Comments on: 10 Signs a Guy Likes You But is Trying Not to Show it Wed, 24 May 2017 16:55:18 +0000 hourly 1 By: web admin Wed, 24 May 2017 16:50:28 +0000 It sounds like he doesn’t like you. While a guy may try to hide his feelings if he is interested, it sounds like he is going beyond just hiding his feelings. For some reason, he doesn’t like you. Maybe you remind him of someone he doesn’t like or maybe he just doesn’t want to be friends. Whatever the case, he is probably not interested in you. 🙁

By: Jasmine Raine Wed, 24 May 2017 04:15:04 +0000 I’m a shy person and this guy said to his bestfriend that he’s annoyed by me,even if I don’t do anything wrong to him, when me and my friends go to his house he’s always hiding, but when we are in class he’s always staring at me and when he talked at me he’s like whispering, even if his voice are actually loud to anyone and when we ask him to join us travel he’s always telling us that he’s busy, and when we’ve got a group recitation he helped me to answer, even if he don’t do that to anyone.

By: web admin Tue, 23 May 2017 19:12:04 +0000 It sounds like he is doing nearly all of the things you would expect from someone who has a crush, especially if that person is shy. He may be telling you about the stress in his life and the bad experience so that you know why he does not ask you out. It sounds like he likes you, but cannot date you right now because of those reasons. Until he gets over those two things, you may have to wait a while to be with him. Good luck, Macy!

By: Macy Tue, 23 May 2017 03:44:07 +0000 So there’s this guy. He’s very shy and in my science class. All of my friends say they think he likes me but he said different. He comes up to me all the time and starts convos(which is big because he’s really shy). He stares at me tons in class (especially from across the room) Whenever I walk past his friends they look at me and nudge him to get his attention and smile and whisper things. He also teases me a lot,winks at me, and smiles. He told me that he catch feelings for his friends because the last person he dated was his bestfriend and it was a bad experience. That was the first girl he dated and it’s been a year in a half and he hasn’t been seeing anyone else. He also told me that he doesn’t want a relationship right now because he’s stressed with things going on in his life. He’s very shy and I don’t know if the reason why he said all of this is because he doesn’t want a relationship or not. Or he’s just scared of it. What do I do?

By: web admin Mon, 15 May 2017 18:11:17 +0000 Just ask if he wants to go to a Korean restaurant with you. You can start texting him with just a “hello” or “how’s everything going?” just to get the conversation started. Then, just text him and see if he wants to go out to the Korean restaurant. Good luck, Elle!

By: Elle Mon, 15 May 2017 03:55:06 +0000 I’m planning to ask him out on a date by text on my birthday (which is 2 days away) I think I could have a good chance since we’re gonna hang out with mutual friends the day before my birthday.
I’m just not sure of how to go about asking him on a date because I’ve never done this before. Any advice or text starters?? (Btw I plan on taking him to a Korean restaurant as a date)

By: web admin Sat, 13 May 2017 16:20:40 +0000 It sounds possible that he likes you. He not only notices when your hair changes, but he compliments you on it. He could just be nice and observant, but it is possible that he is interested in you. Good luck, Elle!

By: Elle Sat, 13 May 2017 02:48:15 +0000 Haha yup, it was random! It was actually a poster for his friend’s crush! (She said yes) I was so relieved to hear that!
And actually this morning he complimented my hair. I let down my hair (my ponytail was messed up) and I was waiting outside of my classroom for 1st period. I noticed him walking by and he smiled, I smiled and waved. He came to me and asked if I did something to my hair, I said “I just let it loose” and he gave me a thumbs up and a smile “looks good” and he walked to his class.
This is actually the 2nd time he did that, ask if I did something to my hair, complimented my hair, give a thumbs up n’ smile and walks away.

By: web admin Fri, 12 May 2017 16:11:43 +0000 It is possible that it is for you, or it could be for someone else or it could just be random. Wait to see how he responds tomorrow, and you will have a better idea about who it is for.

By: web admin Fri, 12 May 2017 16:07:14 +0000 It sounds like a part of him is romantically interested in you. He doesn’t do anything about it though because he does not want a relationship and he does not want to lead you on. This is probably why he only hangs out with you when you are with friends because, otherwise, it would lead you on. Until he changes his mind about wanting a relationship though, he probably is not going to be making a move.
