pm
* I told him I liked him.
Not the other way around
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September 24, 2018 at 1:01 am
The two of you share a strong social and emotional relationship. It is possible that this relationship with develop. Nourish this relationship by spending additional time with him in person. You have shared your thoughts and feelings with him, and he has shared himself with you as well. He is not interested in a relationship at this time. You will find benefit in ensuring that you share your kindness and compassion with him. Have a great day, Val!
web admin
September 24, 2018 at 12:56 am
The two of you share a strong social and emotional relationship. It is possible that this relationship with develop. Nourish this relationship by spending additional time with him in person. You have shared your thoughts and feelings with him, and he has shared himself with you as well. He is not interested in a relationship at this time. You will find benefit in ensuring that you share your kindness and compassion with him. Have a great day, Val!
July 3, 2018 at 5:11 pm
There is a guy at a gym I go to every day, he definitely looks like he’s in his late 30s, now I know a lot of times guys stare at girls especially at the gym. But this particular guy will walk by one of the machines I’m on and just stare at me and smile at me, sometimes I’ll be leaving and he’ll be coming in and he’ll just stare at me or give me this smile. I had decided to start exercising outside, mainly running. For example today I went to go run outside and as I’m crossing the finish Line I’m noticing this guy is stretching and he looks awfully similar to the one that I always see in the gym. At first I was a little shocked that he had followed me all the way out here. I’m just not sure how to take this, I’m guessing he’s shy, but at the same time I don’t want to seem unapproachable. From the distance, after I recognized it was him, I could tell he was watching me as I was running. After I finished my running I did a quick brisk walk past him and he clearly did not turn to look at me at all, I’m wondering if he’s just feels embarrassed. The main issue is that every time we come into contact he never says a word, and I don’t mind saying hi, but at the same time you should be able to say hi or good morning something!Can anyone read the signs?
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July 4, 2018 at 12:26 am
There may be a variety of reasons for his actions. He may be interested in developing a relationship with you. He may be shy. He may be unable to express his feelings. He likely wants to ensure that he is respectful to you. Determine what you want for your future. Decide what actions you believe are appropriate. Speak with him about your thoughts and feelings. Have a great day, Joy!
June 3, 2018 at 9:36 pm
I work at a local grocery store, and this guy really caught my eye. He would smile really warmly at me when our eyes meet. However, even when he is shopping during my shift, he sometimes tries to avoid me. I honestly haven’t made any approaches apart from smiling back. What does this mean?
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June 3, 2018 at 11:18 pm
It is possible that this person is shy. He may be friendly or he may be interested in developing a relationship with you. His avoidance may be a sign that he is confused or uncertain about your feelings toward him. Determine what you want for the future of this relationship. Speak with him about your thoughts and feelings. Have a great day, Potato!
Confused by him
June 3, 2018 at 9:01 pm
We are older than teens but this guy is always staring at me. He sits on one side of the church and I sit on another. The angle of the church is not directly across from each other so he has to angle to see me. His buddies have gotten to where they now watch me as well. What can this mean? Is he interested in me?
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June 3, 2018 at 11:16 pm
It is certainly possible that his behaviors are indications that he is interested in developing a relationship with you. The actions of his friends are stronger indications of his feelings. The two of you share similar spiritual beliefs. Determine what you want for your future. If you want to develop a relationship with him, then speak with him about your thoughts and feelings. Have a great day, Confused!
May 15, 2018 at 4:27 am
So i recently found this guy in my class starting to make fun of my feelings or so i’m not sure. My first impression of him was always good, he’s really nice and kind of cute but i never told him that before. We have been classmates and groupmates for slightly more than a month. He started calling me his “darling” and whenever i were to ask him to repeat it again as i didn’t heard properly he would laugh. And recently he just told me in my face that he love me. But i took it as a joke because how could he possibly just said that? It’s never easy telling people that you love them especially face to face. And i just laughed to that when he told me that. Sometimes i feel like he does have feelings for me as most of the time when i look at him, he is looking at me too. And i can sense he is happier when he is with me. But i’m really confused, is he just playing with my feelings? We barely met for a month.
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May 15, 2018 at 10:16 pm
He is interested in developing a relationship with you. He would not have shared his love for you if he were joking. It is unlikely that he has any negative feels behind his actions. Speak with him about your thoughts and feelings. He may feel shy or uncertain at this time, so be direct. Spend additional time with him in person. Have a great day, Chermaine!
Loves Me
May 12, 2018 at 2:30 am
I am really satisfied with this posting that you have given us. This is really nicr work done by you. Thank you and looking for more posts.
web admin
May 12, 2018 at 11:34 am
Thank you for sharing your positive and supportive comment. Please share more of your thoughts and feelings in the future. Have a great day, Loves!
May 10, 2018 at 8:14 am
Oh I also want to say that. He offered if I want him to take photos of my art by his camera and also asked if I want him to make a website for me. I said yes ofcourse, but he would alwaus include this “if you want” at the end of every sentences when he asked me if I want to join him, or if he offered to help me. :/ It’s like… He’s scared that I don’t want to hang out with him or would not take an offer from him? I accidentally waved at him on Facebook today so I am so embarrassed, I’m a person that I don’t initiate that I like a man, if they shows interest and I like him I will reciprocate but I would have never been the first person to be so. So, it’s so hard for me right now I get so scared and becomes awkward sometimes when I see him, that I literally had to leave 🙁
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May 10, 2018 at 4:56 pm
His statement, “if you want”, may be a sign of his desire to act in a way that is pleasing to you. It is possible that he is interested in waiting for you to make the first move. Many men feel more socially comfortable if the woman makes the first move. It is likely that he is interested in nourishing a relationship with you. Have a great day, Autumn!
May 10, 2018 at 5:46 pm
I think you’re right, he joked to a waitress I’m his girl friend before and then laughed. Hmnn..
Wow. Ijust saw 400+ responses. The amount of people you have replied to and giving them your opinion takes quiet an effort. Thankyou so much for being so caring and dedicating your time with us!
web admin
May 10, 2018 at 9:23 pm
Thank you for sharing your supportive and positive comment. It is possible that he was not making a joke with your waitress. It is possible that he is uncertain about the proper way to share his feelings. Please share more of your thoughts in the future. Have a great day, Autumn!
May 10, 2018 at 8:07 am
Hi, so I met 2 guy friends at a party, lets say they are named ‘l’ and ‘A’ and ever since then I’ve been hanging around them and they introduced me to their friends and we have all met L’s family because he would invited us all to come over and cook, so I’m like hanging out with all the boys. Anyhow, I like L right from when I met him, but it’s clearly that A and L’s best friend liked me. They all takes their turn to look after me and etc.
I feel like L likes me, but is shy or afraid of rejection or ruining our friendship? Because he does this thing where he’s not around me all the times like other guys but the moment I disappeared he will text me where I am? Like as if he watches me from a far. Then sometime when we said bye he would be like.. how heavy are you? I’ll pick you up next time. Like as if he hesitate to pick me up, but then he would watch his other guy friends pick me up :/ he used to initiate to hang out, it’s more of like he’s going here if I wanna join or heading toward my house if I want to grab lunch etc, never actually say let’s hang out.
And whenever he wants me to go somewhere with him or he offer to do something for me, he would be like “if you want” or he would say, and whenever I say we have such a strange synchronicity (because we really have matching thoughts too many times its crazy) then he would be like, I was meant to ask you about that. So a few times like that I don’t know if he actually wants to talk about things with me or to go somewhere with him, because whenever I mentioned let’s go to forest and you take photos, he would be like.. I was meant to ask you if you want to do that. It’s like, it has to be me to be the first to initiate.. I’m fairly attractive girl, don’t mean to get cocky about it but it’s not hard to see men talks to me. So idk if he’s just worried of rejection. Because he seems like such a relaxed guy and just Kool in general, he’s also good looking but I don’t think he knows it haha!
And he doesn’t like dress to impress me or whatever, he doesn’t ask me questions about myself either.. he just listen to me, and he rmb alot of things I say. It took so much guts and we actually was watching a documentary together in his room first time.
He just lyed next to me, not close to me but next to me and we just watch tv … Haha he might be a virgin for all I know, i feel like I’m liking a young guy. But anyways we are same age and we are in our 25 so we are young. But for all parts, 2 times he mentioned things like as if he really knows me. Please give me an opinion, I don’t know if this guy likes me, or he just treating me like a friend. Because I’ve been showing him sign that I like him but I’m shy myself even though I act very confident. He would send me snap chat but wouldn’t reply to my messages sometime if it’s not a question, if I just simply replying but not a question type of reply he won’t bother reply to me. Idk, very confusing.
web admin
May 10, 2018 at 4:54 pm
It is possible that he is interested in developing a relationship with you. He feels as though it would be beneficial to share kindness and compassion with you. He may be moving slow out of respect. He may not speak on snap chat often and may prefer to speak with you in person. Speak with him about your thoughts and feelings. Give him a chance to share himself with you as well. Have a great day, Autumn!
May 9, 2018 at 9:08 pm
So there is a guy we are supposed to be friends with benefits. He got upset cause I did not tell him I am talking to other guys. The guy I am F.B. said he does not want a relationship cause I asked him. So I moved on looking for a relationship. He got upset and said I was not being honest. Which I know he has other females and I don’t get upset about it but he is making a big deal. Then he says he dont have feeling etc. Then he shows me other ways that he does care more then he let’s on. He tells me text him so he knows I made it home safe. He checks up on me if I am not feeling good or st work
web admin
May 10, 2018 at 12:13 am
He has not attempted to nourish a relationship with you. He is jealous of your actions. He likely want to continue having a sexual relationship with you. Speak with him about your thoughts and feelings. If he wants to develop an emotional relationship with you, then he should work to solidify your relationship. Have a great day, Leah!
May 1, 2018 at 7:54 am
Hi! I’m curious about one thing. There’s this guy, we are really close and almost like best friends. We do everything together and he tells me that I understand him better than anyone so he only tells me everything. He tells me that I’m one of a kind. He tells me that I’m different from other girls. And That I’m so nice and beautiful inside and outside. He always tells me that he’s glad that I exist, that he met me, or that I’m a blessing. He told me that he has a soft spot for me, so he tries not to hurt my feelings, he is afraid to hurt me and never meant to do so. Sometimes He tells me that he loves me every good night message. He wishes happiness for me which I assume he only said it in a friendly way. He does anything for me, but be also gets mad at me easily with just one mistake. But I’m not sure if he does this because he has feelings for me, or he is like this because I’m important to him as a friend. I wish you could help, thank you!
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May 1, 2018 at 9:47 pm
It is likely that he feels a strong emotional and social connection with you. He cares for you, though he may be unable to properly share his thoughts. Determine what you want for the future of this relationship. Because the two of you are close, you may find benefit in spending additional time with him in person. Speak with him about your thoughts and feelings. Have a great day, Acy!
April 17, 2018 at 7:45 pm
Hey! It’s Violet again, not sure if you remember. So I took your advice and started hanging out with him more, and I think our relationship is progressing. During orchestra, he was gently hitting me on the head with his bow, and my friend was like, “Hey, stop hitting Violet!”. And then he replied, “But I look hitting ON her”. Also, he poked my face a lot, and smiles a lot at me. And sometimes in the hallway, if he sees me walking towards my locker, he’ll turn around to walk with me, even if he was walking in another direction. I kind of want to ask him if he likes me, do you think that this is enough evidence?
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April 17, 2018 at 10:42 pm
His behaviors are indications that he is interested in developing a relationship with you. He is clearly comfortable with you. The two of you share hobbies and interests. You share a strong social and emotional connection. You want to develop a relationship with him, so speak with him about your thoughts and feelings. If you want to ask him out on a date, then do so. Have a great day, Violet!